![]() |
lol tripper, where do u come up with combacks such as "senile penis? biggrin:
Guys I like chicken, does that make me a wigger?
Wait.. Believe it or not, George isn't at home, pleasssssseee live a message, at the beep. I must be out, or I'd pick up the phone, where could I beeeee. Believe it or not, I'm not hommmmmeee |
[quote="Sicilian_Summers":85401]Guys I like chicken, does that make me a wigger?[/quote:85401]
No, that makes you a chigger. [img]http://www.users.bigpond.net.au/chucktupp/duo.jpeg[/img] |
[quote="Eight Ace":c3b73][img]http://www.users.bigpond.net.au/chucktupp/duo.jpeg[/img][/quote:c3b73]
ROFL!!!!! |
someone delete bazooka joe and get it over with quickshot:
[quote="Simo Häyhä":34739]someone delete bazooka joe and get it over with quickshot:[/quote:34739]
Someone ban you and. . .oh wait, we did that already. |
Stop with the black jokes, you're killing me. happy:[/quote:0bb8e] Are you intentionally trying to be racist? or are you trying to prove that you are as stupid as we thought?[/quote:0bb8e] Just so we can further embaress JOE, "The Just Us League" is an old joke from the 70's from either Mad or Cracked, playing on DC COMICS Justice League and further entrenched in modern society in an episode of Tiny Toons. Yes - you are as IGNORANT as you look hero. |
Haha, Joe must have been drunk. happy:
[quote="ED!":41637]Just so we can further embaress JOE, "The Just Us League" is an old joke from the 70's from either Mad or Cracked, playing on DC COMICS Justice League and further entrenched in modern society in an episode of Tiny Toons. Yes - you are as IGNORANT as you look hero.[/quote:41637]
Not all of us were around in the 70s like you, Ed. So it really isn't that embarressing at all. |
[quote="Bazooka_Joe":2d634][quote="ED!":2d634]Just so we can further embaress JOE, "The Just Us League" is an old joke from the 70's from either Mad or Cracked, playing on DC COMICS Justice League and further entrenched in modern society in an episode of Tiny Toons. Yes - you are as IGNORANT as you look hero.[/quote:2d634]
Not all of us were around in the 70s like you, Ed. So it really isn't that embarressing at all.[/quote:2d634] Alive in the 70's? Not I. However I do do this little thing called - STUDYING. Goodness Joe, you probably dont even know theres not a thing called the Constitution, and WW2, because goodness gracious - didnt happen in your time! |
[quote="Bazooka_Joe":9b163][quote="Simo Häyhä":9b163]someone delete bazooka joe and get it over with quickshot:[/quote:9b163]
Someone ban you and. . .oh wait, we did that already.[/quote:9b163] haw you still talk like your a moderator. ive been banned and i need to do is ip spoof or just proxy around it banned 6 times so far |
lol simo wont take a hint, lmao
[quote="Simo Häyhä":e8930][quote="Bazooka_Joe":e8930][quote="Simo Häyhä":e8930]someone delete bazooka joe and get it over with quickshot:[/quote:e8930]
Someone ban you and. . .oh wait, we did that already.[/quote:e8930] haw you still talk like your a moderator. ive been banned and i need to do is ip spoof or just proxy around it banned 6 times so far[/quote:e8930] if banned why don't they just delete your account ? |
[quote=":Hybrid:":c74c7]lol simo wont take a hint, lmao[/quote:c74c7]
Haha, seems you won't either..... rock: |
lol happy: |
big pun was puertorican rolleyes:
[quote=".Castro.":f8780]big pun was puertorican rolleyes:[/quote:f8780]
Whatever - He wasn't black was my point. |
[quote=".Castro.":91ebd]big pun was puertorican rolleyes:[/quote:91ebd]
[img]http://www.sptimes.com/2002/03/18/photos/st-castro.jpg[/img] |
This fucking shit gets older everyday. mad:
Most ricers arnt wiggers because wiggers spend to much on bling bling to soup up a 4 cyl.
