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Carlitos1 04-20-2003 08:03 PM

I see it this way when you can snipe from a spot that cant be seen then you have what it takes to be a sniper but when it seems that before you take a step you get sniped then thats what i call a coward who hides to get his kill count up, Be a man and come out and fight like the rest of us do.
If you dont like to DIE Then play another game.

YoMattYo 04-20-2003 10:04 PM

mohaa is not a good game to see if your a good sniper or not.
try America's Army, thats a game that shows that sniping is not "running and shooting".

04-20-2003 10:06 PM

in MOH, you have good handling, your gun doesnt even sway oOo:

Himmler 04-21-2003 01:49 AM


Originally Posted by YoMattYo
mohaa is not a good game to see if your a good sniper or not.
try America's Army, thats a game that shows that sniping is not "running and shooting".


Ydiss 04-21-2003 03:23 AM

I've noticed a lot of people saying that... Sniping in MOH isn't skillful because it's not realistic.

No shit.

But, excusing the fact that there's no sway, no bullet drop, no atmospheric effects and no zoom delay, the question was who is the best?

It's like everything in any game. It may not require a hell of a lot of skill to use a weapon (Sniper, shotgun, smg, mg, er rifle - I've seen it said... "Lamer rifle user!") but this does not mean someone will not be able to rape you with the same gun that you're using because they are way more skillful at the game than you.

Just because you've killed (or been killed) a thousand times with (or by) a sniper rifle on maps like DV, Omaha and Hunt doesn't mean that it's a weapon without skill.

You will know when you meet a skillful sniper. It's normaly about the time you think you've encountered a cheater.

Skillful sniping does not mean sitting still and popping people off at a distance. Hey, it may be in real life and in other games but MoH is neither of those, it's an arcade-cum-sim (with more arcade tendancies). I would agree that anyone can do this.

The ultimate sniper can camp, move, camp, move. He can pre-empt you when you approach (by using sound - not hacks as they're often accused of) they know how the map works (where you will spawn roughly when you die, where someone is likely to be, what that sound means from that direction, and what this sound means from there). They will know when to retreat and where to retreat to, they will be able to lure you in with your SMG, shotgun or MG and pop you as your head emerges. They will be able to pop you at mid-distance in a strafe-fight. They will pop you at maximum range while you're trying to pepper them.

They will win in any one-on-one with any weapon because one it's hit and you're dead (this is, of course, excluding realism - that could be said of any weapon in realism).

They will know when standing still is dangerous but they will also know roughly how much time they do have to stand still to make their next shot tell. Even if they can't make a shot tell, the best snipers will pop at you anyway. If you don't die on the first shot you will on the second, be it another sniper round or from their pistol.

A sniper can clear a room of 2-3+ people without dying if he knows who to shoot first. There's a lot of skill in measuring who is a threat to you, who is about to die (so you can steal the kill with a well aimed shot) and who to leave until the last shot because they are the least threat. Anyone can do this (not just snipers) but only the most skilled snipers can do this and win.

There is so much more to sniping than some people think. There is only so much you can do with shotguns and smgs/mgs before it's all been done before.

This doesn't mean they are all without skill, they aren't. An excellent SMGer will cane an average one. An excellent shotgunner will cane a poor one.

An excellent sniper however, will cane them all. I've seen it.

My point is not that the sniper rifle is the best or most skilled weapon to use... It isn't really. It can be depending on the opposition and the sniper, but it's still quite a balanced weapon.

My point is that saying snipers are easy and take no skill to use is falsehood. If you say that then you may as well say none of the weapons take skill, we're all just the same ability and it's as easy as point and click. What would be the point in playing?

No weapon requires skill to use. They all require skill to master, though.

Anyway, I remember Soviet being a good sniper. This was a long time ago, though.

I've seen many better on European servers since but that's not surprising, it's been a long time.

Without false modesty I'm quite proficient with the sniper (since I upgraded my machine at least) but I have been matched and beaten a good few times on local servers.

It's impossible to say who is the best out there. There are lots of very very good ones to pick from.

I would love to drop by the AAN or aM server sometime but it's not going to be good for sniping due to the lag I'd get. I'll give it a try though.

geRV 04-21-2003 06:24 AM


Originally Posted by Ydiss
I've seen many better on European servers since but that's not surprising, it's been a long time.

