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12-20-2002 09:33 AM


Originally Posted by Strik0r
right, and you making hacks/cheats improves gameplay.

ed: im glad you see it my way biggrin:

yochoylamuete 12-20-2002 02:36 PM

Well, the help file is now totally finished, and that was the last thing on my "to do" list. Check it to know all the features on the same address ( )

So if there aren't any unexpected bugs on the current compilation (and it's working flawless for two days) expect the final release Monday or, most probably, Sunday biggrin: .

[quote:a7eab]SORRY ABOUT IT SUX PART[/quote:a7eab]

Nope, I agree it was technically outdated even before I released it, but it was still a nice and easy app, and it did his job pretty good for some time (I never expected it to become as popular, not after the 'warm' evil: welcome it had on this forum at the very begining, lol).



Captain_McCusker 12-20-2002 05:05 PM


Originally Posted by yochoylamuete
Nope, I agree it was technically outdated even before I released it, but it was still a nice and easy app, and it did his job pretty good for some time (I never expected it to become as popular, not after the 'warm' evil: welcome it had on this forum at the very begining, lol).



Well, I used it and still use it. I'm very happy with it, actually. Just wish I could get the IPs of the offenders. evil: Funny how full my log has become with these guys.

sal 12-20-2002 05:13 PM

ok guy thats over the top. i like to say that i like your frist app. and i stell use it.
but i cant find the words about this work here. WOW cry:

yochoylamuete 12-20-2002 05:45 PM

[quote:d41ad]i cant find the words about this work here[/quote:d41ad]

What exactly do you mean? (sorry, I'm spanish)

[quote:d41ad]Just wish I could get the IPs of the offenders[/quote:d41ad]

Now you can, even if you don't need them anymore, since Delator is now able to ban itself any IP (subranks and providers included) biggrin:



P.D.: And so far so good, it's as stable as it could be.

sal 12-20-2002 06:01 PM

What exactly do you mean? (sorry, I'm spanish) im saying that you do great work my friend and i think you for your time. and more( this is a us thing i think )

yochoylamuete 12-20-2002 06:07 PM

LOL! I thought you were missing something on the app biggrin:

Thank you very much, but really I have a lot of fun working on it most of the time (though at some points I wonder why I started it all lol!)



sal 12-20-2002 09:11 PM

well i think its cool that you do this.
i would like to ask a server Q
when you set it up on the server not from home puter but the server say Ilan hosting. do you have a time that the zzzzz-delator.pk3 has set in it ?
(like 5.0) or anything like that. why i am asking is we have a nice server speed with no lag but when i use anything that forces you from server to do IE force skins or what ever it lags a server down.
any info on this would be great.

eek: eek: eek:

yochoylamuete 12-20-2002 09:22 PM

Mmmmmmmmmmmm... not sure about what "a time set in it" means, but we run it usually on our server (and we run DogTag too) and it doesn't slow down our ping. Anyway, yes, it has two (client) timers in it. One of them sends (a small packet of) info every 15 seconds, whereas the main one gets synchronized with the rcon app (default, 3 minutes). There's another timer triggered every second (the clock), but it doesn't send any info to the players.

On a side note, I have found a way to scan for modified dll's, and I'm going to implement it on this version; this means that it could be a bit delayed, but no more than one day. Anyway, I still think it will be ready this Sunday.



sal 12-20-2002 10:14 PM

im a noob
timers in it is what i meant thanks swordfight:

Captain_McCusker 12-21-2002 03:06 AM


Originally Posted by yochoylamuete
On a side note, I have found a way to scan for modified dll's, and I'm going to implement it on this version; this means that it could be a bit delayed, but no more than one day. Anyway, I still think it will be ready this Sunday.



That would be sweet. I can't wait, Yo... you're making my cheater-kicking-finger twitch like crazy. evil:

sal 12-21-2002 09:29 AM

come on man post it i have need you know lol il come back in ten mins but if its not up ill come back in ten mins
cheaters need to pay chop:

sal 12-21-2002 01:52 PM

has it been ten mins yet ?

yochoylamuete 12-21-2002 05:58 PM

Delator 2.0 goes gold :-)
Well, it's almost midnight in Spain, so happy Sunday!

Delator 2.0 for MoHaa classic can be downloaded at: ... tit&lid=20 (Filefront)

Tomorrow I'll send it to, tmt and mohadmin.

Anyway, keep warned that it's still a Beta. The latest additions haven't been thoroughly tested, so use it at your own risk. If you found any problems, please report them to: ... 286a7#3486

Don't use it without checking the help first!!! It has been updated with the latest details and further info, so be sure to check it even if you did read the online version.

By the way, if it's working for you, report it also, so that I can breath again ;-) . If you want to see it in action before trying it, pay a visit to CEAL server.

Thanks to you all for the support ;-)


sal 12-21-2002 07:25 PM

hi man trying to get it as i type hehe i get back to you after i set it up

sal 12-21-2002 07:48 PM

this is great work here im so happy.
i told my wife to give you a bj over this lol
back to testing

sal 12-22-2002 12:51 AM

ok so far all i see that i need from this is some way of geting my ban list to work with it. but it is great man. i wish it had a tker ban or kick
but my hats off to ya man good work
baning cheaters is funny evil:

Crash620 12-22-2002 01:26 AM

Hate to be Greedy.....but
It Looks great!!! Unfortunately for me I am running a Spearhed Server, and it doesnt work... Any Idea when you may add Spearhead compatability????

