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Coleman 10-10-2002 07:07 PM


Originally Posted by "ÐÄÐ":49193
Garry Coleman may be the best I have played against. Or maybe a person named Stavro.
But to qualify my nominations, I have only been playing about 6 weeks.

Bah! I own Gary coleman fire1:[/quote:49193]
lol, "true dat!" Seriously, yes i do think you are better than me cause you own me alot on algiers from what i always remember.

KTOG 10-10-2002 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by "Garry Coleman":78f94
Bah! I own Gary coleman fire1:[/quote:78f94]
lol, "true dat!" Seriously, yes i do think you are better than me cause you own me alot on algiers from what i always remember.

He owns because he is a full auto /\/00B!!!!!!!!!!!

Hollywood 10-11-2002 11:17 AM

Zuber Feil!!!!

Pyro 10-11-2002 08:37 PM


uh well when I play with people, these people always seem to be on top

Anti Hero, Hollywood and Wintersforge

Pyro 10-11-2002 08:39 PM

and WaffenSS sucks cuz of Cethin.

and KaoS sucks cuz they just do

and DOA sucks cuz of Hollywood

and everyone other clan sucks cuz I am not in it

=[POAAC]= 4 1if3

tnp- Crucible 10-11-2002 08:48 PM

EcE, eCm, pFm and other players. I don't remember individual names, but I remember coming out with a not-so-good record against these guys.

Oh, and if you think the guys in my clan are the "best", you really need to play around


KILLER_ 10-12-2002 03:10 AM

If we're talking nonshotgun. Then it's simple. kaos'ussesers
Hammy is a pain in the ass with the shotgun though, that bendy prick. (j/k lol)

OutlawSZ 10-12-2002 09:21 AM

what a ponderous question you pose. I have logged thousands + hours playin this damn game for the last 9 months. i never even after all this time get to play everyone there is to play! but i got my nominations regardless!

Clans -

Waffen and partial to both. Both have great players with great skill. Soviet..pfft..insane skill...wintersforge, cethin, anti-hero..i can go on and on. The difference between these two clans and most others is the depth of there roster in talent. its just DEEP!!

one dude who always..ALWAYS gives me fits(aside from the two above clans people) is totenkopf. Dude just tears me up no matter where im at. Could be just our style of playing..whatever it works. haha!!

Neo Nazi Hitler 10-13-2002 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by Strik0r
...or stg, bar, thompson or mp40, you know those weapons of massive killing power that people never seem to complain about

actually unfortuanly practivly every 1 complains about stg in Crow Kings Forlorn Hope, most of the usuasls complain about them some of them are hippocritical, but the others strongly dislike the stg and refuse to use it, IThrowRocksAtRetards and {-BaH-} GZ Silver... these players aer very good... there are others.

Pyro 10-13-2002 08:15 PM

no one nominates Pyro cry:

Blastman77 10-14-2002 10:14 AM

There are to many variables which come in to play...realism, weapon, strategy, ect. Good and Bad Luck days. Come on, u guys all know what Im talking about; some days u just own any server and others u get owned by n oOo: bZ(well, maybe not that bad)

I soppose im gunna have to come to the AA and the KaoS servers and see what the hell is so cool about them.

Captain_McCusker 10-14-2002 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by Blastman77
There are to many variables which come in to play...realism, weapon, strategy, ect. Good and Bad Luck days. Come on, u guys all know what Im talking about; some days u just own any server and others u get owned by n oOo: bZ(well, maybe not that bad)

I soppose im gunna have to come to the AA and the KaoS servers and see what the hell is so cool about them.

I haven't spent much time on KaoS, but I know those people to just kick ass all around. As far as, that server's just plain cool because of the attitudes of most players that frequent there. is, IMHO, the best server to play on because of that fact (of the ones I've played, anyhow).

