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Pyro 06-11-2003 12:08 AM

teletoon every day 10:30 weekdays anyway guy everyday 9 pm

lol Cal had a hilarious voice

Low spark 06-11-2003 12:17 AM

1. People who aren't me.

Old Reliable 06-11-2003 12:23 AM

i dislike many people, but then again many people dislike me.

06-11-2003 12:39 AM


Originally Posted by Pyro
11.The People who took off Family Guy and Undergrads

my two favourite cartoons...Id idn't know you guys knew about Undergrads

it's barely has any was so awesome

undergrads is the fucking best

Tripper 06-11-2003 12:41 AM

[quote="Old Reliable":ff578]i dislike many people, but then again many people dislike me.[/quote:ff578]

Understatement of the century.

Chango 06-11-2003 01:26 AM

[quote="aNti hEro":b52c8]

Originally Posted by Pyro
11.The People who took off Family Guy and Undergrads

my two favourite cartoons...Id idn't know you guys knew about Undergrads

it's barely has any was so awesome

undergrads is the fucking best[/quote:b52c8]

The Tick is way better than Undergrads, and Undergrads has that crappy "rock" band in every fucking episode.

anyway things that in general annoy me are
1. Idiots
2. People that are too one sided (die hard liberals and conservatives)
3. Racists
4. Wiggers (and believe me, Tripper isn't one)
5. vandals
things on that annoy me
1. Everything on the above list
2. n00bs
3. Banned people that keep coming back
4. People that come into rap threads and say it sucks, but get affended when someone comes into a rock thread and says rock sucks
5. Chronic Diarrhea

SoLiDUS 06-11-2003 05:06 AM

Things I find irritating/annoying ?

- Not having my way,
- Not having the fiscal elasticity to purchase desired items,
- Pseudo-intellectuals parading as superior beings,
- Religious zealots shoving their beliefs down my throat,

... and a slew of other things... which annoy me too much to mention!

Akuma 06-11-2003 05:17 AM

I don't really hate anyone now-a-days since I've completely blocked myself from social contact, excluding the internet.

Back in High School....

1. Preps
2. Wiggers
3. Bangers
4. Fat chicks who think their hot.
5. People who stereotype me, or anyone else.
6. Religious people who constantly talk to you, trying to get me to convert and confess my sins.
7. Faggots that where nothing but clothes with American flags on it and have flags on their car and such.
8. People who hate anime even though they've never seen an anime in their life.
9. Hategroups
10. People who hate the French because they think its cool.
11. Americans that think they a better than anyone else in the world.
12. Chocolate icecream
13. Teachers/employers that judge me by they I look not by how I work.
14. Hmm...
15. I think that might be all of them....
16. Yup...

06-11-2003 05:57 AM

everybody annoys me

it's lucky i don't own a gun and am not a psycho........yet

Zoner 06-11-2003 06:43 AM

1. People who say "Iron Maiden?? Are they still around?!?!"
2. People who don't hold up their end of the deal
3. People who think all Newfoundlanders are stupid, unemployed drunks
4. People who can eat at McDonald's 24-7 and not gain an ounce
5. People who can't spell (exception: kids)
6. People with young kids that invariably sit next to me in a restaurant and scream at 120db
7. People who spoil movies for me
8. People who are extremely picky eaters
9. People who like the sound of their own voice
10. Coldplay

I could go on, but I gotta go to work. I probably shoulda added my boss to that list. Ah time.

Vance 06-11-2003 09:11 AM


Originally Posted by Zoner91
3. People who think all Newfoundlanders are stupid, unemployed drunks

Well Zone, you aren't the BEST example.....

I kid, I kid. biggrin:

Zoner 06-11-2003 09:31 AM

Well, I'll give you the "drunk" part...heh heh. But, I am employed and have at least 1/4 of my brain fully functioning. biggrin:

descry 06-11-2003 09:52 AM

- Guys at the gym who look flex at themself every time they walk by a mirror

- People who stare

- People who smoke

- Americans

Innoxx 06-11-2003 09:55 AM

[quote="Coublacka_":06095]- People who smoke[/quote:06095]

Fuck you too!

Ferich 06-11-2003 09:56 AM

People that hate the United States for faded and sterotypical reasons.

Ferich 06-11-2003 10:04 AM

Oh yeah..And

-Ex - Girlfriends
-Mainstream Music
-People that pretend to be therapists

pest 06-11-2003 10:11 AM

- people that will lie when the truth would do them better
- extremists of any sort
- cat people
- hypocrits and people that refuse to honestly analyze their own behavior
- judgemental people (myself excluded)
- people that refuse to recognize that there is usually more than one side to an arguement
- people that think they are entitled to special priveledges for superfiscial reasons
- people that cant laugh at themselves
- people without a sense of humor
- asshats

06-11-2003 10:31 AM

[quote="Gothic_child180":30b64]I don't really hate anyone now-a-days since I've completely blocked myself from social contact, excluding the internet.

