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Vance 10-19-2003 07:06 PM

Fuck all you bitches, baseball pwnz

Webb 10-19-2003 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by Vance
Fuck all you bitches, baseball pwnz

Oh sure "World Series" Florida vs NY. stupid: hake:

Vance 10-19-2003 07:36 PM

You're a moron! Go look on page 1 ... p?t=169610

Simo Häyhä 10-19-2003 07:39 PM

soccer imo isnt that exciting to watch. but no doubt its the worlds most popular sport. Football is more entertaining to play and watch for me

ninty 10-19-2003 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by Tystnad

Originally Posted by Polizei
hockey=teh best

I think this is the first time i feel utterly forced to agree with you, Prot.
I sure would pick a hockeygame before any other sport in the world..
Nothing beats the Stanley cup finals at 4 am, right before youre getting in the shower too shoot off to school.. rock:

They broadcast NHL is Sweden?

Isn't the sweedish league more popular than the NHL?

snipes 10-19-2003 08:52 PM

[quote="Simo Häyhä":91d5d]American Football > soccer[/quote:91d5d]

geRV 10-19-2003 10:34 PM


Originally Posted by Webb

Originally Posted by Vance
Fuck all you bitches, baseball pwnz

Oh sure "World Series" Florida vs NY. stupid: hake:


Vance 10-19-2003 10:59 PM


Originally Posted by Gerard

Originally Posted by Webb

Originally Posted by Vance
Fuck all you bitches, baseball pwnz

Oh sure "World Series" Florida vs NY. stupid: hake:


Get a life. Jeez. Who the fuck cares what they call it

geRV 10-19-2003 11:03 PM


Originally Posted by Vance

Originally Posted by Gerard

Originally Posted by Webb

Originally Posted by Vance
Fuck all you bitches, baseball pwnz

Oh sure "World Series" Florida vs NY. stupid: hake:


Get a life. Jeez. Who the fuck cares what they call it

Topic poster. happy:

Zap. USMC 10-19-2003 11:05 PM

I've played soccer and baseball my ENTIRE life and I would say baseball is the most challenging sport. Most of you people say it's easy to hit the ball, but I know for a fact 90% of you couldn't hit a baseball if it was easily and slowly under-handed to you. Not only do you have the challenge of hitting the ball, but if you are short-stop, second basemen, etc you have the challenge of throwing the ball to the person without fucking up. There is allot of pressure involved. Plus if you're an outfielder you have to catch the damn ball and throw it as hard as you can with precsion to the diamond. Which most of you couldn't with your puny ass arms.

Now it comes to Soccer, which is EQUALLY challenging for me. It's different, since you need eye to foot coordination, rather then eye to hand coordination with baseball. You also have to be in excellent shape to constantly run up and down the field for nearly 2 hours.. which sucks ass, believe me. Soccer is ok when you have a team that actually knows what the fuck they're doing.

All in all I say baseball is more challening... it's a proven fact.

geRV 10-19-2003 11:09 PM

[quote="Cpt. Zapotoski":034c1]

Now it comes to Soccer, which is EQUALLY challenging.

[quote="Cpt. Zapotoski":034c1]

All in all I say baseball is more challening... it's a proven fact.

umm eek:

Zap. USMC 10-19-2003 11:14 PM

woops, I meant "equally challenging for me".

And it was PROVEN that hitting a baseball was most challenging then anything else in anyother sport.

ninty 10-19-2003 11:18 PM

I doubt anyone here would beable to hit a major league fastball or any other pitch.

snipeymagoo 10-19-2003 11:19 PM

i doubt any of you could go out and tackle Mike Alstott, or Marshall Faulk....I played baseball and have tryed to play soccer, id rather watch soccer than baseball, soccer is harder but football is more physically demanding

geRV 10-19-2003 11:19 PM

I doubt anyone here would be able to swerve a football around a defensive wall and put it into the goal from 35 yards or so either, specially against one of the worlds top goalkeepers.

snipeymagoo 10-19-2003 11:21 PM

i doubt anyone will change anyone's mind.... eek:

ninty 10-19-2003 11:21 PM normal people suck at professional sports?

No wonder they get paid so much.

Pyro 10-19-2003 11:28 PM

who gives a shit about the rest of the north america we don't give two shits about soccer.

If Beckham dies, maybe i'll start liking soccer.