BTW, this thread is really big. Is it that important to know who the best is? Isn't that what ladders are for? fire2: M16:

10-14-2002 12:56 PM

ladders are just campfest

=[DOA]=Meat Grinder 10-14-2002 01:11 PM

I vote for Sindonesia and wintersforge!

wintersforge 10-14-2002 01:14 PM

WintersForge is gh3y!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bazooka_Joe 10-14-2002 03:18 PM

Uber-Gh3y! heh

Chuddy Bear 10-14-2002 05:31 PM

Ladders are a campfest?

Well we just had a match with Anti -Waffen and I dont recall much camping going on. It was a bloodbath. Some matches do become campfests, but, ya take the good with the bad. I happen to like the action over camping.

[WaffenSS]Cethin 10-14-2002 05:34 PM

I was pwning you during that match Chuddy :)

FusionDreams 10-14-2002 06:39 PM

i nominate anti.....he is the best sniper ive seen.....and if u doubt his ability, come to his will find out, riht anti?

Blastman77 10-14-2002 07:53 PM

Thats my point, give anti a sniper and hes the best, give him a shotgun or a K98 regular and it might be a different story. someone who is a stud w/ a tommy may just flat out suck with the m1.
(just an example anti, I've never seen u play so i cant judge u at any weapon)

10-15-2002 12:52 AM

ok few things. chuddy bear i must say that match with u guys was amazing. i was glad it didnt turn out into a campfest, that was a great great game. but alot of ladder games are just campfest with shotguns, and i dont find any fun in that. blastman.. im just as good with sniper as smg btw

Matrf 10-15-2002 03:13 PM

No one is the best player .

cRaZyDuCk 10-27-2002 10:35 PM

hey anti-hero......tnp, dont make you laugh huh? well what happened tonight buddy. we aren't just some push-over like you thought? well good game to the rest of Waffen SS......but shame on you anti, and coming from the leader of Waffen that sets a bad example kid.

|[tnp]| crazyduck

Airborne Butters 10-27-2002 11:17 PM

Me and my one man clan RoXeR all! MWUAHAHAH

Judas 10-28-2002 12:06 AM


10-28-2002 12:39 AM

my Auntie Antiher0

He's MY Hero biggrin:

[RDH]Scooby 10-28-2002 01:48 AM

[RDH]Xenox, oh and [RDH]Fatman, and [RDH]DeathsAngel, you get the picture. :P

Zoner 10-28-2002 09:08 AM

I dunno who the best is, but it sure as hell ain't ME! heh heh

Any player who is willing to play the game in a fair and fun way is kewl in my books...I don't care if he/she has the aim of a blind moose with Parkinson's. You can be the most proficient killer in the game, but if yer a jerk, I'll never consider you the "best" player.


10-28-2002 10:13 AM

have any of u guys played with a guy named coublacka or something like that. i was playin with him on the sHs server and he was amazin. i asked him to be in my clan but he said hes not into the clan thing. i havnt seen him since, i dont think he plays moh anymore

descry 10-28-2002 10:19 AM

yo thanks xzibit. i do play moh still but just not as much cause of school and i dont play on that server anymore. the sHs squad think they can talk shit cause they own the server and they kicked me out cause they were bein retarded and i told them to stop. i usually play on |SAF| now cause i know a guy in that clan
oh ya and ive also been gone for awhile on vacation to cuba so i havnt been playing. i highly sugest yall to there, it was pretty good.

HerrSauber 10-28-2002 03:55 PM

wow tnp is a really immature clan, i used to have respect for them.

Matrf 10-28-2002 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by cRaZyDuCk
hey anti-hero......tnp, dont make you laugh huh? well what happened tonight buddy. we aren't just some push-over like you thought? well good game to the rest of Waffen SS......but shame on you anti, and coming from the leader of Waffen that sets a bad example kid.

|[tnp]| crazyduck

What about who is the best player?

ever heard about PM?

