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06-25-2003 09:10 AM

I can help, so can my Barret biggrin:

Zoner 06-25-2003 09:10 AM


Originally Posted by CR1MiNaL

Originally Posted by Zoner91

/me slowly backs away from the murderous freak.

haha, this coming from someone with jason and freddy stuff in his sig...

btw, nice sig! mwah:

heh...yeah, kinda ironic, no? biggrin:

Simo Häyhä 06-25-2003 09:18 AM

take a steaming-coiled-custard-brown dump on her front lawn

KevO 06-25-2003 02:41 PM

well i apreciate all of u guys says that stuff and who ever it was that didnt belive me...sorry to say it but..eah it really happened..and the suicide thing isnt just about her..theres a lot more things going on in my life ..abuse..etc.....i had to go to court today so i just got here to see 3 pages off comments..i apreciate that...and i had another confrontation with the "new guy" today...sluged it out a bit..busted my eye but still going strong....umm...i donno what im going to do...i prolly will just forget about her cause she is a slut coming to think bout it now..her always saying she loved me and she wants to marry me when we get older and shit like that and then u find out that this happens.....lets see how u will feel after i luv to paintball so i dont wanna see that get banned so the paintball gun thing is out...(nice idea tho biggrin: ) umm ill collect dog shit and burn it on her front everyone for givin me advice

Strik0r 06-25-2003 02:44 PM

do you live close to her? around 2 am you could splatter the word "bitch" on her wall

Bazooka_Joe 06-25-2003 02:52 PM

I only read your post, so Im answering you as if no one else posted yet.

1) How old are you, and how old is she? Not to offend you if I'm wrong, but you sound like your between 15 - 18.

2) I think you are right, as long as you are telling us the whole story. If by chance you were say, not calling her for like 2 weeks, or something like that, then I can understand her position. Otherwise, I would of jacked that kid too, and told her mother that your daughter is a whore.

Hollywood 06-25-2003 02:59 PM

I'm sorry guys, if anyone is offended, but I've heard this similar story about a hundred times on message boards. It's like the story will never die. You can ALWAYS count on some things being true, and some being completely made up. I mean, it's possible that the story is true, but history dictates that being anonymous, such as being on the internet, tends to give the person more a result the experience he/she had gets distorted a little, with the writer always being the hero and triumphing over the bad guy.

I mean, what are the chances that this kid acutally had the balls to slug it out with someone who was obviously tougher then him? (she wouldn't have cheated on you if you were a real man biggrin: ). I just find this all funny. I've heard this adventure story so many times, boy gets dumped, boy meets ex-girlfriends new boyfriend, boy gets revenge, girl is forgotten.

Anyway, back to reality. You must be what, 16? 17?. Unfortunately this is life, and most people are assholes. The female species is a complicated one indead. You can show them total devotion and respect, and they will end up breaking your heart and forgetting about you as easily as it is for them to look you in the eyes and say "I love you".

Basically, women dig money and good looking guys. If you don't have both, don't plan on keeping them around for long, because they get bored fast. happy:

Tripper 06-25-2003 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by Hollywood
I'm sorry guys, if anyone is offended, but I've heard this similar story about a hundred times on message boards. It's like the story will never die. You can ALWAYS count on some things being true, and some being completely made up. I mean, it's possible that the story is true, but history dictates that being anonymous, such as being on the internet, tends to give the person more a result the experience he/she had gets distorted a little, with the writer always being the hero and triumphing over the bad guy.

I mean, what are the chances that this kid acutally had the balls to slug it out with someone who was obviously tougher then him? (she wouldn't have cheated on you if you were a real man biggrin: ). I just find this all funny. I've heard this adventure story so many times, boy gets dumped, boy meets ex-girlfriends new boyfriend, boy gets revenge, girl is forgotten.

Anyway, back to reality. You must be what, 16? 17?. Unfortunately this is life, and most people are assholes. The female species is a complicated one indead. You can show them total devotion and respect, and they will end up breaking your heart and forgetting about you as easily as it is for them to look you in the eyes and say "I love you".

