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<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hotspur:
I was just thinking the same thing. The trick is, I guess, to try to ignore the amazingly ignorant and offensive conversation that goes on as people wait to respawn. But it is very hard to ignore. In the last week or so this has degenerated so much it is shameful. When you have one kid calling another "Nig..." or "Jew" or "Fag" it is bad enough, but when the majority of the players are participating it is really a drag. These kids are ignorant, small minded, racist and homophobic, and proud of it.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> nig? jew? now thats too much. maybe calling someone a fag is alright. but being a racist isnt. |
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Colt:
14 years old, never played CS h8 it, kinda got bored of DoD because of all the noumerous TK/camp/other assholes who screw the game up. I never played a spray and prey game, always tactical shooters where you gotta use some brains. I am no "CS Kiddie" I am a kid who enjoys FPS shooters. Remember that most of the CS cheaters are adults, small kids don't even posses the knowledge to make cheats for CS, or even use them cause none of them is really easy to use. Just play the game, and if you don't like the community leave it for what it is. CS assholes can't spoil MOH:AA Single player for ya, now can they? And if you want a no asshole server, call it like that, and not an adult only server or something... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> um small kids got no brains? like 8 right? cause im not old as you but i know how to make a cheat. but i dont resort to cheating. it just makes the game boring and everyone will hate you. theres no reason to cheat. |
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hotspur:
The problem isn't kids per se. The problem is rude, racist, homophobic people. Having said that, it is clear that most of the time - not all - these ugly statement are from kids. But if a kid acts decently I am sure that everyone posting here would be happy to play with him. Finally what ever happened to positive comments like: "good shot"? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> thats what im talkin bout. |
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Colt:
jeez, I am getting tired of people saying because they are under 12 they are cheats... Its not the age that controls whether they are cheats or not, its the type of people they are that determines if they are cheats or not! People who are 30+ can cheat just as much as people 12-. [EDIT] I love OFP, because its not a shoot everything you see game. Its really hard and challenging and you have to keep your team alive to keep yourself alive, it rules http://www.alliedassault.com/ubb/smile.gif <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> "It's not the age that controls whether they are cheats or not..." I beg to differ. A young person, of any tender age and from any location, has yet to transition thru the sociological evolutionary process that develops morals and integrity. In general, muggers (for instance) are young. Older people, even hardened crooks, usually avoid such types of crime because they have developed an awareness over time of just how low it is to knock an old lady to the ground and steal her handbag. Ditto cheaters; youngsters in general are unaware of just how much frustration and anger their antics cause other people. The evolution of their moral infrastructure takes years to fully develop...until that happens most of them are obnoxious brats, as was I and everyone I know. It's a process that can rarely be hurried or circumvented. It would just be nice if they could somehow be kept off certain servers. Have all the known foul-mouths and cheats restricted to special servers where they can float, plasma-cannon and hide under ground to their little hearts' content. http://www.alliedassault.com/ubb/biggrin.gif ------------------ http://www.btinternet.com/~p.webber1...hclanlogo1.gif |
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Wolfshook:
Colt, I really do respect your decision not to play a game with "camping", however I must try to explain this to you. There is no such thing as "camping" in a realistic game. As a game moves away from Quake, and towards the more realistic games, such as Ghost Recon, OPF, and to a slightly lesser extent MOH and DOD, you get realistic combat situations. In these games, bullets are usually one shot one kill, as they are in real life. Those who wish to truly play these games, and act out modern (or WW2) military tactics, defend a strategic objective, so as to not allow the enemy to gain a foothold on their territory. Setting up a line of defense is very hard to do, and requires patience, skill, and teamwork. Those defending a line against the enemy must be crack shots, so as to deny the enemy the ability to return fire, or to even deny the enemy the ability to understand where the fire is coming from. Patience is needed to wait on the enemy to return, and not get up and blow your cover. You must lie still, to deny the enemy the ability to locate your person, and nail your brain pan with a small piece of steel. Teamwork is essential to this working, as it is the only way that you can push back flank attacks against your weakest defensive positions. Multiple people defending a wide territory, are brutal against the enemy, when they have skill, patience, and teamwork going. This is what Germany did so successfully in WW2, defending it's territory against massive odds. This is what alot of us like to try to do in realistic games. It's not camping, it testing out tried and true military tactics. And, it works...especially against mad kids screaming about camping. Later, <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> thanks, you just told alot for me. |
and another thing, i might be 11. but dont think that i cheat and i am racial. causse im dont cheat and im not racial. ok, ill admit if some asshole annoys me enough in a game. i will cuss them and call them a fag or gay. ntohing more. once i have called someone a homo. but that was because i was joking. and another thing. everyone is right. most of the time a "kid" does cheat and does stuff like that. thast because they have no life and nobody likes them. i have a life. i actually make programs and websites. thast pretty much 1/4 of my life. my toehr 1/4 is playing games and being on the computer or watching tv. the other half. is my "real" life. Thanks, Laters.
