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I am now severly depressed, I just got back from a night out in the county town- Maidstone, this town is the capital of the county of Kent, my area, it should be full of hoes on a night out. What's more, it's the Saturday before Christmas, WTF! It should be punanni heaven. But I went out with my best mate to all the local bars & it was all just full of guys. rolleyes: ed: oOo: sleeping: cuss: nag: I thought my small town area was bad but now I go to the big shot area of the county & it's still the same bs. WTF! Theres meant to be more women in the world than men, I'd like to know where the fuck they are? I mean wtf! We were in one bar & it pretty much summed it up as there were about 8 groups of guys & only 2 girls in the entire area. oOo: Where the fuck are all the women? Are they at home frigging in the rigging or what? We went on to a club & it was just as bad... Sometimes I get so fkn sick of being single, how you meant to pull in these circumstances? How you meant to treat a gf like shyt if theres no others to pull? What really fkd me off is when we were trying to get into a funky club but we were turned away merely because we were guys & asked to come back 30 mins later. The entire point of the night was to go to this particular club, the area is hard to get to & we were turned away merely kus we have dicks. We decided to come back 30 mins later like the bouncer said but he still turned us away then. mad: Hot girls have it easier than they could ever imagine, they get into some clubs for free, get free fukin drinks & even have like 40+ guys come up to them in one night & offer them a good shagging. Being a guy fucking sucks! I can't even get near a hot ho on the dancefloor kus of all the gadam rookies trying to pull em. cuss: cuss: cuss: Anyone else have this problem? It better not be like this in London otherwise I'm gana be pissed, I'm so annoyed about that nightclub, if they didn't let me in kus I was a girl you can bet there'd be a suffragette/feminist movement, it would be all over the news & a massive uproar & it would be in the paper & everthing. But kus I'm a guy no-one blinks an eye- Fookin bullshyt! stupid: bah! |
prey on student cities, those type of girls love a bit of fun one nighters.
yer they should all be back from uni for Christmas, they all sittin at home playin with the rampant rabbit or what? I want figures stating more guys than girls in UK kus I refuse to believe anything else... hake:
Ha... Fluffs has just hit my wall. I can go into the Seattle metro area, in the "hottest" part of the city and i'll see a 10:1 ratio thats not in my favor. I've done The Kirkland waterfront area that was supposed to be stacked, and it was all swingin dicks, or chicks clung to there guy. Now i just hit my usual bar, and get discounts fromt he hot waitress, i gave up. Honestly fluff, no damned idea where they are.
[quote="Fluffy_Bunny":1cafa]WTF M8
Fluffy's huge dilema bah![/quote:1cafa] I don't know about real life after college. But when you're in college, that's how it works as well in America. If you're a dick, you better know a frat brother or have chicks with you if you want to get in. The solution to the whole mess? 1.) Join a frat yourself so you can get all the pussy you want. 2.) start up/go to apartment parties without the gay greek shit. |
Pencil in NYC on a place you must visit. Arkan will even buy drinks. EDIT: speaking of snatch, wonder how TGB is making out in Japan. |
fluffy, all the nice british girls are here, in florida. biggrin:
Woot one of my favourite threads is back biggrin:
I was chattin to that hot girl whos at uni the other day on MSN. The one I'm in love with & have posted her pic on this thread loads of times, but just to remind you... [img]http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b118/iraqois/n274704624_296556_4887.jpg[/img] One on Left! Anyhoo I'm still playing it cool but trying to chat someone up over MSN is just b.s. I managed to do some smooth geek moves like sending my webcam then cancelling it. When she said 'send again' I said 'say pls', then when she said 'pls' I was like. 'On yer knees & beg' & when she did that I said 'how appropriate'. the_finger: I don't know why I like her, there are cuter girls but there's just something about the movements & mannerisms of this one... I start work in London Paddington next week though, should keep me a bit more busy, I hate to think shes having a better time than me. I'm gana save up my £ & go & buy some new suits & hit the town & get some pussy nouveau! She's just too far away & playing it too cool for me to try anything else. rolleyes: BTW Arkan partly why I wanted to work for VISA is kus it's an international company. Means I may get to take a trip to NYC & check out your claim biggrin: I have actually been to NYC before in 03. I saw the prettiest girl I've ever seen in a cafe there, she looked a bit like a young Audrey Hepburn ed: |
Hannah <3
Its slow going, but hopefully something more serious will come about [img]http://img219.imageshack.us/img219/4995/hannahjq7.jpg[/img] |
dont count your chickens, coma - a soon as she sees you pop a hartd-on to battlestar fagtastica she'll gaps the scene.
