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snipeymagoo 02-12-2003 11:01 PM


Originally Posted by Tripper
Fucking Racists on this forum.....Its all good to not like some people, and dislike the protest, and the NAACP, but when you generalise your hate you just look like a predjudice fuck - and Now I hate all of you who fit the description, congratulations.

biggrin: thank god, now dont fucking talk to me faggot

Chango 02-12-2003 11:05 PM


Originally Posted by snipeymagoo

Originally Posted by Chango
do these blacks you know enjoy being called apes?

if they act like it, they deserve to be called it, the NAACP is a more organized Black Panther group

how are they acting like apes? do they live in a jungle and eat leaves?

Tripper 02-12-2003 11:09 PM


Originally Posted by Snipeymagoo
thank god, now dont fucking talk to me faggot

"Yehaaaw, Paaw!"

Well you're just a little, hick-ass, cum-gargling, cockrench king of all cock gobblers, aren't you! Don't trip on your own shit on the way out.

snipeymagoo 02-12-2003 11:13 PM


Originally Posted by Tripper

Originally Posted by Snipeymagoo
thank god, now dont fucking talk to me faggot

"Yehaaaw, Paaw!"

Well you're just a little, hick-ass, cum-gargling, cockrench king of all cock gobblers, aren't you! Don't trip on your own shit on the way out.

wow, do you love the male sex organ or what?

Tripper 02-12-2003 11:16 PM


Originally Posted by Snipeymagoo
wow, do you love the male sex organ or what?

Hell yeah, I love HAVING one. It's a good device to fuck girls with....You should try one, they can fit them on with operations now can't they? Either way, you probably wouldn't want to....I guess there is no cure for being gay.

snipeymagoo 02-12-2003 11:26 PM

are you black? or just a wigger..........either way you have the incompatence of a twig

Tripper 02-12-2003 11:45 PM


Originally Posted by SnipeymaRacist
are you black? or just a wigger..........either way you have the incompatence of a twig

I'm not black, and i'm not a wigger. I'm a concerned citizen of the world.

My concerns are that there are too many fucking predjudice nazi-ass fire-eaters like yourself. Go to hell.

BTW - If I'm a twig, you're an anal bleed....At least twigs GROW UP.

Drew 02-13-2003 01:19 AM

Back on the original topic here...

The current situation (existance of the NAACP, ACLU) is absolutely ridiculous, and is becoming completely ludicrous.

I grew up most of my life in a predominately black school. My best friend for 6 years was a black person named Reggie. When I look at people, I see people, not colors. Period.

That being said, the NAACP and the ACLU are ridiculous. They serve no purpose other than to widen the race lines and make sure they stay intact. Notice every time that unity really becomes apparent (i.e., 9/11), the NAACP and ACLU wait for the moment when they can jump all over something and blow it so far out of proportion that no one even knows what the fuck they are talking about. Trent Lott, for example. Yes, I believe he is discriminatory, but not a racist. And follow his voting patterns, he never based his votes concerning those things on his own beliefs.

The ACLU is sueing 17 schools because they play Christmas music for their winter concerts. What the fuck is that?

I sincerely hope these people die tragic deaths. Their existance is a bane on our society.

And while I'm on a rant, let's discuss affirmative action. This is total bullshit, requiring equal numbers of people, etc. Listen, and understand, because I am sick and fucking tired of this disproportionate bullshit coming from the whiney voice of the NAACP/ACLU. Caucasions represent over 60% of the US population. Blacks represent something like 12%. There are more Latinos than blacks in the US now, but where is the hispanic voice in things? You know why there aren't a lot of black people on television shows, newscasts, radio, and in political positions? Because they don't even constitute 1/4th of the population of the entire United States. These things reflect the reality of the country.

And furthermore, what kind of bullshit is BET. As well as this new "All-African-American" news channel? Jesus H. Christ people. If there were a WET, or an "All-White" news channel that gave a "white" perspective on news, the NAACP/ACLU would have it shut down in minutes, if the thing even opened. And where is European history month, damnit? Or the month where we learn about the founders of our own fucking country? Not to mention Hispanic and Asian months.

I think we should just give the NAACP/ACLU their own island nation. And move anyone there who wishes to do so. Then nuke the fucking thing.

