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Cpt. Obvious 11-19-2003 04:58 PM

[quote=bwolf][quote="Cpt. Obvious":4c8ff]

Originally Posted by bwolf

Originally Posted by "Cpt. Obvious":4c8ff

Originally Posted by bwolf
we won't talk about our away games.

*Cough WVU 28-7 VT Cough*

you know what's worse than losing to west virginia?
living in west virginia

Actually living in west virginia is not that bad, low crime rate, good schools, and very scenic in the fall. You go to the southern part of wv and you'll find the classic hick with the accent and the usual your sister is also your cousin.[/quote:4c8ff]
you should go to the capital and repaint the roof of what i assume is your capitol building... that thing is hideous... but good to hear its only the south that is stereotypical west va. and congrats on your win over us... no matter how much it should have never happened annoy:[/quote:4c8ff]
you mean this

bwolf 11-19-2003 05:19 PM

[quote="Cpt. Obvious":e5b85][quote=bwolf][quote="Cpt. Obvious":e5b85]

Originally Posted by bwolf

Originally Posted by "Cpt. Obvious":e5b85

Originally Posted by bwolf
we won't talk about our away games.

*Cough WVU 28-7 VT Cough*

you know what's worse than losing to west virginia?
living in west virginia

Actually living in west virginia is not that bad, low crime rate, good schools, and very scenic in the fall. You go to the southern part of wv and you'll find the classic hick with the accent and the usual your sister is also your cousin.[/quote:e5b85]
you should go to the capital and repaint the roof of what i assume is your capitol building... that thing is hideous... but good to hear its only the south that is stereotypical west va. and congrats on your win over us... no matter how much it should have never happened annoy:[/quote:e5b85]
you mean this[/quote:e5b85]
put it away... blinding

Pyro 11-19-2003 06:13 PM

Adam says I got beat up by some guy named Karan at North Park High School today.

I left for my univeristy at 10 in the morning and arrived back home 30 minutes ago and haven't been in north Park for like 8 months.

He's an odd fellow.

bwolf 11-19-2003 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by Pyro
Adam says I got beat up by some guy named Karan at North Park High School today.

I left for my univeristy at 10 in the morning and arrived back home 30 minutes ago and haven't been in north Park for like 8 months.

He's an odd fellow.


RaNgeR 11-19-2003 06:53 PM


Originally Posted by "Cpt. Obvious":d8fd1

Originally Posted by bwolf
we won't talk about our away games.

*Cough WVU 28-7 VT Cough*

you know what's worse than losing to west virginia?
living in west virginia[/quote:d8fd1]

Ouch - sry it was late rolleyes:

bukdez 11-19-2003 07:07 PM

[quote="{TRC}ZenMaster":5adfa]...Which reminds me of the swastica. Its actually an old Christian symbol , like the fish.[/quote:5adfa]

actually the swastika can be found in both pre-christian Roman and even earlier Greek art and painting. It was also used by both these cultures as a decortive element in archetecture, often in a continuos pattern-like manner. The symbol also appears in early samurai cultures, and in Hindu cultures. Its ancient application was usually as a symbol of life or more often universiality. essentually it is a basic symbol created by adding arms to a cross/plus symbol, or by removing lines from a quartered square, so it isn't surprising that it is used commonly before the times of Hitler or even Christ. Hitler adopted this symbol for those reasons, he knew that it was already a recognized symbol that in most cultures carried a positve connetation, not the symbol of hate he morphed it into. He also used to claim that because the symbol existed in Roman times that they had pre-destined his empre and that it would in effect continue the Roman legacy of imperial rule in Europe, notice that the other main symbol of the Nazi's was the eagle, also the truly main symbol of the Roman Empire. Hitler apparently went as far as to have nazi "archaeologists" carve swastikas on existing monuments to further his assertion.

ninty 11-19-2003 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by gtboys34
Nice sig Zen!

New topic.

How many girls did you sexually harass in middle school? ( basically, "felt on"). Man....... i need some puss!. Im gonna go out this weekend and try to get some girls with my friends if they dont start hatin' on me when and if i approach one.. annoy:

God says not to "get some girls" until you're married.

He might start "hatin' on you" if you do.


11-19-2003 07:15 PM

Thanks Bukdez,

I remember hearing something about it being used in the same manner of the fish.......

You know a secret symbol for christianity , so as not to be procecuted for religion.
Now I had only heard that. Could be wrong. But I feel fairly convienced its true.

