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05-28-2003 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by DarthAce
u know if some one is cheating by how much they talk shit .. ie "i am the best" or "i own ur ass" every time they kill some one eatthis: also some scores that are like 50 in a obj match that only goes 10 match u kind already guess the guys cheatin. swordfight: if u just keep ur eyes open u can spot a cheater easy. M16: o and that thing some one said about walkin on concreet makes no noice is wrong it makes nocie and ppl are really tuned to hearing other ppl even across a map bigzooka: fire2:

or maybe that guy scoring 50 is just beating ur fucking ass. thats one of the problems with kids these days "omg his score is so good he must be cheating"

Jasper 05-30-2003 06:50 AM

Lol, Hollywood gets accused of cheating from time to time on our server.

Truth is he really is that good folks.

Zoner 05-30-2003 06:53 AM

OMG, Jasper is teh h4Xx0Rz!

geRV 05-30-2003 07:49 AM


Originally Posted by Jasper
Lol, Hollywood gets accused of cheating from time to time on our server.

Truth is he really is that good folks.

Like its hard to whore an stg in "realism" mode anyway. oOo:

05-30-2003 08:30 AM


Originally Posted by pest

Originally Posted by Ydiss

You can't catch a cheater by the way they talk.

True, but I have noticed that many guys that talk a lot of smack are in fact cheating. It may only be because that is how they got my attention. Dunno, but if someone is 24-3 and talking smack, my money is on him cheating. Its not proof, but its suspicious. Players that are good enough to go 24-3 without cheating have been there before and they know how to act. Lets just say its a pretty good indicator.

gerards seen this situation happen with me alot. im like 20-2 30-4 whatever, and some guy starts calling me cheats and shit. what am i suppose to do sit there and jack off? of course im gonna start talking shit to him. or sometimes i will just start saying shit if i dont like someone in the server. when i have a score like that it gives me the right to say "hey guess waht. u suck. fuck u. die" gerard would know what imt alking about, he gets a kick out of it whenever i do it. score doesnt really mean jack shit

theres no sure way to spot cheaters that are good at hiding what they use. simple fact is, if they u think they are cheating... challenge them to a pandora match 1 on 1.

Matrf 05-30-2003 08:48 AM

[quote="aNti hEro":fa63c]

Originally Posted by pest

Originally Posted by Ydiss

You can't catch a cheater by the way they talk.

True, but I have noticed that many guys that talk a lot of smack are in fact cheating. It may only be because that is how they got my attention. Dunno, but if someone is 24-3 and talking smack, my money is on him cheating. Its not proof, but its suspicious. Players that are good enough to go 24-3 without cheating have been there before and they know how to act. Lets just say its a pretty good indicator.

gerards seen this situation happen with me alot. im like 20-2 30-4 whatever, and some guy starts calling me cheats and shit. what am i suppose to do sit there and jack off? of course im gonna start talking shit to him. or sometimes i will just start saying shit if i dont like someone in the server. when i have a score like that it gives me the right to say "hey guess waht. u suck. fuck u. die" gerard would know what imt alking about, he gets a kick out of it whenever i do it. score doesnt really mean jack shit

theres no sure way to spot cheaters that are good at hiding what they use. simple fact is, if they u think they are cheating... challenge them to a pandora match 1 on 1.[/quote:fa63c]

1on1 is bs .
Only lamer are good at this game .

You can't compare skill of team match 6 vs 6 or a ffa with more than 6 player with a 1on1.

05-30-2003 09:10 AM


Originally Posted by "aNti hEro":e4438

Originally Posted by pest

Originally Posted by Ydiss

You can't catch a cheater by the way they talk.

True, but I have noticed that many guys that talk a lot of smack are in fact cheating. It may only be because that is how they got my attention. Dunno, but if someone is 24-3 and talking smack, my money is on him cheating. Its not proof, but its suspicious. Players that are good enough to go 24-3 without cheating have been there before and they know how to act. Lets just say its a pretty good indicator.

gerards seen this situation happen with me alot. im like 20-2 30-4 whatever, and some guy starts calling me cheats and shit. what am i suppose to do sit there and jack off? of course im gonna start talking shit to him. or sometimes i will just start saying shit if i dont like someone in the server. when i have a score like that it gives me the right to say "hey guess waht. u suck. fuck u. die" gerard would know what imt alking about, he gets a kick out of it whenever i do it. score doesnt really mean jack shit

theres no sure way to spot cheaters that are good at hiding what they use. simple fact is, if they u think they are cheating... challenge them to a pandora match 1 on 1.

1on1 is bs .
Only lamer are good at this game .

