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Drew 09-23-2003 05:04 PM

The problem, though, is that many countries with government based on Islamic religion teach the concept of Jihad in schools. And while granted, a majority of these students don't grow to be terrorists, a very real constituancy of these people DO grow up to be crazed murderers. And please keep in mind that I am not defending Christianity, either. But Christianity does not REQUIRE MURDER of its followers. Islam does.

Judas 09-23-2003 05:09 PM

[quote=".Castro.":c7e78]in all honesty, you shouldnt worry about someone being a wigger, its none of ya damn business what other people do, listen too, or dress.[/quote:c7e78] sleeping:

09-23-2003 05:49 PM

So if someone wears baggy jeans, a jearsey, and a hat sideways, says yo, their trying to be black? And the term Wigger, why not Wlack?

Short Hand 09-23-2003 05:53 PM

[quote="Dr. Deleto":b59d5]I think every person in the world should act as themselves and not try to be someone else. I've always acted like the tall skinny Irish guy with full success because thats who I am. If you have a problem with people calling you a wigger, then you obviously are not really one at heart and are acting as someone else. I take it as a compliment when someone calls me a name aimed at my ancestory or character because in effect they are proving who I am to themselves.[/quote:b59d5]

That is the point of internet alias. So you can be someone else.

ps. If you made those sniper scopes I am using great job.

Tripper 09-23-2003 06:09 PM

[quote="Dr. Deleto":9be7c]If you have a problem with people calling you a wigger, then you obviously are not really one at heart and are acting as someone else.[/quote:9be7c]

Is it possible that the person doing the labelling is wrong in the first place?

I'm acting as myself when I'm called 'Wigger,' like most other people. Doesn't mean I am one.

Absolutely illogical, dude.

MrLevinstein 09-23-2003 06:19 PM


Originally Posted by Quze
So if someone wears baggy jeans, a jearsey, and a hat sideways, says yo, their trying to be black? And the term Wigger, why not Wlack?

Wlack doesnt roll of the tongue you see.... I want to insult someone not sound Nordic.

My defintion of a wigger is:


Proteus 09-23-2003 06:37 PM


Originally Posted by Noctis

Originally Posted by Polizei
There should be a pole as to how many people are actually going to read that.


me = oOo:


Pyro 09-23-2003 08:09 PM

Women can't drive worth shit.

Falco* 09-23-2003 08:44 PM


Originally Posted by Pyro
Women can't drive worth shit.


Tripper 09-23-2003 09:43 PM


Originally Posted by MrLevinstein

Originally Posted by Quze
So if someone wears baggy jeans, a jearsey, and a hat sideways, says yo, their trying to be black? And the term Wigger, why not Wlack?

Wlack doesnt roll of the tongue you see.... I want to insult someone not sound Nordic.

My defintion of a wigger is:


He's not a wigger - Believe me.

He's black. He's also a prick-vocalising-git.

Dr. Deleto 09-23-2003 09:47 PM

Tripper maybe if you quit trying to put the blame for every insecurity you have onto everyone else then you would understand what I was saying. The only illogical part of it is how you can't understand it.

Ignorant? No, I think not. If I was ignorant I would explode everytime someone called me a name instead of just sayin "Thats right!". hmmmm, blowing up about it.....sounds familiar in some way.

On the same note, I was NEVER saying that the person doing the name calling wasnt at least partly at fault, but your the one letting them get to you. Why not show your the bigger man and be comfortable with yourself instead of taking offense everytime someone says the word "Wigger". Thats all I said. Read it again. If you are truly comfortable with who you are then you take no offense when someone points it out.

Tripper 09-23-2003 10:25 PM

[quote="Dr. Deleto":08ab7]Tripper maybe if you quit trying to put the blame for every insecurity you have onto everyone else then you would understand what I was saying. The only illogical part of it is how you can't understand it.

Ignorant? No, I think not. If I was ignorant I would explode everytime someone called me a name instead of just sayin "Thats right!". hmmmm, blowing up about it.....sounds familiar in some way.