SW-14 02-13-2003 01:32 AM

I agree with just about everything you said. ('cept the nuking the island part) These groups tend to blow things way out of proportion, and serve to degrade their status in society, not improve it.

Tripper 02-13-2003 02:05 AM

Yup, I agree with you. It is getting silly...

MrLevinstein 02-13-2003 06:50 AM


Originally Posted by Tripper

Originally Posted by Snipeymagoo
thank god, now dont fucking talk to me faggot

"Yehaaaw, Paaw!"

Well you're just a little, hick-ass, cum-gargling, cockrench king of all cock gobblers, aren't you! Don't trip on your own shit on the way out.

Wow, tripper does you mom know you talk like that? angel: hehe

[LoNe R@nGeR] 02-13-2003 01:21 PM

I agree with Noctis completely. Spoken like a true conservative biggrin:

newbieassulted 02-13-2003 01:35 PM

uhhh... i have no clue what to say in reply to this, except maybe that the blacks can sue for hate crimes and whites cant

snipeymagoo 02-13-2003 06:37 PM

[quote="[LoNe R@nGeR]":00d2f]I agree with Noctis completely. Spoken like a true conservative biggrin:[/quote:00d2f]
lmao, i agree

Dr. Panzernacker 02-13-2003 07:44 PM


Originally Posted by mikesnacki
I hate to seem like a racist but those people are so ornery and they look for shit to bitch about. They wanted money because we had them in slavery. If the want money we should but tickets for them to go to africa and then they can bitch about everything over there. This stuff really gets tired after a while, sure white people complain about shit but we dont have huge rallys to boycot cities

yeah, you see, that's the difference between a nigger and a black person. niggers are the ones who bitch and complain endlessly about something stupid like that. i wouldn't have been surprised if right after sept 11th jesse jackson (biggest nigger there is) had said, "the first thing we gonna do is get federal compensation for the families of da poor black folk that died in that tragedy. and then we gonna build a memorial to da black folk. going to war with afghanistan? well, as long as the [black] people of america agree to it." sometimes white people can act like stupid niggers too, you know. oOo: stupid niggers, one day i hope jesse jackson/al sharpton will be at a "fundraiser" and trent lott will be like quickshot: or flamethrower: (i don't really like trent lott, but he's the kind of guy you would expect to be first to do something krazy like that)

btw to me the confederate flag represents the south as a whole, not just slavery and evil. cool:

Innoxx 02-13-2003 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by "Dr. Panzernacker
btw to me the confederate flag represents the south as a whole, not just slavery and evil. cool:

The german reichstag represented the same thing.

Tripper 02-13-2003 08:22 PM

[quote="Dr Panzerknacker":06ded]yeah, you see, that's the difference between a nigger and a black person. niggers are the ones who bitch and complain endlessly about something stupid like that. i wouldn't have been surprised if right after sept 11th jesse jackson (biggest nigger there is) had said, "the first thing we gonna do is get federal compensation for the families of da poor black folk that died in that tragedy. and then we gonna build a memorial to da black folk. going to war with afghanistan? well, as long as the [black] people of america agree to it." sometimes white people can act like stupid niggers too, you know. stupid niggers, one day i hope jesse jackson/al sharpton will be at a "fundraiser" and trent lott will be like or (i don't really like trent lott, but he's the kind of guy you would expect to be first to do something krazy like that)

btw to me the confederate flag represents the south as a whole, not just slavery and evil. [/quote:06ded]

Dude, do you have to drop the 'N bomb?'
You sound like a fucking fire-eating redneck...."I challenge you to a DUEL!"

Innoxx 02-13-2003 08:24 PM


Duke_of_Ray 02-13-2003 09:07 PM

The KKK is the scum of the earth, kind of like the black panthers. They give the Confed flag a bad name. Partly the KKK is the norths fualt, they way they just all of a sudden dumped all the blacks on the sout was stupid. You just do not set people free. It should be a gardual procees that takes time.

Tripper 02-13-2003 09:13 PM

WTF? When did the north drop all the slaves on the south? The south had the majority to begin with! The north was to busy dealing wiht industrialisation. The out of date agriculture in the South was the problem. Slavery was unconstitutional, and a gradual process would have just been even more inhumane. They should of abolished it much earlier in my opinion...It's all the southern cotton farmers' faults.