I hate wiggers I hate lazy minorities, that waste tax payers money. Please If you want to waste my money bitch dont use it to pay your cell phone bill to call your babys mama. Whew, that was all pent up. Noctis prolly wanted to say it but cant. Freedom of speech my cock. White people dont get a reach around when it comes to talking about blacks. We just have to sit there and take it. Whew that was pent up. |
Blame your forefathers for treating black people like shit for the past 250 or so years. |
EDIT: Errr......Wrong thread....Sowwy!
not to start a flame, but I speak my mind where I please. My family had nothing to do with slavery yet I am still thrown into the same group as the ones whose familys did. I think today's society as a whole needs to understand that all whites are not former slave owners. |
[quote="Dr. Deleto":3e0e6]
not to start a flame, but I speak my mind where I please. My family had nothing to do with slavery yet I am still thrown into the same group as the ones whose familys did. I think today's society as a whole needs to understand that all whites are not former slave owners.[/quote:3e0e6] K, firstly - Was I fucking talking to you? No. So don't fucking take it like I was personally attacking you...You're Irish? Good for you you drunken, flat-foot, potato eating, mother-fucker. Now, to combat your ignorance: You do realise that it was a VERY small percentage of slaves that were sold by their own people, right? This is a typical comment made by those who can't handle that their ancestors fucked up. You're right - not all White American families are former slave owners....And I'm not saying your family is at all....But a shit load of them are... There's also a shit load of white americans who are directly related to, or just plain are, racists from the segregation era, 40 years ago..... GG Treating black people like shit for 250 years and then whining like fucking babies when faced with a double standard that PALES in comparison. Don't even fucking start with that Emancipation Proclomation bullshit. "OMG TEH UNIONS MAIN MISSION WAS TO FREE THE BLAX!" That's BULLSHIT. The Emancipation Proclomation = 1863. Civil War started = 1860. BTW....I've completed a year of African American History - I'm not talking out of my ass here. |
and then you go back on yourself and say my ancestors did in fact fuck up. contradiction in it's best form. 1 year of African American studies huh. Well good for you. When you get out into the real world let me know how you like being summed up as a rasict because of your skin color alone, then come back here and argue this point. I've taken years of this same whiney bullshit from blacks and the people too ignorant or stupid to go against what they say. The fact that my ancestors had absolutely nothing to do with slavery, yet at least some black people's did should be enough to prove my point, but somehow you shrug it off as "Only SOME black people did that". well check what I said there genious. NONE of my family did. I'm not remotely rascist, and neither is my family. We respect others, unlike you silly fucks who blame everything under the sun, except some of the main things that started the problem. Lastly, read the last part of my post there Gonzo. [quote:32eaa]not to start a flame, but I speak my mind where I please.[/quote:32eaa] You bitching at me for doing exactly what I should be allowed to do anyways only proves your silly little ideals are all fucked up. You are arguing a point by going against the very meaning of it. What is racism? finding a certain ethnic group, calling them names, fitting them into stereotypes, and looking down on them for being themselves? [quote:32eaa]You're Irish? Good for you you drunken, flat-foot, potato eating, mother-fucker. [/quote:32eaa] But your so enlightened because you take the black man's side huh. gimme a fuckin break. You'll eventually see my point, because your obviously white and WILL have to deal with the same shit we all do, and for what? For being just that, WHITE. |
hake: This is retarded.
You'll be suprised at how much all these comments on Americans being racists and what not are pissing me off. Because they're utter bullshit. Slavery was pinpointed to only the South, it wasn't practiced in the North..so how does that tie in every American's ancestors to Slavery? Also another fact is, a boom in Immigration to this Country did not start till after the Civil War, in the early 1900's...and most of those families were kept in Ghetto's and lived side by side with other minorties at the time. |
I'm a bit disappointed that you won't scratch past the surface, Tripper. But there's your double standard right there. People who share my skin color abused people who shared their skin color for 250 years. And while slavery is never, ever humane, the treatment that blacks received as slaves was infinitely more so than the treatment that Hebrews received. But I don't hate or discriminate against blacks because it was black people that enslaved white people for thousands of years, do I? So what gives them the right? Nothing. Fuck that. |
When I say lazy minorities, Im not saying the entire black race, Im saying the inner city blacks who think that way?
