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chipsdw 12-15-2002 01:02 PM

This was at V2

Me and my ally ally were going to the control room. We are at the ladder part (next to the truck bay place). We both throw a nade up there at the same time to make sure no axis are camping up there. We throw them and they hit each other and come back down and kill us. That was so funny we laughed so hard.

Sgt. Tsunami 12-15-2002 04:23 PM

At Crossroads, I climbed the stairs to the top of the tower of the church, there are two allied snipers there. I shoot one in the head and bash the other one right when the game ended. biggrin:

Unknown_Sniper 12-17-2002 09:32 PM

My funniest kill(s) was at St Lo. I was an axis and spawned near the tunnel building. I went inside and waited for about one and a half minutes so it seemed. My patience paid off when 2 allies came running around the corner. I pulled the trigger on my smg and cut one of them down instantly with a head shot. The other guy ran back down the tunnel and hid. I checked for any grenades to get him and I found I had only one left. I pulled the pin right as 4 other allies + the one that had run away, start to look around the corner to see if I am still there. M16: I throw it down the tunnel and it lands in the middle of them eatthis: . By then I realise I just scored a bunch of kills. They all start to panic and start running trying to escape form a small little room when the nade goes off. I got 4 of them with the one grenade. One person escaped only to later be shot.

Major Homer Simpson 12-18-2002 09:20 PM

I was in algeiers in a round base match. I ran in to the ally witch most peaple die from going in either direction depending on the spawn point with a sniper i change to my pistol and just as I go around the corner there's 3 axis with MG's and the server had reailism mod in it so I yell HOLY $HIT right as my mom comes by and i kill each of the axis guy's with my pistol not one of them shot me but did come close. I then switch to my sniper taking out 2 more axis on the roofs this happened a few months ago but today i had a better kill i was in the big section in algiers attacking the axis as usual who had taken the big section over. I jump out of the window balcony with a group of 6 axis guy runing up the long slope in front of me at close rang with a realism mod and me with my bar rifle I took one slow sweep with it taking out each of them. but then they all started respawning at the far end behind me and start shooting so i run up the slope the rest of the way grabing the health off of each of there dead carcusus but it did no good being shot from behind. lol

RaBiD777 12-24-2002 11:33 AM

Funniest story
I was playing moh caslte and I took out a mauser after killing this guy about three time he replies "I think he is cheating his gun is like an SMG but it fires all the bullets at once" I started laughing and replied "no its an axis rifle" I think he left after that I was 10:2 or sumthin


DDB101st 12-26-2002 06:47 PM

well the funniest kill i got was in crossroads friendly fire was on and i was fooling round with my clan. There were 4 of my buddies infront of me walking on the side edge of the bridge i cook off a nade and throw, BOOM!!!!! the nade goes off making the four buddies of mine airborne, as they start to decend from their inverted position all four of them go head first in to the river bellow the bridge. BOY!!!! i was popular after that hehhehehehehehe

BD 01-02-2003 01:24 AM

A bit unbelievable, but eh...

On the Hunt, I was axis, with one teammate camping back at the church, against two allies still running around the houses by their spawn point. I was using a pistol (I do this often, for a challenge) and was in the second floor of the house where you can see most of the way down the allied path to the spawn point. I hear someone walking under me, so I jump down and see one guy with an SMG, and one with a pistol (he was sniping, but pulled the pistol to move faster, I guess). I panic and just start shooting at the SMG guy, since he'd kill me easier than the sniper guy. I shoot like six times, then bash twice. I killed them both with the second bash, but the pistol guy bashed me too and all three of us died. Weird kill/death, but we won.

Major Homer Simpson 01-12-2003 04:46 PM

[img]C:\Program%20Files\EA%20Games\MOHAA\main\screensho ts[/img]

Major Homer Simpson 01-12-2003 04:47 PM

C:\Program Files\EA Games\MOHAA\main\screenshots

Innoxx 01-12-2003 05:02 PM

Homer, you shithead you can't link things directly from your HD.

I'd my funniest kill(s) was way back in the MP demo days when I was being axis on The Hunt. When I got to the corner house on the main street, I chucked a potato masher and killed 6 allied guys who were trying to rush down the middle. Funny shit seeing 6 guys flying.

