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Ydiss 09-03-2003 12:29 PM

ED, it's not up to me what BS does regarding banning. I've already made it quite clear that I tried very very hard to persuade him to reinstate particular members that I regarded as friends.

Some of those members came back to cause shit and that basically told me that perhaps I was wasting my time anyway.

As for what I've said: it doesn't matter why BJ is not mod, he is not a mod and that's that.

I'm not saying it to deny BJ being an admin, it's just my extreme belief that he isn't and doesn't have a chance to be, based on what I know.

Does it matter? No. My point to Gerv (originally) was that most conspiracy theories (or, if you wish, guesses based on what is believed to be fact) aren't always right and that I'm tiring of seeing them.

At the time I didn't know it was gerv, but that I now know it is him nothing has changed.

I do disagree with the "phantom" mod idea but it is not up to me. What I fail to understand is why people would want to spend time guessing who this admin is.

So far as I can see he's not actually done anything. I won't know who he is. I don't care.

So far no one has had anything particularly positive to say about Zoner, RD and myself being mods and that we're trying to help.

This is the most glaring point I have to make in this post:

Whereas, about a week ago I couldn't see anyone who had a bad word to say about me (and most said they wanted me to be mod) I am now suddenly faced with negative bullshit to just about everything I have proposed and said.

Do you want us to help you or do you just want to bitch at someone? If it's the latter, I have better things to do with my life.

AADiC_ 09-03-2003 12:45 PM

[quote="ED!":fa5ca][quote:fa5ca]More tired threats and insults, some originality would be nice.[/quote:fa5ca]

It WOULD be original if smurfs wouldnt hobble around inciting flames. That would be very original.[/quote:fa5ca]

Who are the smurfs here, I am not, same name I use everywhere.

AADiC_ 09-03-2003 12:48 PM


Originally Posted by EatMyFook
LOL says the undercover aan lackie. Please die.

What part of me using the same nick I use everywhere is "Undercover"

Zoner 09-03-2003 12:54 PM


Originally Posted by Ydiss
Whereas, about a week ago I couldn't see anyone who had a bad word to say about me (and most said they wanted me to be mod) I am now suddenly faced with negative bullshit to just about everything I have proposed and said.

Funny how that happens, huh? :rolleyes

Ydiss 09-03-2003 01:29 PM

Well, I thought very hard about whether to accept being a mod. I had many reasons why I did not want to do it but BS spoke to me and a few things he said changed my opinion.

I still stood strongly behind some of my beliefs about the members that were banned but the majority of them made my mind up by the way they came back and spammed this place.

I post here to have fun and that will not change.

If being a mod is not fun then I won't do it. I'm not a mug. I can change my mind again. It's no big thing.

I'm totally willing to do my best and, if I'm honest, most of the stuff being said is water off of my proverbial duck's back, but I'd like to get off to a fair start and not have to be confronted by negativity where before I saw none.

The reason I waited until now to say what I said about BJ is because I was asked to not say anything about it. Now it is public knowledge I see no harm in letting you know the facts.

I thought that one of the things the members here wanted was less secrecy from their mods?

I agree with that. I'm trying to be as open about what we plan (as are Zoner and RD) and I'm not about to pull surprises unless they're good ones.

So, for those who keep saying you're done with this place - Sorry to see you go. It's not that big a deal. It's a forum, not a living.

ED! 09-03-2003 01:34 PM


Originally Posted by Zoner91

Originally Posted by Ydiss
Whereas, about a week ago I couldn't see anyone who had a bad word to say about me (and most said they wanted me to be mod) I am now suddenly faced with negative bullshit to just about everything I have proposed and said.

Funny how that happens, huh? :rolleyes

Gimme a break. I saw ONE person say something to Ydiss and they seemed to hash that out.

Ydiss 09-03-2003 01:43 PM

I've seen more than one, but you're right it's not that bad (but I have not seen one positive reply to mods being in place) - But, what I said is that if the nagativity continues then I'll be honest with everyone here and admit that I'm not willing to put up with it.

Not at least until everything's back into a groove and rules and such are out.