Back in High School....

1. Preps
2. Wiggers
3. Bangers
4. Fat chicks who think their hot.
5. People who stereotype me, or anyone else.
6. Religious people who constantly talk to you, trying to get me to convert and confess my sins.
7. Faggots that where nothing but clothes with American flags on it and have flags on their car and such.
8. People who hate anime even though they've never seen an anime in their life.
9. Hategroups
10. People who hate the French because they think its cool.
11. Americans that think they a better than anyone else in the world.
12. Chocolate icecream
13. Teachers/employers that judge me by they I look not by how I work.
14. Hmm...
15. I think that might be all of them....
16. Yup...[/quote:30b64]

You hate being sterotyped, yet you do it all the time.

Rannoch 06-11-2003 10:39 AM


Originally Posted by Zoner91
4. People who can eat at McDonald's 24-7 and not gain an ounce

Hey now, some of us just dont have that whole weight thing goin on! biggrin:

My list

1. Girls who play hard to get (I dont even know what the hell theyre tryin to say/do anyway)
2. Girls who have (or fake having) mood swings as violent as slingshotting the moon
3. Girls who fake being mad just to get you to do stuff
4. People who smoke, and THEN COME INTO MY HOUSE TO FIX STUFF! And make my house smell nasty! Or people who smoke and then come near me perior
5. Fat girls in thongs and white pants oOo:
6. Stupid math teachers who rearrange college students to different desks like its highschool. She has a perverse sense of order

7. u for You, ur for You're, your for you are, theres for theirs, all the grammatical crap that nobody cares about that makes you sound like a moron.

8. Using more swear words in a sentence than not

Yeah, girls just piss me off, generally

descry 06-11-2003 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by "Coublacka_":dca0c
- People who smoke

Fuck you too![/quote:dca0c]
ok i meant when people smoke

Argon 06-11-2003 11:02 AM

People and stuff I hate.

-people who take what is not thiers
-people who are too liberal or conservative
-people who don't think before they speak
-people who piss on the floor or the seat, instead of the urinal or the toilet.
-people who have first names for their last name (i.e John Robert, etc...)
-people who drive slow in the left lane...move the Fuck over to right lane!!!
-hate groups, ie feminist, nazis, KKK, etc...
-religous fanatics who try to push thier views on people
-Hip Hop (Old School Rap is fine)
-Coldplay or Nickel Back or any of the new "Buzz" Bands.
-people who argue on forums or IM
-people who cheat on computer games
-spam email
-Lima Beans, Okra, Squash, Eggplant, turnips, grits
-Fat women who wear tight clothing
-People who puke and miss the toilet
-Fucking people who live in USA and dont speak English
-Welfare recipeints who don't look for work and just have more kids, to get bigger checks
-People who bring little kids to R rated movies

06-11-2003 11:39 AM

-People who talk in movies/kick ur seat

Bazooka_Joe 06-11-2003 12:48 PM

I used to keep a list when I was in high school on people I'd swear I'd axe-murder, but I guess since then I lost alot of that stress.

1) People who think that since they can pass a road test, it obligates them to think they can actually drive.

2) Old people who drive like old people.

3) People that pimp out POS cars or vans (the system, the windsheild wiper sprayer lights, etc...)

4) People who let you know they're making a turn within the next two miles by leaving their signal on.

5) People that stare at you like you have two heads when you blast rock.

6) People that drive up next to my POS, look at me and laugh.. .until I hold up my machete. (That bitch always rides shotgun)

7) People with the preppy look (The sweaters tied around the neck)

8) People who actually sit and eat/drink in Starbucks.

9) 13-year old people that think they can take on any person in the world, espically a (practically) 21 year old who can benchpress a buick.

KTOG 06-11-2003 01:00 PM

-White People

Zoner 06-11-2003 01:04 PM


- people who breathe oxygen
- people who drink water
- people who fart
- ktog1 & 2

pest 06-11-2003 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by Zoner91
1. People who say "Iron Maiden?? Are they still around?!?!"

Well, they have been around longer than some of these forum members' parents.

Zoner 06-11-2003 01:46 PM

True, but when a band headlines Rock in Rio 2001 in front of 250,000 people, you'd think people would realize they were still around, right?

pest 06-11-2003 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by Zoner91
True, but when a band headlines Rock in Rio 2001 in front of 250,000 people, you'd think people would realize they were still around, right?

