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Double U 01-27-2003 09:10 PM


Im speechless

MCX 01-27-2003 09:29 PM

That's terrible. Damn moron should be shot for driving drunk.

Old Reliable 01-27-2003 09:37 PM

i drank and drive a couple times but I was completely in control, im never doin that shit again

Sparrow 01-28-2003 01:14 AM

That is horrible! That is one of those things you'll never forget. I have seen those anti-Marajuana, where the little girl is hit by the car, that really woke me up. I think if the made a commercial outta that, people would really think about drinking and driving. I guess if there is one remotley positive thing from this, it is that she has helped us to see what the impact drinking and driving has on others.
I can't even imagine how the driver must feel, I would kill myself, honestly.

And I was planning on going to bed now...

Recycled Spooge 01-28-2003 01:48 AM

Then again, same thing could have happened if he was eating a hamburger in his car.

01-28-2003 02:07 AM

mmmmmmmmm hamburger

Eight Ace 01-28-2003 02:23 AM

...that link doesn't work for me, but I get the the way, what are the USA / CAN
blood/alcohol limits? Here it's 0.05...or 2 x 375ml cans.

If I wan't to get fucked-up the last thing I need is a car at the end of it....yet I know some guys that really think public transport is
beneath them an they'll take the risk and the's usually some other poor soul who really pays when that kind of risk goes wrong. cant legislate against fuckwittedness.

1080jibber 01-28-2003 02:40 AM


Originally Posted by SoLiDUS
Originally posted by redhawk_six:

Originally posted by SoLiDUS:
Doesn't happen everyday, that's for sure...

In any case, if you drink and drive, make sure it's not past the legal limit
and you still have total control over your body and mind. Why ? Well, that's

MUCH better idea:

Don't drink and drive PERIOD

Even better, do what I do, Don't drink.

This man knows what hes talkin about.

I knew that was coming...

Drinking and driving is ONE THING: drinking and driving when you KNOW
your abilities are seriously impaired is ANOTHER TOTALLY DIFFERENT ONE.

If you wish for me to expound on this, let me know. I think what I stated
above is clear enough not to need any elaboration though. Intelligent ppl
know when they can and can't drive a vehicle.[/quote:7e042]

doesnt drinking impair your judgment, so how would you accualy know your not to drunk to drive?

Tripper 01-28-2003 03:18 AM

Fucking sick shit right there.

Oh my god. If I were that Guy, I'd drive my car off a cliff.

01-28-2003 03:18 AM

Ok! After seeing that link (Fuck you gerard for ruining my day) I'm not gonna drive! Not DRINK and DRIVE but just DRIVE. I dont want to turn out that way and its a big chance it can happen to any of us even if we're not drunk cause we can get by someone who is drunk. FUCK!

Tripper 01-28-2003 03:27 AM

[quote:80e57]Ok! After seeing that link (Fuck you gerard for ruining my day) I'm not gonna drive! Not DRINK and DRIVE but just DRIVE. I dont want to turn out that way and its a big chance it can happen to any of us even if we're not drunk cause we can get by someone who is drunk. FUCK! [/quote:80e57]

Dude - Fuck that, you have more of a chance of sitting at home on the computer and then suddenly spontaneously combusting, than you have of burning like that in a car accident. You'd most likely just die. Or be burnt to death. Either that or you'd break legs and such.

Fact is, you'd have a slim chance of being burnt that badly and not dieing. I wouldn't call that girl lucky (Just look at her) but its some kind of wonderful that she is alive.

01-28-2003 03:29 AM


Originally Posted by Tripper
[quote:17b99]Ok! After seeing that link (Fuck you gerard for ruining my day) I'm not gonna drive! Not DRINK and DRIVE but just DRIVE. I dont want to turn out that way and its a big chance it can happen to any of us even if we're not drunk cause we can get by someone who is drunk. FUCK!

Dude - Fuck that, you have more of a chance of sitting at home on the computer and then suddenly spontaneously combusting, than you have of burning like that in a car accident. You'd most likely just die. Or be burnt to death. Either that or you'd break legs and such.

