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Coleman 03-05-2003 11:42 PM

lol ktog....

Yeah, mine is basically self-explanatory biggrin:
I like the phrase, "Whatchu talkin 'bout?!"

Jedi Marksman 03-05-2003 11:49 PM

I got my name in R.O.T.C. at rifle range. I shot high expert and my platoon said I must be using the force. They called me the Jedi Marksman. Seriously, a true story. biggrin:

Airborne Butters 03-06-2003 12:01 AM

A little back in the day, around middle school. Everyone was obssesd with South Park. MY last name having Butter in it, my freinds started calling me Butters. It's grown to The Butters,Butt,Butter and B-man. I took the Airborne thing cause I was madly in like of 101st and my granpa was orignal 101 making drops in Normandy!

Jedi Marksman 03-06-2003 12:07 AM

I still haven't seen the South Park. cry:

03-06-2003 12:09 AM

Da_Bian = Big Shit in Taiwan Chinese. It's what the kids say whenever they see me oOo:

Plus I used to use MAD all the time, but I found it more and more difficult to register that name because everyone was using it. cry:

Arkan 03-06-2003 12:38 AM


Originally Posted by cameltoe
i wanna know how arkan got his name


A buddy of mine said i reminded him of Arkan so the name stuck in the on-line killing arena.

cameltoe 03-06-2003 12:52 AM

i knew it! man i fukin hate that motherfuker, he killed innocent people in my hometown and the villages surrounding it

Tripper 03-06-2003 01:03 AM


Originally Posted by cameltoe
i knew it! man i fukin hate that motherfuker, he killed innocent people in my hometown and the villages surrounding it

OMFG dude - I never understood your name....Now I know what your avatar is.......ROFL! biggrin:

cameltoe 03-06-2003 01:06 AM


Originally Posted by Tripper

Originally Posted by cameltoe
i knew it! man i fukin hate that motherfuker, he killed innocent people in my hometown and the villages surrounding it

OMFG dude - I never understood your name....Now I know what your avatar is.......ROFL! biggrin:

hahah what did you think it was before man, an alien space ship or something biggrin:

Chango 03-06-2003 01:09 AM

trippahs kind of slow oOo:

Jedi Marksman 03-06-2003 01:14 AM


Originally Posted by cameltoe

Originally Posted by Tripper

Originally Posted by cameltoe
i knew it! man i fukin hate that motherfuker, he killed innocent people in my hometown and the villages surrounding it

OMFG dude - I never understood your name....Now I know what your avatar is.......ROFL! biggrin:

hahah what did you think it was before man, an alien space ship or something biggrin:

Actually, I thought it was slang for some kind of narcotic you used to use, but. . . biggrin:

Arkan 03-06-2003 01:15 AM


Originally Posted by cameltoe
i knew it! man i fukin hate that motherfuker, he killed innocent people in my hometown and the villages surrounding it

CamelToe, don't take it personal, it's only a name. Besides, i haven't killed anyone..........yet angel: .

Jedi Marksman 03-06-2003 01:16 AM


Originally Posted by Arkan

Originally Posted by cameltoe
i knew it! man i fukin hate that motherfuker, he killed innocent people in my hometown and the villages surrounding it

CamelToe, don't take it personal, it's only a name. Besides, i haven't killed anyone..........yet angel: .

That link woouldn't open. Who was Arkan?

