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1080jibber 12-15-2003 11:58 PM

ok ok , you win, my country suck blaaa blaa blaa, yours is the best.

Chango 12-15-2003 11:59 PM

[quote="Coublacka_":b85d6]Hockey > Baseball

Hockey = Canada, Baseball = USA

Therefor, Canada > USA

Why do we even need an army? noones gonna attack us until the US runs out of countries to ruin.[/quote:b85d6]

Hockey and Baseball both suck equally.

Therefore Canada = USA

Would a mod just lock threads like these? They serve no purpose at all.

Eight Ace 12-16-2003 12:02 AM


Originally Posted by 1080jibber
ok ok , you win, my country suck blaaa blaa blaa, yours is the best.

..tch!!, fancy giving in so easily like that, respect for your own country... hake:

1080jibber 12-16-2003 12:02 AM


Originally Posted by "Coublacka_":02039
Hockey > Baseball

Hockey = Canada, Baseball = USA

Therefor, Canada > USA

Why do we even need an army? noones gonna attack us until the US runs out of countries to ruin.

Hockey and Baseball both suck equally.

Therefore Canada = USA

Would a mod just lock threads like these? They serve no purpose at all.[/quote:02039]

there here to get people piss off, and im enjoying it happy:

And you right, Hockey and Baseball both suck equally

1080jibber 12-16-2003 12:04 AM

[quote="Eight Ace":4ced1]

Originally Posted by 1080jibber
ok ok , you win, my country suck blaaa blaa blaa, yours is the best.

..tch!!, fancy giving in so easily like that, respect for your own country... hake:[/quote:4ced1]

actually i was going into stealth mode, then i was going to flame the US like no one has before biggrin:

12-16-2003 12:07 AM

[quote="Cpl. Eames":f6187]Ya i know, its obvious you hate me because I dont share your anti-american agenda, even though I've never flamed you or said anything that personaly attacked you. But I can understand your frustration...if someone came along and constantly proved all of my points wrong, I'd be angry too, and probably would be calling them a stupid hipee comunist that needed to go back to russia.[/quote:f6187]

1. there are no communists in Russia...OK so there are but they get like .00001% of the vote there now (sort of like the Greens here)
2. communists hate hippies, they are nonconformist and therefore a threat

Short Hand 12-16-2003 12:17 AM

[quote="Cpl. Eames":102ad]Ya i know, its obvious you hate me because I dont share your anti-american agenda, even though I've never flamed you or said anything that personaly attacked you. But I can understand your frustration...if someone came along and constantly proved all of my points wrong, I'd be angry too, and probably would be calling them a stupid hipee comunist that needed to go back to russia.[/quote:102ad]

I hate you because of that big white cape, and that pointy white hat you wear. You just make making fun of America and its giant moron that much more fun. You fuel the fire dumbass. I could give a shit if you make fun of Canada. beer: cheers

Eight Ace 12-16-2003 12:18 AM


Originally Posted by "Eight Ace":4b241

Originally Posted by 1080jibber
ok ok , you win, my country suck blaaa blaa blaa, yours is the best.

..tch!!, fancy giving in so easily like that, respect for your own country... hake:

actually i was going into stealth mode, then i was going to flame the US like no one has before biggrin:[/quote:4b241]
...fucking hell!! ed:

Proteus 12-16-2003 12:21 AM


Originally Posted by JBird
hockey > military


Pyro 12-16-2003 01:23 AM


Originally Posted by Proteus

Originally Posted by JBird
hockey > military


It's true.

bwolf 12-16-2003 01:57 AM

so what's up with the usa - canada tension anyway.... too many people on both sides are just being asses about it.

american: "canada doesn't have an army.... b00nzZorz!!!1"
canadian: "we don't need cause we haxorz america's army lolol"
american: "stfu and play hockey and be gay"
canadian: "bush is teh ghey"

Madmartagen 12-16-2003 02:24 AM

I think US and Canada needs a hug, this tug of war thing is getting as old as the liberal vs conservative thing. You two should just give eachother a hug and go back to playing grabass.