Maybe she's into that show too. They'll diddle each other whilst watching. |
Or if she's a trekky you could do the Mista Spock finger manoeuvre biggrin:
[img]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b7/Wicki_Hand001_edited.JPG/180px-Wicki_Hand001_edited.JPG[/img] Sorry m8, couldn't resist.. rock: |
"ooooh yes, command my starfleet you sexy fuck" "fucken dock your spacecraft in my loading-bay - oooo yea" |
loooooooll biggrin: |
Well I went out on the most boring news story of my career so far, but at least my reporter was this chick
[img]http://content.answers.com/main/content/wp/en/thumb/f/f2/180px-GilmanVTUSA06.jpg[/img] |
...and you want to shag her?
eh, not anymore, she pissed me off by leaving while I was editing the story so now I think shes a bitch.
[quote="Unknown_Sniper":3855b]eh, not anymore, she pissed me off by leaving while I was editing the story so now I think shes a bitch.[/quote:3855b]
Beauty IS only skin deep |
If that's the case you just spooge on their face rather than going inside. |
Gadam this has not been my week oOo:
Just found out that hot ho is in a relatinship with some fat fker at her university... Got wtfpwnd by some really hot girl I met at a club kus she didn't give me her number. cuss: I also hooked up with one of my ex gfs the other day, the one who sent the pic with a dildo sticking out her azz biggrin: . That didn't go too badly, but shes always been a complete bitch... She said she had a free house this Friday & that I could come over & screw her brains out. I figured I'd play it super cool so didn't text her till 6pm. Now I got a reply saying "Hey I wish you'd text me earlier I just agreed to do babysitting." cuss: cuss: cuss: hellfire: mwah: annoy: annoy: That's it, I'm fresh outta slags now, annoy: mad: loney: unless I count the minger I pulled last week but I dunno if I can be bothered with her. [img]http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b118/iraqois/l_4be6d835344c26d85896fd9ce30aa85e.jpg[/img] [img]http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b118/iraqois/l_45c8362efd22a34a65a0c3ec608e5305.jpg[/img] [img]http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b118/iraqois/l_e68fb6d5f619f5a5027e29e410ea9fc1.jpg[/img] ^ dunno wtf shes wearing here... Dunno if I can be arsed with her, shes got fckd up teeth, I'm English & her teeth scare me so that says a lot oOo: She's also plucked all her eyebrows or something so prolly looks like a tranny when she has no makeup. sigh... |
I KNEW she had a fucked up grill even before I read what you wrote. She smiles with her mouth closed...I knew a girl who used to do the same thing and her teeth were FUCCCKKKED.
lol i like your tranny comparison.
Do the babysitter. |
What do you call a girl who makes out with gay men in drag? Cause thats what I turned the last girl I was with into...
Nother pic of the girl who sent the pic of her azz & a dildo... Currently on checkmate via text I dnt wana text her to seem desperate & she's not texting me either rolleyes: She doesn't look totally hot, but she's probably the most manipulative, charming, cunning & flirtatious lil bish that I ever met. She's had guys cutting themselves over her before & another guy went pretty nuts. She dates about 5 guys at once then sets them all off against each other to get her rocks off, a modern Scarlet O'Hara. [img]http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b118/iraqois/SHAGITSHAGIT.jpg[/img] This the girlie I'm working on now, she's got me v confused. I met her out clubbing but she said she wouldn't give me her number because she has trust issues stupid: But she still talks to me on MSN etc? stupid: I don't really wana hang around being her friend like some pussy but also don't wana lose a potential ho either. [img]http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b118/iraqois/n509838817_24458_2308.jpg[/img] Same bish, prolly cutest girl around at the moment for moi, just wish I knew what the hell she thought of me... mad: |
Come on you slags lemme see some yankee girls! Where's all those cheerleaders? & how about those Canuck/AUS/NZ girls?
thats chicks pretty cute fluf.
i was going after this chick for a while, but it became apparent to me she is bat shit crazy and an attention whore. one of those chicks that crave attention from anyone, and once you start talking to her etc. she never lets go and never stops calling and texting. [img]http://img236.imageshack.us/img236/816/mandie19vl2.jpg[/img] |
Surely girls like that are easier to mess with mentally? Depends if you're looking for a gf though, hit & run old boy! rock:
ninty shes hawt, altho attention whores drive you crazy.