Basically, women dig money and good looking guys. If you don't have both, don't plan on keeping them around for long, because they get bored fast. happy:

Who the Fuck are you? The Fonz?

Milla 06-25-2003 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by Tripper
Who the Fuck are you? The Fonz?

Yes i am, as you can tell by my avatar.

Hollywood 06-25-2003 03:32 PM

One time tripper I want to see an intelligent response, without the word fuck or noob. Don't you get tired of being a miserable son of a bitch?

Akuma 06-25-2003 03:55 PM

First of all find out where the guy lives. Kidnap and muder him. Start by cutting off his arms and legs. Make sure you have a plastic sheet on the ground so can collect the blood. Cut off his head at the neck. Carve out his eyes and peel the skin off his face. Now go to your ex's house and go into her room while she is asleep. Nail each of his arms and legs to each corner of her room. Hang the torso on her door. Place the skinned head on her pillow next to her head. Put the skin you took off the head onto her face carefully. If it looks like she will wake up or is facing the wrong direction just put the skin somewhere that she will see it immediatly. With the left over blood write "You're next" repeatedly on her walls.

Problem solved.

Bazooka_Joe 06-25-2003 03:59 PM

I like Akuma's suggestion.

biggrin: [img][/img]

Office Depot 06-25-2003 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by Hollywood
I'm sorry guys, if anyone is offended, but I've heard this similar story about a hundred times on message boards. It's like the story will never die. You can ALWAYS count on some things being true, and some being completely made up. I mean, it's possible that the story is true, but history dictates that being anonymous, such as being on the internet, tends to give the person more a result the experience he/she had gets distorted a little, with the writer always being the hero and triumphing over the bad guy.

I mean, what are the chances that this kid acutally had the balls to slug it out with someone who was obviously tougher then him? (she wouldn't have cheated on you if you were a real man biggrin: ). I just find this all funny. I've heard this adventure story so many times, boy gets dumped, boy meets ex-girlfriends new boyfriend, boy gets revenge, girl is forgotten.

Anyway, back to reality. You must be what, 16? 17?. Unfortunately this is life, and most people are assholes. The female species is a complicated one indead. You can show them total devotion and respect, and they will end up breaking your heart and forgetting about you as easily as it is for them to look you in the eyes and say "I love you".

Basically, women dig money and good looking guys. If you don't have both, don't plan on keeping them around for long, because they get bored fast. happy:

shit man your scaring me.. lol

ED 06-25-2003 05:32 PM

Ladies and gentleman I give you HOLLYWOOD - AA.COM's ANSWER TO A QUESTION NOONE ASKED!

In any case, if you are younger than 18, or aren't married - fuck it. IN a few years even if you are somewhat of a loser, you'll be having regular sex. It's only the fatter, lazier, less interesting brothers of cool mods on MOH websites that sit around and dont get laid. Fuck it. I garuntee she isnt 1.) the woman of your dreams, and 2.) the best fuck (if you fucked) youll ever have.

[DAS REICH] Blitz 06-25-2003 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by Hollywood
One time tripper I want to see an intelligent response, without the word fuck or noob. Don't you get tired of being a miserable son of a bitch?

Nein zee zikes zee bummzecks?

Gonzo 06-25-2003 08:13 PM


Originally Posted by 6489JAMES6489
I have a great idea. OK she is obviously a stupid whore for being mad at you so here is how u get her back. And do kill your self man she isnt worth your life

You grab a Paintball gun paintball her house (make sure u have the FPS on that sucker all the way up. and if big bad dad come pop him too.

that sounds like fun

Unknown_Sniper 06-25-2003 10:23 PM

dont be violent. she is a lieing piece of trash. but stats say 70% of women have at least one other person on the hook. So just forget about her and find a better woman. She yelled at you for seeing her cheating on you. not worth the time man

Tripper 06-25-2003 10:55 PM


Originally Posted by Hollywood
One time tripper I want to see an intelligent response, without the word fuck or noob. Don't you get tired of being a miserable son of a bitch?