What do you know about that?

bukdez 11-19-2003 09:09 PM

i think that is very likely, easy way to change a cross...

bwolf 11-19-2003 09:28 PM

[quote="{TRC}ZenMaster":8c6fd]Its not the world Bwolf , Its just the American version of the English Language.

You see English is based mostly on Gaelic and Roman words. The American Language is based on those and nearly every other language in the world.[/quote:8c6fd]
man zenmaster, you stole all the fun... lol. Iknow its only the american language, but this forum was a good way to leave the anger and hatred that is in 90% of the other threads... it was nice to get some stupid laughs.

oh, and the swastica, or the tetraskelion, is commonly used as a decoration beneath windows in churches... well it used to be, although not exactly sure why. that's about all i know of its relationship to christianity. of course it was used 1000 years before Christ... but i'm sure most people here would guess that neither Jesus nor Hitler invented the symbol

11-19-2003 09:33 PM

Sorry to steal the fun Bwolf , Dont let me stop you , just thought Id through some knowledge out there.

Now Im curious about this swastica thing. Might have to do some reserch.....

IceDemon 11-19-2003 10:33 PM

Well for one thing, its swastika (to be an analretentivestein), and it was a recognized symbol of unity and all that other stuff bukadez said. The Nazis adapted it and turned it on forty-five degree angle.

Or so I gather.

gtboys34 11-20-2003 12:39 PM


Originally Posted by ninty9

Originally Posted by gtboys34
Nice sig Zen!

New topic.

How many girls did you sexually harass in middle school? ( basically, "felt on"). Man....... i need some puss!. Im gonna go out this weekend and try to get some girls with my friends if they dont start hatin' on me when and if i approach one.. annoy:

God says not to "get some girls" until you're married.

He might start "hatin' on you" if you do.


dude, we all make mistakes, its all about recognizing (sp) your mistakes and correcting them appropriately. Your talking like if one believes in god then he's not allowed to go out and get a girlfriend?? Im not gay ya know?

Fireal 11-20-2003 01:24 PM

But you wanted "puss". Thats having sex, before you're married.

gtboys34 11-20-2003 01:28 PM

Lemme clarify, i was joking about the whole puss thing but i do wanna go out and meet some girls this weekend though. Im not even ready to have sex in my oppinion b/c i feel that i'd be like a 10 min man or something. I want my body to be in shape before i thrust myself onto another female lol. And more than likely my first is gonna be black so i better be prepared to "HANG ON". Woot Woot beer:

Dr. Deleto 11-20-2003 01:34 PM

Good old southern baptist tradition.

Anyone ever think that organized religion may be nothing more than an accepted cult? Who knows, 2500 years ago some guy may have thought he could brainwash the masses into following the rules he set up by writing a book and calling it "the word of GOD".

Fireal 11-20-2003 01:36 PM

I dnt believe in god.

pest 11-20-2003 01:43 PM

[quote="Dr. Deleto":83205]Anyone ever think that organized religion may be nothing more than an accepted cult? Who knows, 2500 years ago some guy may have thought he could brainwash the masses into following the rules he set up by writing a book and calling it "the word of GOD".[/quote:83205]

Which guy?

Look, I dont care what you think and dont feel any need to post my beliefs, but come on, if you are are gonna rag on something, you have to at least have a little background on the subject. All you did there is show your ignorance on the subject, from a historical and religous perspective.

gtboys34 11-20-2003 01:44 PM

Brainwashed, EH?? What do you beleive in?

have kids and wife
and die?

Fireal 11-20-2003 01:47 PM

There is just to many unanwsered questions.
IF god created all, who created god?

bwolf 11-20-2003 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by gtboys34
Brainwashed, EH?? What do you beleive in?

have kids and wife
and die?

just like all the other animals, except obviously animals don't "get married"... we're nothing special... this is my opinion.... don't want to get into another one of those.

pest 11-20-2003 01:53 PM

[quote="Animal Mother":efe8d]There is just to many unanwsered questions.
IF god created all, who created god?[/quote:efe8d]

Thats the paradox. Flip the question and say if god didnt create it, who did? There are no answers with proof, hence the word "faith".

Fireal 11-20-2003 01:55 PM

Who knows, and who cares?

What if this is just a dream from a person in a competly different universe?

Dr. Deleto 11-20-2003 01:58 PM

Oh no, wouldn't want to be open minded for once and state an "IDEA", that would just be terrible!. Never said what I personally believed now did I? btw, what are any of you basing your beliefs on right now religion wise? The very same book that nobody knows who wrote? or the "THEORIES" of some "Religion scientist"? Point in fact there is no proof of christianity's origions, or any religion for that matter. I myself AM religious, but at least I am open minded enough to wonder about these things instead of instantly swearing by the word of some book wrote by who knows before our society was ever even dreamed of. I am religious because I want to believe there IS a higher power out there, but that in itself is no proof of my religion's truthfullness now is it?