Ive yet to see a good sniper on a uk or euro server because 99% of them seem to run gay ass realism mods, which in turn means everyone in the server will be mg whoring and claiming their "leetness" when they spray someone from 5 miles away with their mg and think theyre god. oOo:

Ydiss 04-21-2003 06:31 AM

Gerard, do you use ASE to browse games?

If you do, and it's registered, I'll send you my filter script. It basically filters out all Realism servers. Very useful (my mate did it, it's about 95% effective - only a few obscure mods slip through).

If you use Gayspy or aren't registered with ASE though I can't help you :(

This is for MoH:AA of course and not SH.

As for your comment... I tend to agree, although I know a good few servers out there that aren't realism (using the filter makes it a lot easier, though).

There are two servers with only sniper rifles enabled. You'll see a lot more better snipers on that server because a lot of them go there. The others all play on clan servers but I avoid them because I don't see the point in playing a whole clan using TS or RW.

geRV 04-21-2003 06:44 AM


Originally Posted by Ydiss
Gerard, do you use ASE to browse games?

If you do, and it's registered, I'll send you my filter script. It basically filters out all Realism servers. Very useful (my mate did it, it's about 95% effective - only a few obscure mods slip through).

If you use Gayspy or aren't registered with ASE though I can't help you :(

This is for MoH:AA of course and not SH.

As for your comment... I tend to agree, although I know a good few servers out there that aren't realism (using the filter makes it a lot easier, though).

There are two servers with only sniper rifles enabled. You'll see a lot more better snipers on that server because a lot of them go there. The others all play on clan servers but I avoid them because I don't see the point in playing a whole clan using TS or RW.

I use ase but its not registered. Reason being on my pc it has some weird glitch where after a few hours both ase and the installer won't work so then i have to redownload it. eek: This has been mentioned on their support forums and they came to the conclusion that the router was causing the trouble, since when did a router screw up an instaler program time after time? Its only been doing this over the last few updates of ase so obviously its something they screwed up.

I generally play on american servers anyway. I can do a bit of damage on the uk servers with sniper rifles on the odd occasion i can find one not running ckr (or should that be MG-noob mod). I prefer to play on the american ones anyway, i ping maybe 110 to 150 but i can still hold my own in the majority i play on.

geRV 04-21-2003 06:52 AM


Originally Posted by d00d

Originally Posted by Gerard

Originally Posted by Ydiss
I've seen many better on European servers since but that's not surprising, it's been a long time.

Ive yet to see a good sniper on a uk or euro server because 99% of them seem to run gay ass realism mods, which in turn means everyone in the server will be mg whoring and claiming their "leetness" when they spray someone from 5 miles away with their mg and think theyre god. oOo:

shotguns and rockets own you steve . ed:

Go to bed jethro biggrin:

Ydiss 04-21-2003 06:53 AM

Hmm, weird. I can't really help you then, sadly.

If you like though I can list a good few decent non realism servers and send you it in text format so you can add them to a favs folder maybe.

It's been a while since I played on a US server cos I like my ping low. I imagine if I did see a class-act sniper on a US server that it'd not be worth the time to play cos a good sniper with 30 ping will always have the edge over one with 100-150 ping.

In my long experience of online FPSs single shot precision weapons are only truly fun when you have a decent frame rate and connetion. Otherwise it's just masochistic, unless you're playing noobs.

geRV 04-21-2003 07:02 AM


Originally Posted by Ydiss
Hmm, weird. I can't really help you then, sadly.

If you like though I can list a good few decent non realism servers and send you it in text format so you can add them to a favs folder maybe.

It's been a while since I played on a US server cos I like my ping low. I imagine if I did see a class-act sniper on a US server that it'd not be worth the time to play cos a good sniper with 30 ping will always have the edge over one with 100-150 ping.

In my long experience of online FPSs single shot precision weapons are only truly fun when you have a decent frame rate and connetion. Otherwise it's just masochistic, unless you're playing noobs.

Depends i guess, i just like the challenge of playing people that are pinging a lot better than me. Makes you more or less have to make your first shot count.