Webb 10-19-2003 11:52 PM


Originally Posted by Pyro
who gives a shit about the rest of the north america we don't give two shits about soccer.

If Beckham dies, maybe i'll start liking soccer.

"in north america we don't give two shits about soccer."

WOW I didn't know you could speak up for Americans and Mexicans. annoy:

Tripper 10-20-2003 12:53 AM

So who decided hitting a baseball is the hardest thing to do?

I'd like to see this shit.

Then I'd like too see the person who decided this, hit a fucking cricket ball for six, bowled spin by Shane Warne.

Who ACTUALLY cares what requires more skill? I mean, I'm sure chess requires much more skill than hitting a baseball, doesn't make it interesting, or all round a better sport.

Infact, for all the 'skill,' involved in baseball, it is one muther-fucking BORING-ASS game.
It's so slow and shitty. Watching a bunch of fat-asses swing at a ball. Yay.

Just as bad as cricket.

Every other sport that has been mentioned on this thread, in my opinion (And I'm sure most others), is more interesting to watch than baseball.

YourFragged 10-20-2003 10:09 AM

cross country best sport. period.

10-20-2003 10:31 AM


Originally Posted by Tripper
So who decided hitting a baseball is the hardest thing to do?

I'd like to see this shit.

Then I'd like too see the person who decided this, hit a fucking cricket ball for six, bowled spin by Shane Warne.

Who ACTUALLY cares what requires more skill? I mean, I'm sure chess requires much more skill than hitting a baseball, doesn't make it interesting, or all round a better sport.

Infact, for all the 'skill,' involved in baseball, it is one muther-fucking BORING-ASS game.
It's so slow and shitty. Watching a bunch of fat-asses swing at a ball. Yay.

Just as bad as cricket.

Every other sport that has been mentioned on this thread, in my opinion (And I'm sure most others), is more interesting to watch than baseball.

that's what I meant in my original comment, I've watched baseball a couple of times and I have to conclude that it is not a good sport to watch.
they stand around for about 10 minutes, hit a ball, some guy runs around, then they stand around for another 10 minutes, etc.

To me the most interesting bit was when the pitcher hit a low flying bird biggrin:

pest 10-20-2003 11:05 AM

Baseball is good for sitting it the sun and drinking a beer while you watch kids play. City league softball is more fun to watch than pro baseball. Other than that, I have no use for it.

Soccor is pretty flippin worthless to watch too. This too is more fun to watch kids play.

Skill required for each? Who cares? It takes a real talent to play any sport at the professional level, but it doesnt make the game any more interesting to watch.

Personally, if its not football (the real kind) or auto racing, I dont watch it, unless it has hot chicks playing. Maybe a little college hoops, but thats about it.

JBird 10-20-2003 12:16 PM


Originally Posted by Tripper
So who decided hitting a baseball is the hardest thing to do?

I'd like to see this shit.

Then I'd like too see the person who decided this, hit a fucking cricket ball for six, bowled spin by Shane Warne.

Who ACTUALLY cares what requires more skill? I mean, I'm sure chess requires much more skill than hitting a baseball, doesn't make it interesting, or all round a better sport.

Infact, for all the 'skill,' involved in baseball, it is one muther-fucking BORING-ASS game.
It's so slow and shitty. Watching a bunch of fat-asses swing at a ball. Yay.

Just as bad as cricket.

Every other sport that has been mentioned on this thread, in my opinion (And I'm sure most others), is more interesting to watch than baseball.

your just another poor soul who doesnt understand the beauty of the game. all of you ppl just look at baseball and see it at face value. in truth, baseball is like well made sandwich. from the outside, it looks like bread to most ppl. boring. but on the inside, it has many different layers and ingredients which other sports simply dont have. if you are not a true fan or have minimal knowledge of it, you will never understand the charm, mystique and the art. i , myself, dont hate any sport. i grew up playing baseball, soccer, basketball, ice and roller hockey, football , hell ive even played a bit of lacrosse. in summation, it is easy to tell who here have actually competed in sports , and those whom probably either sat on the bench , or never played in organized athletics. anyone who has competed in baseball knows (i hope) why the game is so great. it will always have its naysayers, which i enjoy honestly. each time i hear or see the negative comments about the sport i love, i chuckle to myself ...just another poor soul who doesnt understand...

Rannoch 10-20-2003 12:53 PM

The most physically demanding sport is Soccer, followed by Motocross.