You can't compare skill of team match 6 vs 6 or a ffa with more than 6 player with a 1on1.[/quote:e4438]

things havent changed since waffen eh matrf? 6 on 6 matches turn out to be nothing but bullshit camping, and besides.. were talking about individuals cheaters... not teams of cheaters

Zoner 05-30-2003 09:18 AM

Man, I'd suck SO bad in a 1vs1 match...heh heh.

I've been a team player too long. I wouldn't know how to lone wolf it anymore.

That's the perk of being spectacularly one ever accuses you of cheating. biggrin:

Matrf 05-30-2003 09:38 AM


Originally Posted by Zoner91
Man, I'd suck SO bad in a 1vs1 match...heh heh.

I've been a team player too long. I wouldn't know how to lone wolf it anymore.

That's the perk of being spectacularly one ever accuses you of cheating. biggrin:

Bhaaa , ffa or tdm , its about the same for me .
The problem is 1vs1 .

It depend againts who you playing . Some will just camp.
Now they will say : "im playing smart"


playing smart my ass , because they got advantage in score , they wont move a shit . And they think they are smart . They are not smart , they are unfair and they are just like those cheating peace of shit for me .

I played some 1vs1 with great smg like brigham , r1pper (before he start to cheat eek: (because he thought i was oOo: ) ) or anti hero and it was very fun because they were fair and they was attacking with fairplay .
Even if i lost againts those 3 guys , it was simply the best 1vs1 i did in moh . No lame , GG .

All others i owned was a buch of peace of shit .
I played some other 1vs1 with it was complete lame . And i played witth the biggest noob of the planet in 1vs1 (and i hope he reconize himself cool: ) .

geRV 05-30-2003 10:11 AM

[quote="aNti hEro":e0a32]

Originally Posted by pest

Originally Posted by Ydiss

You can't catch a cheater by the way they talk.

True, but I have noticed that many guys that talk a lot of smack are in fact cheating. It may only be because that is how they got my attention. Dunno, but if someone is 24-3 and talking smack, my money is on him cheating. Its not proof, but its suspicious. Players that are good enough to go 24-3 without cheating have been there before and they know how to act. Lets just say its a pretty good indicator.

gerards seen this situation happen with me alot. im like 20-2 30-4 whatever, and some guy starts calling me cheats and shit. what am i suppose to do sit there and jack off? of course im gonna start talking shit to him. or sometimes i will just start saying shit if i dont like someone in the server. when i have a score like that it gives me the right to say "hey guess waht. u suck. fuck u. die" gerard would know what imt alking about, he gets a kick out of it whenever i do it. score doesnt really mean jack shit

theres no sure way to spot cheaters that are good at hiding what they use. simple fact is, if they u think they are cheating... challenge them to a pandora match 1 on 1.[/quote:e0a32]

Yup, it never fails. When we go onto a server you can be assured of 2 things, we'll spot someone hacking and kyle will be called a hacker by some dipshit who doesn't like the fact he's getting his ass handed to him.

And ure right i do get a kick outta seeing you put them in their place with a few well chosen swear words. biggrin:

We'll have to start taking bets on how long before you get called a hacker, i think the record is like 4-5 minutes before someone whining little sob calls hax.

geRV 05-30-2003 10:14 AM


Originally Posted by Zoner91
Man, I'd suck SO bad in a 1vs1 match...heh heh.

I've been a team player too long. I wouldn't know how to lone wolf it anymore.

That's the perk of being spectacularly one ever accuses you of cheating. biggrin:

1-1 sniper matches is probably my only strength in moh. Team matches gives me too much to be concerned about ie: if someone from the opposing team is gonna conveniently spawn behind me, shit like that. 1-1 ive only 1 thing to think about and can focus on what i have to do more. I do ok for myself on boro sniper server but thats because everyone has the sniper rifle, in close with me vs a smg im pretty much fucked.

pest 05-30-2003 10:17 AM

Yeah, I get accused too. And I will fuck with the whiners and the cheaters, but thats not what I was getting at. I never said talking smack was a sure fire way to catch a cheater, I just said it is a good inidcator sometimes. Call it profiling if you want. And while profiling might no be fair or 100% accurate, people use it because it works.

Matrf 05-30-2003 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by pest
Yeah, I get accused too. And I will fuck with the whiners and the cheaters, but thats not what I was getting at. I never said talking smack was a sure fire way to catch a cheater, I just said it is a good inidcator sometimes. Call it profiling if you want. And while profiling might no be fair or 100% accurate, people use it because it works.

BS , people use it because they think it work . I think i was accuse about 1000 times of cheating in moh by all kind of players . And the way i was talking to them in public chat was depending of my mood .

Tryn to play the spycologist to cought cheater . This is a big pile of bs.

Some élite player and even ladder admin tried to cought me up by Setting up a big tactical bs .