ShagNasty 12-16-2003 02:33 AM

[quote:d6ecb]ok ok , you win, my country suck blaaa blaa blaa, yours is the best.

true words very true j/k. I like canadas free health care that rocks I wish we had it. I like Canada decriminalization of weed too. the funny thing is most Americans dont ever think about Canada but they seem to think of us. Why is that. Why do you care if Bush is an idiot, he is not your pres. Nothing he does will affect you, you are our allies. I think there is some jealousy going on. Of course you will never admit it, but there is no other reason to hate a country that barely acknowledges your existence. i mean come on you guys send people down here and say shit like your capital is an iglo to say how dumb we are. we dont send or shows up there to rip on you guys, why because we dont care about you.

MinorThreat 12-16-2003 03:26 AM

I'm gonna have to agree with shag here, canadians are all bush sucks this and bush ghey that...

and I'm like, What is the name of canada's president? Do they even have a president?

Lets have a little trivia for the americans out there:
Does canada even have a president?
If they do what is his name?
If they don't what do they have?
What is his name?
Do any of you care?

12-16-2003 03:26 AM


Originally Posted by ShagNasty
[quote:10ba3]ok ok , you win, my country suck blaaa blaa blaa, yours is the best.

true words very true j/k. I like canadas free health care that rocks I wish we had it. I like Canada decriminalization of weed too. the funny thing is most Americans dont ever think about Canada but they seem to think of us. Why is that. Why do you care if Bush is an idiot, he is not your pres. Nothing he does will affect you, you are our allies. I think there is some jealousy going on. Of course you will never admit it, but there is no other reason to hate a country that barely acknowledges your existence. i mean come on you guys send people down here and say shit like your capital is an iglo to say how dumb we are. we dont send or shows up there to rip on you guys, why because we dont care about you.[/quote:10ba3]

Man... You're a retard....

[quote:10ba3]the funny thing is most Americans dont ever think about Canada but they seem to think of us. Why is that.[/quote:10ba3]

Because you're a fucking moron, thats why.

[quote:10ba3]Why do you care if Bush is an idiot, he is not your pres. Nothing he does will affect you, you are our allies.[/quote:10ba3]

Well, first we don't CARE if Bush is an idiot. Second, Some of the decisions he makes(or could make) DOES affect us, regardless if we are Amercia's allie or not.

[quote:10ba3]I think there is some jealousy going on. Of course you will never admit it, but there is no other reason to hate a country that barely acknowledges your existence.[/quote:10ba3]

Why would Canadian citizens be jealous of Amercia? Also, no fucking Canadian here has ever said they hate Amercia, where the fuck are you people getting your ideas from?

[quote:10ba3] i mean come on you guys send people down here and say shit like your capital is an iglo to say how dumb we are. we dont send or shows up there to rip on you guys, why because we dont care about you.[/quote:10ba3]

So, Canadians come to USA and say that Ottawa is an "Igloo to say how dumb we are"

Fuck kid, you are one dumb muthafuka.

Also, no one gives a shit if Amercia doesn't care about Canada. Stop trying to get under our skin.

Man... Morons like shagnasty should be shot....

JBird 12-16-2003 03:43 AM

i am shocked and appauled that someone would be calling someone else dumb on the internet!


redhawk_six 12-16-2003 04:06 AM


Originally Posted by ShagNasty
[quote:94953]ok ok , you win, my country suck blaaa blaa blaa, yours is the best.

true words very true j/k. I like canadas free health care that rocks I wish we had it. I like Canada decriminalization of weed too. the funny thing is most Americans dont ever think about Canada but they seem to think of us. Why is that. Why do you care if Bush is an idiot, he is not your pres. Nothing he does will affect you, you are our allies. I think there is some jealousy going on. Of course you will never admit it, but there is no other reason to hate a country that barely acknowledges your existence. i mean come on you guys send people down here and say shit like your capital is an iglo to say how dumb we are. we dont send or shows up there to rip on you guys, why because we dont care about you.[/quote:94953]

Thank you for proving your knowledge of Canadian/American relations.

Things Bush does has a major effect on us. Have you not heard of the beef ban or the softwood lumber tariff. Hundreds of lumber yards were forced to shut down leaving thousands with out jobs. Plus, the tariff really is illegal in the first place, due to the NAFTA Agreement. And farmers up here are lossing millions by the day because of the ban on Canadian beef. It was just one cow, we found it, destroyed it, and the problems over, there wasn't even a problem in the first place. Yet, the beef ban continued for months. Billions of dollars were lost, and the beef industry up here will probably never fully recover.