Duke_of_Ray 02-13-2003 09:36 PM

Uhhh, when they freed the slaves. Anyways slavery would have been abloished, and the blacks would have probably had it better had the CSA done it. People would hace accepted it, and it wouldnt have been forced on them in the way it was.

Old Reliable 02-13-2003 09:37 PM


Chango 02-13-2003 09:49 PM

[quote="Duke_of_Ray":f9a76]Uhhh, when they freed the slaves. Anyways slavery would have been abloished, and the blacks would have probably had it better had the CSA done it.[/quote:f9a76]

some time after there was a migration to the north, is that what your talking about and just got your directions mixed up? and i doubt that the CSA would have abolished slavery without pressure from the north or europeon countries, since the north pretty much forced industrialization during the rebuilding, so either way it would have been similar process of abolishment.

[quote="Duke_of_Ray":f9a76]People would hace accepted it, and it wouldnt have been forced on them in the way it was[/quote:f9a76]

If they have to accept it, isn't that forcing?

EasyTrick2.0 02-13-2003 09:51 PM

ok, I live here in Atlanta. I am white, and I have plenty of black friends. I am no wigger, and I am not a racist. But I cannot stand our flag being changed. Same with a lot of the black kids that I tlak to. They believe that it does hold heritage in it. Some just think it was cool because it was on the General Lee... comeing in through the windows and what not. I have noticed though, that although I may be called racist for being such a bad person and trying to preserve our history, a lot of the anti bars and stars people like to take their protests a little too far. I have had friends of mine that have been beaten pretty bad by anti-whites. So I just want all of those people from other countries, just because you hear about all of the whites being racist in America... it goes both ways here, no one is the good guy or bad guy, and no one knows how to stop it. So don't call us southerners fucking hicks or sons kkk members or any of that shit.

ED! 02-13-2003 10:02 PM

Wow -

If you didn't think this would get racist by the title of this thread, then something is wrong with you.

Where oh where to start.

Ok, part of history eh? Part of a groups culture. Funny, I dont see anyone raging when groups want German flags flown. And what IF the majority wanted the german-nazi flag flown. Would we be so quick to say "oh let the majority do what it wants". What matters here is cultural sensitivity folks. Alot of you people are talking about "those damn blacks stirring up trouble" - well guess what the hell bringing back a confederate flag - which was used by the group who championed the right of slavery - would do to those poor black minorities. Can you HONESTLY look at yourselves in the mirror and say blacks living in the south - a place still not 100% safe for blacks to live - shouldn't have a problem with a symbol of oppresion being flown? I'm sorry what some of you THINK that flag stands for - tradition, history, whatever - but if you're gonna go that route, then include what ELSE it stands for.

As far as the NAACP and ACLU just being there to cause trouble - you have to be kidding me. Take a look at the demographics in this country. You ask yourself, why isn't there a "White Discrimination Group" -who the hell do you think is doing the discriminating? Minorities folks are UNDER REPRESENTED! Why the hell do you think "interest groups" get started in the first place? To hang out and drink 40's all god damn day.

I'd be the first person to vote on getting rid of affirmative action laws; right now it hinders more than it helps. But if you seriously think that this country has a climate, that can tolerate the raising of a Confederate flag, and NOT have it open up wounds - youre out of your mind.

And snipey...poor poor snipey. There's a jail cell with a 400 lb "nigger" waiting for you in your future. I have forseen it.

Tripper 02-13-2003 10:11 PM


Originally Posted by ed
Wow -

If you didn't think this would get racist by the title of this thread, then something is wrong with you.

Where oh where to start.

Ok, part of history eh? Part of a groups culture. Funny, I dont see anyone raging when groups want German flags flown. And what IF the majority wanted the german-nazi flag flown. Would we be so quick to say "oh let the majority do what it wants". What matters here is cultural sensitivity folks. Alot of you people are talking about "those damn blacks stirring up trouble" - well guess what the hell bringing back a confederate flag - which was used by the group who championed the right of slavery - would do to those poor black minorities. Can you HONESTLY look at yourselves in the mirror and say blacks living in the south - a place still not 100% safe for blacks to live - shouldn't have a problem with a symbol of oppresion being flown? I'm sorry what some of you THINK that flag stands for - tradition, history, whatever - but if you're gonna go that route, then include what ELSE it stands for.