On the same note, I was NEVER saying that the person doing the name calling wasnt at least partly at fault, but your the one letting them get to you. Why not show your the bigger man and be comfortable with yourself instead of taking offense everytime someone says the word "Wigger". Thats all I said. Read it again. If you are truly comfortable with who you are then you take no offense when someone points it out.[/quote:08ab7]

Could you please decipher this shit for me? Half of it is irrelevant to the topic........WTF?

I honestly can't understand what you're getting at. Your arguments jump from topic to topic - none of it makes sense.

Are you like 10 years old?

Dr. Deleto 09-24-2003 02:09 AM


Originally Posted by "Dr. Deleto":f9b53
I think every person in the world should act as themselves and not try to be someone else. I've always acted like the tall skinny Irish guy with full success because thats who I am. If you have a problem with people calling you a wigger, then you obviously are not really one at heart and are acting as someone else. I take it as a compliment when someone calls me a name aimed at my ancestory or character because in effect they are proving who I am to themselves.

I think that's very ignorant logic.

I'm not even going to bother to try and help you out with why it sounds stupid. I'll let someone else do it.[/quote:f9b53]

Originally posted by Dr. Deleto:
If you have a problem with people calling you a wigger, then you obviously are not really one at heart and are acting as someone else.

Is it possible that the person doing the labelling is wrong in the first place?

I'm acting as myself when I'm called 'Wigger,' like most other people. Doesn't mean I am one.

Absolutely illogical, dude. [/quote:f9b53]

are you like...illiterate?

grow up kid.

Tripper 09-24-2003 03:41 AM

[quote="Dr. Deleto":3496d][quote=Tripper]

Originally Posted by "Dr. Deleto":3496d
I think every person in the world should act as themselves and not try to be someone else. I've always acted like the tall skinny Irish guy with full success because thats who I am. If you have a problem with people calling you a wigger, then you obviously are not really one at heart and are acting as someone else. I take it as a compliment when someone calls me a name aimed at my ancestory or character because in effect they are proving who I am to themselves.

I think that's very ignorant logic.

I'm not even going to bother to try and help you out with why it sounds stupid. I'll let someone else do it.[/quote:3496d]

Originally posted by Dr. Deleto:
If you have a problem with people calling you a wigger, then you obviously are not really one at heart and are acting as someone else.

Is it possible that the person doing the labelling is wrong in the first place?

I'm acting as myself when I'm called 'Wigger,' like most other people. Doesn't mean I am one.

Absolutely illogical, dude. [/quote:3496d]

are you like...illiterate?

grow up kid.[/quote:3496d]

What? Those are just quotes of my posts. That doesn't help me at all in explaining what the fuck you were talking about on your last post.

Are you drunk?

Stupid fucking moron.

09-24-2003 10:26 AM

[quote="Dr. Deleto":62fff]Tripper maybe if you quit trying to put the blame for every insecurity you have onto everyone else then you would understand what I was saying. The only illogical part of it is how you can't understand it.

Ignorant? No, I think not. If I was ignorant I would explode everytime someone called me a name instead of just sayin "Thats right!". hmmmm, blowing up about it.....sounds familiar in some way.

On the same note, I was NEVER saying that the person doing the name calling wasnt at least partly at fault, but your the one letting them get to you. Why not show your the bigger man and be comfortable with yourself instead of taking offense everytime someone says the word "Wigger". Thats all I said. Read it again. If you are truly comfortable with who you are then you take no offense when someone points it out.[/quote:62fff]

so... Don't stand up for yourself?

gtboys34 09-24-2003 10:36 AM

keep this up..

Dr. Deleto 10-01-2003 01:41 PM

Oh im sorry. When I first replied to your posts I didnt put in a quote of what I was replying to. I guess I gave you too much credit by thinking that you could figure it out. You really are a simple being arnt you?

Let me explain further...

