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Merlin122 02-04-2004 06:04 PM

who wants to go fuck a chicken with me?

Eight Ace 02-04-2004 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by ninty9
General Cobra: "2. I hate muslims."

That's not racist?

Perhaps "race" was the wrong word to use, but I don't think it makes a difference what word is used, I think its pretty clear as to what is being said.

Suggesting someone is a racist because they express intolerance of a particular religion
is clearly wrong, there is a huge difference....but the racist card is so easy to grab onto.


Originally Posted by ninty9
And what difference does it matter if it happens across Europe? I'm not talking about europe. It happens everywhere in the world,
I talking about on this board. I thought it was pretty simple.

Sorry, I thought this thread was about legislation being proposed in France,
which was in Europe last time I looked. Simple enough?

Go to any Islamic country and they will not hesitate to tell you what is unacceptable behaviour
/ dress / consumption etc.and you have no choice but to comply with these laws no matter how
arcane or irrelevant they may seem, or be punished (as in really punished) accordingly.

Muslims might just have to get their heads around the fact that other countries may choose to do the same.

MrLevinstein 02-04-2004 08:03 PM

I have cousins in Belgium and they said that Europe is being overrun
by muslums and that they form communities very similar to America
ghettos, and if youve ever seen the types of people that like ghetto
life, youll see why they hate them too. They said the people smell as

strvs 02-04-2004 08:24 PM

Misc guy couldnt have said it better for me, i could care less about a hat.

Maplegyver 02-04-2004 08:30 PM

personally i dont care because im in a catholic school. but there are muslums in it oOo:

General Cobra 02-04-2004 08:31 PM

Well lets get one thing straight. Not that's it's anyone's business here...

I lost 3 close family members to crazy muslim "I wanna kill my self for Allah" peices of shit. One of them was a sibling. One in Kenya and 2 in Afganistan. Ive got not probs with blacks its the Koran and Allah I have a prob with and the motherfuckers that feel they needc to kill people by blowing themselves up in the name of Allah.

Muslims can go fuck them selves. Piss on the Koran and piss on Allah. Ya I got a chip on my shoulder. But if you don't know what it's like to lose extremely close family to that type of stupidity then don't judge me and stfu.

Eames 02-04-2004 08:51 PM

[quote="Sgt Stryker":694c1]well, from what I've read and heard about Europe, if they don't pass this law, they may as well start converting to Islam,
we may very well see a Muslim Europe pretty soon unless things change (mainly immigration laws)[/quote:694c1]

thats what this is about, its about preserving the native european culture instead of allowing it to be overun by foriegners. Europe is diferent from the US, Canada, and austrailia because europe was not built on imigration, and the liberals can't play the "we were all imigrants at one time" card there. Europe should end all foriegn imigration and deport the non natives from there homeland, because they really dont have a right to be there. The native people of Europe should not have to sit idily by while extremely laxed imigration laws do what countless foriegn armies have failed to do...take western europe for themselves. The fact of the matter is this, europe is the ancesteral homeland of people who have lived there for thousands of years, they should not have to sit by and watch their culture, their national identity, their majority, in their homeland the place their ancestores have lived for thousands of years be overrun by foriegners because thats the "politicly correct" thing to do. Fuck that, they have the right and the obligation to preserve their national identity, heritage, and way of life, and if the fucking foriegners don't like it...they can pack their shit up and leave because they dont belong there anyways.

ninty 02-04-2004 09:04 PM

[quote="Eight Ace":705fd]

Originally Posted by ninty9
General Cobra: "2. I hate muslims."

That's not racist?

Perhaps "race" was the wrong word to use, but I don't think it makes a difference what word is used, I think its pretty clear as to what is being said.

Suggesting someone is a racist because they express intolerance of a particular religion
is clearly wrong, there is a huge difference....but the racist card is so easy to grab onto.


Originally Posted by ninty9
And what difference does it matter if it happens across Europe? I'm not talking about europe. It happens everywhere in the world,
I talking about on this board. I thought it was pretty simple.

Sorry, I thought this thread was about legislation being proposed in France,
which was in Europe last time I looked. Simple enough?

Go to any Islamic country and they will not hesitate to tell you what is unacceptable behaviour
/ dress / consumption etc.and you have no choice but to comply with these laws no matter how
arcane or irrelevant they may seem, or be punished (as in really punished) accordingly.

Muslims might just have to get their heads around the fact that other countries may choose to do the same.[/quote:705fd]

Look, the guy said he hated muslims. In my book, that's racial discrimination. It's the same thing as saying I hate Christians because their christian, or blacks because their black, or Germans because their german. It makes no difference. And again, I was referring to some of the posters here, not European countries.

Last time I checked a lot of countries with a Muslim population supressed its people. Eg: Afghanistan 2001. So because a tyrant government in the Middle East won't allow Catholics to wear a cross, a supposed democratic government of the west is supposed to do the same? i don't buy it. Our countries are built on equality for all, not on what other countries do.

