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Moff Hissa 10-21-2003 07:08 PM

hey, im a n00b and i can own with a shottie!

you have talant, ok im cool with that, useing a shottie doesn't really matter, exept that some ppl that are kinda not so good and when they get a shottie in there hands, somehow they get good kill/death ratios

Lt. Bob 10-22-2003 11:34 AM

Sorry to disagree with you, but people who are "new" to the game never really get a good kill/death ratio. That is unless they're like super hardcore quake players or ut 2003 know, guys with reflexes quicker than ANYTHING EVER!

pest 10-22-2003 12:42 PM

[quote="Lt. Bob":4d884]Sorry to disagree with you, but people who are "new" to the game never really get a good kill/death ratio. [/quote:4d884]

Sooooo......a n00b couldnt do well with a shottie, especially against a self proclaimed master such as yourself.. Maybe you are just mad because you are getting your ass kicked by good shotgunners, you know, the kind with skills.

Lt. Bob 10-22-2003 05:43 PM

Tell me, when did i "Self proclaim" myself as a "master?" Really, go back and quote where i said "Hi i'm Lt. Bob, i'm the master of mohaa, where's my award?" Yeah, see the the thing is about the shottie is that it is a one hit kill weapon 75% of the time. That is unless the enemy is down a hallway, or on the other side of a field. Quit putting words in my mouth and shuttup.

Lt. Bob 10-22-2003 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by pest

Originally Posted by YourFragged

Originally Posted by pest
I lost all respect for the dude when he made the shottie comment.

me or the other guy? quickshot:

Little bob, not you. cool:[/quote

Yes, little Bob, stuff like that is easy to say when you have a computer to hide behind.

pest 10-23-2003 07:49 AM

[quote="Lt. Bob":35fbe]
Yes, little Bob, stuff like that is easy to say when you have a computer to hide behind.[/quote:35fbe]

Are you threatening me over the internet now? Real tough guy, huh?

[quote="Lt. Bob":35fbe]
Quit making me cry and shutup.[/quote:35fbe]

That is putting words in your mouth.

Lt. Bob 10-23-2003 03:39 PM

I have an outstanding idea! How about we settle this in a one on one match? I'd love to put you to shame, infact i already sent you a pm about this. Please, if you're gonna talk shit about me in a forum then how about you back it up with a little bit of action? Like isaid in the pm, " i'd love to serve your ass back to you in a body bag. Lets see you back your shit up.

Lt. Bob 10-23-2003 04:55 PM

No wait, that body bag thing was to "YourFragged", not you. Although, after my match with Fragged i'll pm you a server we can meet up at and when. If anone wants to come and watch they're free to come.

YourFragged 10-23-2003 05:16 PM

well considering NO ONE has a dedicated server to use.. this is just a waste of time. i think my reputation speaks for itself on this one biggrin:

Lt. Bob 10-23-2003 05:30 PM

Your rep? Odd, i've never heard about you.

Snuff 10-23-2003 05:52 PM

My pee pee is bigger than your pee pee. My dad can
beat up your dad stupid:

Xorcist [USA] 10-23-2003 05:55 PM

I'm not that long but damnit, I'm not that big around either.

YourFragged 10-23-2003 07:26 PM

[quote="Lt. Bob":b5f54]Your rep? Odd, i've never heard about you.[/quote:b5f54]

well considering your name is Lt. Bob, i wouldnt think you would know who i am

[GDC]_Polemarcus 10-23-2003 08:42 PM

hey bob.... for the love of god!


Snuff 10-23-2003 09:08 PM


SoViEt 10-23-2003 10:01 PM


for me, allies. coz i like gerryfishing rock:


pest 10-24-2003 07:36 AM


Originally Posted by SoViEt

for me, allies. coz i like gerryfishing rock:



Lt. Bob 10-25-2003 12:41 AM

I'm sorry my name isn't something like "D4rK_Snip0R" or "D3aTh BriNG3R" i chose Lt. Bob because it was simple and easy. I never heard of you because....well...i don't know, maybe you're some lame ass underground wanna-be hardcore mohaa player who thinks he's the shit.
Anyways, i'd still kick the crap out of you.

[GDC]_Polemarcus 10-25-2003 01:06 AM

do you have any idea how ridiculous you sound?

YourFragged 10-25-2003 01:36 AM

[quote="Lt. Bob":f2491]I'm sorry my name isn't something like "D4rK_Snip0R" or "D3aTh BriNG3R" i chose Lt. Bob because it was simple and easy. I never heard of you because....well...i don't know, maybe you're some lame ass underground wanna-be hardcore mohaa player who thinks he's the shit.
Anyways, i'd still kick the crap out of you.[/quote:f2491]


Slaggg 10-25-2003 03:45 AM

Ok boys. It's time to put up or shut up. I've got a dedicated server that I will donate for this purpose. I will lock it and allow three other people to join as spectators ONLY, to take screen shots and ensure that the final score is valid, as well as to contribute to a bit of 'SportsCenter' type post-game coverage.

My server runs CI, MG Scanner, and Pandora, as well as all of the latest map exploitation fixes.

So, you want to really show your actions are up to your words? Then prove it, the opportunity is here.

Edit: My server has both MOHAA and SH, take your pick.