When you posted about what I had said, I replied to your comments. Silly me, I forgot that you all were forum brainwashed and would not understand what I was replying to without quoting it. My bad. If you can't comprehend it NOW, I recommend repeating 10th grade with an emphasis on basic vocabulary and speech.

now show your 17 year old intellect yet again by spewing forth your pubescent insults. You are REALLY hurting my feelings....todays magic word is "Sarcasm"

Tripper 10-01-2003 02:40 PM

[quote="Dr. Deleto":0728e]Oh im sorry. When I first replied to your posts I didnt put in a quote of what I was replying to. I guess I gave you too much credit by thinking that you could figure it out. You really are a simple being arnt you?

Let me explain further...

When you posted about what I had said, I replied to your comments. Silly me, I forgot that you all were forum brainwashed and would not understand what I was replying to without quoting it. My bad. If you can't comprehend it NOW, I recommend repeating 10th grade with an emphasis on basic vocabulary and speech.

now show your 17 year old intellect yet again by spewing forth your pubescent insults. You are REALLY hurting my feelings....todays magic word is "Sarcasm"[/quote:0728e]

Nein. Let's ask the audience:

Can anyone understand what the fuck this retard is talking about?

If someone could go through his posts on this thread and just give a quick check if he is making fucking sense.

[2ss]Panzer 10-03-2003 11:23 PM

Re: Daily Rant - Drivers and Islam

Originally Posted by Noctis
And now for Islam. Fucking Islam. How about the news stations that keep repeating how Islam is a religion of peace and not of violence. Perhaps they just MISSED the parts of their religion that REQUIRE them to SLAUGHTER any people who refuse to convert to the ways of Islam. I won't even mention that their beloved prophet Mohammed founded modern piracy and SLAVE TRADING. That's right. Mohammed and his band of Merry Anal Molesters would ransack towns, steal their money, kill their men, rape the women AND CHILDREN, and then take the ones they liked as slaves, which they would later sell off. Yeah, peaceful religion describes Islam alright. I'm not going to dig to find the specific passages again, but take my word for it, if you aren't a Muslim, there is a Muslim out there just waiting to slit your throat as an unbeliever. Think about that before you go throwing any compassion around.

Why am I posting all this? No clue.


Your an idiot. that is all i have to say.

Drew 10-04-2003 02:31 AM

Re: Daily Rant - Drivers and Islam

Originally Posted by Noctis
And now for Islam. Fucking Islam. How about the news stations that keep repeating how Islam is a religion of peace and not of violence. Perhaps they just MISSED the parts of their religion that REQUIRE them to SLAUGHTER any people who refuse to convert to the ways of Islam. I won't even mention that their beloved prophet Mohammed founded modern piracy and SLAVE TRADING. That's right. Mohammed and his band of Merry Anal Molesters would ransack towns, steal their money, kill their men, rape the women AND CHILDREN, and then take the ones they liked as slaves, which they would later sell off. Yeah, peaceful religion describes Islam alright. I'm not going to dig to find the specific passages again, but take my word for it, if you aren't a Muslim, there is a Muslim out there just waiting to slit your throat as an unbeliever. Think about that before you go throwing any compassion around.

Why am I posting all this? No clue.


Your an idiot. that is all i have to say.[/quote:e6a8d]

I love it. You call me an idiot, but you haven't even a single counter point to make. I get tired of all the stupid little CNN media whores who think that whatever leftist bullshit they're fed is the definition of the real world.

Time to wake up, folks.

And Panzer, come back in 6 years once you've turned 18 and at least try to make a valid point, you fucking puddle of anal leakage.

[quote="[2ss]Panzer":e6a8d]Your an idiot.[/quote:e6a8d]

You couldn't even use the proper form of you're, you stupid fuck.

Judas 10-04-2003 03:59 AM

Julie is that you? rolleyes:

Eight Ace 10-04-2003 04:07 AM


Judas 10-04-2003 04:14 AM

[quote="Eight Ace":742ab]sleeping:[/quote:742ab]

guarnere 10-04-2003 04:40 AM


CaP bUsTa 10-04-2003 03:49 PM

Noctis why do you care so much about it? Get over the fact that people and religions are different all over the world. Go into the Amazon and tell the indigenous people about what you do and they'll think your one fucked up dude. No one is perfect.

Drew 10-04-2003 10:01 PM

I'm so glad the lot of you are so ignorant as to assume you know what I'm talking about without first engaging both of your brain cells.