General Cobra 02-04-2004 09:10 PM


Originally Posted by ninty9
General Cobra: "2. I hate muslims."Look, the guy said he hated muslims. In my book, that's racial discrimination. It's the same thing as saying I hate Christians because their christian, or blacks because their black, or Germans because their german. countries are built on equality for all, not on what other countries do.

SHUT THE FUCK UP. We know already asshole. I have issues. But atleast I don't group being a christian with being a race. You have worse issues then I do if that's how u think.

strvs 02-04-2004 09:17 PM

Its plain intolerance of other peoples differences, its not racist, its prejiduce.

General Cobra 02-04-2004 09:20 PM

[quote="[muted]strvs":1e555]Its plain intolerance of other peoples differences, its not racist, its prejiduce.[/quote:1e555]

Oddly enough... thankyou.

Eames 02-04-2004 09:26 PM

get the fuck off cobras case you fucknig hipees "omg your racist, im gonna cry because you don't like muslims you are evil" He's got a damn good reason to not like them, and you fucking hipee pc police need to stop trying to enforce your liberal views on everyone.

Pyro 02-04-2004 09:28 PM

You are egenrealizing an entire religion to be the same.

I don't see my friend Taimur blowing up any of your buildings.

I hope you get killed honestly.

General Cobra 02-04-2004 09:34 PM


Originally Posted by Pyro
You are egenrealizing an entire religion to be the same.

I don't see my friend Taimur blowing up any of your buildings.

I hope you get killed honestly.

Fuck you Pyro then in that case I hope your whole family is killed then youd have some vauge idea of how it feels you insensitive prick. And I mean that.


Old Reliable 02-04-2004 09:37 PM

you hate muslims yet you've probably not had the chance to meet one and get to know one.

Pyro 02-04-2004 09:38 PM

[quote="General Cobra":3a052]

Originally Posted by Pyro
You are egenrealizing an entire religion to be the same.

I don't see my friend Taimur blowing up any of your buildings.

I hope you get killed honestly.

Fuck you Pyro then in that case I hope your whole family is killed then youd have some vauge idea of how it feels you insensitive prick. And I mean that.


And if my entire family is killed upon your wishes, Now lets see...I'm supposed to hate everyone who lives in America, everyone who is white and everyone who knows you?

Seems a little far fetched doesn't it?

Eames 02-04-2004 09:42 PM

The point is muslims aren't white, they dont look like us or talk like us, and they make good scape goats...what else could you ask for?

General Cobra 02-04-2004 09:42 PM

Go fuck yourself little boy.

strvs 02-04-2004 09:43 PM

[quote="Cpl. Eames":fe7ef]The point is muslims aren't white, they dont look like us or talk like us, and they make good scape goats...what else could you ask for?[/quote:fe7ef]
Please shutup. you bring no valid arguement.

Pyro 02-04-2004 09:43 PM

[quote="General Cobra":9bc63]Go fuck yourself little boy.[/quote:9bc63]

Go kill some innocent people just because they were born different from you are.

Eames 02-04-2004 09:45 PM

[quote="[muted]strvs":d8fd5][quote="Cpl. Eames":d8fd5]The point is muslims aren't white, they dont look like us or talk like us, and they make good scape goats...what else could you ask for?[/quote:d8fd5]
Please shutup. you bring no valid arguement.[/quote:d8fd5]

not really trying to argue, just trying to piss you off

strvs 02-04-2004 09:46 PM

[quote="Cpl. Eames":c3bb8][quote="[muted]strvs":c3bb8][quote="Cpl. Eames":c3bb8]The point is muslims aren't white, they dont look like us or talk like us, and they make good scape goats...what else could you ask for?[/quote:c3bb8]
Please shutup. you bring no valid arguement.[/quote:c3bb8]

not really trying to argue, just trying to piss you off[/quote:c3bb8]
Well good job, you didnt.

Pyro 02-04-2004 09:46 PM

[quote="Cpl. Eames":dba4b]The point is muslims aren't white, they dont look like us or talk like us, and they make good scape goats...what else could you ask for?[/quote:dba4b]

So this place will only be ok if everyone was white, talked the same and looked the same.

I don't know, but I've met some Muslims who are much better people than some white people i've met.

Colour, race, religion, hight, weight whatever doesn't tellw hat kind of person you are moron.

Eight Ace 02-04-2004 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by ninty9
i don't buy it. Our countries are built on equality for all, not on what other countries do.

Perhaps being trained that Islam is all and muslims have no equal
creates problems when relocating to countries are built on equality for all. eek:

Do you imagine that these kind of proposals are just grabbed out of thin air?,
that the percieved negative impact of the Islamic population and the experiences
of non-muslim French people have not forced these issues to be addressed? what if you "don't buy it" some respect for why they apparently do.

General Cobra 02-04-2004 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by "General Cobra":8e606
Go fuck yourself little boy.

Go kill some innocent people just because they were born different from you are.[/quote:8e606]

Fuck you pyro. Thats exacty what happened to my family you fucking asshole.

Eames 02-04-2004 09:50 PM


Originally Posted by "Cpl. Eames":f0c91
The point is muslims aren't white, they dont look like us or talk like us, and they make good scape goats...what else could you ask for?