Rocket 01-23-2003 01:02 PM

Funniest kill was on Destroyed Village. I had recently been messing around with my control setup and was struggling to adjust to the change. I had messed something up because my 'fire' button wasn't working right. So here's the situation: I'm standing in the middle of the street not really even looking up at the screen, pounding away on my keyboard to see what controls what. I've got the sniper rifle on zoom and out of pure luck an enemy runs right into my scope at the same time I find the fire button. I didn't even realize I had gotten the guy until I read the text on-screen.

Major Homer Simpson 01-25-2003 12:48 PM


Originally Posted by Innoxx
Homer, you shithead you can't link things directly from your HD.

I'd my funniest kill(s) was way back in the MP demo days when I was being axis on The Hunt. When I got to the corner house on the main street, I chucked a potato masher and killed 6 allied guys who were trying to rush down the middle. Funny shit seeing 6 guys flying.

you know what fuck* U i was just checking something out i didnt want a stupide response to it so back off Moron.

Maplegyver 02-01-2003 05:25 PM


Himmler 02-08-2003 12:00 AM

too many "best" kills. but one that was just downright awesome...i was in v2 in the truck room up above on the catwalk. i was axis. a teammate was getting shot at from down below from a allie down below behind the truck so i decided to take a chance and jumped down and i saw him (i had no clue exactly where he was and i jumped perfect) i just had an idea where he was and in mid air i shot and made him crumple into a ball as i shot him in the head. it was an awesome shot. everyone was like 0o0o0o shit fuckin awesome shot himmler after =). i had a similiar experiance in stalingrad i jumped down the staairs inbetween them shot and killed someone even tho i knew where he was. =) i loved the truck shot tho. it was downright awesome.

Zoner 02-14-2003 11:09 AM

I'd hafta say mine was in Destroyed Village.

There was an axis guy on the ledge outside the church tower spawn sniping the allies. So, I managed to make it out of the spawn alive and crouched in some rubble with my M1.

I shot the guy, but didn't kill him. He got so flustered and disoriented from being hit that he fell off the ledge and cratered. I was laughing so hard, I got killed myself 2 seconds later.


LoneGunner87 02-14-2003 11:13 AM

I shot like 3 axis at the top of the church in crossroads. They all went flying right out the window when i threw a grenade in their. One of them fell on my head.

K-9NeXuS 02-16-2003 12:03 PM

My best kill was on SF. There was a guy on the roof with only his head showin and I jumped off the balcony and in mid air i did a head shot on him no scope.Ive also did many 360's with sniper on V2 off the railing into the rocket pit. bigzooka: mwah:

Punk_Bitch 02-17-2003 02:50 AM

I got another one to share......Along time ago, we played in Stalingrad. I was in the upper floor by the crossover plank faced towards the building with a million stairs. I heard gun shots being fired at me. I looked down 1 floor and there he was accross from me. The only nade I had left was unsuccessful, so I did the one thing that I still do to this day. I jumped out the side, fired one round from my shotty with success killing him, then cratered myself. Kinda of fun playing superman, but man do the landings hurt!

KLNKLR+wArLoRd 02-19-2003 02:20 PM

[quote="Punk_Bitch":f57ea]I still have yet to see a story like my bashing of the sniper with my buddy at my side.....I still laugh over the day we did that. My buddy and I have unsuccessfully attempted that on Non-sniper players, but it's only a matter of time!!! evil:[/quote:f57ea]

Accually. I have done that with my buddy a couple times. We always put our names as DR. DRE, and I put my name as EMINEM. And I dress up as the axis farmer and him as the Akrika_Private, and we hide in bushed and wait for lonley snipers, shot gunners, machinegunners, and rockets, and all the other guns, and we jump out and "JUMP THEM". We do this all night long in a LAN game with other people. But sometimes we go on the net and do this.

My other favorite thing I did was kinda gay. There was a guy with his head facing the wall typing, so I didn't wanna type kill so I waited, and I got bored so I went behind him and moved up and down with the mouse my freind took screenies it looked like I was raping him hehe! And he turned around and shot me but I ducked and whipped out my rifle and I shot him in the head 1 shot kill.

The other things I do alot is in Stalingrad, I call for a " GROUND BATTLE! EVERYONE JUMP IN THE MIDDLE! " So they always jump and I snipe alot of them while they are in the air, also I shoot them and they hit the ground and they crater, losing points for their team, that happens alot. Sometimes while I am jumping FROM the window I pick some guys off.

