08-12-2002 11:38 AM |
Thanks for all input guys! This is a great forum with great ppl!
My opinion of the script is that it has made the game less realistic than it was originally. Off course, noone has ever claimed the game be realistic, even though I found it quite realistic (when considering enviroments, uniforms, weapons etc), for example: One can make 50 ft jumps and only loose abt 10% of the hp (!) Is that realistic? Hardly .. When I first heard of Mohaa then I thought to myself - This is the game I been longing for since it's realistic. At that time I played a lot of Q2 which also was funny in many ways - though not that realistic *lol* ;)
To me the game-feeling in Mohaa has changed a lot lately since that script showed up. That scripts only purpose is to let the holder of the script achieve more scores, and those points are more often taken from ppl who's not using the script themselves. Also, I reckon that we all will see more and more ppl in the future using this script, in order to not find themselves in disadvantegous positions, so to me the characher of the game has really changed more than I expected :(
Well, no offense to anyone, I just had to let it out since its been bothering me for some time now. Make no mistake about it - I like Mohaa - regardless if there are ppl using lean+strafe or not - It's still a great game, but that's also why I wrote this, because I care .. Also, we are many ppl in the Mohaa community who all have their own opinions about the game, though we all share one thing - We like mohaa, so I'm better off practising aiming =)