If you'd actually read my post, you'd see that my aggression was aimed mainly at the news outlets going on about how Islam is a "peaceful" religion, which is bullshit.

Arkan 10-04-2003 10:09 PM

Noctis, good rant.

I also get disgusted with wiggers, "illegal aliens", gang-bangers, and assholes in general. If that makes me a racist, then fuck all of you for i'm racist !!

...oh yeah, almost forgot those towel headed Islamic extremests. Those bitches can eat my ass !!

Tripper 10-04-2003 10:27 PM


Originally Posted by Arkan
Noctis, good rant.

I also get disgusted with wiggers, "illegal aliens", gang-bangers, and assholes in general. If that makes me a racist, then fuck all of you for i'm racist !!

...oh yeah, almost forgot those towel headed Islamic extremests. Those bitches can eat my ass !!

Welcome, Mr Aggressor!

Arkan 10-04-2003 10:31 PM


Originally Posted by "Tripper
Welcome, Mr Aggressor!

Thats just me being me. Thanks for the warm welcome though.

Tripper 10-04-2003 10:33 PM


Originally Posted by Arkan

Originally Posted by "Tripper
Welcome, Mr Aggressor!

Thats just me being me. Thanks for the warm welcome though.


CaP bUsTa 10-04-2003 10:39 PM


Originally Posted by Noctis
I'm so glad the lot of you are so ignorant as to assume you know what I'm talking about without first engaging both of your brain cells.

If you'd actually read my post, you'd see that my aggression was aimed mainly at the news outlets going on about how Islam is a "peaceful" religion, which is bullshit.

I'm glad your ignorant enough to post about it in the first place.

Drew 10-04-2003 10:42 PM

How is my expressing my views ignorant? It obviously sparked a debate. Some of it intelligent, most of it the childish banter that is customary for this site.

Bottom line: Islam advocates murder.

You can't justify. You can't make it politically correct. They teach and advocate genocide, and that is and always will be wrong.

Tripper 10-04-2003 10:45 PM


Originally Posted by Noctis
How is my expressing my views ignorant? It obviously sparked a debate. Some of it intelligent, most of it the childish banter that is customary for this site.

Bottom line: Islam advocates murder.

You can't justify. You can't make it politically correct. They teach and advocate genocide, and that is and always will be wrong.

....In western eyes.

Who is to say what is wrong and what is right? Killing in the name of?

Where is Sloi when you need heem....?

CaP bUsTa 10-04-2003 11:55 PM

Islam advocates murder. What religion hasnt?
At one time or another every religion has murdered people because of their beleifs. Like tripper said, the things they do may be politically incorrect but thats in the view of the western world. Some tribes practice cannabalism, and that is perfectly normal to them, but not to us.
I just think that your argument about wiggers is ignorant, I mean people are allowed to act the way they want to. I dont think they should be judged because they want to think they are black. Most of those guys are so insecure anyway that they dont need you telling them off.

Tripper 10-05-2003 01:18 AM

The thing that pisses me off about the 'Wigger' shit, is how the label works.

Fuckers that run around in white singlets, showing their muscles and honestly believeing that they are from the ghetto get automatically grouped under the same label as people like music.....What do we have in common?

That shit is so stupid.

ED! 10-05-2003 01:21 AM


Originally Posted by Tripper
The thing that pisses me off about the 'Wigger' shit, is how the label works.

Fuckers that run around in white singlets, showing their muscles and honestly believeing that they are from the ghetto get automatically grouped under the same label as people like music.....What do we have in common?

That shit is so stupid.

Wrong thread n00banator. rock:

Tripper 10-05-2003 01:28 AM


Originally Posted by Tripper
The thing that pisses me off about the 'Wigger' shit, is how the label works.

Fuckers that run around in white singlets, showing their muscles and honestly believeing that they are from the ghetto get automatically grouped under the same label as people like music.....What do we have in common?

That shit is so stupid.

Wrong thread n00banator. rock:[/quote:b3767]

It's close enough.....There was talk of wiggers earlier in das thread... happy:

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