SnoCross is the best sport to watch, ever. Its like Motocross, except on snow, with snomobiles. Same size jumps even. And, they crash all the time. Ever seen a guy land a 500lb sled on somebodies head? Hehe... most entertaining.

MX is badass.

All others are boring to watch.
Just go buy a quad or dirtbike and you'll see what I mean.

Snuff 10-20-2003 03:37 PM

Hopskotch is the ultimate test of commitment and endurance
followed closely by a rousing game of jacks the_finger:

Scalping Chief 10-20-2003 04:36 PM

Soccer > Hockey > Lacrosse > Golf > ALL

Short Hand 10-20-2003 05:16 PM

I Love all sports !] Except cricket ! rock:

Old Reliable 10-20-2003 05:22 PM

college football

Xorcist [USA] 10-20-2003 08:09 PM

How about those those Cardinals Old?

JBird 10-20-2003 11:52 PM

how bout them NIU HUSKIES! yeah lol rock:

Old Reliable 10-21-2003 12:02 AM

heh i go to western, niu handed it to us. but go blue this weekend


svsu will be in alabama this year, hehehehe

JBird 10-21-2003 12:26 AM

[quote="Old Reliable":2fdc3]heh i go to western, niu handed it to us. but go blue this weekend


svsu will be in alabama this year, hehehehe[/quote:2fdc3]

wow, i knew a bunch of ppl who went to western . most graduated last yr though. i go to columbia college in downtown chicago, we dont have any sports teams lol annoy:

Pyro 10-21-2003 12:56 AM

Blue Sucks

Spartans > Wolverines.

Tripper 10-21-2003 03:47 AM


Originally Posted by JBird

Originally Posted by Tripper
So who decided hitting a baseball is the hardest thing to do?

I'd like to see this shit.

Then I'd like too see the person who decided this, hit a fucking cricket ball for six, bowled spin by Shane Warne.

Who ACTUALLY cares what requires more skill? I mean, I'm sure chess requires much more skill than hitting a baseball, doesn't make it interesting, or all round a better sport.

Infact, for all the 'skill,' involved in baseball, it is one muther-fucking BORING-ASS game.
It's so slow and shitty. Watching a bunch of fat-asses swing at a ball. Yay.

Just as bad as cricket.

Every other sport that has been mentioned on this thread, in my opinion (And I'm sure most others), is more interesting to watch than baseball.

your just another poor soul who doesnt understand the beauty of the game. all of you ppl just look at baseball and see it at face value. in truth, baseball is like well made sandwich. from the outside, it looks like bread to most ppl. boring. but on the inside, it has many different layers and ingredients which other sports simply dont have. if you are not a true fan or have minimal knowledge of it, you will never understand the charm, mystique and the art. i , myself, dont hate any sport. i grew up playing baseball, soccer, basketball, ice and roller hockey, football , hell ive even played a bit of lacrosse. in summation, it is easy to tell who here have actually competed in sports , and those whom probably either sat on the bench , or never played in organized athletics. anyone who has competed in baseball knows (i hope) why the game is so great. it will always have its naysayers, which i enjoy honestly. each time i hear or see the negative comments about the sport i love, i chuckle to myself ...just another poor soul who doesnt understand...

What's to understand? The game sucks ass. Get over it.

I don't know what the fuck you're babbling on about with zee whole "underlying game" tripe......To me you just look like you're grabbing at straws. Keep trying though, plz.

k thxy

Tystnad 10-21-2003 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by ninty9

Originally Posted by Tystnad

Originally Posted by Polizei
hockey=teh best

I think this is the first time i feel utterly forced to agree with you, Prot.
I sure would pick a hockeygame before any other sport in the world..
Nothing beats the Stanley cup finals at 4 am, right before youre getting in the shower too shoot off to school.. rock:

They broadcast NHL is Sweden?

Isn't the sweedish league more popular than the NHL?

Heh, sorry for the late post..
Ya, they broadcast NHL here aswell..
And it doesnt really matter what it is to me, as long as its hockey.. biggrin:
But i got me two fav teams; Toronto when it comes to NHL, and DIF when it comes to SHL.. rock:

ninty 10-21-2003 02:36 PM

Funny how almost all Swedes like Toronto.

JBird 10-21-2003 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by Tripper

Originally Posted by JBird

Originally Posted by Tripper
So who decided hitting a baseball is the hardest thing to do?