Fact is, you'd have a slim chance of being burnt that badly and not dieing. I wouldn't call that girl lucky (Just look at her) but its some kind of wonderful that she is alive.[/quote:17b99]

No its not wonderful shes alive. Its kind of weird, we should love the doctors for saving her life but also hate them for having to make her suffer.

Tripper 01-28-2003 03:39 AM

Well its up to her to make that judgement...We have no place saying anything like that...I can imagine it would be utterly horrible for her. But no more horrible than those Vets who had been half burned to death in wars, and yet still happy to be alive.

Besides, you should see what plastic surgeons are capable of these days. They obviously cannot totally restore her, but they could make her human.

01-28-2003 03:44 AM

She didnt asked to be alive. She probably was unconsious when they operated on her. Man I hope they make a law that makes allows you to fill a form so if something that bad happens to they can look at the form and see if they will keep you alive or not.

SoLiDUS 01-28-2003 05:16 AM

[quote:7053f]doesnt drinking impair your judgment, so how would you accualy know your not to drunk to drive?[/quote:7053f]

Do I need to spell everything out ?

There are simple tests you can perform on yourself to verify whether or not
your ability to drive has been impaired by the alcohol in your system: most
of them are related to your motor (not car, dummies) skills; others involve

Unfortunately, most people don't take the time or care to do them so shit

mwah: [/quote]

SoLiDUS 01-28-2003 05:59 AM

Alcohol consumption effects progression related to IQ.
I've also noticed something interesting which I believe deserves at least a
moment of thought from your part; even if slightly flawed it should still be
a valid concept.

As your alcohol consumption goes up, your intellectual faculties go down.
The reason for this is simple: the brain protects itself by shutting down what
it doesn't need to survive and if a certain amount of alcohol is reached, it
essentially shuts down everything, leaving you dead. At first, your advanced
cognitive abilities are hindered and shut down; after they go, the secondary
functions go: what you have left is only what you need to stay alive. Right
now, you're probably asking "okay, what the fuck are you getting at?" so I
will proceed to my hypothesis: regardless of weight or age, the higher the
person's intellectual quotient (IQ), the more alcohol can be taken without
ill effects. Let me elaborate and give you real world examples: that is to say
events that have occured.

I am very lucky to be surrounded by gifted friends: all of them have IQs
in the 140 < x < 170 range. When we go partying, we usually need a higher
quantity of alcohol to have the level of physical impairement felt by most
people around us: do not be fooled, we are not frequent drinkers. Why,
then, do we fair better than others ? Why do we seem to retain our abilities
longer than most of our "normal" friends ? I believe it has to do with the
fact that our brains need to shut down more before we start "losing it". Also,
our psychological impairement comes about much more slowly as well. The
reason for this, keeping in mind that we have no special genetic or physical
advantage, must forcibly be related to our cognitive abilities being better
than the average person's. This is quite a jump and conclusion to make but
I believe it to be right.

What are your opinions on this essay? Is IQ a factor in the time needed
for cognitive faculties to deteriorate to a point where regular physiological
movements are no longer possible in an effective manner because of the
amount of alcohol consumed ?

Captain Bunny 01-28-2003 08:13 AM


Originally Posted by MCX
That's terrible. Damn moron should be shot for driving drunk.

No, he is only 20 years old, same age as me, and will have to live with what hes done for the rest of his life. Thats more of a punishment than being shot.

Old Reliable 01-28-2003 09:30 AM

if you've had one drink it is too much, i cant believe there is even a blood alcohol limit, it should be if you have one drink you cant drive hake:

Bazooka_Joe 01-28-2003 10:45 AM

I had problems sleeping last night. For some reason everytime I closed my eyes, I really thought of this girls face. How she was very beautiful, and was destroyed because one of her friends was wreckless, you know?

Slain 01-28-2003 11:43 AM

Drinking and driving, eating a hamburger, talking on a cellphone, all these things are influences that can take away from your ability to drive a car. IF you cant give 100% of your attention to driving, you dont need to be behind the wheel.

Dont drink and drive. Please. The life you destroy may not be your own.

