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law on the internet, my god pass the 45 so I can stick it in my mouth
[quote="RAGE^":a7ed5]yeah and why don't you just go to hell alright? Your little "moral" decision is annoying and shows how weak you are that you won't stop people who complicate others lives so much.
if anyone ever takes action against [url="http://www.myg0t.com"]http://www.myg0t.com[/url], I hope it isn't you.[/quote:a7ed5] MPowell This is what i meant by immature response. "Go to hell" ... quite the arguement |
i think rage is a freuent at myg0t
i just saw this site link today on these forums and all it looks to be is a bunch of team killers correct me if i am wrong... |
Thant's why they installed a word filter to remove all the post about crashing servers. I've also noticed they don't seem to brag about it anymore. I just checked out the http://www.myg0t.com site. Now I know where TG copied their disclaimer from. The poor TG boys couldn't even come up with their own disclaimer. |
[quote="DruidThe poor TG boys couldn't even come up with their own disclaimer.[/quote]
thats something i would have to agree with you on. damn babies. hake: |
NOCTIS isn't going ahead with his CASE? - Well color me shocked. I am in TOTAL disbelief.
oOo: As far as sending teens to "federal prison" - not a chance. You've accomplished what you've wanted by sending some scared kids running to take down several posts and keep a low profile. But your "morality" is questionable at best. And as Gerard said - what does it hurt NOW to talk about a case you have no intention of going through with; are we still playing the "waiting" game to see the evidence? I suspect so. |
I think anyone agaisnt Noctises word should burn in hell that gose for all those ignorant bastereds disagreing with him i mean it's opnly rite to be contacting the FBI when somoen is hackign your server you are paying for fuckign hackers o and Noctis it's WhiteWolf sup!!!!! M16:
[quote="The ED! Foundation":dbcd0]NOCTIS isn't going ahead with his CASE? - Well color me shocked. I am in TOTAL disbelief.
But your "morality" is questionable at best. [/quote:dbcd0] EVEN IF... his morality was questionable. It would still put him a few dozen steps up the ladder from the people this is about. They have no morality, questionable or otherwise. |
It would still put him a few dozen steps up the ladder from the people this is about. They have no morality, questionable or otherwise.[/quote:7cbee] Nah there just idiots.. i doubt in real life any of em would do anything really bad.. in fact its the fact that they are mostly rejects and outkasts in real life that lead em to lash out and fuck with other ppl on the next because they are.. or atleast think they are anonoymous and can vent there anger. |
In a way I kind of agree with you. My point is the malicious way they act when they went around crashing servers. It's the same mentality of some stupid kid shooting another because of his lack of being able to work and play well with others. Every thread about them got off topic and became about them cheating. Cheating or their childish behavior is one thing. Crashing a server is a whole new ballgame. |
I doubt very much that if a court case went through, that it would "ruin their life". I doubt they would even go to prison. It would be a wake up call.
Lemme tell you about the time I had a knife pulled on me at school. Now my friends and I were playing tag on the school oval. One of my friends ran around someone and I made beeline for my friend, knocking this guy straight over and his icy pole was knocked out of his hand. Now I didn't realise how pissed off this kid was until he said "I'm gonna kill you" and drew a knife. I was like ed: "how do you get so pissed off over a piece of flavoured ice?" I was scared to come forward, I told my mum about it that afternoon and she made me go back to school and tell the deputy headmaster. There was an investigation into the matter and I was sort of "hey it's OK the guy seems sorry about it blah blah blah." Then I realised that it's NOT OK that this guy pulled a knife on me. I had a right to come to school and feel safe. Anyways so the kid WASN'T expelled amazingly partly because the principal was a lady who was really soft. So I guess we as members of a community have the right to enjoy ourselves without being harrassed by wankers. I understand the decision but the fact is that we won't ruin their lives, it will be a huge slap on the wrist. |
Well i cant say im sureprized. I can say im a little dissapointed.