LionHeart 10-28-2002 06:24 PM

Originally posted by WintersForge

[quote:04a09]WintersForge is gh3y!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WintersForge sux0rs! LionHeart r0x0rs!

Airborne Butters 10-28-2002 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by HerrSauber
wow tnp is a really immature clan, i used to have respect for them.

Ahmen brother. Former member here, was there since begging, but got dropped like a hot potatoe when things started to happen. Things meaning, they became "to cool"! Lol, the leader is Furher Sw1tch! Heal Sw1tchler! "No Butters, we can't have any diversity in the server! No maps, skins, or autokick! NEIN to diversity!"

|GaNja_NiNja| 10-28-2002 07:46 PM

Butters Butters Butters you need to learn to spell first off its "Hail switcher" not "heal switcher" lmao and tnp wasn't "to cool for butters" tnp was just to good for butters lmao but anyway have a nice life.

Oya! Butters did ya make it into KaoS like you were hoping to or are they just to cool for you too lmfao

Plus you got kicked out of tnp for being in immature @$$ ... But ya made me proud that u didn't forget your helmet for your pic and atleast u know u got the fastet wheelchair around GOOOOO BUTTERS!!!!

Airborne Butters 10-28-2002 08:09 PM

Ok, sorry was in a rush to type it up so the typo "Heal" was a mistake. And they weren't "to good" I just don't like the way the clan was going. It was preety lame, and I'm not going to take offense from some piece of shit stoner punk, like you , has to say to me. I was gonna try and get in another clan, but I've kinda quit MOHAA. Moved on, tired of shit talkers like you and Sw1tchler.

descry 10-28-2002 08:09 PM

lol considering hes in BAM im guessing there to cool for him

Airborne Butters 10-28-2002 08:17 PM

[quote="|GaNja_NiNja|":dfd5d]Butters Butters Butters you need to learn to spell first off its "Hail switcher" not "heal switcher" lmao and tnp wasn't "to cool for butters" tnp was just to good for butters lmao but anyway have a nice life and how was the dog u hit?

Oya! Butters did ya make it into KaoS like you were hoping to or are they just to cool for you too lmfao[/quote:dfd5d]

Yea you should be telling me about typing and such. I love the "Butters Butters Butters" with no commas. " not "heal switcher" lmao and tnp wasn't "to cool ..." hmm seems like a lack of periods to. Let's see what else we can pull out of the hat! Here's a beaut " have a nice life and how was the dog u hit? " Hmm, U? I'm sorry if you meant "You" then it's all right!

|GaNja_NiNja| 10-28-2002 08:25 PM

sigh butters and we wonder why you are the One Man Clan hmmm.......

cRaZyDuCk 10-28-2002 08:32 PM

ok first to handle the butter's issue. ok dude, and you are cool but lets get some things straight. you make it sound like you quit tnp....umm, wrongo. you know just as well as i do that you got kicked for being immature and cussing out switch. don't deny that cause that would just be lying. also on that note, how many times after you got released did you ask me to get back in? we wont even go there....let's just say i'd be pretty rich if i got 5 bucks for everytime you asked me.

secondly herrsauber. did you actually read my post man? cause if you did, you would notice that it was directed to anti-hero and not anyone else. you also must not have seen the part about GG to the rest of Waffen? guess not.......o and NEWS FLASH, when you have a 15 year old kid running a top MOHAA clan, what exactly do you expect from him? actual maturity? he is giving Waffen a bad name by doing all this pointless talking. cethin was the first to agree.

so if you wanna talk about immaturity....well, you've come to the wrong guy or clan. ask any other clan out there, eCm/SMAK/EcE/IO/MaD....all the good ones and i can guarentee that you will find that tnp has been nothing but respectful to all clans. you have to understand though that when a LEADER of a clan starts running his mouth, things are bound to be said. tnp has pride and we had every right to say what we did. it was only to anti-hero and no one else so just stay out of what you werent apart of....word of advise.

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