As far as the NAACP and ACLU just being there to cause trouble - you have to be kidding me. Take a look at the demographics in this country. You ask yourself, why isn't there a "White Discrimination Group" -who the hell do you think is doing the discriminating? Minorities folks are UNDER REPRESENTED! Why the hell do you think "interest groups" get started in the first place? To hang out and drink 40's all god damn day.

I'd be the first person to vote on getting rid of affirmative action laws; right now it hinders more than it helps. But if you seriously think that this country has a climate, that can tolerate the raising of a Confederate flag, and NOT have it open up wounds - youre out of your mind.

And snipey...poor poor snipey. There's a jail cell with a 400 lb "nigger" waiting for you in your future. I have forseen it.

Yeah, I think you more or less hit the nail on the head. I agree with you.

JBird 02-13-2003 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by Innoxx

'you have insulted my honor! i demand satisfaction! i challenge you to a duel...'

"i accept, i say i accept your challenge sir, pistols at dawn"

'pistols at dawn?.....D'OH!'

happy: i love how i can relate a simpsons episode to just about anything lol

Chango 02-13-2003 10:13 PM

[quote="ED!":387c5]Wow -

If you didn't think this would get racist by the title of this thread, then something is wrong with you.

Where oh where to start.

Ok, part of history eh? Part of a groups culture. Funny, I dont see anyone raging when groups want German flags flown. And what IF the majority wanted the german-nazi flag flown. Would we be so quick to say "oh let the majority do what it wants". What matters here is cultural sensitivity folks. Alot of you people are talking about "those damn blacks stirring up trouble" - well guess what the hell bringing back a confederate flag - which was used by the group who championed the right of slavery - would do to those poor black minorities. Can you HONESTLY look at yourselves in the mirror and say blacks living in the south - a place still not 100% safe for blacks to live - shouldn't have a problem with a symbol of oppresion being flown? I'm sorry what some of you THINK that flag stands for - tradition, history, whatever - but if you're gonna go that route, then include what ELSE it stands for.

As far as the NAACP and ACLU just being there to cause trouble - you have to be kidding me. Take a look at the demographics in this country. You ask yourself, why isn't there a "White Discrimination Group" -who the hell do you think is doing the discriminating? Minorities folks are UNDER REPRESENTED! Why the hell do you think "interest groups" get started in the first place? To hang out and drink 40's all god damn day.

I'd be the first person to vote on getting rid of affirmative action laws; right now it hinders more than it helps. But if you seriously think that this country has a climate, that can tolerate the raising of a Confederate flag, and NOT have it open up wounds - youre out of your mind.

And snipey...poor poor snipey. There's a jail cell with a 400 lb "nigger" waiting for you in your future. I have forseen it.[/quote:387c5]

I agree with ED! on this one

and you got banned again?

ED! 02-13-2003 10:17 PM

[quote:0f957]and you got banned again?[/quote:0f957]

What else is new?

But seriously, this thread and its responses has me not really giving a shit.

negative 02-13-2003 10:41 PM


Originally Posted by Tripper

Originally Posted by ed
Wow -

If you didn't think this would get racist by the title of this thread, then something is wrong with you.

Where oh where to start.

Ok, part of history eh? Part of a groups culture. Funny, I dont see anyone raging when groups want German flags flown. And what IF the majority wanted the german-nazi flag flown. Would we be so quick to say "oh let the majority do what it wants". What matters here is cultural sensitivity folks. Alot of you people are talking about "those damn blacks stirring up trouble" - well guess what the hell bringing back a confederate flag - which was used by the group who championed the right of slavery - would do to those poor black minorities. Can you HONESTLY look at yourselves in the mirror and say blacks living in the south - a place still not 100% safe for blacks to live - shouldn't have a problem with a symbol of oppresion being flown? I'm sorry what some of you THINK that flag stands for - tradition, history, whatever - but if you're gonna go that route, then include what ELSE it stands for.

As far as the NAACP and ACLU just being there to cause trouble - you have to be kidding me. Take a look at the demographics in this country. You ask yourself, why isn't there a "White Discrimination Group" -who the hell do you think is doing the discriminating? Minorities folks are UNDER REPRESENTED! Why the hell do you think "interest groups" get started in the first place? To hang out and drink 40's all god damn day.