So this place will only be ok if everyone was white, talked the same and looked the same.

I don't know, but I've met some Muslims who are much better people than some white people i've met.

Colour, race, religion, hight, weight whatever doesn't tellw hat kind of person you are moron.[/quote:f0c91]

mission acomplished

Pyro 02-04-2004 09:51 PM

[quote="General Cobra":cde68][quote=Pyro]

Originally Posted by "General Cobra":cde68
Go fuck yourself little boy.

Go kill some innocent people just because they were born different from you are.[/quote:cde68]

Fuck you pyro. Thats exacty what happened to my family you fucking asshole.[/quote:cde68]

And I sympathize with you family. Doens't mean all Muslims wished death upon them. That's my point.

By saying are basically justifying your families deaths. You are disgracing their honour.

ninty 02-04-2004 09:52 PM

[quote="Eight Ace":1d0dd]

Perhaps being trained that Islam is all and muslims have no equal
creates problems when relocating to countries are built on equality for all. eek:


I don't undertand. Are you saying Muslims would rather be treated as an unequal?

Pyro 02-04-2004 09:52 PM

[quote="Cpl. Eames":1d0dd][quote=Pyro]

Originally Posted by "Cpl. Eames":1d0dd
The point is muslims aren't white, they dont look like us or talk like us, and they make good scape goats...what else could you ask for?

So this place will only be ok if everyone was white, talked the same and looked the same.

I don't know, but I've met some Muslims who are much better people than some white people i've met.

Colour, race, religion, hight, weight whatever doesn't tellw hat kind of person you are moron.[/quote:1d0dd]

mission acomplished[/quote:1d0dd]

Well it's what most conservative white americans think right?

General Cobra 02-04-2004 09:53 PM


Originally Posted by Pyro

By saying are basically justifying your families deaths. You are disgracing their honour.

Ya whatever. Think you can take any more shots at some dead people. Makes you feel like a big man asshole.

strvs 02-04-2004 09:55 PM

So you would glady bring the same pain upon a muslim family by killing their siblings right?

Pyro 02-04-2004 09:56 PM

[quote="General Cobra":cd141]

Originally Posted by Pyro

By saying are basically justifying your families deaths. You are disgracing their honour.

Ya whatever. Think you can take any more shots at some dead people. Makes you feel like a big man asshole.[/quote:cd141]

I didn't take any shots at them. They died by acts of a certain group who happened to be Muslim. They are the enemy. The Muslims who live peaceful, normal lives around the world who are not as fanatically involved in their religion as much as the 9/11 attackers are not to blame.

You are being just as terrible as they were. You just haven't killed anyone yet.

General Cobra 02-04-2004 09:59 PM

[quote="[muted]strvs":a7d4f]So you would glady bring the same pain upon a muslim family by killing their siblings right?[/quote:a7d4f]

Yeah thats it man. You're so right. That's a stupid idea. rolleyes: But if I had the chance Id kill every motherfucking one of the siblings related to the cocksucker that killed mine.

You can all go fuck yourselves for being a bunch of low life pricks about a subject you don't even come close to understanding.

strvs 02-04-2004 10:01 PM

I could clearly see why you would be angry with the men/women who have done this to your family, but why must you target the mass?

Pyro 02-04-2004 10:02 PM

Their Siblings did not kill your family.

Lest say my dad is a child molestor, doens't mean i'm going to grow up to be one.

You act like your family dying is more important than any one elses deaths.

Pyro 02-04-2004 10:05 PM

Death is a hard thing to overcome. I'm not here saying that your family death was right. It was wrong, very wrong. If you kill anybody out of spite of an entire religion. You would be commiting just as bad as a crime.

A stronger man would find other ways, it is the weak who need to avenage someones death by wishing death upon people who had nothing to do with it.

General Cobra 02-04-2004 10:07 PM


Originally Posted by Pyro
Their Siblings did not kill your family.

Lest say my dad is a child molestor, doens't mean i'm going to grow up to be one.

You act like your family dying is more important than any one elses deaths.

If youre still arguing to try and own me it was done way thefuck back up there^^^^ I already to admitted to having problems with it and so does the rest of my family. Some of them forgive but not all of them and I'm one of them. No their siblings didnt kill mine but their sibling did.

SO quit arguing over something you'll never understand and no I dont wish your family dead. I wouldn't wish it on anyone Im sorry. Not even you pyro. But I do want justice in whateverform and I mean whatever. So stop arguing you made your point ages ago.

Pyro 02-04-2004 10:09 PM

Thanks, I didn't mean to agrivate you anymore. You'll find a way to cope with it. And you're right, I wouldn't know what it is like. I can not predict that I wouldn't feel the same way as you are now.

I hope everything works out for you.

Eight Ace 02-04-2004 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by "Eight Ace":8e070

Perhaps being trained that Islam is all and muslims have no equal
creates problems when relocating to countries are built on equality for all. eek:

I don't undertand. Are you saying Muslims would rather be treated as an unequal?[/quote:8e070]

You're don't understand.

ninty 02-04-2004 10:12 PM

So explain it to me.

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