And if you say "You should at least respect them" Respect them when they talk about raping the white wman and fuck the white man I aint gonna listen to that shit. My family had No connections to slavery my relatives wernt in this country until 1920. Then where is the hate for the blacks? Usually in family, one person finds them lazy and the rest hate themm too and it spreads. Ive met a few black kids that I like but Ive me some with some big mouths that never shut up. I refuse to be Trent Lotted anymore. |
[quote="Short Hand":e4c7a]
On that note i'll jump into this thread All the Civil War did was free them from slavery, what everyone seems to be forgetting is treatment after the war. The treatment of blacks after they were "free" wasn't any better then when they were slaves, in some cases it was worse (especially in the south.) The war really didn't help anything, blacks were still treated as second class citizens and were now faced with a terrorist group stopping whatever freedoms they earned. Even if your forefathers had nothing to do with slavery, it doesn't mean that they treated blacks as equal, or even tried to help them become equal, most likely they just helped contribute to keeping them unequal (just because they lived with them, doesn't mean they liked them.) Noctis, you keep bringing up Egyptians and them keeping Hebrews as slaves and blacks being just as guilty, there are several things that distinguish that slavery and the slavery in America (though its nice that you realize that the Egyptians were black.) For one, the main proof that the Hebrews were slaves there is written in a religious tome, sure you can prove that Hebrews were in Egypt via bones and genetic material, but there is no definitive proof that they were slaves, for all we know they could've second class citizens. Two, When the Greeks invaded Egypt they slowly stopped the spread of the Egyptians genes, thus for the most part wiping them (this also starting the belief that Egyptians were White.) Quote:
And Tripper, its nice that you're trying to help, but you're going about this the wrong way, flaming people isn't going to help your arguement. As for affirmative action and other double standards that you guys are bitching about, they will only exist as long as they are necessary, believe it or not, prejudice people still exist as long as they exist(or until a majority of them disappear) those double standards will still be needed. While they are rather extreme, America has matured enough in regards to race for them to disappear. And believe it or not, being a minority isn't as easy as you assume, even with those "double standards". |
blacks are more racest than whites now days. and they love the race card. you get in a fight with one they say you called them the N word even if you didnt. its a cop out. and who said there is no evedance of jews being slaves? thats a dumb comment, the same for blacks then. you didnt live back then prove they were just some one wrote they were. SARCASM
Are you fucking joking me, Chango?
When I talk about lazy minorities I mean Minorities. Includes spanish, and whomever is not part of the majority. As Noctis said the treatment of The Jews over the past 2000 yeares has been horrific compared to slavery is North American Colonies. Last time I looked The Jews wernt looking for a check every month just because the white man kept them down. After these times Jews were eager to regain and enter society again as helping instead of hurting the economy. I respect jews because after 3 or 4 attemped Genocides, they wont take a handout. "Listen Mr. Smith, we're sorry for slavery do you want a check every month courtisy of Uncle Sam? Here fill out these" IF you say I'm lieing go to a local city and spend a day there, Highschool dropout rate is enormous and so is unemployment. |
The only point I have to make in this discussion is about the retrobution
pay. Doesn't matter if your ancestors had slaves or not. Nobody in this day and age is owed payment for what happened before our lifetime. I'm quite sure some of my ancestors probably had slaves. I don't feel I owe anyone shit for that. It is a different time and world now. This country gives out enough free handouts. My answer is make good choices in life, get an education, and get a fucking job if a person wants to get paid. One more thing, a double standered is a double standered. It doesn't matter who it benefits, it is still wrong and there is no justification to change that...... |
And who brought up reparations? |
Mmm-Kay everyone, I apologise - I was to brief with my post and didn't explain myself enough.....:
I never once said it was alright for Blacks to whine about their past and pull the race card....But then again, I never said it wasn't alright - I'm staying out of this side of the argument because I don't have an opinion on this matter. But the fact is, I never said it was alright.....You guys just put words in my mouth. Fockers. happy: I simply wanted to say with my original post to levinstein - That after 250 years of being treated like shit by another race, what do you expect? You expect people to just stop bitching about it? Shit - If my people were enslaved for hundreds of years, and then even after slavery ended they were still being oppressed openly....I'd be pissed off too. And yes, this is different to other slavery issues in other parts of the globe....For one, it isn't as long ago - Most people could easily trace their family tree into this period of time.....Secondly, and most importantly - The oppression went on for decades after the civil war.....Right up until the late 1960s....And even after.... All of you conveniently forget about how blacks were being openly oppressed during the segregation era just 40 years ago.....Do you think now that equality has been instated (Supposedly) that everyone is just going to forget about it? People that faced the oppression are still alive....! Just for Deleto: Quote:
This will be interesting. Quote:
I see racism all the time.....I've been called it all, Whitey, Cracker, Honkey....And not even from African Americans.... The fact of the matter is....I never actually said it was alright for blacks to be racist at all. I simply said TO FUCKING LEVINSTEIN - NEVER TO YOU, YOU STUPID FUCKING IMBECILE, that he should blame his forefathers for treating blacks like shit for 250 years.....The reason I said this, is because if it wasn't for them, blacks wouldn't be so pissed off in the first place. You're such an antsy bitch....So stirred up in your own fucking period blood, that you can't even see what I'm saying. I'm sick and tired of your stupidity, Deleto... |
My stupidity? You constantly contradict yourself in every thread you post. When you said "Blame your forefathers for treating black people like shit for the past 250 or so years. " then you were obviously talking about whites in general. Either that or you should learn to clarify what you are talking about, since you claim you know it so well.