[This message has been edited by AlphaLeader (edited January 02, 2002).] |
Been playing the demo for a few days and have noticed the "kids" and if you go to any other game you are going to get the same thing especialy a FPS game. Part of the problem might be that the parents are not checking up on their kids. They are probaly happy the kid is using the comp and not bothering them. How many of you younger players have parents who play games?? Me and my son, eleven (CS player and now MOH) play all the time and I don't let him use cheats and keep his langauge fairly clean. A little more involvement from mom or dad would help to keep the cheating in check and make for a happer kid. Unless Dad is doing the cheating. If the kid bothers you shoot him with the shotgun. http://www.alliedassault.com/ubb/smile.gif
I don't have a problem with kids, heck Im a parent myself. What I have a problem with is rude, loudmouth, brats that use the anonymity of the web as a shield. The ones that sit back and hurl curses, racial epitaths, and generally insulting crap at everyone else on the server. There is simply put no reason to do that kind of thing.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Wolfshook:
Colt, I really do respect your decision not to play a game with "camping", however I must try to explain this to you. There is no such thing as "camping" in a realistic game. As a game moves away from Quake, and towards the more realistic games, such as Ghost Recon, OPF, and to a slightly lesser extent MOH and DOD, you get realistic combat situations. In these games, bullets are usually one shot one kill, as they are in real life. Those who wish to truly play these games, and act out modern (or WW2) military tactics, defend a strategic objective, so as to not allow the enemy to gain a foothold on their territory. Setting up a line of defense is very hard to do, and requires patience, skill, and teamwork. Those defending a line against the enemy must be crack shots, so as to deny the enemy the ability to return fire, or to even deny the enemy the ability to understand where the fire is coming from. Patience is needed to wait on the enemy to return, and not get up and blow your cover. You must lie still, to deny the enemy the ability to locate your person, and nail your brain pan with a small piece of steel. Teamwork is essential to this working, as it is the only way that you can push back flank attacks against your weakest defensive positions. Multiple people defending a wide territory, are brutal against the enemy, when they have skill, patience, and teamwork going. This is what Germany did so successfully in WW2, defending it's territory against massive odds. This is what alot of us like to try to do in realistic games. It's not camping, it testing out tried and true military tactics. And, it works...especially against mad kids screaming about camping. Later, <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> this is a great strategy in real life, but in-game i find the attack method a lot better. Wether i'm axis or allies, i never wait for the enemie and always use a machine gun or a submachine gun. It works great for me. Lots of times I got by far the most of the kills but you die quit fast. But that doesnt matter if u wiped out half the other team http://www.alliedassault.com/ubb/biggrin.gif But I'm getting a bit off topic here http://www.alliedassault.com/ubb/biggrin.gif |
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by BallisticWookie:
Thats fantastic. And next time you want to get your sig working do it in the right forum. As far as this website and the forum is concerned, Polaris and I do our best to keep the immature racial and homophobic slurs to a minimum, but there are always those (you know who you are) who continue to use those derogatory comments and catching it is not always the easiest thing to do. Thing is, if I'm to hard people whinge, and yes I know that people have whinged about my "behaviour" lately, and I have a pretty good idea who they are. If I'm to soft people go on like it's some friggin holiday and anything is acceptable. Now, I dont wanna be a forum troll and I expect ALL of you to act responsibly and maturely. I dont care how old you are 14 or 40, you act maturely and have sensible conversations (or if not sensible atleast use your heads and dont stoop so low as to use derogatory comments in your posts) or you dont say anything at all. I cant catch everybody