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vVolf 12-12-2002 01:50 AM

You didn't have to diss yourself. Damn. Anyway, i'm 21 and i work at a Networking company called Cisco... Great, huh. Well, anyway, its easy and i get paid a lot. I have a wife, Sheena, and no kids. biggrin:

Captain Winters 12-12-2002 02:03 AM

BOMB THE NURSING HOME!! zooka: eatthis: bigzooka: fire2: fire1: M16:


vVolf 12-12-2002 02:13 AM

Kill the n00b.

zooka: cry:

ddub 12-12-2002 09:59 AM

Re: old guys

Originally Posted by Sgt>Stackem


Originally Posted by Sgt>Stackem
ddub, what part of Michigan?
[OTD] guys are great to play with

I'm from Westland. Suburb of Detroit, if your not familiar. I'm going to check out the OTD server now. Sounds like fun.
thats scary, we are VERY close to eachother................

Are you right in the city, or a suburb, like me?

ddub 12-12-2002 10:15 AM


Originally Posted by Low spark
I'm 46.... I spend most of my time on these forums with the childrenn in Off Topic.... I'm one of the worst players out there, so if you see me on a server, you know there is atleast on easy kill.

Your not alone, man. I get killed alot! I'm workin' on my aim, though.

Sgt>Stackem 12-12-2002 10:33 AM

Re: old guys

Are you right in the city, or a suburb, like me?[/quote]

Suburb, Plymouth

MOMMA 12-12-2002 12:11 PM

40 Years old, 4 kids, full time job and a game'n fool!

Argon 12-12-2002 12:24 PM

29 years young, eternal student and gaming junkie since Atari 2600, commodore 64, nintendo, sega genesis, ps1 & 2.

Crpl. Crunch 12-13-2002 12:42 AM

Wow, i turned 26 in October, and i thought i'd be one of the oldest around here! Plus this past week is the first time i've played any game on a PC AND online. Yeah...i'm a "noob" i guess. oOo:

vVolf 12-13-2002 12:48 AM

Jesus guys, learn to fucking Quote! damn.

Airborne Butters 12-13-2002 01:08 AM

Is anyone afraid to turn 18? I'm 17 and will be 18 in 2 weeks, but I'm scared shitless. I'm not ready to be an adult. My mom still cooks, cleans, and does my laundry! And she keeps saying "alright 2 more weeks, then I can legally kick you out!"

I'm kinda afriad she will! She did it to my sister, but that was cause my sister was stupid and droppped out. But whatever.

vVolf 12-13-2002 01:35 AM

Well, i was scared as well. You get used to it quickly... You need to. Just rent an apartment, get a job and get a girl. Every day will be ok. It worked for me. Now i own a house in NY.

doomsday2002 12-13-2002 05:28 AM

31= me! Ahhh so refreshing to hear that some "old" peeps play the game!


Dr. Deleto 12-13-2002 05:34 AM

23 years old, lived on my own since i was 16. and yes! I graduated from high school, and yes! I'm still in college. 5th year senior. living on your own at that bad though. aside from the never eating right part i get along just fine. course my gf has saved me from malnutrition on several occasions. Oh and I remember playing pitfall on the 2600 at the tender age of 5! what days those were! great graphics came in the form of a 3 pixeled character jumping over alligators with open mouths!!! I really do miss that.

vVolf 12-13-2002 05:39 AM

Now you did it. You made me sad.


Anyway, whats that guys name with the baby avatar? I have a better one for him if he can manage to resize it.


Oldguy 12-13-2002 07:08 AM

[quote="ST_Bazooka_Joe":49bea]Eh, I'm only a mere 20. Oldguy is like 50 I think.[/quote:49bea]

Missed it by 10 years Joe , I went by the big six-oh on Dec. 8th.
I don't think I'm the oldest on this forum though , there was a guy here who's 66 several months ago but I havne't seen him post lately. I believe I am the oldest in OTD.
I think the theme of this game is what draws the older people because when we were young there was a lot more press about WW2 and we kinda grew up with the stories. And every other movie released was about the war.
Lately there is a lot more interest in the war because sadly the WW2 Vets are dying off at a rate of about 1000 a week. Soon there will be no one left from the "last great generation" that fought and saved the world that we live in. Depressing isn't it ?

Okay, I'm 60 , now where in the hell is all that wisdom I'm supposed to have ? biggrin: biggrin: biggrin:

vVolf 12-13-2002 08:01 AM

60? Damn, aren't you supposed to be all fragile and stuff? Oh yeah, you dont need to be strong to play on computers. Well, how's your health Old Guy? Oh, and do you have a name that i can call you besides Old Guy?

henry707 12-13-2002 08:25 AM

Me, 31, married, no kids.