I'd like to see this shit.

Then I'd like too see the person who decided this, hit a fucking cricket ball for six, bowled spin by Shane Warne.

Who ACTUALLY cares what requires more skill? I mean, I'm sure chess requires much more skill than hitting a baseball, doesn't make it interesting, or all round a better sport.

Infact, for all the 'skill,' involved in baseball, it is one muther-fucking BORING-ASS game.
It's so slow and shitty. Watching a bunch of fat-asses swing at a ball. Yay.

Just as bad as cricket.

Every other sport that has been mentioned on this thread, in my opinion (And I'm sure most others), is more interesting to watch than baseball.

your just another poor soul who doesnt understand the beauty of the game. all of you ppl just look at baseball and see it at face value. in truth, baseball is like well made sandwich. from the outside, it looks like bread to most ppl. boring. but on the inside, it has many different layers and ingredients which other sports simply dont have. if you are not a true fan or have minimal knowledge of it, you will never understand the charm, mystique and the art. i , myself, dont hate any sport. i grew up playing baseball, soccer, basketball, ice and roller hockey, football , hell ive even played a bit of lacrosse. in summation, it is easy to tell who here have actually competed in sports , and those whom probably either sat on the bench , or never played in organized athletics. anyone who has competed in baseball knows (i hope) why the game is so great. it will always have its naysayers, which i enjoy honestly. each time i hear or see the negative comments about the sport i love, i chuckle to myself ...just another poor soul who doesnt understand...

What's to understand? The game sucks ass. Get over it.

I don't know what the fuck you're babbling on about with zee whole "underlying game" tripe......To me you just look like you're grabbing at straws. Keep trying though, plz.

k thxy

exactly my point, you dont understand the underlying game(s). so much going on behind the scenes in baseball , so many situations to think about...the average baseball hater doesnt see any of this. lol grabbing at straws, i sure have stumped you because you have no idea what im "blabbin" about . rock:

Tripper 10-21-2003 02:47 PM


Originally Posted by JBird

Originally Posted by Tripper

Originally Posted by JBird

Originally Posted by Tripper
So who decided hitting a baseball is the hardest thing to do?

I'd like to see this shit.

Then I'd like too see the person who decided this, hit a fucking cricket ball for six, bowled spin by Shane Warne.

Who ACTUALLY cares what requires more skill? I mean, I'm sure chess requires much more skill than hitting a baseball, doesn't make it interesting, or all round a better sport.

Infact, for all the 'skill,' involved in baseball, it is one muther-fucking BORING-ASS game.
It's so slow and shitty. Watching a bunch of fat-asses swing at a ball. Yay.

Just as bad as cricket.

Every other sport that has been mentioned on this thread, in my opinion (And I'm sure most others), is more interesting to watch than baseball.

your just another poor soul who doesnt understand the beauty of the game. all of you ppl just look at baseball and see it at face value. in truth, baseball is like well made sandwich. from the outside, it looks like bread to most ppl. boring. but on the inside, it has many different layers and ingredients which other sports simply dont have. if you are not a true fan or have minimal knowledge of it, you will never understand the charm, mystique and the art. i , myself, dont hate any sport. i grew up playing baseball, soccer, basketball, ice and roller hockey, football , hell ive even played a bit of lacrosse. in summation, it is easy to tell who here have actually competed in sports , and those whom probably either sat on the bench , or never played in organized athletics. anyone who has competed in baseball knows (i hope) why the game is so great. it will always have its naysayers, which i enjoy honestly. each time i hear or see the negative comments about the sport i love, i chuckle to myself ...just another poor soul who doesnt understand...

What's to understand? The game sucks ass. Get over it.

I don't know what the fuck you're babbling on about with zee whole "underlying game" tripe......To me you just look like you're grabbing at straws. Keep trying though, plz.

k thxy

exactly my point, you dont understand the underlying game(s). so much going on behind the scenes in baseball , so many situations to think about...the average baseball hater doesnt see any of this. lol grabbing at straws, i sure have stumped you because you have no idea what im "blabbin" about . rock:

You got that right.

Funny thing is - I don't think ANYONE here understands what the fuck you're going on about. But plz, continue, k thax?

JBird 10-21-2003 02:50 PM

i dont have to explain what they are, i would only be wasting more typing. baseball fans know what im talking about, k? sleeping:

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