Chango 03-06-2003 01:21 AM

here you go jedi
[quote:d3fa5]Serb Volunteer Guard [SDG / SSJ] "Arkan's Tigers"
During the war in Bosnian the White Eagles paramilitary formation, Zeljko Raznatovic [better known as Arkan] organized a private army, the Serb Volunteer Guard [SDG / SSJ] "Tigers" in 1992. Arkan's men were in the beginning incorporated in the Ministry of Internal Affairs (the Krajina police owns the training center in Erdut in eastern Slavonia which was Arkan's main operating location) but with time they became a special unit with the Srem-Baranja corps. Arkan organized the SDG paramilitary forces first in Croatia and then in Bosnia-Herzegovina and, as such, committed many crimes.
Arkan was the author of massacres in 1991 in Eastern Slavonia, and of a campaign of "ethnic cleansing" in the eastern area of Bosnia against Bosnian Moslems. Some 1400 Bosniaks were killed in various ways Foca [Srbinje], starting on 6 April 1992 with the arrival of Arkan"s and other paramilitary groups. During their expeditions in the area all Muslim villages and the city suburbs in which mostly Bosniaks lived were burned to the ground. At the end of May 1992 these paramilitary units withdrew from the area, and following the withdrawal from western Bosnia, the SDG has been stationed in Erdut. According to estimates of the Serbian Helsinki Committee, about 20,000 refugees from Krajina went through Arkan's camp in Erdut in the fall of 1995, after being arrested and taken there by the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs [MUP]. Arkan's forces withdrew from Erdut in April 1996.

The process of liquidating those close to Arkan began soon thereafter, as the Serbian State Security Service began actions against the criminals who used to work for it, but are now only unpleasant witnesses to crimes. Aleksandar Knezevic, Bojan Banovic, Bane Grebenarevic, Zoran Dimitrov-Zuca, and Nebojsa Djordjevic, who was a pensioned-off "colonel" of Arkan's "Serb Volunteer Guard," were all involved in the recruitment of volunteers for paramilitary formations (predominantly from among the criminals, prisons, and poor parts of the country). They were all killed very professionally within a very short period of time.
But Arkan was not on in the public list of 75 war crimes indictments issued by The Hague in 1996. In mid-1997, prompted by UN war crimes expert Serif Bajsuni's accusations in CNN's program "Wanted" that Interpol has seven warrants for Arkan, Interpol confirmed that Arkan was the subject of an international arrest warrant charging him with genocide.

Arkan, also wanted for robbery offences by several European police forces, led a high profile life in Yugoslavia, and was married to a glamorous folk singer, Ceca. In May 1998 Arkan was re-elected chairman of the Party of Serbian Unity (SSJ) for four years by the unanimous vote of the SSJ Assembly. In elections, the Kosovo Serbs chose Arkan as their parliamentary representative. He enriched himself from the spoils of these operations, and his holdings include at casino in Hotel Jugoslavija, and another two companies, one a transport company and the other a radio station.

In January 1998 unconfirmed reports placed paramilitary forces led by Zeljko Raznatovic-Arkan and Captain Dragan in the Skenderaj [Srbica] county in Drenice, Kosovo. But Party of Serbian Unity (SSJ) Deputy Chairman Borislav Pelevic stated on 07 February 1998 that the Serbian Voluntary Guard and its commander Zeljko Raznatovic-Arkan was not in Kosovo. Pelevic also said that, if the need arose, the guard would be able to immediately mobilize 3,000 men.

On 15 January 2000 assassins killed notorious Serb paramilitary leader and war crimes suspect Zeljko "Arkan" Raznatovic in a Belgrade hotel. Political opponents of Yugoslav President Milosevic said they thought Arkan's killers, who fired at least 38 bullets at close range in the hotel lobby on Saturday afternoon, would never be identified. A paramilitary who struck fear into hearts across the Balkans, Arkan was also a convicted bank robber and a former politician believed to have once had close ties to Milosevic's ruling circle. A surgeon from the city's Emergency Center said he had been hit at least three times in the face and was dead on arrival at the center. "He was hit in the mouth, eye and temple.
"Arkan," had been indicted by the ICTY in 1997 in connection with incidents that occurred in Bosnia and the Eastern Slavonia region of Croatia between 1991 and 1995. British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook said he was not surprised that Arkan had died violently. "I regret his death because it prevents us doing justice to the victims of his atrocities by seeing him in the dock at the Hague tribunal," he said in London. U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright said in a statement during a visit to Panama: "We take no satisfaction in Arkan's murder and would have wanted him to stand trial in The Hague for his crimes."