I remeber one day , one of funniest day of my moh carrer .
I enter on a server .
The guys in the server told me they are working on a new cheat detection . (a counter intelligence mod if i remember well ...) . Some minutes after telling me that , the console say : MATRF 1283hjshdhajnm bla bla bla .
Its easy to see , this is just a fake . This is just a big setup . Since im not using any cheat , the cheat detector cannot detect me (and i was playing 100%stock) . In fact , someone with the rcon password did the command himself : rcon say : matrf 12093-01293-akjsdhksha bla bla bla .
And by doing that , he want to know if i will leave .

Pretty smart huh? hard to understand tought...

Well , anyway , i must admit some are pretty smart to set up this kind of trap .

still playing the spycologist to cought cheater is one of greates noobish thing i saw in my life .


pest 05-30-2003 11:02 AM

It is an indicator. I still reserve judgement for when I spectate. But a loud mouth will get my attention quicker. And I make no apologies for it.

I know what you mean about the fake cheat detection though. Its pretty funny. We use the force screenshot on guys we think are cheating. Its funny watching them disappear imediately after. Then its even funnier to call them out when they come back with a new name (same IP).

I'm not going to get in an arguement over what is cool or not for how to best catch cheaters. I dont care that much anymore. If we think you are cheating on our server, you will be asked to stop, maybe toyed with for a while, and eventually kicked. There is no judge, no jury, only an executioner, and he doesnt care what you think. I am not trying to be harsh, thats just the way it is.

I've played you, I have played gary. You are both good. I have been around the block enough times to know the diference between good and cheating.

Matrf 05-30-2003 11:30 AM

Well forced screenshot seams to be the only way and the only good proof to cacth cheaters. If its not bybass by secret hack eek:

I was forced ss a lot in a couple of server . Maybe they were sad to understand I WAS NOT CHEATING AND I NEVER DID UNDER THE NAME OF MATRF .
Why sad? Because too many players think they are the best of the world .

And other funny thing and why i think force ss is bybass is :
Some others had the power to force me ss and they never did . Strangely , those same guys was suspecting me of cheating . (sometimes friend near them told me) The question is , if they suspect me , and if the only way to catch is force ss , why they din't do it?
3 posibility :
1- , they know force ss is bybass .
2- They are not 100% sure im cheating and they don't want to act like a noob and accuse by force ss a GREAT NON-CHEATING PLAYER .
3- im a complete imbécile to believe in what my friend near them told me .

judge yourself.
Btw , me too i don't realy care about all this i for MOH but i got the same problem today in rvs , everybody is accusing me each time i play so i still figting againts noobs .

pest 05-30-2003 11:42 AM

Half the time we dont even ask to have the ss sent to us. Its just fun to watch people get nervous. Or act like they have never used email before. The game is full of cheaters. You just cant get upset about it or you will not have any fun playing. Of the people that I have spectated recently, maybe half were cheating.

Matrf 05-30-2003 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by pest
The game is full of cheaters.

According to the inquire im doing right now in some forums by survey .
The % of cheater in online gaming is around 5% .

I always thought the % of cheaters was under 1% , umm i sad and must admit im wrong or those survey are not good .

But usely , survey tell the truht .

wintersforge 05-30-2003 01:47 PM

i pwn you all ......and im UNHACKABLE!!!!

geRV 05-30-2003 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by wintersforge
i pwn you all ......and im UNHACKABLE!!!!

That a fact.... eek:


wintersforge 05-30-2003 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by Gerard

Originally Posted by wintersforge
i pwn you all ......and im UNHACKABLE!!!!

That a fact.... eek:


stfu irish.... oOo:

geRV 05-30-2003 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by wintersforge

Originally Posted by Gerard

Originally Posted by wintersforge
i pwn you all ......and im UNHACKABLE!!!!

That a fact.... eek:


stfu irish.... oOo:


Matrf 05-30-2003 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by wintersforge
i pwn you all ......and im UNHACKABLE!!!!

ReD HoT cHiLi PePpEr 05-30-2003 07:06 PM

you guys like your quotes

Ydiss 05-30-2003 07:35 PM

[quote="ReD HoT cHiLi PePpEr":9b2ca]you guys like your quotes[/quote:9b2ca] No we don't! biggrin:

This is spam

Matrf 05-30-2003 08:45 PM

whats quote anyway?

Matrf 05-30-2003 09:00 PM


05-30-2003 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by Matrf
whats quote anyway?

Matrf 05-30-2003 09:10 PM


Originally Posted by Matrf
whats quote anyway?



05-30-2003 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by ".sh1fty.":02a74

Originally Posted by Matrf
whats quote anyway?



Matrf 05-30-2003 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by ".sh1fty.":d0e2b

Originally Posted by Matrf
whats quote anyway?



I love you too .

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