Here's an intelligent response:

Shut your fucking face, you sack-scrambling, n00b.

....and I didn't use "noob" or "fuck."

Trick-Ass Hoe.

Unknown_Sniper 06-25-2003 10:57 PM

hes right he didnt use them

Jedi Marksman 06-25-2003 11:00 PM

Re: i need advice

Originally Posted by KevO
something really bad happened to me today.....i went to see A movie with a bunch of guy friends ...when we all walked into the theater i saw my girlfriend sitting next to another guy and his arm was around her.....well seeing this pissed me off..i walked over to then and then saw that they were making that concludeed that there not related...i grab the basterds arm and slung it off of her..and that pissed him off so he stood already up and he took a swing..missing me i swung back..amiing contact..and knockinh him onto the my girlfriend wont talk to me after a argument about me and how i wasent supposed to see it and blah blah blah...and when i got home i called and her mom said she doesnt wanna talk to i walked down to her house..and eventuallly getting chased away by dig i finally go hold of her(which wasent easy)we talked...almost wanted to hit her,,,,but didnt..and..she dont wanna be wit me anymore...and i really love her a lot..does anyone know how i might be able to get her back?...plz help thinking about suicide so help befoe i do so....(im not kidding about suicide)

Well, I just starting seeing a woman after not having a girlfriend for 3 years(stop laughing!)so I am the last one to give advice on relationships, but. . .it sounds to me like she is not worthy of being trusted. You take her back and she will just walk all over you. It's not worth it, your sanity is more important. Move on, there are plenty of other women out there. Just my $0.02.

Capt. Albright 06-25-2003 11:08 PM

Re: i need advice
[quote="Jedi Marksman":77aa6]Well, I just starting seeing a woman after not having a girlfriend for 3 years(stop laughing!)[/quote:77aa6]

Thats nothing. 17 years and counting here

Arkan 06-25-2003 11:54 PM

Holy shit, half you people are giving fucked up advise to this young lad.
Jesus christ, why take it out on the other guy? He's a guy and guys like to fuck girls....simple as that! She's the one who fucked you over, not him. You should've went up to them and said to the guy "Congrats, she's your headache now".
At your age, you need to be free, not tied down with someone who you think you're gonna marry. That shit never works at that age. Just go out and bang her best friend, making sure you bang her really good so word gets back to your ex. That'll piss her off more than anything.

Arkan 06-25-2003 11:58 PM

Holy shit, half you people are giving fucked up advise to this young lad.
Jesus christ, why take it out on the other guy? He's a guy and guys like to fuck girls....simple as that! She's the one who fucked you over, not him. You should've went up to them and said to the guy "Congrats, she's your headache now".
At your age, you need to be free, not tied down with someone who you think you're gonna marry. That shit never works at that age. Just go out and bang her best friend, making sure you bang her really good so word gets back to your ex. That'll piss her off more than anything.

SniperX2309 06-28-2003 09:46 PM

You know what 6489JAMES6489 YOU ARE STUPID I play paintball and its people like you idiot that give it a bad name go home and dont be a idiot here.

Tripper 06-28-2003 09:51 PM


Originally Posted by SniperX2309
You know what 6489JAMES6489 YOU ARE STUPID I play paintball and its people like you idiot that give it a bad name go home and dont be a idiot here.

I don't know who sucks more Totem pole, this guy, or the guy he is flaming. oOo:

Innoxx 06-28-2003 10:28 PM

They both smoke it equally hard.

Maplegyver 06-28-2003 10:29 PM

lol you gotta love people the read thread and repeat a good post in thier own words ad make it sound like shite

Xorcist [USA] 06-29-2003 12:02 AM


Originally Posted by 6489JAMES6489
Have sex with her mim and hidenly tape it, then give her the tape. She would be scared for life

Actually, have sex with HIM and videotape it, then give her the tape. She would be scared for life.