Really? Wow. I dont follow the scene.

Vance 06-11-2003 02:23 PM

Who the hell are the Iron Maidens. I think I have heard of them, but I'm not sure.

ninty 06-11-2003 02:28 PM

[quote="Bazooka_Joe":076ff]6) People that drive up next to my POS, look at me and laugh.. .until I hold up my machete. (That bitch always rides shotgun)

Its been proven that if you pull out a weapon that what happens in most cases is that the other guy will overpower you and use the weapon on you. The road goes both ways.

And another note, people who carry weapons like you are what make the world a dangerous place. What happens if everyone carrys a knife, or a gun? This world is out of control.

Unknown_Sniper 06-11-2003 02:31 PM

ummm. My name is Kyle. so I hate you for hating me. but I hate
- wiggers
- posers-
-weak kids who think they are strong
- my school building

Akuma 06-11-2003 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by "Gothic_child180":d2b60
I don't really hate anyone now-a-days since I've completely blocked myself from social contact, excluding the internet.

Back in High School....

1. Preps
2. Wiggers
3. Bangers
4. Fat chicks who think their hot.
5. People who stereotype me, or anyone else.
6. Religious people who constantly talk to you, trying to get me to convert and confess my sins.
7. Faggots that where nothing but clothes with American flags on it and have flags on their car and such.
8. People who hate anime even though they've never seen an anime in their life.
9. Hategroups
10. People who hate the French because they think its cool.
11. Americans that think they a better than anyone else in the world.
12. Chocolate icecream
13. Teachers/employers that judge me by they I look not by how I work.
14. Hmm...
15. I think that might be all of them....
16. Yup...

You hate being sterotyped, yet you do it all the time.[/quote:d2b60]

I don't stereotype anyone. I just naturally hate them.

Bazooka_Joe 06-11-2003 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by "Bazooka_Joe":68cec
6) People that drive up next to my POS, look at me and laugh.. .until I hold up my machete. (That bitch always rides shotgun)

Its been proven that if you pull out a weapon that what happens in most cases is that the other guy will overpower you and use the weapon on you. The road goes both ways.

And another note, people who carry weapons like you are what make the world a dangerous place. What happens if everyone carrys a knife, or a gun? This world is out of control.[/quote:68cec]

Well, I didn't poke him in the face with the thing. I just held the blade to my face, and rubbed my face with it, making think I was some sick, sadistic bastard that he dosen't want to mock.

Unknown_Sniper 06-11-2003 02:57 PM

lol good one JOE. me I just use my massive vehicle size. no one want to mess with a 4,300lbs box, unless theirs weighs 4,400lbs

Sicilian_Summers 06-11-2003 03:01 PM

Quote - Kraut Killer -

"I'm a racist in the broadest sense of the term. I hate the entire human race."

Infernal_ 06-11-2003 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by Sclass12
5.Anti-war protestors-These people are the biggest hipocrites ever. They have a pro war peace rally, but then they get out of control and turn violent hake:

they were all anti-war untill those POWs cot captured and then they are like "kick sadams ass"

on another note.

how many people did i scare with the pic? lol. he is in my french class. you know what bryn did in the hall? he ran back and forth banging his hgead into the lockers through the hallway hake:

MrLevinstein 06-11-2003 03:49 PM

People that annoy me

In school
Fat bitches with thongs hanging out and see through shirts on
People who walk really slow and stop everywhere
teachers who think that they are the law
Popular girls who are way to cool to talk to you outside of math class.
Annoying kids you just cant get away from
At the gym
Chicks who spend half an hour doing leg curls with 15 pounds
Guys who think they are huge sporting cut offs and 9' biceps
People who sit at machines for half an hour staring off into space
People who scream and yell
Girls who flirt with you alone and change faster than doctor jekle and mr hide around their friends
Girls who snoody bitches with tons of cash
Girls who lead you on just to discover that they dont like you
Girls who fuck and suck older guys to seem cool
People in general
People who have public jobs, sit on their asses and give you shit all the time
Mall cops
Sales clerks
When you walk down a public place and youre about to collide with someone and they just keep walking and dont make an effort to move
people who gaulk at you

Thats about it

06-11-2003 03:52 PM

[quote:602b0]The Tick is way better [/quote:602b0]
The Tick was by far the stupidest show ever

Tripper 06-11-2003 11:36 PM

- People that jump to conclusions.

- People that are really loud and say dumb shit.

bored 06-12-2003 05:38 AM


Originally Posted by Tripper
- People that jump to conclusions.

- People that are really loud and say dumb shit.


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