Old Reliable 01-28-2003 11:49 AM

i HATE people driving fuckin SUVs and talking on cell phones...mostly women - those are the dumbest people alive

Milla 01-28-2003 12:48 PM

rofl, ya got a point

EasyTrick2.0 01-28-2003 05:54 PM

well, I don't think they have to be driving SUVs to be morons for talking on their cells. I see girls all the time swirving left and right while on the phone, running red lights, all that shit. After that though, I aint gonna be touching no more alcohol. How can that kid live with himself? If I was that guy, I would find any possible ways of devoting every single cent and second into making that girls life better. Just knowing that he can still laugh, and enjoy life really pisses me off, even if he feels bad for doing what he did.

redhawk_six 01-28-2003 11:55 PM


Originally Posted by Slain
The life you destroy may not be your own.

The same goes for street racers. In a street racing accident, the person most likely to die is the passanger, not the driver.

Tripper 01-29-2003 12:18 AM


Originally Posted by Zxcvnm
She didnt asked to be alive.

How would you know? Do you know that for a fact?

Drew 01-29-2003 12:42 AM

I just saw the pic.

Jesus Christ.

No words.

01-29-2003 06:33 AM

[quote="Bazooka_Joe":74e0d]I had problems sleeping last night. For some reason everytime I closed my eyes, I really thought of this girls face. How she was very beautiful, and was destroyed because one of her friends was wreckless, you know?[/quote:74e0d]

It wasnt one of her friends, it was a stranger. I couldnt sleep either. MOMMY!!! cry:

Innoxx 01-29-2003 08:09 AM

I hate street racers "oooohh I have a japanese car with stickers and NOS, I'm gonna race around the city even though I'm only 17 with absolutly no driving experience but as long as Vin Diesel does it, I'll be cool"

I don't even know why people buy sports cars up here or soup up thier existing cars, there's a fucking speed limit (which is heavily enforced) and countless pedestrians, if I wanted to drive a fast car I'd move to Europe, near the autobahn. Fucking hosers.

01-29-2003 12:15 PM

[quote="Old Reliable":c99e6]i HATE people driving fuckin SUVs and talking on cell phones...mostly women - those are the dumbest people alive[/quote:c99e6]

tell us what you really think

MrLevinstein 01-29-2003 06:49 PM

I think that Vin Diesel is a terrible actor, XXX was so tacky it made me laugh the only movie where he played a quality part that had a charactor and not some muscular freak is Saving private ryan.

cameltoe 01-29-2003 07:08 PM

if i was her id roll my wheel chair off a cliff and not bother to live anymore.. i would hate to live like that

Captain Bunny 01-29-2003 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by zxcvnm
She didnt asked to be alive. .

She didnt ask to be in that car accident.

01-30-2003 09:16 AM

Hey can any of you guys tell me what car that girl was driving. The model and the manufacturer of that car.

Webb 01-30-2003 09:29 AM

If I was her father I would kill him and go to jail very happy.

Webb 01-30-2003 04:55 PM

Bumping this,just to remind everyone not to drink & drive.

Old Reliable 01-30-2003 05:01 PM


Originally Posted by zxcvnm
Hey can any of you guys tell me what car that girl was driving. The model and the manufacturer of that car.

who gives a shit about the car...really

Pfc.Green 01-30-2003 05:51 PM

[quote="Old Reliable":c5efd]

Originally Posted by zxcvnm
Hey can any of you guys tell me what car that girl was driving. The model and the manufacturer of that car.

who gives a shit about the car...really[/quote:c5efd]

Yeah really why would you care?

Captain Bunny 01-30-2003 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by Webb
If I was her father I would kill him and go to jail very happy.

you would happily be locked up at a time when that girl needs her family the most?!

Webb 01-30-2003 07:02 PM

[quote="Captain Bunny":9b08d]

Originally Posted by Webb
If I was her father I would kill him and go to jail very happy.

you would happily be locked up at a time when that girl needs her family the most?![/quote:9b08d]

Nice sig BTW

01-30-2003 08:33 PM

[quote="Old Reliable":753ac]

Originally Posted by zxcvnm
Hey can any of you guys tell me what car that girl was driving. The model and the manufacturer of that car.

who gives a shit about the car...really[/quote:753ac]

just answer my question.

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