But I love when n00bs crowd the doorways. There were alot crowding doorways 2 nades kill all 5 of em! I love when that happens.

Thanks for letting me share. cool:

KLNKLR+wArLoRd 02-19-2003 02:23 PM

and that is becuase i am in a sniper only server so we all have 3 on 3 battles hehe! my clan is sniper clan.

O71394658 02-19-2003 09:08 PM

It was at Southern France. I think I was Axis. I had a shotgun, and I climb up one of the stairways and jump off the top because some dude was chasing me while I was reloading. Anyway, after I jump off, I realize something's wrong. So, I looka around, and realize I'm standing on some guy's head. I quickly look down, and the n00b is just crouched down looking around w/ a sniper rifle. So then, I shoot down and kill him. All of a sudden, the other dude, like a typical n00bster, comes flying off the top of the stairway, and I kill him in mid-air.

Those were the days.

w2jedi 02-20-2003 03:08 AM

Well one thing that is great is I sometimes come across some n00b who is clueless and i follow him around the map always keeping behind him. he doesnt even notice the extra footsteps. i've done this for up to several minutes. finally they will realize someone is around and they will turn at me. thats when i smak em with my pistol! lol

another similar circumstance: Omaha beach. ELF's server. this was great... the server would not change maps so we were getting bored on the axis side and decided to make up our own rules and objectives: namely, to try and make it into the allied boats. We also started using only pistols and nades and we went bashing and shooting them as we charged for teh sea. IT was hilarious, they still could not win even with half the axis swimming out in the water. then at one point i got into a boat with some guy. HE COULD NOT AIM TO SAVE HIS LIFE! he had sniper and would see me and aim, i would strafe and dodge his shot. he would correct his aim and fire but i would strafe the other way. then I jumped on his head. he was like "wtf where did he go?" finally he looks up. i jump off just as decides to pull the trigger. then i hide just outside the boat. he stands there perplexed. where had i gotten off to?? then he finally comes out and I pop out and he tries to shoot me over and over but i dodge easily. then im yelling to my m8s on axis "COME OUT AND WATCH THIS AT BOATS" but some other dumbass axis snipes my playtoy before they could see. lmao that was the greatest. oOo:

Exatox 02-26-2003 11:51 AM

On Omaha Beach I waas on Axis one time and it was me and some other guy versus like 6 allied. Well, I managed to sneak down to the boats and I had a sniper rifle. I climbed inside the boat then started sniping people in the back as they were running up the shore. For like five minutes they couldn't find me and assumed I was hiding somewhere in the hills. Finally some guy killed me when I was reloading. Damn.

Himmler 02-27-2003 01:10 AM

lmao...too many kills man..too many..........

Widowmaker750gAMAX 02-27-2003 10:51 AM

Malta Map,Sniper-Axis team. Snuck over to Allied and parked low crouched next to a stairwell. as allies were running passed me to enter the twer,I just picked them off from behined. They started to group in one spot by the doorway.just target shooting.After 7 killes in that spot some more grouped with sniper,Mg's and bazookas. Apparent they were on the hunt,I still just picked them close that I am sure the rifle shot was loud enough to blow thier eardrums out before the bullets.All one had to do was look to thier right and i was a sitting duck.Finaaly one runs sideways towards me.Thought i was hamburger. He must have been strafing while looking through his sniper scope because had sat down right next to me so close my screen shook. Had to move over to stop it.Never saw me. Just kept looking out over the river.after laghing for beeter than half a min. i finally clubbed him with my pistol.The whole time there were still three more stand in the spot,never looked at me.three more kills.

Bullitt 02-27-2003 11:56 AM

i always thinks its funny watching people fall to their deaths like jumping out of the church tower in crossroads just sitting their looking through a sniper scope all of a sudden you see some retard hake: jump out of the top window and land its pretty funny biggrin:

{=.MP.=} Sgt. York 03-08-2003 03:42 PM

Funniest kill i ever made.
I was in destroyed village and there was me and one other guy left. It was actually me and my friend playing against each other. Well he was in the top of the tower and i was in the middle of the tower looking out the side. I didnt want to get out because my friend is good at not being seen. so i had no clue were he was at. I finally decided to go up the ladder and when i gotto the top no one was there, so i thought. i turned around but no one was there. when i turned again my friend was sniping. i just took my pistol and bashed him to death. I found out later from the other people on axis and allies that we were both up in the tower but when we turned we just kept missing each other. biggrin: mad: evil: [/b]