After then things will be different because I'll have my own set of rules to abide by and so will everyone else.

Tystnad 09-03-2003 01:47 PM

As i said when you lads asked who one wanted for mods, Ydiss and Zoner are perfect for it.
Well, nevamind me, im just buffing me posts up a lil.. oOo:

ED! 09-03-2003 01:50 PM

Well I dont think youre going to get a pat on the back, because NO MOD has had a "hey we love you" thread started in their honor. As long as the mods arent royal fuckups (paging Dr. Joe...) then theres no reason to say anything. Again Mods should be neither seen nor heard, unless the situation ABSOLUTELY requires it.

Zoner 09-03-2003 01:52 PM

[quote="ED!":f00eb]Well I dont think youre going to get a pat on the back, because NO MOD has had a "hey we love you" thread started in their honor. As long as the mods arent royal fuckups (paging Dr. Joe...) then theres no reason to say anything.[/quote:f00eb]

I can live with that.

Jasper 09-03-2003 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by EatMyFook

Originally Posted by Jasper
nope. too many 3 yr olds. Gerard? If your any indication of your countrymen no bloody wonder you need the British to rule you.

"yes we are a pack of snivveling wankers".

Haha good one. I am so owned!

KTOG 09-03-2003 02:52 PM


EatMyFook 09-03-2003 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by Jasper

Originally Posted by EatMyFook

Originally Posted by Jasper
nope. too many 3 yr olds. Gerard? If your any indication of your countrymen no bloody wonder you need the British to rule you.

"yes we are a pack of snivveling wankers".

Haha good one. I am so owned!

Good job fucking up the quote moron, go back to phpbb for beginners.

Tystnad 09-03-2003 03:32 PM

*sigh* No thread on without flaming, eh?

Colonel 09-03-2003 06:30 PM

Welcome back Rude, Zoner and Ydiss. The site looks great. Keep up the good work.

ED! 09-04-2003 01:59 AM


Originally Posted by Colonel
Welcome back Rude, Zoner and Ydiss. The site looks great. Keep up the good work.

Youre a regular Rodeny Dangerfield. . .oh wait - u werent kidding.


Ydiss 09-04-2003 07:01 AM


Originally Posted by Colonel
Welcome back Rude, Zoner and Ydiss. The site looks great. Keep up the good work.

Youre a regular Rodeny Dangerfield. . .oh wait - u werent kidding.


Lol, settle down.

I'll be putting this forward to BS this very moment. If you want something done around here, ED, just ask nicely, please - We're all friends around here.

Colonel, thanks for your kind words - We have some way to go yet, though.

BadScript 09-04-2003 09:05 AM

[quote="ED!":3b8a8][quote="Lt. SnowBall [70th ID]A2":3b8a8]BS = BS?[/quote:3b8a8]

You sir get a prize. Honestly BS brought it on himself really. His little "bring it on" speech, and then outraged that the forum got as out of control as it did.[/quote:3b8a8]

ED, you're wrong. I can have specific members not heard from again on this forum immediately, all I need to do is to disable a few accts and disable new registration or moderate them. Proxy all you want then.

But hey, what can I say, I like to think of myself as a nice person, or until I'll really pissed off. Then again, I don't think there's anything at that can really piss me off. Why would I be pissed? Truth is, when you're here, you're in my house, my rule, or get the fuck out. If you haven't figured out yet this ain't no democracy. You can say I'm an irresponsbile site owner, but I can let this site ROT all I want, or I can spend 2 hours a day and have a zillion visitors here on a daily basis in 2 weeks, and there's nothing you can do about it either way.

If there's one thing I regret creating is that I now have around 20 people totally OBSESSED with this website, and that's unhealthy, both physically and mentally, for them.

Sorry Ydiss for ruining your "We're all friends" speech here but I guess some people REALLY need to wake/grow up here, get of of his/her little world and step into the reality.

P.S. We all hate whinners.

Jasper 09-04-2003 10:51 AM

[img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]

[img][/img] Heya BS. [img][/img]

Ydiss 09-04-2003 12:14 PM

ED, spam delay has been returned to its original state, as requested.