It is a bit of a relief to hear that there are more mature folks around sometimes you feel like you're just going to get abuse & insults no matter what post you put up...

(Vvolf - I thought you said you were 14 in one thread a few days ago????)

vVolf 12-13-2002 08:27 AM

I saidi was 16. lol, i just said it. I say things like that when i a HyPeR sometimes. And i guess i was hyper then.

Oh well, i'm not thathyper now. I just finished an hour on my website... I'm converting it to an AA website.

Dr.Deleto 12-13-2002 08:58 AM

Edited by Rudedog

Please watch what you say about other members.

If you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything.

This is your first warning for all 3 names you go buy.

Please do not confuse this with the real Dr. Deleto ( space after Dr. )

vVolf 12-13-2002 09:11 AM

[quote="Dr.Deleto":8f9e1]Talk about being a loser, eh vVolf?[/quote:8f9e1]
Eh? lol, yea. Well, he hasn't got anything better to do:
1. He cant go outside because he'll turn into a prune in the sun.
2. The air pollution could clog up his withered lungs.
3. His willy has shrivled up into the size of a jelly bean, so he cant bang. =( poor guy.

[quote="Dr.Deleto":8f9e1]P.S. WTF is wrong with ya Henry? 31 and no kids yet, shootin blanks or what?[/quote:8f9e1]
Yea, either that, or he is fat and ugly. biggrin: But thats not true, is it? eek:

Anyway, i'm going out for a joy ride. You wanna come Dr.? Great, i'll take you to Taco Bell.

P.S. I cant wait for my 1337th post. . =] . lol

12-13-2002 09:13 AM

[quote="Dr.Deleto":90321]60, GODDAMN, aren't you suppose to be living out of a tube, or some shit. I mean dman, what did you do wrong with your life that your spending the last few years of it playing some shit ass video game! Talk about being a loser, eh vVolf?

P.S. WTF is wrong with ya Henry? 31 and no kids yet, shootin blanks or what?[/quote:90321]

dude, 60 isn't that old, it's not even retirement age.

vVolf 12-13-2002 09:14 AM

60 isold for guys who are around 21 years old.

MOMMA 12-13-2002 09:32 AM

That's great coming from somone who was still crapping his pants while many of those who have posted here were already computing. Lot's of respect there. We should all be like you, taking 5 years to get a 4 year college degree. I hope your getting a degree in something good because you obviously have really great people skills and respect for your elders I'm sure you will go far. *snicker*...and being so sheltered you had to have your gf bail you out because you couldn't figure out how to eat? Well, at least there is one smart one in the relationship i guess. Gosh, aren't your parents lucky.

Dr.Deleto 12-13-2002 09:32 AM

Well, as for Henry, its a good thing he isn't black, cause then he'd NEVER get vVolf?

Bane 12-13-2002 09:44 AM


Originally Posted by vVolf
60? Damn, aren't you supposed to be all...

[quote="Dr.Deleto":6bc9a]60, GODDAMN, aren't you suppose to be...[/quote:6bc9a]

Originally Posted by vVolf
Eh? lol, yea. Well, he hasn't got anything better to do:...

mad: I hope you're attempting to be humorous. If so you've failed miserably. mad:

You should listen to what the older folks have to say. You might learn something.

MOMMA 12-13-2002 09:46 AM

I love this guy, posing as other people and opening up new accounts to say stupid things because he's to scared to post under his original it's difficult to have an admin take a look at the sub address to figure out who it is if he keeps up his racial crap (which by the way is totally against forum rules)

Shakes21 12-13-2002 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by vVolf
60 isold for guys who are around 21 years old.

60 is a state of mind. Also it might be a good idea to go to classes a little more often. You've been here for a little over a week and you have almost 350 posts?? * cough* spammer* cough*

The Bookerman 12-13-2002 12:20 PM

Damn! I didn't realize there was so many old dudes playing! biggrin: It's all good though.....for the record I'm a spritely 24 year old.

ddub 12-13-2002 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by Dr.Deleto
60, GODDAMN, aren't you suppose to be living out of a tube, or some shit. I mean dman, what did you do wrong with your life that your spending the last few years of it playing some shit ass video game! Talk about being a loser, eh vVolf?

P.S. WTF is wrong with ya Henry? 31 and no kids yet, shootin blanks or what?

I find it sickening that you attatcked Oldguy like that! Whats wrong with you anyway? I wonder if you realize how immature you are.

P.S. 5 yrs. to get your degree? Pretty smart arent ya'.