You can think what you want, never said you couldn't, but it's just like a true christian to start an uproar when his beliefs are actually questioned, instead of stating some FACTS to back up his beliefs.

Like I said, I AM religious, but the ability to question your beliefs and still believe they are right shows your true strength of faith. cheers, headin to the bar. beer:

Zoner 11-20-2003 02:04 PM

[quote="Animal Mother":db102]What if this is just a dream from a person in a competly different universe?[/quote:db102]


guarnere 11-20-2003 02:05 PM


Dr. Deleto 11-20-2003 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by "Animal Mother":b1328
What if this is just a dream from a person in a competly different universe?



bwolf 11-20-2003 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by "Animal Mother":a46e3
What if this is just a dream from a person in a competly different universe?

someone needs to wake up that fool

11-20-2003 02:47 PM

Actually ,

There is enormous proof that the historical timeline of the bible is accurate.

There are sighns of Noahs flood still present today. There have been several Archeological discoveries that show that not only the cities of the bible existed but are located where the bibles says they were.

The biggest problem is , the bible was written in a language that no longer exists. And has been translated to several different languages since. So in my oppion the words one would read from it , cannot be taken as EXACTLY what happened. The translation would just mess it all up. Sort of like telling a story to your friend , he then tells the story to others , them to others and so on. By the time the story got back to you it would be different.

As far as Jesus goes.......I think he was a man of profound wisdom and knowledge. I do believe that his touch alone could heal. However I do not believe he was a son of a god. Think about it.....How would you describe a man like that during that time frame? What words would you use to explain him in the time of the Roman Empire?

I do not follow Christ related religions because of the church. I believe the Vatican holds more secrets than the American Government! lol.

Gonna stop there for now , alot to take in and talk about......

gtboys34 11-20-2003 03:07 PM

The catholic religion is facing some really difficult times right now...

Falco* 11-20-2003 04:02 PM

uh've got me started now, prepare for falco's opinion on religion...

SO! i believe...fuck, im too lazy to write all this, i wrote it on, go chekc it out im gonna express all my religious thoughts through quotes. im an athiest by the way...


The more I question the origin and meaning of our existence, the less I care.
And the less I care, the more I question myself.

Jack Kolber


God is playing a comic to an audience that's afraid to laugh.



Religions are all alike -- founded on fables and mythologies.

Thomas Jefferson


He sewed his eyes shut because he is afraid to see
He tries to tell me what I put inside of me
He's got the answers to easy my curiosity
He dreamed a god up and called it christianity
Your god is dead and no one cares
If there is a hell
I will see you there

Nine Inch Nails, "Heresy"


Religion is excellent stuff for keeping common people quiet.



The truths of religion are never so well understood as by those
who have lost the power of resoning.



The more I study religions the more I am convinced that
man never worshipped anything but himself.



I believe there is something out there watching over us. Unfortunately, it's the government.

Woody Allen


What does it say about God if he goes to the trouble of creating an existence only to shower it with misery unless they worship him?


If God is the answer, it must have been a very stupid question.



I won't believe in Heaven and Hell,
No saints, no sinners, no devil as well.
No pearly gates, no thorny crown,
You're always letting us humans down.
The wars you bring, the babes you drown,
Those lost at sea and never found.
And it's the same the whole world round.
The hurt I see helps to compound,
that the Father, Son and Holy Ghost,
Is just somebody's unholy hoax,
And if you're up there you'll perceive,
That my heart's here upon my sleeve.
If there's one thing I don't believe in...

It's you, Dear God.

The Band XTC


History does not record anywhere at any time a religion that has any rational basis.
Religion is a crutch for people not strong enough to stand up to the unknown without help.
But, like dandruff, most people do have a religion and spend time and money on it and seem to derive considerable pleasure from fiddling with it.

Lazarus Long, "Time Enough For Love" by Robert Heinlein


Faith is a blind man reaching forward, expecting to shake someone's hand.

Greg Jensen

Christians and their God are not interested in finding truth, or having anything to do with it.
Why else was man told by God not to partake of the fruit of the tree of knowledge? Knowledge and truth are the destroyers of belief and dogma.


If God didn't exist, it would be neccesary to invent him.



Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful.