You should seriously quit trying to sound smart, and learn some shit through life. Oh I understand that your generation was brought up in a period where you were brainwashed to think that you actually owe something to minorities for things done by other people in the past. But the fashion you use to argue your topic is ignorant and rascist in itself. Anyone with intelligence can listen to another's argument and reply with some form of tact. But you, in all your genious, fly off the handle the moment someone has a different opinion of things. Why not try doing some research on the way the Irish were treated for over 100 years when they started arriving in America. No slavery of course, but damn near as close as you can come to it. But do you hear them saying that the general population owes them something for it? I never have. Racism is a double edged sword that we all must be cut by. The way you handle yourself in situations like that will show the true demeanor of your personality. And you my friend, have shown your true colors with your constant flaming of another individual, for simply speaking his opinion on the matter. It's not ignorance, It's not stupidity, It's the way things have come about in my life, and the effects that I have reaped. Why not for once try thinking of the other person's opinion instead of instantly trying to discredit it and prove them wrong. You must be open minded to accept new possibilities. I myself have for years weighed this very same dillema and I have come to my before stated conclusion. Never once did I say it was right or just what was done to the slaves, but I also believe firmly that I myself owe absolutely nothing to them for those acts commited so long ago, by other people. This is all I stated, and I used simple FACTS to back my stand up. Finally, if you were were talking to levinstein only, why not put his name SOMEWHERE in the post? Or maybe even pm him. Just a helpful thought to stop this from happening again. I like you Tripper, I have carried on several conversations with you on these boards that seemed intelligent and well thought out, and I always thought of you as a bright person, but the constant flaming of myself and others for doing no more than stating our opinions is absurd at best. The last time this happened I was backing up your side of the argument by stating that a person should be comfortable with themself and not care what others think of him. I may be a bit long winded in my approach and explanations, but that comes simply from 6 years of college (always try to fit in as many words as possible to make the paper longer). Simply put, I am tired of this little game, and withdraw. |
[quote="Dr. Deleto":60e86]My stupidity? You constantly contradict yourself in every thread you post. When you said "Blame your forefathers for treating black people like shit for the past 250 or so years. " then you were obviously talking about whites in general.[/quote:60e86]
I obviously was? No. It was a post made directly after Levinsteins. That should be clear enough....I'm sorry that I don't comprehend that morons also use this forum. [quote="Dr. Deleto":60e86]Oh I understand that your generation was brought up in a period where you were brainwashed to think that you actually owe something to minorities for things done by other people in the past.[/quote:60e86] That's fucking stupid. I don't owe SHIT to AMERICAN minorities....I never, ever said all white people did.....I'm simply saying, and have ALWAYS been saying, that you should expect outcry from black people when they finally get the chance to cry out after 250 years of oppression. Get the fucking idea. [quote="Dr. Deleto":60e86] Why not try doing some research on the way the Irish were treated for over 100 years when they started arriving in America. No slavery of course, but damn near as close as you can come to it. But do you hear them saying that the general population owes them something for it? I never have.[/quote:60e86] That's absolute fucking SHIT. How can you even compare oppression of Irish Immigrants to Black people? For fucks sake, thats lame. [quote="Dr. Deleto":60e86]Why not for once try thinking of the other person's opinion instead of instantly trying to discredit it and prove them wrong You must be open minded to accept new possibilities.[/quote:60e86] YOU must learn to heed your OWN advice, Kermit. [quote="Dr. Deleto":60e86]Never once did I say it was right or just what was done to the slaves, but I also believe firmly that I myself owe absolutely nothing to them for those acts commited so long ago, by other people. This is all I stated, and I used simple FACTS to back my stand up.[/quote:60e86] Did I EVER say you owed anyone anything? I'll say it one more time...Hopefully it will PENETRATE YOUR FUCKING SKULL: Not all white people owe black people anything.....Except they should EXPECT that black people are gonna make themselves heard now that they can. [quote="Dr. Deleto":60e86]I like you Tripper, I have carried on several conversations with you on these boards that seemed intelligent and well thought out, and I always thought of you as a bright person, but the constant flaming of myself and others for doing no more than stating our opinions is absurd at best.[/quote:60e86] I flame. Get over it. [quote="Dr. Deleto":60e86]The last time this happened I was backing up your side of the argument by stating that a person should be comfortable with themself and not care what others think of him.[/quote:60e86] I told you I didn't fucking know what you were talking about......! |
and I post my opinion, which is what a forum is for. Get over it. You whiney, self righteous, moronically self centered, hypocritical, asshat.
hows that for a flame? see isnt to hard to show that kind of skill is it? |
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