Bucknub 09-04-2003 12:17 PM

I didnt read any of the other posts.. i just wanna ask

are we ever going to get an edit and delete button?

BadScript 09-04-2003 12:30 PM

And I would like to add, that I am truly sorry about neglecting this site for the pass six months or so, if there's one thing I learned, you don't create a community (my role is just to provide a virtual place in this case) and walk away from them, even if it's just online.

Also, many of you asked to be moderators; See I haven't been around, so all I can do is to ask for recommendiations from the mod team, and I may not get to answer every PM/emails. I understand that some of you feel that you have contributed a lot to the community, even more than the site owner himself; But even if you don't get to become a moderator, spamming, cussing at people for no reason, and announcing the site's death twice every three hours won't help.

I think we all need to cool down a bit. Just some thoughts. freak:

BadScript 09-04-2003 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by BucKweEd
I didnt read any of the other posts.. i just wanna ask

are we ever going to get an edit and delete button?

Do you not see your EDIT button?

There will not be a delete button, it causes problems with our current setup. Sorry.

Bucknub 09-04-2003 12:36 PM


Originally Posted by BadScript

Originally Posted by BucKweEd
I didnt read any of the other posts.. i just wanna ask

are we ever going to get an edit and delete button?

Do you not see your EDIT button?

There will not be a delete button, it causes problems with our current setup. Sorry.

w00t,, I guess I didnt see the edit button.. thanks for bringing it back,, it will now cut back on spam

Drew 09-04-2003 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by BadScript
And I would like to add, that I am truly sorry about neglecting this site for the pass six months or so, if there's one thing I learned, you don't create a community (my role is just to provide a virtual place in this case) and walk away from them, even if it's just online.

Also, many of you asked to be moderators; See I haven't been around, so all I can do is to ask for recommendiations from the mod team, and I may not get to answer every PM/emails. I understand that some of you feel that you have contributed a lot to the community, even more than the site owner himself; But even if you don't get to become a moderator, spamming, cussing at people for no reason, and announcing the site's death twice every three hours won't help.

I think we all need to cool down a bit. Just some thoughts. freak:

Thanks for speaking up on it, BS. Just one thing though.. BallWook has been AWOL for months.

ED! 09-04-2003 12:56 PM

[quote:ba975]ED, you're wrong. I can have specific members not heard from again on this forum immediately, all I need to do is to disable a few accts and disable new registration or moderate them. Proxy all you want then.[/quote:ba975]

Theyd find a way. Unless you think you're smarter than everyone else.

[quote:ba975]. . .ramble. . .[/quote:ba975]

I think you need to reread General Deaths little message to you. Youre right son, it IS your site, and you DID neglect it. However dont come all "well I can do whatever the hell I want with it", and then expect people to not piss on you. Sorry but you cant have your cake and smash it in the face of the community.

[quote:ba975]If there's one thing I regret creating is that I now have around 20 people totally OBSESSED with this website, and that's unhealthy, both physically and mentally, for them.[/quote:ba975]

Pathetic. Lemme quarterback this for you - this site is cool to come to and post whatever. Some post alot, and are outspoken - does this mean when they are having a beer with friends or eating (with) their lady, that theyre thinking about you my boy - gimme a break. It takes what - 2 minutes to post a message and maybe another 5 to browse the forum. And you figure some do that about 5 times a day. Thats about 30 minutes to an hour on this forum. Now take into effect that fact that there are those of us who WORK - ed: - and of course there are down periods so what do we do - we browse. Yea, doesn't seem all to unhealthy when you put it into perspective. But hey - keep on tossing out pot-shots to the "Banned Elite", further discredit them. Soon youll have everyone - and not just a group of grown men arguing with kids - agreeing with u.

[quote:ba975]Sorry Ydiss for ruining your "We're all friends" speech here but I guess some people REALLY need to wake/grow up here, get of of his/her little world and step into the reality.[/quote:ba975]

Hey man, you're the one who posted the "bring it on" speech to a group of faceless, reality-deprived losers.

