Proteus |
09-11-2007 05:56 PM |
Originally Posted by Tripper
Originally Posted by Proteus
It's Alright - Black Sabbath
All these conflicting opinions on music is like slapping people with wind. Doesn't change anybody.
It's all the same vibration. People hate on mainstream because it's all about the money. It may be for the rc's but it really just isn't for some(as in mainstream consumers) people who listen to the shit though.
If you don't have an open mind to everything like pyro, you're only constricting yourself. Most people may see it as a good restriction, but you cant hold it against anybody for digging a tune.
Tripper really is just a total asshole when it comes to music, or internet, or life.
The only reason im an 'asshole' to you is because you're a fucking loser - and deserve it - Honestly who the fuck are you to call anyone else an asshole - You're one of the biggest, and most arrogant douches Ive ever encountered on the internet. Seriously, why do you post here? Droopy, come on. You've expired. Move along, kid.
Calling me out for arguing against PYRO, who is supporting COMMERCIAL RAP in a serious debate about music, just shows that its your personal vendetta against me that is the reason why you even made that post.
Im sorry but im already taken, you pathetic faggot.
I knew I shouldn't have thrown that whole trippers just an asshole thing there because you'd start an end all fucking flame in the middle of a sticky.
"The only reason im an 'asshole' to you is because you're a fucking loser - and deserve it"
Fuck you faggot.
You seem to be the only one I like to call out because you're such an asshole, and you dont even get it. It's not some vendetta you homo, you're just an asshole, and I disagree with your views on the topic, so I said what I disagreed with. You ofcoarse counter the argument by calling me a pathetic faggot and not even reading what I said to counter your point in the fucking first place. It's like you dont read the big paragraphs, with all the point in them. You just read the, "and you're a fucking faggot" at the end, and start cooking up good yo mammas. Fuck you buddy, you're a goddamn waste of finger movement.