A week after the slaying of Serb warlord Arkan, police announced the arrests of three suspects Saturday and implied that the killing was probably a gangland hit, not a political move to keep the victim quiet about Yugoslav war crimes. The announcement followed widespread rumors that President Slobodan Milosevic’s security services had killed Arkan, because the warlord knew too much about high-level government involvement. Opposition groups questioned why this case was solved so quickly while others have remained unsolved for years and called on authorities to find out who ordered the killing and what the motives were. [/quote:d3fa5]

thats pretty big....

Jedi Marksman 03-06-2003 01:24 AM


Originally Posted by Chango
here you go jedi
[quote:a5458]Serb Volunteer Guard [SDG / SSJ] "Arkan's Tigers"
During the war in Bosnian the White Eagles paramilitary formation, Zeljko Raznatovic [better known as Arkan] organized a private army, the Serb Volunteer Guard [SDG / SSJ] "Tigers" in 1992. Arkan's men were in the beginning incorporated in the Ministry of Internal Affairs (the Krajina police owns the training center in Erdut in eastern Slavonia which was Arkan's main operating location) but with time they became a special unit with the Srem-Baranja corps. Arkan organized the SDG paramilitary forces first in Croatia and then in Bosnia-Herzegovina and, as such, committed many crimes.
Arkan was the author of massacres in 1991 in Eastern Slavonia, and of a campaign of "ethnic cleansing" in the eastern area of Bosnia against Bosnian Moslems. Some 1400 Bosniaks were killed in various ways Foca [Srbinje], starting on 6 April 1992 with the arrival of Arkan"s and other paramilitary groups. During their expeditions in the area all Muslim villages and the city suburbs in which mostly Bosniaks lived were burned to the ground. At the end of May 1992 these paramilitary units withdrew from the area, and following the withdrawal from western Bosnia, the SDG has been stationed in Erdut. According to estimates of the Serbian Helsinki Committee, about 20,000 refugees from Krajina went through Arkan's camp in Erdut in the fall of 1995, after being arrested and taken there by the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs [MUP]. Arkan's forces withdrew from Erdut in April 1996.

The process of liquidating those close to Arkan began soon thereafter, as the Serbian State Security Service began actions against the criminals who used to work for it, but are now only unpleasant witnesses to crimes. Aleksandar Knezevic, Bojan Banovic, Bane Grebenarevic, Zoran Dimitrov-Zuca, and Nebojsa Djordjevic, who was a pensioned-off "colonel" of Arkan's "Serb Volunteer Guard," were all involved in the recruitment of volunteers for paramilitary formations (predominantly from among the criminals, prisons, and poor parts of the country). They were all killed very professionally within a very short period of time.
But Arkan was not on in the public list of 75 war crimes indictments issued by The Hague in 1996. In mid-1997, prompted by UN war crimes expert Serif Bajsuni's accusations in CNN's program "Wanted" that Interpol has seven warrants for Arkan, Interpol confirmed that Arkan was the subject of an international arrest warrant charging him with genocide.

Arkan, also wanted for robbery offences by several European police forces, led a high profile life in Yugoslavia, and was married to a glamorous folk singer, Ceca. In May 1998 Arkan was re-elected chairman of the Party of Serbian Unity (SSJ) for four years by the unanimous vote of the SSJ Assembly. In elections, the Kosovo Serbs chose Arkan as their parliamentary representative. He enriched himself from the spoils of these operations, and his holdings include at casino in Hotel Jugoslavija, and another two companies, one a transport company and the other a radio station.

In January 1998 unconfirmed reports placed paramilitary forces led by Zeljko Raznatovic-Arkan and Captain Dragan in the Skenderaj [Srbica] county in Drenice, Kosovo. But Party of Serbian Unity (SSJ) Deputy Chairman Borislav Pelevic stated on 07 February 1998 that the Serbian Voluntary Guard and its commander Zeljko Raznatovic-Arkan was not in Kosovo. Pelevic also said that, if the need arose, the guard would be able to immediately mobilize 3,000 men.

