![]() |
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Cerebral Assassin:
Please. I am begging ANY OF YOU, to stop sitting through "Saving Private Ryan", or "The Thin Red Line", or whatever WWII movie kick you are on right now - and do some actual research. War is war. And people WILL commit atrocities - both physical and emotional. The United States is NO exception. Or have we forgotten that we had concentration camps as well? Also do some research on Mengele, and the different "cities" that were constructed, using "inferiors" as guinea pigs in the name of the Third Reich. Right. It's just sad that a young man has to front online as a 32-year old, yet the first thing out of his "mature mouth" is "I wanna kill me some japs". I dont care how "legal" the god damn word was "during the war", it still doesn't make it's use right. Or do you not know that blacks were called "niggers" rightfully during the same time? Pathetic. That's the one thing about this game that makes me fuqqing sick - seems to bring out the sickest "patriotic" feelings in obvious teenagers; because god help me if some of you are "of age" - then I'm arming myself immediately after work. mazel tov<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Agreed. The US had camps for the American-Japanese who did absolutely nothing. |
moh fighter command is coming out and is going to be based in the pacific, pilot game however, but you can chose the part of the plane you want to command (machine gunner, pilot, radar, etc)
I suggest some people grow a brain here, and get over it.
War isn't nice, to no one, and today there's a new generation of Japanese People. Leaders in High Tech...much of the stuff you daily use comes from there. Stop the rasistic remarks. Ah, and about the A-Bombs...there's a good evidence that Pr. Rosevelt had info that the Japanese Empire wanted to surrender BEFORE the drop, but he had to bring his point across to the russians. Many people belive that even without A-Bombs, there would have been no ground war on the main island...but the IJA would have surrendered. I know this forum is frequented by a hellish lot of 12 year-olds, and I guess you can still learn something. I just hope you dont stick at the level of Global Education you have now. |
i'm kinda sick of ww2. give me a vietnam or korean conflict...
u are a complete moron. those bombs may have killed just under 200 thousand, but guess what? multiply that number by about 5 and thats how many ppl would have died in an invasion of japan. so actually those bombs saved lives... <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Sheriff:
You guys talking about Hiroshima and Nagasaki? At the time US was No better than the barbaric Hitler, Those two bombs killed hundreds of thousands, Men, Women and children and how would you feel as americans if Bin Laden dropped an A-bomb over you're free country wiping out a whole city, killing millions of you're fellow americans. And don't kid yourself Bin Laden has or once did have nuclear arms but sure he doesn't have what it takes to unleash such a fury and tool of devastation.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> |
i think that shooting people is the worst thing to do lets have alien or animal blood bath for once! ok? Like lets make cat hunter or Medal Of Horseshit:alein assalt
many ppl are wrong. and guess what dumb dumb, there were many in japan who still didn't want to surrender after the bombs were dropped.
ur a typical america hater...[QUOTE]Originally posted by RSColonel_131st: [B]IAh, and about the A-Bombs...there's a good evidence that Pr. Rosevelt had info that the Japanese Empire wanted to surrender BEFORE the drop, but he had to bring his point across to the russians. Many people belive that even without A-Bombs, there would have been no ground war on the main island...but the IJA would have surrendered. |
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by RSColonel_131st:
Ah, and about the A-Bombs...there's a good evidence that Pr. Rosevelt had info that the Japanese Empire wanted to surrender BEFORE the drop, but he had to bring his point across to the russians. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I am not taking sides in an argument as contoversial as this... but I do believe the A Bombs were MORALLY wrong... But, excuse the nitpick, wasn't Pr. Roosevelt dead when the decision was reached to drop The Big One ? Wasn't it, What's his name, Um, Mumbly Joe, Saw him on TV the other.... TRUMAN! |
it was morally right to drop the bombs and save hundred of thousands of lives. try to think with logic and not with passion and things will work out for the better. and yes roosevelt was dead. rscolonel just to like make up history as he goes along...typical <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Von Paulus:
I am not taking sides in an argument as contoversial as this... but I do believe the A Bombs were MORALLY wrong... But, excuse the nitpick, wasn't Pr. Roosevelt dead when the decision was reached to drop The Big One ? Wasn't it, What's his name, Um, Mumbly Joe, Saw him on TV the other.... TRUMAN!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> |
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by RSColonel_131st:
I suggest some people grow a brain here, and get over it. War isn't nice, to no one, and today there's a new generation of Japanese People. Leaders in High Tech...much of the stuff you daily use comes from there. Stop the rasistic remarks. Ah, and about the A-Bombs...there's a good evidence that Pr. Rosevelt had info that the Japanese Empire wanted to surrender BEFORE the drop, but he had to bring his point across to the russians. Many people belive that even without A-Bombs, there would have been no ground war on the main island...but the IJA would have surrendered. I know this forum is frequented by a hellish lot of 12 year-olds, and I guess you can still learn something. I just hope you dont stick at the level of Global Education you have now. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Totally bullshit. Yeah you heard me, this is bull. Elementary school girls to women are ALL trained to use a sharpened bamboo stick, what for? THEY RAN OUT OF AMMO BUT ARE STILL UNWILLING TO SURRUNDER BECAUSE THEIR EMPEROR DIDN'T TELL THEM TO DO SO! The only reason they give up is because Hirohito told them the war is lost after the second A-Bomb. Don't put your own assumption into history. Learn, don't make things up ------------------ http://www.tr1gun.homestead.com/files/kangsa.jpg |
u r a dumbasss
firstly I aint a fan of america. I actually think they suck in many many ways.