Similar kinda situation with me, altho me and this lass have always got on really well, I make her laugh, talk on msn, etc.. Shes a stripper, lol, so an attention whore kinda but very funny and sarcastic. I have a g/f right now but I think she'd try to get me if she could, the way she talks and acts....I dunno, you know when you just know? [img]http://img91.imageshack.us/img91/1176/blihqw2.jpg[/img] [img]http://img399.imageshack.us/img399/623/blehwh0.jpg[/img] |
[quote="Fluffy_Bunny":5a018]Surely girls like that are easier to mess with mentally? Depends if you're looking for a gf though, hit & run old boy! rock:[/quote:5a018]
imwithstupid: |
what race that girl on left be?
[quote="mr.miyagi":e540f]the way she talks and acts....I dunno, you know when you just know?
[/quote:e540f] This happens? |
centre [img]http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b118/iraqois/n274704624_1159306_3967.jpg[/img] ed: ed: [img]http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b118/iraqois/n274704624_1159285_5477.jpg[/img] eek: Yes! It's the totally hot slag from page 1, she's coming back from university for 4 weeks rock: rock: rock: Believe it or not this girl is actually rather intelligent, went to grammar school & is now at a good uni. Speaks well & acts like a lady. I think I'm attracted to her kus she also acts like a complete whore at times... She's got that 'look' in her eye. the_finger: Unfortunately she's seeing some dumbass rugby player at her uni but I don't think she likes him that much. He's a big ugly muthafka, rugby players have only one genetic difference in their DNA between them & gorillas... Anyhoo I figure I'll play it cool for a few days & then maybe try & ring her. Hopefully if she answers her phone I'll ask her out for some drinks & she shall say yes! But she may also not answer so I'll be screwed & it's not worth texting her kus she won't reply... If I do get to take her out I think I'm gana take her someplace fancy for a meal. I've liked this bish for ages, she's going back to uni so technically I'll be screwed in the long run. But to spend time with her may be worth it. |
fuck, this thread and the girly thread makes me wonder wtf i'm doing wrong wtih my life sometimes annoy:
/hangs self |
Unfortunately she's seeing some dumbass rugby player at her uni but I don't think she likes him that much. He's a big ugly muthafka, rugby players have only one genetic difference in their DNA between them & gorillas... [/quote:54549] Being president of my schools Rugby club, I take some offense from this. |
different continent. Different truths biggrin:
Unfortunately she's seeing some dumbass rugby player at her uni but I don't think she likes him that much. He's a big ugly muthafka, rugby players have only one genetic difference in their DNA between them & gorillas... [/quote:6d70e] Being president of my schools Rugby club, I take some offense from this.[/quote:6d70e] & may I add- in England, whereas in the USA I'm sure rugby players have even greater prestige than footballers. They probably, like myself, have evolved from chimps to have the great cunning to realise this. In England we do not have cheerleaders to cheer on the rugby players, so obviously they cannot be held in the same high esteem as their American cousins. biggrin: |
Unfortunately she's seeing some dumbass rugby player at her uni but I don't think she likes him that much. He's a big ugly muthafka, rugby players have only one genetic difference in their DNA between them & gorillas... [/quote:f796c] Being president of my schools Rugby club, I take some offense from this.[/quote:f796c] & may I add- in England, whereas in the USA I'm sure rugby players have even greater prestige than footballers. They probably, like myself, have evolved from chimps to have the great cunning to realise this. In England we do not have cheerleaders to cheer on the rugby players, so obviously they cannot be held in the same high esteem as their American cousins. biggrin:[/quote:f796c] no cheerleaders?..... .... |
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