Jotun |
03-12-2007 10:10 PM |
Originally Posted by Jotun
Originally Posted by strvs
Originally Posted by Jotun
Originally Posted by "strvs":4988d
Minutemen - One Reporters Opinion
ed: ed: ed: ed: ed:
strvs listen to hardcore ? oOo:
they dont sound hardcore, but they are highly associated with hardcore.
Minutemen- Bob Dylan Wrote Propaganda Songs
Minutemen pwn
sure theyre associated with hardcore, but theyre far more interesting musically than most hardcore
to each their own. they were all great musicians....d boon and mike watt... if you like the minutemen, i would check out Husker Du. i know you take all my musical suggestions with a grain of salt, but it couldnt hurt.
Husker Du- Something I Learned Today
I like Husker Du. i'm a fan of the post-punk movement and more adventerous forms of hardcore punk. what i don't like is the 3 chord straight edge rebellion anthem BS. i'm a really open minded person when it comes to music, theres great stuff in many genres..[/quote:4988d]
Straight Edge is 7 different chords. Im guessing you never heard Bad Brains or Black Flag. The bands that I think you mean are like Minor Threat, SS Decontrol, Negative FX, and DYS...all great bands but their music is simple. their message was what was most important, but then again you just said you didnt like all that crap.
and while Minor Threat was simple, they are far better than any music out today.
Guns Up!- Spitting Words