Saying that dropping A Bomb on japan was Morally wrong, is idiotic. And comparing it to the systematic killing/rapping/tourtureing of civilians is even more idiotic. There is a slight difference between : A) dropping a bomb on a city to win a war that could go on for a few more years. and B) Going around killing/tourturing/raping civilians. Anyone who say's it was morrally wrong. All I hear is wingeing and crying. I dont here any alternatives? what would you of done instead....? and as for the originator of the thread. How old are you 15..16. Your parents probably werent even born during the war, what reason do you have to hate japs? It was quite a while ago now. And while your on that, what about the american indians? Taste of your own medicine? If everyone keeps looking at the past we wont have a future. Maybe eveyrone should be looking at working out the problems now rather then haveing a sook about what's already happend. make sure it doesnt happen again. For people who were in the war, or born during it I completely understand why they would hate japs, and have absolutely no problem with it. But for everyone else, I think, its a bit much to say you hate them. There is no legitemate reason. [This message has been edited by dazzlarr (edited January 30, 2002).] |
Freakaloin your a racist plain and simple just admit it,you'll feel a whole lot better!
Your topic proves it and all you have been shoveling is Bullsh*t! ------------------ You feel like dying today don't ya?! http://www.btinternet.com/~p.webber1...ohclanlogo.gif http://www.btinternet.com/~p.webber1/sigjg3.gif [This message has been edited by Dasher (edited January 30, 2002).] |
Sorry von Paulus, I'm not an american myself, so I tend to mix up your presidents.
However, the fact remains that there is evidence about a possiple surrender of the japanese army without the Bomb. There is also some wide-spread evidence that some ppl in america KNEW that Perl Harbour would be attacked, but needed the moral boosting effect of this. Oh, and for our slightly retared friend Freakaloin... I'm not an america hater, as you put it...quite the oposite. Stating facts doesn't mean I hate something. But I'll stop arguing with you then, because I dont think you are educated enough for this kind of disscusion. Have a nice day at school, and I sincerly hope you dont miss the short bus on your way home. |
RSColonel_131st, the politicians may wanted to surrender but the army would have fought to the death.
Politicians and army are 2 differnet species my friend. [This message has been edited by zxcvnm (edited January 30, 2002).] |
There is true story...