Now, could a mod be so kind as to end this internation pissing contest by locking this stupid thread. Thank You.

guarnere 12-16-2003 05:04 AM


just took a pic of this out of the local 'sunday' paper...


Zoner 12-16-2003 08:49 AM


Originally Posted by MinorThreat
What is the name of canada's president? Do they even have a president?

Lets have a little trivia for the americans out there:
Does canada even have a president?
If they do what is his name?
If they don't what do they have?
What is his name?
Do any of you care?


You're reinforcing a stereotype, man. GG. rolleyes:

pest 12-16-2003 09:10 AM guys cnt even get a US-Canada flame war going good and proper.

Only thing I got to say is I take offense to whoever said baseball=USA. ed:

Baseball = teh suk

The rest of this thread = sleeping:

bwolf 12-16-2003 11:32 AM


Originally Posted by Zoner

Originally Posted by MinorThreat
What is the name of canada's president? Do they even have a president?

Lets have a little trivia for the americans out there:
Does canada even have a president?
If they do what is his name?
If they don't what do they have?
What is his name?
Do any of you care?


You're reinforcing a stereotype, man. GG. rolleyes:

now zoner, with all do respect, there are just as many people stereotyping the US and Bush

Zoner 12-16-2003 11:43 AM

Yep, I don't doubt it for a second. I'm not one of them because I know better than to shoot my mouth off about wide-sweeping stereotypes. The world is not like that, people.

If you believe in absolute stereotypes, you're a fucking dolt.

By the way, Canada has a Prime Minister. His name is Paul Martin. There ya go. Class dismissed.

bwolf 12-16-2003 12:08 PM


ShagNasty 12-16-2003 12:55 PM

[quote:3bce3]So, Canadians come to USA and say that Ottawa is an "Igloo to say how dumb we are"

Fuck kid, you are one dumb muthafuka.

you miss read it or i had a typo. canada sent a show done here, and was telling people their capital was an iglo to see if we thought it was. to see how dumb we are. in fact the damn link was at this site. as for the beef wtf would we need your beef in the 1st place. the lumber one o well deal with it. we have our own lumber industry why care about your. you pissed because we wont import it? you dont need USA or our money right. so piss off on it.

General Cobra 12-16-2003 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by 1080jibber
there will always be a canadian military, and you would have to be the biggest fool to think that one day there would be no money going into the canadian army.

I agree.

bwolf 12-16-2003 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by ShagNasty
[quote:9f6e2]So, Canadians come to USA and say that Ottawa is an "Igloo to say how dumb we are"

Fuck kid, you are one dumb muthafuka.

you miss read it or i had a typo. canada sent a show done here, and was telling people their capital was an iglo to see if we thought it was. to see how dumb we are. in fact the damn link was at this site. as for the beef wtf would we need your beef in the 1st place. the lumber one o well deal with it. we have our own lumber industry why care about your. you pissed because we wont import it? you dont need USA or our money right. so piss off on it.[/quote:9f6e2]
alright shaggy.... you're just making a fool of yourself now... drop it

btw, the funniest thing canadian related i've ever seen was on the back of a cereal box.... you had to cut the thing off the box and send it in and youcould win something, then it said canadian participants would have to pass a short math test to qualify... i could have won and been completely stupid, awesome... anyway, randomness.... any explaination?

ShagNasty 12-16-2003 01:11 PM

hard to accpet the true right? we dont need your shit down here and you whine when we wont take it lmao.

pest 12-16-2003 01:38 PM

The us doesnt want canadian lumber because the candian lumber industry is subsidized by the government and sold below the cost of US lumber. Unfair trade pratices, borderline dumping, etc. all with the effect of driving US lumber companys out of business. As a sidenote, the northern lumber doesnt do well in the heat and humidity of the US. At least I think that is what that rambling incoherent post was alluding to.

bwolf 12-16-2003 01:40 PM


Originally Posted by ShagNasty
hard to accpet the true right? we dont need your shit down here and you whine when we wont take it lmao.

no one has said anything since you last post ass
except for me of course, and i just told you to shut up, you didn't listen... if this is in response to me then you're more dumb than i thought, since i'm american, which is fairly obvious from my american flag sig.