WeeMan 06-29-2003 12:54 AM

if they cheat once they will cheat agian

snipeymagoo 06-29-2003 01:37 AM


Originally Posted by Ferich
Well, shit happens.

The only thing I can honestly tell you to do is:

A) Go to a Therapist.
B) Find out about a thing called "Prozac" or "Vallium"
C) Meet new girls.

There's really no reason, or any form of idea as to why you should post this on a Video Game Forum. Post it on a Therapy Forum, but not here.

c is the correct answer, its not like you actually know what love it, love is when you want to be with that person for the rest of your life, u just like her maybe b/c she gives good head or she looks good or sumthin, get on with your life

06-29-2003 06:26 AM

just stick to wanking, you'll never cheat on yourself... right? plus you won't wanna buy rings for yourself, cos that'll hurt you when you wank eek:

Innoxx 06-29-2003 06:29 AM

There are cock rings out there. Here's something for you to ponder about:



06-29-2003 06:30 AM


Originally Posted by Innoxx
There are cock rings out there. Here's something for you to ponder about:



oh man, i'm not going anywhere near one of those ed: looks painful

Tripper 06-29-2003 02:47 PM

Looks like something from a Sex-Chamber.

negative 06-30-2003 09:21 PM

Re: i need advice
[quote="Jedi Marksman":dc07b]

Originally Posted by KevO

Well, I just starting seeing a woman after not having a girlfriend for 3 years(stop laughing!)so I am the last one to give advice on relationships, but. . .it sounds to me like she is not worthy of being trusted. You take her back and she will just walk all over you. It's not worth it, your sanity is more important. Move on, there are plenty of other women out there. Just my $0.02.


yeah, same with me, and i met this girl i really liked-i havent had a serious relationship before and i really like her, but she lives in holland and ill never se her again so its gay.

----good story huh?

Maplegyver 07-01-2003 12:28 AM


Originally Posted by Innoxx
There are cock rings out there. Here's something for you to ponder about:



hey where can i get one? mwah:

Simo Häyhä 07-01-2003 12:31 AM

cock rings? wtf

Panthacold 07-01-2003 05:44 AM

quote tupac shakur: Bitches aint shit, every time that there is a funeral there was some bitch that got horny the night before. we need to go back to the OG penitentary days and start jacking off. cuz these bitches is gonna get us killed main.

i partially agree on this...

but for my advice: get some hot chick and make out in front of her face then turn to her and say "you still got some clothes at my place".
when she comes fuq her nastily hard and when yer done kick her out.

(love can make you OPEN YA GODDANG EYES!!!!)

Tripper 07-01-2003 02:29 PM


Originally Posted by Panthacold
quote tupac shakur: Bitches aint shit, every time that there is a funeral there was some bitch that got horny the night before. we need to go back to the OG penitentary days and start jacking off. cuz these bitches is gonna get us killed main.

i partially agree on this...

but for my advice: get some hot chick and make out in front of her face then turn to her and say "you still got some clothes at my place".
when she comes fuq her nastily hard and when yer done kick her out.

(love can make you OPEN YA GODDANG EYES!!!!)

Listen to ThugStar Deluxe, here...!

Cannon_USN 07-01-2003 04:31 PM

What a post!
I don't know whether to laugh or cry at some of this crap...A guy looking for advice on a forum for a game that involves shooting people! I've seen it all! My advice, call her mom and tell her that you want to make up for being a jerk and invite them over to apologize! Slip a sedative in some nice cold lemonade and when they pass out, undress them both in your bed set up the video camera and prop her mom up into the doggystyle position and get her from behind, while your sitting with your boys resting on your EX-girlfriends chin. Then dress them both back up and drive them back down to their house and drop them off in the lawn, at night so nobody see's you doing this. Then go back to your house and turn the video into a sig on your ID! That's just off the top of my head!

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