When i read the first thread about this i was encouraged that for once a community was standing up for itself against these type of people. As apposed to rolling over and simply trying to counter hack them by creating programs against them. No this time we were going to make an example of a "small case", to let the whole community know even the small cases where to big to let slide. Alas option B was taken. The option TeamGOD will likly talk smack about. Oh i can see it now "Bwhahahaha that pussy i knew he didnt have shit, i told you all he was bluffing" (i used proper english for the sake of readability) Granted we ignore them now, but this is the kind of thing that bolsters ego's, instead of deflating them. Now they know the spearhead of this community is dull and ineffective. They know its soft and wouldnt want to hurt the kiddys. I do not blame NOC, for this. OH hell no, he had the balls to go out and find all this info out. I admire his courage to stand up to the community he so boastfully promised action for, then decided that it wasnt worth it. That may come off as a slam to him but its not. He stood up here and said that he could cut them apart, but the fact is that TeamGOD isnt worth it. He's right, These kids are not worth the legal bills and hastle. I do blame the designers of the software that allows this to continue, from as far back in the day as Half-life. If you didnt read Joe's artical, i advise a[url=http://news.com.com/2100-1040-981255.html?tag=fd_top:c5408]quick read of it[/url:c5408]. The makers know of the problem yet leave it to the communities to deal with. This is the bullshit that makes me mad, companies knowing the problem but not giving a damn to fix them. Its enough to make you wish you could press charges against them for supporting denial of service attacks. [quote:c5408]"'Battlefield 1942' is the best example of this," said Shively. "It sends a large amount of data in reply to a single request." By PivX's calculations, commands sent to a "Battlefield 1942" server at 4Kbps will turn into a 550Kbps attack on a target. He added that software developers could fairly easily correct the problem. "They just have to push an update to the most popular games, and they are set," he said. Electronic Arts, the publisher of "Battlefield 1942," could not immediately comment on the issue.[/quote:c5408] I doubt they ever will. Nice try. As for the evidence, i would venture to say that no one will take up the lawsuit. Seeing as how i dont own a server, and my only dealings with TeamGOD were on this board, i cant say with any certainy the extent of there crimes. I for one would not pursue anything. I will not say wrong or right, i will simply say case closed. |
Read: Probation! thats the word you want.
Prohibition was an act of the 18th amendment banning alcohol in the 20's. Not only am I not a teamgod member, but i dont like them. It's just I find everything you say look like lies. What you are saying is not true. You are B-Sing everyone here. Nothing could or will ever happen to teamgod. You probably didnt "press charges" because you cant. Them annoying you isnt enough, an i dont want to hear your sorry excuse. And BTW banning me! hah! No reason to anyways, not like it would do anything. And if you did ban me, that would be an invasion of my 1st Amendment rights and I could put you in jail for 30 years. SO STOP ANNOYING ME! hah |
banning you an invasion of rights? you have no rights TG
its funny that you only post in these kind of threads anything about tg or cheats which TG member are you again? |
Im NOT IN TG! It's just obnoxious that someone could be this dumb and such a cry baby at a GAME! And I talked to the FBI and they are going to start investigating into your actions.
Everyone needs to remember the 1st rule of
usenet etiquette. Don't feed the trolls. |
No, I know pauls and he is not a TeamGod member.
Also, I think that legal action is a good idea, but like what has happened here, it could never work. Plus, even if all of TG is just little kids dickin' around, then they would not be punished that much anyways. Maybe the most would be PROBATION (not prohibation or prohibition) or a small amount of time in juvy. ( BTW, I hear they take individual showers in juvy so no ass-raping for kids) . |
LMAO, Did Vader use the darkside to bring George Washington from the dead? If so, I'm sure they smoked a blunt after their chat. |
[quote="Kamil-RS":a4f6e]banning you an invasion of rights? you have no rights TG
its funny that you only post in these kind of threads anything about tg or cheats which TG member are you again?[/quote:a4f6e] Kick his a$$ Kamil! right on!! evil: |
It would still put him a few dozen steps up the ladder from the people this is about. They have no morality, questionable or otherwise.[/quote:22d9c] The thing I have the most problem with, is that there are people without the "moral impedement" to do something about online hacking and send a VERY CLEAR message to future generations of them. What NOCTIS has done, and did, was basically say - this is MY WORLD, and we're all just watching. Which is a pretty piss poor ting to do when you are dealing with something that ALOT of people are invested in. Yes I do think he took the bullshit "moral" way out (see its nice to attach the word "morals" to your actions - that way anyone who disagrees comes off as an ass), and if HE isn't going ahead with this, then let someone else step up. Alas he wont. His morals forbids him from doing such. Once again TeamGOD has owned. I suspect NOCTIS will be in the "Hall Of Owned" very soon. |
[quote="The ED! Foundation":9d5b4]
Once again TeamGOD has owned. I suspect NOCTIS will be in the "Hall Of Owned" very soon.[/quote:9d5b4] I wouldn't be a bit surprised to see that. For TG Running scared and Changing their forum in a febble attempt to hide information about crashing servers. Would be thier idea of owning someone. |
maybe he's some TG groupie that TG use as a personal biatch evil:
i dont agree with Noctis's decision, but some of you are stepping beyond the line here. calling him a TG groupie and judging his weakness and such, all uncalled for. remember, he is a good guy. TG are the bad guys. we just need to keep out focus on that.
our* oOo:
I'm positive that NOCTIS's action will do as much to hurt the community as he TRIED to help it. |
And I am sure you are the resident expert on this, Ed.