ShagNasty 12-16-2003 02:14 PM

[quote:17725]no one has said anything since you last post ass
except for me of course, and i just told you to shut up, you didn't listen... if this is in response to me then you're more dumb than i thought, since i'm american, which is fairly obvious from my american flag sig.

then stick up for your country asshole.

12-16-2003 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by ShagNasty
hard to accpet the true right? we dont need your shit down here and you whine when we wont take it lmao.

Who the fuck is whining about it? You said nothing Bush does has an affect on Canada, and a couple people told you it did (Which it does!) and gave you the reasons why.



Originally Posted by shagnasty
then stick up for your country asshole.


Originally Posted by bwolf
now zoner, with all do respect, there are just as many people stereotyping the US and Bush

ShagNasty 12-16-2003 02:40 PM

[quote:37326]Who the fuck is whining about it? You said nothing Bush does has an affect on Canada[/quote:37326]

I never said the word canada I said the word you. so unless some one here is a dairy farmer or a lumber jack it dont affect you directly. sure your economy may get a little fucked, sell it to some one else.

Snuff 12-16-2003 02:44 PM

OK..ENOUGH...I have made posts and threads recently talking
about some of the Canadians on this board making too much
Anti-American comments (policy, president, generally being assholes or stupied etc.) Now it seems that a Canada vs. USA flame war has erupted.
It also seems that the Canadian's have recieved their fair amount of flames
recently since this began. Now that everyone has had a chance to get the flaming out of their systems and that the problem is not just one sided,
everyone should let it go.
I don't see any problem disagreeing with each other's countries policies
leaders, ect., but just do it in a respectful manner without all the stereotypes. Drop the Canada sucks because.., or Bush is a monkey who should die,or all of you assholeswhen referring to people from other
countries and there shouldn't be a problem.
Point is: this forum has members from all over the world, nobody's country
is right or wrong all the time. Just use a little tact and maintain some level of maturity when discussing someone else's country.
end of rant.... rock: rock: rock: rock: rock: rock:

bwolf 12-16-2003 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by Quze

Originally Posted by ShagNasty
hard to accpet the true right? we dont need your shit down here and you whine when we wont take it lmao.

Who the fuck is whining about it? You said nothing Bush does has an affect on Canada, and a couple people told you it did (Which it does!) and gave you the reasons why.



Originally Posted by shagnasty
then stick up for your country asshole.


Originally Posted by bwolf
now zoner, with all do respect, there are just as many people stereotyping the US and Bush

i'm not sure how my quote has any relevance, but rock:

gtboys34 12-16-2003 02:53 PM

Hope you guys aren't already in debt...

bwolf 12-16-2003 02:55 PM


Originally Posted by ShagNasty
[quote:eeb90]no one has said anything since you last post ass
except for me of course, and i just told you to shut up, you didn't listen... if this is in response to me then you're more dumb than i thought, since i'm american, which is fairly obvious from my american flag sig.

then stick up for your country asshole.[/quote:eeb90]
1: check yourself
2: you're the ass who started this thread, which is basically making fun of canada, so they have the right to say whatever they want. there's no sense in getting in a flame war. a lot of people have said intelligent things, but you've just been being an idiot the entire time. i don't have a defense against us disruting trade between canada on certain goods, because we've done and it was good for us to do it, even if it wasn't good for canada. i also have no defense when people say "bush is a n00b" because i'm not going to argue with morons. so basically the intelligent people, the people who i would argue with, make very valid points and don't go around just bashing the U.S. and the idiots who do try to bash the U.S are too ignorant to argue with. in short: you are one of the ignorant ones, except you bash canada, and you should stfu.
3: you should stfu
4: ummm..... stfu?

Snuff 12-16-2003 03:00 PM

Guys calmdown: take a look at my previous post, let it go, and stfu biggrin:

ShagNasty 12-16-2003 03:46 PM

The idiot wont shut up. I said nothing wrong. In fact his last post he agrees with me and dont even know it. That is a dumbass for you.

Maplegyver 12-16-2003 04:05 PM

if only there were more canadas then there would be no military in the world and we would all be at peace!
oh and basketball was invented by a canadian biggrin:
and i dont know why we need such a gigantic military seeing as we are a PEACEkeeping country. not a "my army can beat up your army" country.

Art Attack 12-16-2003 04:09 PM

Exactly, now if those stupid bullshit keeps up i'll close this.

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