I'd be the first person to vote on getting rid of affirmative action laws; right now it hinders more than it helps. But if you seriously think that this country has a climate, that can tolerate the raising of a Confederate flag, and NOT have it open up wounds - youre out of your mind.

And snipey...poor poor snipey. There's a jail cell with a 400 lb "nigger" waiting for you in your future. I have forseen it.

Yeah, I think you more or less hit the nail on the head. I agree with you.

all of you who agree with this, lets see, Tripper is from new zealnad, and i dont know where everyone else is from. Minorities are not underepresented, you know who got more money this year (school or S8 public community housing[projects])-it wasnt schools, and you know who spent it-shirley franklin, a minotrity herself. I think that black people are mistreated, but i face 100% more racism being white, than they do being black in the south (i think AL is like 60 black, and i know GA is PROBABLY arround there. But i do know that the NAACP (one organization) has the power to boycott a SATE??? is that underrepresentation-i dont really think anyone who lives outside the US should even has an idea about the way things are in America-what about I make an A average, and do good, but a C average gets my job, i get "laid off" because of affirmative action? The jewish people have gottent the worst of anything-and they dont complain as much.

and only like 1/4 of the south owned slaves-and the 1st all balck refiment was a CSA cavalry unit (76th texans-or something like that)

Drew 02-13-2003 11:46 PM

ED, that rebuttal was the most mature I think I've ever seen from you. Didn't even mock anyone ed:

But, in your statement regarding the under-representation, you completely neglected to address the reason it is so, they are a MINORITY. I just fail to see why people should be obligated to oblige to a certain group just because of the color of their skin. That, in and of itself, is racist. That's like saying that all black, hispanic, and asian peoples are better than white people, because they deserve to have equal say in everything, even though they don't represent an equal number of people.

You want true equality? Then don't be hypocritical about it. You can't, on the one hand, scream for equal treatment of colored peoples, and then on the other hand treat other people unequally. We are a democracy. The majorities should have the say, and we shouldn't be concerning ourselves with what races make up those majorities.

So.. yeah.

Old Reliable 02-13-2003 11:52 PM

racism blows

Tripper 02-13-2003 11:53 PM


Originally Posted by Negative
all of you who agree with this, lets see, Tripper is from new zealnad, and i dont know where everyone else is from. Minorities are not underepresented, you know who got more money this year (school or S8 public community housing[projects])-it wasnt schools, and you know who spent it-shirley franklin, a minotrity herself. I think that black people are mistreated, but i face 100% more racism being white, than they do being black in the south (i think AL is like 60 black, and i know GA is PROBABLY arround there. But i do know that the NAACP (one organization) has the power to boycott a SATE??? is that underrepresentation-i dont really think anyone who lives outside the US should even has an idea about the way things are in America-what about I make an A average, and do good, but a C average gets my job, i get "laid off" because of affirmative action? The jewish people have gottent the worst of anything-and they dont complain as much.

and only like 1/4 of the south owned slaves-and the 1st all balck refiment was a CSA cavalry unit (76th texans-or something like that)

Two points about the above quote.

First of all, it's a bit hypocrtical when you say people not from America don't have a clue what is going on there. I mean, look at US foreign policy. Look at what is going on in Iraq, and yet you say we don't really have any idea about the way things are there....Do you people really have any idea about what things are like in Iraq?

Secondly, while Jewish people have gotten treated like shit for centuries, Black People, are obviously easier to distinguish from other races, where-as to tell a Jew from any other white person, you either need a name, or they need to look very stereotypical. So they don't cop as much flak in everday life as a Black person.

And they weren't enslaved for two hundred years either, in the very country they are trying to live in now.

I'm not saying that Jews haven't got it bad, hell no. It's just a different context. You can't compare the two, just because they're both on Neo-Nazi's and KKK's hit-lists. They've suffered totally different problems.

SW-14 02-14-2003 12:21 AM

Well what do you say about the NAACP (I think it was them..) demanding reparation for their ancestors being enslaved over 150 years ago? Is that not rediculous?