who does something wrong, and if YOU see somebody doing something wrong all you have to do is direct me toward the thread by emailing me and I'll do my job. (Thanks FuBaRGrn http://www.alliedassault.com/ubb/wink.gif ) That afterall is what a community is all about. As for the immature types in the game servers, thats part of life, I am sick of them too, but theres really nothing we can do about it but ignore them. One last thing, I know I have of late been a bit rough around the edges, simple fact of the matter is, things always dont go the way you want and thats whats happening in my life right now. I'm not on these forums all the time, frankly I dont wish to be on them all the time as I have more important things to do. Being a part of this community has been great, and I'm enjoying every moment of it (most the time) but when I have to delete about 10 posts in a row *cough*Ments2000*cough* it makes me annoyed and angry. Do me, Polaris and Badscript a favor. Post in the right places, dont spam, and be mature and sensible. Thats all I and I'm sure Polaris and Badscript ask for. This is about the (I've lost track) time I've had a little speech about behaviour on the forums. Please read and abide. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I haven’t been very please with you lately Wookie. That’s the way I am when I feel mistreated. But after your reply in this post, then, I don’t know how to find the correct word in English. Let’s say I’m positive. That can’t be misunderstood. |
I just felt like sharing this; calling someone a "fag", or a "faggot", or whatever is just as bas as calling someone a Jew, or a "Nig".
------------------ http://matrixturkey.homestead.com/files/titsfortots.jpg If you're so good at being a lesbian, then why do you turn me on? -Steve Carell(The Daily Show) YOUR FAVORITE BAND SUCKS!!!!!!! - Me. http://matrixturkey.homestead.com/files/sean.jpg |
Not to mention idiotic.
------------------ http://www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/...s/Leibniz.jpeg Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716) <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>He is often described as the last universal genius: a thinker whose range extended to all that was known in his day. " Although the whole of this life were said to be nothing but a dream and the physical world nothing but a phantasm, I should call this dream or phantasm real enough, if, using reason well, we were never deceived by it. "<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> |
It's so hilarious: you can tell who the immature kids with attitudes are just by their ridiculous posts. And they can't even tell... they think they sound mature.
I don't group all kids together, I don't mind newbies, and I try to keep the peace with rude or obnoxious people in the games. It does piss me off when I see others (kids or not) being rude and obnoxious. E.g. someone asks a question and gets made fun of, someone gets fragged and calls the fragger a fag, the worste thing I have seen is someone say "if you were a girl I would rape you." That person needs serious help. It does seem to me that when a person grows up, they don't care about behaving like that. Maybe a solution would be a super-clan, i.e. a club that only allows mature players. There need not be an age limit, just a behavior requirement. It wouldn't matter if you are in a clan too. Then you could password protect games for club members only. |
yes u dont mind newbies because technicially u are newbie too
Trix, so are you, so whats your point ?
------------------ http://ballisticwookieesstuff.freese...okiesigaa1.jpg http://ballisticwookieesstuff.freese...reedomsig1.jpg Any Questions, Concerns or Comments ? Email me at:Mindsnare18@hotmail.com Remember to look at the FAQ and Developers Q and A before posting. http://ballisticwookieesstuff.freese...s/watching.jpg Do not attempt to adjust your set, this is a Streaming Freedom video bulletin, the cable hack will last exactly 60 seconds. It cannot be traced, it cannot be stopped, and it is the only free voice left in this city. |
bEWare of the wrath of westfrontpunk!
WESTFRONTPUNK RULES!!!!WESTFRONTPUNK RULES!!! WESTFRONTPUNK RULES!!! Admin Edit: Please dont post your name 100 times in the same post again, thanks http://www.alliedassault.com/ubb/biggrin.gif [This message has been edited by Skidrowpunk (edited January 03, 2002).] |
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