{=.MP.=} Sgt. York 03-08-2003 03:42 PM

Funniest kill i ever made.
I was in destroyed village and there was me and one other guy left. It was actually me and my friend playing against each other. Well he was in the top of the tower and i was in the middle of the tower looking out the side. I didnt want to get out because my friend is good at not being seen. so i had no clue were he was at. I finally decided to go up the ladder and when i gotto the top no one was there, so i thought. i turned around but no one was there. when i turned again my friend was sniping. i just took my pistol and bashed him to death. I found out later from the other people on axis and allies that we were both up in the tower but when we turned we just kept missing each other. biggrin: mad: evil: [/b]

GenArm.MAUSER Master 03-09-2003 01:39 PM

funniest kill i ever seen wasn't actually my kill but it was still funny i was playing on the southern france map and i rounded a corner and saw an ally but one of my teammates had come from the other side of him. We both shot like mad and the ally didn't even see us but when he died we didn't stop shooting fast enough and we both killed each other. fire1: happy: M16:

HalfTwizzted 03-12-2003 05:32 AM

Funniest kill I've done was Omaha i had picked the rocket not knowing that the damn host made it so that u wouldn't have any ammo so i figure i kill myself and change my weapon so i run out to the beach 'nade in hand run behind the wall and blew up 'bout 6 allies eatthis: (including myself) one of them typed "Hey who invited the shoe bomber?" I Was Laughing 4 about 10 mins.

Ferich 03-12-2003 11:47 PM

The funniest kill I ever did was when I killed that Hobo on 3rd Street when I visited New York Ci-.......whoops.

HalfTwizzted 03-14-2003 03:12 AM


Originally Posted by Ferich
The funniest kill I ever did was when I killed that Hobo on 3rd Street when I visited New York Ci-.......whoops.

That's just wrong

I'm From NYC eatthis:

cameltoe 03-14-2003 03:35 AM

funniest kill for me was in remagen, some sniper was in the allied house with the bar in between a chair and the bar sniping out the door. somehow i snuck past his view and jumped ontop of him without his knowing. then i took out my pistol and whipped him. i was so funny cuz he was like omg we have an invisible hax0r. biggrin:

guarnere 03-14-2003 03:57 AM

in my old clan....we used to play this game...where someone teleports to the top of the tall building in stalingrad...and snipe them as they jump off....quite fun

Dragoon Hurricane 03-23-2003 12:01 AM

lets see... i was in the destroyed village sniping from the bell tower. i hear a gun shot from blow and i look down the latter and i see an alli comming up(and yes im the axis) im like oh SH*T and i jump out. on the way down i see another sniper. he shoots at me and misses. i shoot him back when on the ground ans get a 1 hit kill biggrin and i go back up the tower and look down on the sniper crouching i pull out me .45 and bitch slap him 2 time almost killing him the i pull out my grenade and kill us both when i respawn i go back to the tower and his body was on the groud bleow the tower (and i know its was him caut it was a 1v1) biggrin:

swordfight: bigzooka:

Dragoon Hurricane 03-23-2003 12:03 AM

P.S. in my last message it was supposed to be 2v2 but it was 2v1
sry oOo:

imported_captain_howdy 03-26-2003 01:18 AM

Omaha beach. I was on the beach. I drew my pistol and took a potshot at a sniper behind those sandbags at the top of the bluff. The bullett hit the sniper in the leg and he died!

LoneGunner87 03-26-2003 11:21 AM

I was on southern france i was running into the building with two open balconys to the right i ran in with one grenade ready 5 enemys in their they shot me i fell then 2 seconds later BHAAAAAAAAA. all dead biggrin:

YourFragged 03-29-2003 01:31 PM

probably when i was in a scrimmage.. and i was the last guy vs a sniper. i had a rocket, but no ammo oOo: so i take out my pistol (this is on v2) and i am down by the boxes, and he's in the CR. i lean back and forth shooting on every lean. on my 4th lean and shot, i hit him right in the head!

LoneGunner87 03-31-2003 12:12 PM

Stalingrad i saw a guy on the 1st floor balcony to the right i jumped thru a grenade i hit the ground he tryed to jump out thru another one he jumped mid air BOOM he blew up in mid air then i blew up. biggrin:

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