Seneca the Younger


Gods are fragile things; they may be killed by a whiff of science or a dose of common sense.

Chapman Cohen


Don't pray in my school and I won't think in your church.

Bumper Sticker


There will never be world peace as long as religion exists.


"It's hard to be religious when certain people don't get incinerated by lighting bolts"

Calvin & Hobbes


I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do.
When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.

Stephen Roberts.


For God so loved the world that he drowned everyone in it.

Athwart Babbit


If you talk to God you are praying. If God talks to you, you're schizo.


If a man suddenly appears before me with a big beard and locks and the works,
and performed this huge fucking miracle and said to me "I am God," I'd say,
"Fuck man, I didn't believe in ya but ok, you got me." But until that day he can fuck right off.

Liam Gallagher, Oasis


It all began when man made God in his image...

Dennis Voges


Take what you will from each and every religion, but take it and make it your own.
The only true religion is a free and independent one, independent in thought, independent in heart.
Independence is not achieved through conformity.

Ryan W. Kimball


When did I realize I was God? Well, I was praying and I suddenly realized I was talking to myself.

Peter O'Toole, The Ruling Class


Christians are quick to scoff at the absurdity of other religions when most fail to realize they worship a book that contains talking bushes and donkeys.


The fact is that far more crime and child abuse has been committed in the name of God, Jesus, and Mohammed
than has ever been committed in the name of Satan. Many people don't like that statement, but few can argue with it.

Kenneth V. Lanning


Is man one of God's blunders? Or is God one of man's blunders?

Friedrich Nietzsche


Religion is a superstition that originated in man`s mental inability to solve natural phenomena.
The Church is an orgainized institution that has always been stumbling to block progress.

Emma Goldman


Fuck religion, even the Bible tells you you're all sheep. Did you ever stop to think what that meant?

Ben Sanger


You keep believing, I'll keep evolving.

Bumper Sticker


Religion is like farting: we like our own but hate everyone elses.

Homer Simpson


Salvation lies with ourselves, for we live in a world that had been self-generated through the accidental coming together of atoms;
particles of matter which move within an infinite variety, but without any overall purpose, goal, or design.

Ancient Roman Epicureans


God is just an excuse for the unkown.


I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation, whose purposes are modeled after our own --
a God, in short, who is but a reflection of human frailty. Neither can I believe that the individual survives the death of his body,
although feeble souls harbor such thoughts through fear or ridiculous egotisms.

Albert Einstein


You're basically killing each other to see who's got the better imaginary friend.

Yasir Arafat, on going to war over religion


The belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary; men are quite capable of every wickedness.

Joseph Conrad


When I was a kid I used to pray every night for a new bicycle.
Then I realised that the Lord doesn't work that way so I stole one and asked Him to forgive me.

Emo Philips

bwolf 11-20-2003 04:08 PM

[quote="{TRC}ZenMaster":098cf]Actually ,

There is enormous proof that the historical timeline of the bible is accurate.

There are sighns of Noahs flood still present today. There have been several Archeological discoveries that show that not only the cities of the bible existed but are located where the bibles says they were.

The biggest problem is , the bible was written in a language that no longer exists. And has been translated to several different languages since. So in my oppion the words one would read from it , cannot be taken as EXACTLY what happened. The translation would just mess it all up. Sort of like telling a story to your friend , he then tells the story to others , them to others and so on. By the time the story got back to you it would be different.

As far as Jesus goes.......I think he was a man of profound wisdom and knowledge. I do believe that his touch alone could heal. However I do not believe he was a son of a god. Think about it.....How would you describe a man like that during that time frame? What words would you use to explain him in the time of the Roman Empire?

I do not follow Christ related religions because of the church. I believe the Vatican holds more secrets than the American Government! lol.

Gonna stop there for now , alot to take in and talk about......[/quote:098cf]
I think that, whoever it was that said something about the Bible, may have wanted to mean that the Bible is not entirely fictitious.... like the movie Titanic, the stoy line is ridiculous but its foundation lies on actual events and even a few real people. Most great novels take place in actual cities and involve actual historical events. So the flood may have happened, but did Noah make an arc? And based on the dimensions of it, and the number of species there are now, something does not add up: Either evolution (which is against most Christians’ beliefs) created a lot of extra species since then; the flood didn’t really cover the world, but only a relatively small part of it - which i have seen a lot of research on, and seems to be most likely; or those animals were packed very, very tightly. Anyway, I imagine Jesus was the man, but I'm with you on the church... conspirators.

11-20-2003 05:01 PM

That is an amazing display Falco. Some awsome stuff in there too.