GhostRider2AD 12-13-2002 02:06 PM

Well, Well Well, I'm 48, 6'7" tall, and 275lbs, young man so if you think I'm over the hill, or Oldguy is, well you got another thing coming.(Which I would take great pleasure in educating you) You little punks, I watched little boys like you get blown away in foreign lands because they thought they new it all too . So you think you know everything about everything. Like the game says "You Don't Know Jack!" Maybe a trip behind the wood shed, would change your outlook in life. Oh by the way that's "Sir" to you Maggot. mad:

Jedi Marksman 12-13-2002 02:14 PM

[quote="The Plague of Death":1c7d6]my wife plays, and she is 38[/quote:1c7d6]

I've played your wife before. She is a great sniper. Mrs. Plague of Death. Watch out for her. biggrin:

Meshak 12-13-2002 03:48 PM

Yeah if you ever get a chance to sit and talk to a WWII combat vet, it's a great experience. My dad is in his 70's and is an IWO Jima vet. I continue to be amazed of the things he and his buddies went through and what they sacrificed.

In my opinion, no movie....and I think Saving Private Ryan was a good as it gets for realism, has been made that shows what it was really like.

__________________________________________________ ________
Missed it by 10 years Joe , I went by the big six-oh on Dec. 8th.
I don't think I'm the oldest on this forum though , there was a guy here who's 66 several months ago but I havne't seen him post lately. I believe I am the oldest in OTD.
I think the theme of this game is what draws the older people because when we were young there was a lot more press about WW2 and we kinda grew up with the stories. And every other movie released was about the war.
Lately there is a lot more interest in the war because sadly the WW2 Vets are dying off at a rate of about 1000 a week. Soon there will be no one left from the "last great generation" that fought and saved the world that we live in. Depressing isn't it ?

Okay, I'm 60 , now where in the hell is all that wisdom I'm supposed to have ? biggrin: biggrin: biggrin:[/quote]

Punk_Bitch 12-14-2002 04:26 AM

My buddy Nazi Scum is 33, my buddy {KGB}Blasturcockov is 29, and a few others are rounding the big 40 soon. Its a fun game no matter how old you are.

ddub 12-14-2002 09:03 AM

vVolfs Flunky

Originally Posted by Dr.Deleto
Well, as for Henry, its a good thing he isn't black, cause then he'd NEVER get vVolf?

I've noticed that you seek vVolfs approval for your posts. That makes you look like his Flunky.

BusterKing 12-14-2002 11:03 AM

[quote="Dr.Deleto":43186]60, GODDAMN, aren't you suppose to be living out of a tube, or some shit. I mean dman, what did you do wrong with your life that your spending the last few years of it playing some shit ass video game! Talk about being a loser, eh vVolf? [/quote:43186]

Wow Deleto, you do need to see a doctor. With maturity comes wisdom and with these kinds of remarks you obviously lack both and have a lot of growing up to do.

sgtSlaughter 12-14-2002 11:09 AM


Originally Posted by vVolf
I have a wife, Sheena, and no kids. biggrin:

what a waist of a life 21 and maried oOo:

Hollywood 12-14-2002 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by "Dr.Deleto":539ba
Talk about being a loser, eh vVolf?

Eh? lol, yea. Well, he hasn't got anything better to do:
1. He cant go outside because he'll turn into a prune in the sun.
2. The air pollution could clog up his withered lungs.
3. His willy has shrivled up into the size of a jelly bean, so he cant bang. =( poor guy.

[quote="Dr.Deleto":539ba]P.S. WTF is wrong with ya Henry? 31 and no kids yet, shootin blanks or what?[/quote:539ba]
Yea, either that, or he is fat and ugly. biggrin: But thats not true, is it? eek:

Anyway, i'm going out for a joy ride. You wanna come Dr.? Great, i'll take you to Taco Bell.

P.S. I cant wait for my 1337th post. . =] . lol[/quote:539ba]

[quote="Dr.Deleto":539ba]60, GODDAMN, aren't you suppose to be living out of a tube, or some shit. I mean dman, what did you do wrong with your life that your spending the last few years of it playing some shit ass video game! Talk about being a loser, eh vVolf?

P.S. WTF is wrong with ya Henry? 31 and no kids yet, shootin blanks or what?[/quote:539ba]

Wow you guys are now both on the A-list (that's asshole list). It is probably not a good idea to insult the well respected members of, especially N00bies like yourself. This is your last warning, respect others on this board or you and all your other clones will be permanately banned from here and the major servers. We all have spent a lot of time keeping assholes off the board and the servers, so all of the admins have a short fuse.

And vVolf stop spamming this board please, you say most of your repies are helpful but I've seen a lot that are ignorant and spiteful.

Just watch yourself, and don't let me hear you insult another member like that. Especially one of the OTD guys.

MOMMA 12-14-2002 12:04 PM

My prediction is if you looked at the IP's of vVolf and his two cronies Dr. Deleto and Airborn_Butters (Not to be confused with Airborne Butters) they would have the same IP. Just a thought...

Old Reliable 12-14-2002 12:06 PM

Show the old people some respect!

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