On 15 January 2000 assassins killed notorious Serb paramilitary leader and war crimes suspect Zeljko "Arkan" Raznatovic in a Belgrade hotel. Political opponents of Yugoslav President Milosevic said they thought Arkan's killers, who fired at least 38 bullets at close range in the hotel lobby on Saturday afternoon, would never be identified. A paramilitary who struck fear into hearts across the Balkans, Arkan was also a convicted bank robber and a former politician believed to have once had close ties to Milosevic's ruling circle. A surgeon from the city's Emergency Center said he had been hit at least three times in the face and was dead on arrival at the center. "He was hit in the mouth, eye and temple.
"Arkan," had been indicted by the ICTY in 1997 in connection with incidents that occurred in Bosnia and the Eastern Slavonia region of Croatia between 1991 and 1995. British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook said he was not surprised that Arkan had died violently. "I regret his death because it prevents us doing justice to the victims of his atrocities by seeing him in the dock at the Hague tribunal," he said in London. U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright said in a statement during a visit to Panama: "We take no satisfaction in Arkan's murder and would have wanted him to stand trial in The Hague for his crimes."

A week after the slaying of Serb warlord Arkan, police announced the arrests of three suspects Saturday and implied that the killing was probably a gangland hit, not a political move to keep the victim quiet about Yugoslav war crimes. The announcement followed widespread rumors that President Slobodan Milosevic’s security services had killed Arkan, because the warlord knew too much about high-level government involvement. Opposition groups questioned why this case was solved so quickly while others have remained unsolved for years and called on authorities to find out who ordered the killing and what the motives were.

thats pretty big....[/quote:a5458]

My God. . . hake:

pest 03-06-2003 01:29 AM

Mines short for gfyg.

Tripper 03-06-2003 01:44 AM


Originally Posted by Chango
trippahs kind of slow oOo:

Shit, Im faster than a 550 on LOCK! biggrin:

Jedi Marksman 03-06-2003 01:46 AM


Originally Posted by Tripper

Originally Posted by Chango
trippahs kind of slow oOo:

Shit, Im faster than a 550 on LOCK! biggrin:

Tripper, you mean your name is not because you're clumsy? biggrin:

Magnum 03-06-2003 01:47 AM

Magnum. Pretty self-explanatory. Big gun and whatnot.

Tripper 03-06-2003 01:51 AM

[quote="Jedi Marksman":e6f0e]

Originally Posted by Tripper

Originally Posted by Chango
trippahs kind of slow oOo:

Shit, Im faster than a 550 on LOCK! biggrin:

Tripper, you mean your name is not because you're clumsy? biggrin:[/quote:e6f0e]

NEIN! biggrin:

I got it from a song from the 80's that I used to have on tape when I was little.

cameltoe 03-06-2003 02:35 AM


Originally Posted by Arkan

Originally Posted by cameltoe
i knew it! man i fukin hate that motherfuker, he killed innocent people in my hometown and the villages surrounding it

CamelToe, don't take it personal, it's only a name. Besides, i haven't killed anyone..........yet angel: .

oh i dont hate you and im not mad, its just that name brings up so much bad shit.. other than ur name ur a pretty cool guy biggrin:

Airborne Butters 03-06-2003 02:36 AM

as fast as me runnin a mile!

quickfist 03-06-2003 04:54 AM

when i was little i was a memeber of the GI JOE club biggrin: and my nickname was quickfist so now im always using quickfist

ah man i still want to play with my gi joe collection oOo: im 22 years old, i hope there is nothing wrong in my head oOo:

COBRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fire1: M16:

Miscguy 03-06-2003 05:33 AM

MiscGuy: Short for Miscellaneous Guy. One who is like almost everyone else out there. So common as to be dissposable.

BadKarma: Really old bad movie with Charlie Sheen. Simply thought the name was bad ass when used within the squad, and figured the other bad ass character's name of "god" would be to presumptuos.

MeatPopSICKle: The fifth element. Misspelled to impliy being sick as in demented or tormented.