Jasper 09-04-2003 01:37 PM

Im not sure anymore if thats really Ed or Strik0r now.

Lets argue with the site owner. That will accomplish everything.

ED! 09-04-2003 01:46 PM

It's AADic under one of his many names. M16:

AADiC_ 09-04-2003 05:09 PM

[quote="ED!":2627d]It's AADic under one of his many names. M16:[/quote:2627d]

How many time do I have to tell you kids, I have one login, this one, the others were deleted or banned by the idiots that took over the site.

Before you accuse you should get your facts straight.

ED! 09-04-2003 06:07 PM

[quote="AADiC_":c3d4e][quote="ED!":c3d4e]It's AADic under one of his many names. M16:[/quote:c3d4e]

How many time do I have to tell you kids, I have one login, this one, the others were deleted or banned by the idiots that took over the site.

Before you accuse you should get your facts straight.[/quote:c3d4e]

So you have more than one login. MULTIPLE log-ins. hake:

Still havent said who you are.

AADiC_ 09-04-2003 06:22 PM

[quote="ED!":c4842][quote="AADiC_":c4842][quote="ED!":c4842]It's AADic under one of his many names. M16:[/quote:c4842]

How many time do I have to tell you kids, I have one login, this one, the others were deleted or banned by the idiots that took over the site.

Before you accuse you should get your facts straight.[/quote:c4842]

So you have more than one login. MULTIPLE log-ins. hake:

Still havent said who you are.[/quote:c4842]

I said it in simple terms, don't understand why you don't get it. Original login was AADiC, that was de-activated/deleted/whatever when the kiddies took over. Next login using Proxy so I could post was Turtle, that also was deactivated/banned/deleted. Ater that I quit posting, and now I use AADiC_

I am AADiC, I play MOHSH/Tribes2/BF 1942.

MrLevinstein 09-04-2003 06:25 PM

Ydiss theres this thing called a paragraph. IDK if you heard about it but its bitchin biggrin:

EatMyFook 09-04-2003 08:47 PM

[quote="AADiC_":0b7c4][quote="ED!":0b7c4][quote="AADiC_":0b7c4][quote="ED!":0b7c4]It's AADic under one of his many names. M16:[/quote:0b7c4]

How many time do I have to tell you kids, I have one login, this one, the others were deleted or banned by the idiots that took over the site.

Before you accuse you should get your facts straight.[/quote:0b7c4]

So you have more than one login. MULTIPLE log-ins. hake:

Still havent said who you are.[/quote:0b7c4]

I am AADiC, [/quote:0b7c4]

Truer words have never been spoken.


AADiC_ 09-04-2003 08:57 PM

It doesn't spell that, maybe you need glasses. When are you going to get some new insults, this stuff is so 3rd grade, which I understand was only a year or two ago for you, but come on, be creative.

Jasper 09-04-2003 09:04 PM

AADiC...a dic?

HARDEHAR! OMFGHI2U Gerard lolz! Stop man, your going to break my pacemaker with your funniez :P

EatMyFook 09-04-2003 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by Jasper
AADiC...a dic?

HARDEHAR! OMFGHI2U Gerard lolz! Stop man, your going to break my pacemaker with your funniez :P

Shouldn't you be breasterbating right now old man?

Ydiss 09-05-2003 03:03 AM


Originally Posted by MrLevinstein
Ydiss theres this thing called a paragraph. IDK if you heard about it but its bitchin biggrin:

No, they failed to teach me what a paragraph was when I passed GCSE and A-level English. [/paragraph]

I use paragraphs all the time. If you mean I break my paragraphs too much (that's all I can think that you could be on about) then I can only say that's because I'm not writing a novel, where the subject of each paragraph doesn't change as often as on a forum dedicated to "Off-Topic" issues. [/paragraph]

Anything else I'm missing? [/paragraph]. biggrin:

Judas 09-05-2003 02:19 PM


Jasper 09-05-2003 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by Judas

Damn trying to wreck ma Jenny Craig dealy?

MrLevinstein 09-05-2003 08:27 PM

BLah biggrin:

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