If your eyes were open, you'd see I've already made things better. |
[quote="Captain Noctis Aeternus":c82e0]And I am sure you are the resident expert on this, Ed.
If your eyes were open, you'd see I've already made things better.[/quote:c82e0] Ahhhh yes, crying FIRE so that TeamGOD runs and puts the water out on its own forums. Yes, I applaud your efforts in attemtping to dismantle the public face of this group. |
I can't get into the further details publicly.
There are a few people trusted by MOHadmin.com that know what's ongoing. I will say this. There are two members of TeamGOD that joined as spies. TG knows they are there, but they don't know which two are the spies. Heh. |
Ahhhh - I'm entirely glad that this effort is so WELL orchastrated.
And yes, I'm sure TeamGOD (one of the most paranoid group of fucks I've ever seen), will surely trust some new members or whatever. This is just a fucking joke. It really is. I mean now we have "internet" spies. Can you PLEASE just turn this over to someone who doesn't think they are playing a game? |
Yeah, they wouldn't trust new members.
But since these guys have been there for three months, it should make it interesting. |
Sorry Noct no disrespect intended!! |
Noctis...I for one understand fully and support your decision. I think you took the right course the entire time. I mean look at the facts people, he litterally scared the shit out of them. They WOULD have went to prison. Now that you have calmed their habits (which you have) you took the gentlemen's exit by just letting it go. I applaud this as it takes more guts to enact an action then stop it if it bothers your conscience than it does to just push it all the way through. All these people flaming you for this are in fact no better than TG themselves and may as well just go join up with them. These forums really are turning to shit.
Hmmm. Well, I can agree with Ed 100% here. TeamGOD probably wont have taken a thing away from this. They will more than likely continue their prepubescent campaign of terror against servers and individuals for aslong as they want now because the person who could have done the most damage to the few that were hurting the community the most are getting away with it. This could have a sent a strong and clear message to likely hackers out there to back off and dont try this shit, unfortunately someones personal moral code got in the way of a crusade that could have gone a long way in battling hackers, not only in this community, but in all gaming communities. Noctis, I respect your decision, but I dont think it was the right one at all. It's us in the end that suffer because of these degenerates. If they start again, will you pursue legal action, or will your morals get in the way again ? In the end, this hasnt really taught anyone a lesson, because nothing was made out of it. Ohwell, I guess you win some and lose some.
Last night I played on a server where a person claimed via the consol that TEAMGOD owns U and the server was crashed. Great work, things are really changing!! LOL oOo:
guys, please dont blame Noctis if the TG server crashing continues. at least he has the balls to stand up to them. more than i can say for alot of folks here, including myself.
What a Pussy !!!
[quote="Dr. Deleto":b54bc]Noctis...I for one understand fully and support your decision. I think you took the right course the entire time. I mean look at the facts people, he litterally scared the shit out of them. They WOULD have went to prison. Now that you have calmed their habits (which you have) you took the gentlemen's exit by just letting it go. I applaud this as it takes more guts to enact an action then stop it if it bothers your conscience than it does to just push it all the way through. All these people flaming you for this are in fact no better than TG themselves and may as well just go join up with them. These forums really are turning to shit.[/quote:b54bc]
They would have gone to prison? - Oh yes I'm sure of that. Listen, if these kids are under 18 years of age, shits gonna happen to them. The parents are going to have to pick up the tab here, and they will b forbidden from using a computer - which would hamper them ALOT more than jailtime. It's a joke to think that some folks really believe they are going to be leaning over bedsides getting RAMMED by JEROME in county. Wouldn't happen. They would no doubt be punished - if the FBI (ya know, the folks Noctis are in DEEP with) even bothered to send something more than a cursory warning. And yea, the community letting NOCTIS know what a cock-tease it was threatening legal action is CeRTAINLY cause to show why the forums are shit. It CERTAINLY couldn't be that there are several people here pissed who are sick of his bait and switch games. Like I said - stop jerking around, and just give the "evidence" to someone who is going to use it, and not post all this crap about what they intend to do. |
Ive read thru all of these pages and its all the same again. There are certain people in this community that give something to it or at least make attempts. Many spend hours a day just so the rest of you in the "Peanut Gallery" can sit on your a$$ and criticize. hake: hake: hake: I dont see any of YOUR attempts to help, how about some POSITIVE input????? If what he did was so wrong, WHERE ARE YOUR HUEVOS!!!!!!! Who is willing to take up where he left off or at least try something??????? .....hhmmmmmmmmmmm silence. I thought so!!! |
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