5.56 Bullets: used for gaming in which the M-16, or M-4 is used. Reads really cool.

"You were killed by 5.56 Bullets"
"5.56 Bullets killed JoeSniper"

God Of Death: Name used in Unreal Tournament, because i was often called god like, by both the computer, and other players. Implies that i am the bringer of death, which was true in UT.

Akuma 03-06-2003 06:06 AM

Akuma : Demon
Jigoku no Akuma : Demon of Hell

Vance 03-06-2003 07:49 AM


Originally Posted by Miscguy
MeatPopSICKle: The fifth element. Misspelled to impliy being sick as in demented or tormented.

''.....Negative, I am a meat popsickle.'' biggrin:

Big Jake 03-06-2003 11:36 AM

scarriest possible name and you came up with Fluffy Bunny??? LMAO!! That really strikes fear in the hearts of men everywhere swordfight:

03-06-2003 11:39 AM

Mine's from the Rolling Stones song

redhawk_six 03-06-2003 11:40 AM

Redhawk Six: my highschool's mascot was the Redhawk, and Six comes from my favorite book, Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six

db12077: My initials and my high school student number.

Metropd88: This is for my NFS IV: High Stakes website, the first car I made for the site was a 1989 Chevy Impala for the Metro Police Dept, designated Car 88

Crpl. Crunch 03-06-2003 12:09 PM

Named after my favorite breakfast cereal....but on a lower rank. lol It was all i could think of at the time.

geRV 03-06-2003 12:48 PM

Havn't a clue, i know my name is from german descent but thats about it.

My dod name HeLlSnIpEr was an imalgimation of 2 things. I used to camp and snipe a lot and got used to people saying where the fucks that sniper or where the hells that sniper, fucksniper didn't sound too good so i stuck hell on it instead so Hellsniper was born.


Das Khalif 03-06-2003 01:28 PM

Das Khalif: Das came from das reich. And khalif come from a book that i had to read in french class(an undead).

Zoner 03-06-2003 01:36 PM

Here's the story behind mine.

In high school, my group of friends had our lockers in a part of the high school that people called the Zone. It was an alcove in the hallway with the elevator, the janitor's closet, and a water fountain. Anyway, since we were all in the Zone we were known as the Zoners. We were known as the mischief makers in the school, so no one screwed with the Zoners. We'd duct tape grade 10 students to poles, race folding chairs thru the halls, have in-school water fights, etc. Good times.

The '91 comes from the year we graduated high school, 1991.

I've used this nickname in various online capacities since 1993.


Tripper 03-06-2003 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by Gerard
Havn't a clue, i know my name is from german descent but thats about it.

My dod name HeLlSnIpEr was an imalgimation of 2 things. I used to camp and snipe a lot and got used to people saying where the fucks that sniper or where the hells that sniper, fucksniper didn't sound too good so i stuck hell on it instead so Hellsniper was born.


I like fucksniper better. biggrin:

Akuma 03-06-2003 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by Zoner91
Here's the story behind mine.

In high school, my group of friends had our lockers in a part of the high school that people called the Zone. It was an alcove in the hallway with the elevator, the janitor's closet, and a water fountain. Anyway, since we were all in the Zone we were known as the Zoners. We were known as the mischief makers in the school, so no one screwed with the Zoners. We'd duct tape grade 10 students to poles, race folding chairs thru the halls, have in-school water fights, etc. Good times.

The '91 comes from the year we graduated high school, 1991.

I've used this nickname in various online capacities since 1993.


LMAO! I had no idea you were like that!

Zoner 03-06-2003 03:46 PM

heh gotta remember that was 12 years ago

Jeezus, I'm getting old.


Drew 03-06-2003 03:49 PM

Noctis Aeternus = Eternal Night

It's Latin.

Oh, and by the way, Fluffy. Vesper is also a Latin word. It means, "Evening Star"

Bleed_4_Me 03-06-2003 04:30 PM

I make people bleed. fire2:

Also a BLS song from 1919 Eternal. cool:

descry 03-06-2003 04:59 PM

I made mine up

theMechanic 03-06-2003 06:44 PM

My Name
Mine is what i am. Industrial chit.

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