YourFragged 10-25-2003 01:45 PM

need to know where, when, what weapons, what maps, what anticheat.. please understand that i dont plan my life around this game. im not going to pass up going out and having fun to stay home and play a computer game. try to get me in the afternoons, i play when i get home from cross country

10-25-2003 05:36 PM

** Be advised ZenMaster is about to make a speech!!!!**


In regards to teams , I always go for the losing team or the team with the fewest people. Someone else said that already , cant recall who (sry). This is the most rewarding . When you come back from behind it just makes the win better. And I love to be outnumbered , more targets you see.

In regards to the match between Fragged and Lt.Bob ,

I will be happy to volenteer as a screenshot taker for this match Slaggg.
I can push F12 very well.
Also I believe I can discribe the battle and its events quite well , considering my vocabullary consists of more than curse words and slang.

@rkley 10-25-2003 05:56 PM

I just press Autoselect Team....Keep It Fair

Cpl Luz 10-25-2003 06:26 PM

[quote="@rkley":d95f2]I just press Autoselect Team....Keep It Fair[/quote:d95f2]

Same, though i probably prefer Allies

Lt. Bob 10-25-2003 09:29 PM

Alright Slagg, just give us the ok when you're ready. I can't wait to fight this guy. I'll be available most of the time, when you wanna fight me just pm me, my aim name is "TheGaggler", i'll be waiting.

Slaggg 10-25-2003 09:46 PM

[quote="Your Fragged":60e4a]need to know where, when, what weapons, what maps, what anticheat.. please understand that i dont plan my life around this game. im not going to pass up going out and having fun to stay home and play a computer game. try to get me in the afternoons, i play when i get home from cross country [/quote:60e4a]

I understand that you have a busy life, like we all do, well most of us. But the time and day isn't up to me. I'm not going to try and arrange this. It's up to you people to coordinate a day and time for it happen, let me know, and I'll make all of the necessary arrangements.

If you want to check out the server now, IP is

I also have a TS2 server, that I could donate for this match, or any others. I say any others, because I've been thinking on it, and I'd be willing to donate my server time to anyone that wants to set up a 1v1, 2v2, etc. The time and date will always be dependent on my Team's practice times, usually every night except Mon at 8pm EST. Just PM me and we can get things rolling, but don't rely on me to coordinate the matches, that's up to you.

[quote="{TRC}Zen Master":60e4a] In regards to the match between Fragged and Lt.Bob ,

I will be happy to volenteer as a screenshot taker for this match Slaggg.
I can push F12 very well.
Also I believe I can discribe the battle and its events quite well , considering my vocabullary consists of more than curse words and slang. [/quote:60e4a]

Ok, let's coordinate on this.

Lt. Bob 10-25-2003 11:10 PM

Well lets see about this then, i'm pretty much free all the time. Fragged, just tell me when you're free and we can set this up, I'll be ready whenever you are. Ah, the wonders of homeschooling.

YourFragged 10-25-2003 11:13 PM

dont really care.

Slaggg 10-26-2003 02:05 AM

Like I said, talk the talk, but can you walk the walk.

Fireal 10-26-2003 02:10 AM

haha Yourfragged would slaughter you all.

YourFragged 10-26-2003 02:10 AM


Originally Posted by Slaggg
Like I said, talk the talk, but can you walk the walk.

no no, i really dont care

Slaggg 10-26-2003 02:39 AM

Oh, and I was so looking forward to this. But since you are backing out.....

10-26-2003 03:39 AM

Perhaps a minor intervention is nessecary.

Date and Time I wont even go there.......LOL
Fragged , It would appear that this is your call. Whats good for you?

But I do have a sugestion on the Gaming style and play.

Bolt action rifles , The standard issue bolt ( No M1 )
This would be the Mauser and the Enfield.
** I find that one who is used to Run & Gun Style play must be very skilled to use these weapons well. **

Choose a standard SMALL map from MOHAA , Large maps or Spearhead maps would make the scores lower.
For instance Destroyed Village or Southern France. We have all played these maps Thousands of times and would provide a level playing field.

Half an hour / 30 mins. One map only , Most kills takes the Victory.

Thats it , No cheats ( which the server will provide ) And your done.

I will take a multitude of screenshots and post an extensive coverage of the battle here.

Slaggg ,

I use Yahoo , IM is trczenmaster
E-Mail is
should you need to contact me. I use cable so I should not cause any lag.

I am looking forward to this match , If you two are as good as you say you are then this is gonna be a great match.
Two men enter .......One man Leave.

YourFragged 10-26-2003 10:44 AM

how would we use a lee enfield?

[GDC]_Polemarcus 10-26-2003 12:54 PM

They are playing allied assault. not spearhead. But, both could use a mauser. Since it is 1 vs 1 the game could be set in free for all deathmatch mode. both could then select axis.

Lt. Bob 10-26-2003 02:16 PM

They would set in on a 2 player ffa so we could both have that gun. I'm getting restless, when are we gonna do this? I'm actualy free today, it's sunday and it's 11:50. Just pm me and we'll talk to slagg or whoever.

Slaggg 10-26-2003 02:36 PM

I have everything ready, but it appears that one of these prospective players 'doesn't care'. I call him chicken rolleyes:

[UU]Timdog 10-26-2003 02:43 PM

I always hit auto select team. I do prefer the axis weapons over the allies though.

Lt. Bob 10-26-2003 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by Slaggg
I have everything ready, but it appears that one of these prospective players 'doesn't care'. I call him chicken rolleyes:

I have a feeling you and i will eventually become good friends. angel:

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