BTW it hangs when checking DMz-Dogtag with Run-time error '9':subscript out of range


Bazooka_Joe 12-22-2002 05:08 AM

I'm loving this mod.

yochoylamuete 12-22-2002 06:19 AM


[quote:04a94]some way of geting my ban list to work with it (...) i wish it had a tker ban or kick[/quote:04a94]

An autokick banlist importer? Maybe once the damn thing is really finished biggrin: You can ban or kick people from the main screen, but there's no "auto" feature" (only way to do this in mohaa, to my knowledge, is the app running on the server and checking the log).


[quote:04a94]Any Idea when you may add Spearhead compatability????
BTW it hangs when checking DMz-Dogtag with Run-time error '9':subscript out of range[/quote:04a94]

So far I haven't run a Spearhead server yet; as soon as I can I will start testing it and there may be Spearhead support even before version 2.1 is out. The error you're getting is on Spearhead or Mohaa classic? One user is reporting a similar bug on mohadmin, but I've been unable to replicate it on my system. Check the support thread for further details.

Bazooka: Thanks, as usual biggrin: 12-22-2002 07:46 AM

well i downloaded it and it realy iz cool!

but can i let the delator say every 2 min

Welcome to the blablabla clanserver... Play friendly and nice

can i let the delator do that???

greetz Redfox fire2:

yochoylamuete 12-22-2002 08:01 AM

Yes, you should set it up into the Messages section on ModDelator (check the help to see what it would look like).

If you run a linux server, you can schedule the usual "console:" message to be displayed at a time, but not periodically (personally, I like much more in-game messages and they don't need a remote rcon app running, but...)



DANcymru 12-22-2002 10:42 AM

WoW. Thats looking very good Yochoy

{-BaH-} The High Kid 12-22-2002 01:11 PM

Great Work!!!!!!! I hope to ban many people with this usefull device!!!!!!

HER666TIC 12-22-2002 04:26 PM

:( I get a runtime error 126 when i click on start! :'(

and are you sure scanning some1's computer is legal?

yochoylamuete 12-22-2002 04:43 PM

Err. 126 is usual on w98, sorry. I've done a lot of searches on the net, but nobody appears to know what it means or why it happens, only that it is very usual to get it if you use mswinsck.ocx on w98 (which Delator does).

And Delator doesn't scan the computer of the players, only the server contents, which is enough to know if the exe is modified, if you know what you're doing :-)



yochoylamuete 12-22-2002 04:48 PM

Err. 126 is usual on w98, sorry. I've done a lot of searches on the net, but nobody appears to know what it means or why it happens, only that it is very usual to get it if you use mswinsck.ocx on w98 (which Delator does).

And Delator doesn't scan the computer of the players, only the server contents, which is enough to know if the exe is modified, if you know what you're doing :-)



HER666TIC 12-22-2002 05:00 PM

Ok thanks! ill prolly get winXP soon. And can we scan a server that doesnt belong to us, for example, if i think some1 is cheating on a server, can i scan this server?


yochoylamuete 12-22-2002 05:34 PM

Nope, of course, you need the rcon password in order to scan a server (that will be indeed illegal, I think).

[-BiTiX-][-NL-] 12-24-2002 09:52 AM


i've got download Delator 2.0.
I made the settings and i press on Start!
He's trying to scan and after a few seconds he says :
There is already a Rcon Delator montiroring the server!
and he says sometimes :
Runtime error 6
What is the problem? Can someone help me??
We've got a server from TheGameHost! Maybe that's the problem.

[-BiTiX-][-NL-] 12-24-2002 10:01 AM

Here is a screen with the error :


[-BiTiX-][-NL-] 12-24-2002 10:06 AM

I've found the problem! Scan Players Every was to low oOo:
wheheh LoL! cool:

yochoylamuete 12-24-2002 11:03 AM

Thanks, many people on the support thread was having the same problem. Already working to fix it.



[-BiTiX-][-NL-] 12-24-2002 12:05 PM

Ive got a problem i think!
When i set Wan on non-optimized connections then get's everybody a warning! What is the problem?

yochoylamuete 12-24-2002 12:19 PM

It warns whenever a user with ping<100 has a maxrate<5001 (as of rcondelator.exe version Check on the player list what rate they're using (5000=isdn, 4000=modem). If they have a broadband connection and a lower setting then their game can become laggy on some maps (as they're not downloading all the info his connection is able to).

If your version is older than then please update (remember the version is for rcondelator.exe, the downloaded file is still named



Blackraider 12-24-2002 01:18 PM

does the server also work if there is a password on the server ?

Blackraider 12-24-2002 01:24 PM

sorry for the double post

but is there something to do at those error 6

overflow ?

yochoylamuete 12-25-2002 04:37 PM

Ok, sorry for the delay, I'm really busy checking the support thread ( ... sc&start=0). If what you mean is if you can check a server without having his rcon password, not, you can't.

The error 6 Overflow should be a thing of the past with the new version (the download link is still the same).



shape 12-28-2002 03:15 PM

what a wonderful program :-)
please advise my clan. we been running this with only the skin detector as we can't get permmision off barrysworld to upload our file, so is there a workaround for this on the barrysworld server? or can u recommend another server provider that allows us to upload our file so we can monitor for all the other cheats, thanxs in advance.
kind regards shape :-)

MPowell1944 12-28-2002 03:17 PM

It is good indeed. I've told alot of people about this one. Its going to be running on alot more servers now. biggrin:

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