Dont get me wrong , Im Buddist. So I Dont pray , and I dont attend church.
However I do believe the storys of the bible are truth based , as Bwolf said.

And I think the Vatican holds many facts away from the people of the world. Simply because the church is still the ultimate power in the world and a Billion dollar business to boot.
Though somewhat off-topic , there was a film called Stigmata that touched on some of the truths about christ based religions.
If your not familliar with the film , it deals with a athiest that is stricken with the wounds of christ. But with all good movies there is a sub-plot.
The sub-plot is more relevant to our discussion.....It states that Jesus wrote a chapter for the bible as well as the followers had.
Which I think would be quite possible. And in his chapter he stated.....You need not go to church to find me , you will find me in your self.
Now of corse this is ficticious. However it is a good point.
Why would someone like Jesus , want you to be in church? Or would he ask that you kneel and pray to him?
This contradicts what the bible tells us of him. And that is why I think the Vatican has things to hide.

Now the events of record that are stated in the bible cannot be ignored. They are supported with fact. The great flood is recorded in Asian history and in Egyptian history. The Egyptians have secrets themselves and will not agree , however the Archeological evidence is still present.

But its Geneses that causes the most problems. This is the point where science and relgion cannot agree. And I must favor science here. I simply cannot concieve a 7 day creation. Nor the whole Eve thing.

As far as evolution , I think most intelligent Religions will follow that. We simply are not the same species we were 3000 years ago. With of corse exeption to the Genises part.

Falco* 11-20-2003 05:19 PM

[quote="{TRC}ZenMaster":324f3]I simply cannot concieve a 7 day creation.[/quote:324f3]

WHOAH! listen to this theory made by einstein...

i believe that the explination of everything was just an accidental coming of atoms that have been formed into the universe, without any purpose or mean. after we die, we're just dead and out minds are just in a dormant psyche, in a perpetual void

now, back to einstein's theory of relativity...

I too, zen, didnt believe in teh 7 day creation, but check this out

einstein made a theory that the faster you go, the more time slows down...

we all know that it took the universe like a gazillion years to form, but now, to my main point

the big bang theory, where everything and anything came together in a solid energy mass, the size of the head of pin, and exploding, growing to the size of a basketball in 0.000000000001 seconds..(or something like that) now, back to what i was saying about how the faster you go, time slows down. picture the universe expanding, shaped like a giant sphere, you with me? ok, since the universe is expanding so damn fast, and the FASTER you go TIME SLOWS DOWN what seems like a GAZILLION years on the outer rim of what is expanding, because it slows down and doesnt go so actually only like 7 days ONLY to the point where everything exploded because its moving at like 10000x the speed of light, but NOT to the stuff that has already expanded outward, get it?

JBird 11-20-2003 05:25 PM


i never understood the stupid proverb of :

If a tree falls in the woods with nothing to hear it, does it still make a sound?

Of course it does. This is so ridiculous to me. If there were no living things anywhere around this tree, it would still make a sound. rolleyes:

11-20-2003 05:32 PM

Yea I DO get it. Thats awsome.
You are truley a scholar and gentleman.

Ok so we have established the timeframe of creation and its relevance to the 7 day creation period. Thanks to Einstien and Falco.
However that doesn't explain the creater.
In the imortal words of Han " Kid Ive been from one side of this gallaxy to the other , Ive seen alot of strange things. But I have not seen anything to make me believe there is an all powerful force controlling it all."

Falco* 11-20-2003 06:37 PM

Salvation lies with ourselves, for we live in a world that had been self-generated through the accidental coming together of atoms;
particles of matter which move within an infinite variety, but without any overall purpose, goal, or design. there isnt a god, its all just the coincidence

to put it simply, the universe is like a really expensive toy without intructions...sooner or later we're going to break it freak:

11-20-2003 07:00 PM

Ok ,

on to something completely diferent........

Supposing its coincidence , then in all probilbility there would be quite honestly 10 thousand other examples of coincidence just within this gallexy alone.....

Exterestrial Life?

IceDemon 11-20-2003 07:07 PM

There has to be life out there some where among those millions upon billions of stars.

Well how about:

Do you think any humans will be alive when the Sun becomes a red giant?

Fireal 11-20-2003 07:17 PM


Originally Posted by JBird

i never understood the stupid proverb of :

If a tree falls in the woods with nothing to hear it, does it still make a sound?

Of course it does. This is so ridiculous to me. If there were no living things anywhere around this tree, it would still make a sound. rolleyes:

But how does anybody know?

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