4 Japanese Special Soldiers where brought to aN Island and told to hold the positon there, as well as to conduct guerilla warfare against the americans. They where forgotten...in 1970, one of them was STILL fighting, stealing fish and other foods from the natives...he was very desparate, he juist didn't know the war was over. However, as soon as the americans found his old officer, they brought him there, and the soldier accepted the order to surrender. Japanese military training was very focused on orders and honor. I think that the army would have surrendered if ordered by their imperator. Ah well, that is moot speculation. I just wanted to show our friend freaky that there is more than black/white thinking. Hope he gets it. |
what are u ppl insane? i heard a number of times here ppl saying that the japs were worest than the germans well japs might killd more thoso were the crimes of the soldiers not the orders of the goverment the naziz made camps,made it leagel,made it an obligation to kill the minoratys and all for the purety of the race and the japs might of killd a shit load of ppl but it wasn't an order to go and kill every chinese u see and don't think i am saying this just becuase of my realigon this is a fact and trust me if what the japs did was much worse than they would of been shown as the biggest murderes of history americans would of made sure of that (as u can see americans love's the japs)
it proves nothing, and ur just the type who thinks anyone who doesn't speak politically correct about ppl other then whites is a racist. typical moronic liberal(socialist) pyschobabble... <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dasher:
Freakaloin your a racist plain and simple just admit it,you'll feel a whole lot better! Your topic proves it and all you have been shoveling is Bullsh*t! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> |
i'm 32 years old. i have an uncle who was tortured in china by the japanese. i also had an uncle who was a pow in germany(but he was treated well). american indians? lol the strong survived there. too long ago for me to care much anyways... <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dazzlarr:
How old are you 15..16. Your parents probably werent even born during the war, what reason do you have to hate japs? It was quite a while ago now. And while your on that, what about the american indians? Taste of your own medicine? [This message has been edited by dazzlarr (edited January 30, 2002).]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> |
the fact remains that there is eveidence? lol nice statement dumb dumb. the is much more evidence that japan wanted to continue to fight after the bombs were dropped and in fact many ppl killed themselves instead of accepting surrender. look into it history boy. lol not educated enuff...do u know how many degrees i have? i doubt it, but it's prolly at least 2 more then u...lol <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by RSColonel_131st:
However, the fact remains that there is evidence about a possiple surrender of the japanese army without the Bomb. There is also some wide-spread evidence that some ppl in america KNEW that Perl Harbour would be attacked, but needed the moral boosting effect of this. Oh, and for our slightly retared friend Freakaloin... I'm not an america hater, as you put it...quite the oposite. Stating facts doesn't mean I hate something. But I'll stop arguing with you then, because I dont think you are educated enough for this kind of disscusion. Have a nice day at school, and I sincerly hope you dont miss the short bus on your way home.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> |
the only thing that shows is that ur a complete and utter moron...sorry but i'm just filling u in with the facts... <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by RSColonel_131st:
There is true story... 4 Japanese Special Soldiers where brought to aN Island and told to hold the positon there, as well as to conduct guerilla warfare against the americans. They where forgotten...in 1970, one of them was STILL fighting, stealing fish and other foods from the natives...he was very desparate, he juist didn't know the war was over. However, as soon as the americans found his old officer, they brought him there, and the soldier accepted the order to surrender. Japanese military training was very focused on orders and honor. I think that the army would have surrendered if ordered by their imperator. Ah well, that is moot speculation. I just wanted to show our friend freaky that there is more than black/white thinking. Hope he gets it.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> |
man this is a meesed conversation
man this is a meesed conversation
------------------ http://www.imagestation.com/mypictur...tion=bn%20copy |
the japs kill as many or more civilians, and yes they were ordered to do it. cept they did it even more savagly then the germans. and add the mass rapes... <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by alil:
what are u ppl insane? i heard a number of times here ppl saying that the japs were worest than the germans well japs might killd more thoso were the crimes of the soldiers not the orders of the goverment the naziz made camps,made it leagel,made it an obligation to kill the minoratys and all for the purety of the race and the japs might of killd a shit load of ppl but it wasn't an order to go and kill every chinese u see and don't think i am saying this just becuase of my realigon this is a fact and trust me if what the japs did was much worse than they would of been shown as the biggest murderes of history americans would of made sure of that (as u can see americans love's the japs)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> |
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by KangSa:
Wrong. Japs killed more people than the Germans, just that no record had been found doesn't mean a thing. Oh by the way 'Jap' is a legit term to call Japanese soldiers in WWII, just like 'Krauts' to the Germans. Watch the history channel if you think I'm racist, if you do you'll find hey, all your American grandpas are racists too! All you people are thinking Nazis are evil, wait until you see how the Japs kill, torture and rape, by then it really makes the Nazis look like merciful candy soldiers <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> No record has been found? If no record has been found, then what you are saying is total bull. Well, I say that the Americans killed 50,183,000,000,000,000 people but no record has been found. HAH! ------------------ http://recycledspooge.freeservers.com/rssig4.jpg GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!!! |
You might be 32 years old, but your writing alone proofes your level of education. My second language english is better than yours, although you are from america? Gimme a break. You are a racist with a very low level of global education. You start calling me names because you can't just argue with facts...sorry for your. Name calling is the discussion tactic of the weak, and you are VERY weak. Have a nice day...and dont miss the short school bus. |
Ahhhhhhhh your just proving yourself as THE most moronic person by spouting this crap bud! ------------------ You feel like dying today don't ya?! http://www.btinternet.com/~p.webber1...ohclanlogo.gif http://www.btinternet.com/~p.webber1/sigjg3.gif |
Personaly for me.... I would like a moh:aa where u a german soldier.