Generally i play on the boro sniper server, though lately all i can see playing on it is hacking faggots sniping through dark windows, when you confront them about it all you get is "bs i didn't do that" and the so called admins do diddily shit either when it comes to hackers playing on the server.

An ex team god player "laxplaya" plays there a lot and these other wankers with the tag [kittens] who do nothing but scope people before they come round corners and enjoy firing through darkened windows.


Thas probably my best score on the boro server, not bad considering half the other team were either landsharking like retards or shooting through the dark windows. oOo:

Only problem is when u do things like this



It invariably leads to this.



Ydiss 04-21-2003 07:46 AM

I don't mind the challenge so much, but I don't see the point in making my game jerkier just to make it harder. Some of the players I play against on German and UK servers are very good.

I mean, after having to put up with laggy online gaming for 3 years (Half-Life DM on an AMD K6 350mhz) and then having to put up with jerky MoH for a year (Duron 700Mhz), now I finally paid out the dosh to build a fast enough PC to handle MoH without going into the red, I think I'd like to avoid laggy games for a while :)

Sadly, you'll always get the cheat accusation thing no matter where you go, though.

Quite a few times recently, however, I have gotten a "full house" (ie 5 kills with 5 shots) and not actually been accused at all. In fact I did this last night and the whole server was very quiet.

It's normally on the quieter servers (less than 10 players) that I get accused of hacking. Normally because I use my ears better than they do.

Good experience and and a sharp ear (with headphones) is just as good as any wall-hack, in my experience.

If I were hacking then it'd be even worse for them biggrin:

geRV 04-21-2003 07:48 AM


Originally Posted by Ydiss
I don't mind the challenge so much, but I don't see the point in making my game jerkier just to make it harder. Some of the players I play against on German and UK servers are very good.

I mean, after having to put up with laggy online gaming for 3 years (Half-Life DM on an AMD K6 350mhz) and then having to put up with jerky MoH for a year (Duron 700Mhz), now I finally paid out the dosh to build a fast enough PC to handle MoH without going into the red, I think I'd like to avoid laggy games for a while :)

Sadly, you'll always get the cheat accusation thing no matter where you go, though.

Quite a few times recently, however, I have gotten a "full house" (ie 5 kills with 5 shots) and not actually been accused at all. In fact I did this last night and the whole server was very quiet.

It's normally on the quieter servers (less than 10 players) that I get accused of hacking. Normally because I use my ears better than they do.

Good experience and and a sharp ear (with headphones) is just as good as any wall-hack, in my experience.

If I were hacking then it'd be even worse for them biggrin:

Yeah if im playing 1-1 sniping games then i usually track by sound. Harder to do when the server has like 16 people or so in it, then its just a matter of keeping your eyes open.

Sniper101 04-21-2003 08:33 AM

They always blame snipers of hacking cuz they always kick their asses. i dont cheat, i hate cheating and i despise cheaters with a pssion, even check my website out, i have cheaters posted and i specificly say no cheaters. i dont see a problem with useing the maps gliches to your favore, except going underground, going on the roofs is fine by me. but ive been kick out of numerous servers for being accused of cheating with out any proof or being to damn good, i say if you dont want snipers disable the rifles and snipers in your server or stop bitchen

04-21-2003 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by Sniper101
They always blame snipers of hacking cuz they always kick their asses. i dont cheat, i hate cheating and i despise cheaters with a pssion, even check my website out, i have cheaters posted and i specificly say no cheaters. i dont see a problem with useing the maps gliches to your favore, except going underground, going on the roofs is fine by me. but ive been kick out of numerous servers for being accused of cheating with out any proof or being to damn good, i say if you dont want snipers disable the rifles and snipers in your server or stop bitchen

i was kicked from ur server for no reason at all

K9Cop 04-21-2003 11:24 AM

aNti hEro pmnzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Sniper101 04-21-2003 06:28 PM

when was this, we didnt have a server for very long and we only kick those who used shotties rockies or those with high ping

Colonel 04-22-2003 12:04 AM

Ydiss, I know of at least one guy from the UK who plays regularly on the AAN server. I don't think he lags too bad. At least he liked it enough to join the LLC clan that makes their home there.

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