Chango 02-14-2003 12:22 AM

[quote="SW-14":e00b8]Well what do you say about the NAACP (I think it was them..) demanding reparation for their ancestors being enslaved over 150 years ago? Is that not rediculous?[/quote:e00b8]


ED! 02-14-2003 03:56 AM

[quote="Captain Noctis Aeternus":2594e]ED, that rebuttal was the most mature I think I've ever seen from you. Didn't even mock anyone ed:[/quote:2594e]

This thread has pissed me off to the point of seriousness. And did u totally skip my response to SNIPEY "KKK" MAGOO?

[quote:2594e]But, in your statement regarding the under-representation, you completely neglected to address the reason it is so, they are a MINORITY.[/quote:2594e]

And because we are a minority, it is very easy for the concerns of the smaller group to be pushed aside. It's easy to do and has been done for many years. It isnt so hard to believe. Tell me how hard it would be to have a proportianate amount of minorities representing minority interests and needs in government. Just because we are a minoritt does NOT mean that has to be reflected in positions of power. It is because we are a minority, that many people are screaming for representation.

[quote:2594e] I just fail to see why people should be obligated to oblige to a certain group just because of the color of their skin. That, in and of itself, is racist. That's like saying that all black, hispanic, and asian peoples are better than white people, because they deserve to have equal say in everything, even though they don't represent an equal number of people.[/quote:2594e]

Man, people are ALL equal. But how can that be when all you see is white government, representing white interests? Who do you thi nk they are looking out for - honestly. Are you saying that because minorities dont make up the dominant race in this country, that THEIR needs come last. That reasoning in and of itself is one of th emain reasons we have the climate of racial unrest we have right now in this damn country.

[quote:2594e]You want true equality? Then don't be hypocritical about it.[/quote:2594e]

The problem is you take equality as some literal physical number, when its an idea - not a tangile. Equality simple means sameness of treatment, and right to live. One black or one million, we should have the same rights as the majority; the same priviliges.

Miscguy 02-14-2003 04:39 AM

[quote:c882f]One black or one million, we should have the same rights as the majority; the same priviliges.[/quote:c882f]

Dont you think affirmative action laws get in the way of this? I mean giving favor to the minority simply because that person is a "minority" dosnt come off as an equal chance.

Just as a side note. White people are now a minority in CA at 49% of state population.

Drew 02-14-2003 10:04 AM

Like I said. True equality would mean we wouldn't have to worry about the racial make up of the government, or television. Because all peoples would be viewed equally. But groups like the NAACP are too busy screaming about how there should be just as many blacks as whites in these positions. I'm sorry, but democracy is based on the rule of the majority, and I just don't see how it isn't racism to assume that blacks should have more say than they constitute, just because they are black.

Yes, their ancestors suffered through slavery for 150 years, and I am sorry that happened. They like to forget that MY ancestors were enslaved by THEIR ancestors for much longer than that in Egypt.

All I am saying is, democracy is based on percentages, that's a fact of life. Now if blacks constitute (I can't remember the %, 12 maybe?) of the population, then 12% of the government should be made up of African-Americans. But no more, and no less.

That's just my opinion. And that is applicable to any color of skin, including white.

pest 02-14-2003 10:21 AM

This thread has pissed me off to the point of seriousness.[/quote:cebb5]

Heh, wouldnt it be funny and maybe a bit ironic, if people were just saying things to get you riled up.

My one and only post in this thread is to say that nothing good can come from a thread with a title like this. I havent read any farther than the first coulpe of posts and dont really intend to read any more. If GA wants a vote, then the NAACP has no right to try and stop it. But they do have the right to boycot whatever they want to. I do find the blanket, unsubstantiated, prejudial remark about the majority of GA wanting to bring back slavery a bit insulting, but remarks like that highlight the true nature of groups like the NAACP, so they mostly amuse me.

ED! 02-14-2003 02:31 PM

Affirmative action unfortunately is a neccesity in this great country of ours. Yes it would be nice if every did treat everyone else equally, but gosh gee willikers - we dont. And thus laws ENFORCING equality come into play. Alot of you seem to be operating under the belief that AA is the cause of anger from whites to minorities. Hardly. Take away AA, and then see the equality levels drop.

As far as CA being 49% white, where the hell do you think we are located? And whites are STILL the majority race here.

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