And for the worst the soviet's were the worst. They did mass raping. on loudspeaker "Solderis of the red army the german women are yours!" : take ur pic. ------------------ http://dba.gamepoint.net/images/luftwaffe.jpg |
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dasher:
LMAO Ahhhhhhhh your just proving yourself as THE most moronic person by spouting this crap bud! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Huh? You have something to share? Point me to a legit source that tells me that the Japanese killed more people than the Germans, and I'll back down. Americans are guilty for not letting these Japanese war crimes come to light because they agreed to keep their mouth shut on the warcrimes if they were given Japanese research, which was mostly research on biological warfare. So, that basically shatters the first post on this topic. Now I'm done. ------------------ http://recycledspooge.freeservers.com/rssig4.jpg GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!!! |
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stony:
Accusing someone of war crimes during war is like handing out speeding tickets during the Indy 500. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> http://www-users.cs.umn.edu/~dyue/wi...ac/nmintro.htm Stony your a moron. Japaneese were worst than the Germans. At least the Wehrmacht didn't activly participte in the Holocaost. Ironic thing is, durring th Rape of Nanking it was a NAZI who saved the lives of hundreds of innocent civilians. |
Recycled Spooge
the post wasn't aimed at you and sorry if you took it that way! ------------------ You feel like dying today don't ya?! http://www.btinternet.com/~p.webber1...ohclanlogo.gif http://www.btinternet.com/~p.webber1/sigjg3.gif |
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dasher:
Recycled Spooge the post wasn't aimed at you and sorry if you took it that way! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Sorry about that. http://www.alliedassault.com/ubb/biggrin.gif ------------------ http://recycledspooge.freeservers.com/rssig4.jpg GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!!! |
okay fruitcake here's it...
the way i write on the net is much different then when i'm working. it's my net lingo. so again, it's not proof, u haven't shown proof of anything cept ur ignorance. ur a stoopid little man... <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by RSColonel_131st: Freakaloin... You might be 32 years old, but your writing alone proofes your level of education. My second language english is better than yours, although you are from america? Gimme a break. You are a racist with a very low level of global education. You start calling me names because you can't just argue with facts...sorry for your. Name calling is the discussion tactic of the weak, and you are VERY weak. Have a nice day...and dont miss the short school bus.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> |
What a boring thread. I wonder how many more of these silly history/racism arguments will we have to endure before you all think of something different to talk about.
Yeh, I know... I don't have to read it. But I did and it was crap http://www.alliedassault.com/ubb/smile.gif My grandad was in the war and survived it. He had to endure both World Wars. I don't go on about it like Germany owes me something, though. It doesn't. I think if you have a look Germany is a peace-loving country that is actually a part of the Allies of today. Japan isn't too much different. A pacific assault game would be interesting, sure. But not because we'd get to kill the Japanese. That's ridiculous. It's like claiming you enjoyed playing pacman 'cos you love eating ghosts and little dots... The key word is 'game'. ------------------ http://homepage.ntlworld.com/ydiss.s...ane/MoHsig.jpg |
*patiently ignoring the guy who rides the short school bus...*
Forget the Japs I want to kill some Taliban.
Fuck the nips. We have movies killing them, and demonizing them still, so I think that it would be easy to say that we could have a game of us greasing them. Hell, Pearl Harbor did better over there than it did over here, and seeing as we wouldn't be talking about the more senselessly brutal aspect of the war, the systematic raping of China, and even still, it would be an American game with an American audience being the key demographic. And if they don't like it... fuck 'em.
I'm sure that the expansion that is coming out will have something like that on it!
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>I mean, what the Nazi's did was terrible, but Japananese were much, much more savage - massive systematic rapes, beheading, sliting of throats of over 3 million chinese!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Ahem. Not to be the historian, but to call the Japanese savager, and brutal than the Germans is laughable. German camps killed 6 million Jews, not to mention the systematic execution of handicapped individuals, gypsies, Pole, Slavs, homosexuals, etc. etc. All told, about 11 million including the Jews. <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Fuck the nips.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Outstanding. The new Aryan Youth. Who says video games dont motivate. mazel tov |
People stop argueing with freak it doesnt seems that he can read.
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