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Maplegyver 09-11-2004 06:36 PM


Bucknub 09-11-2004 06:42 PM

That was incredibly interesting, holy shit, I have totally different thoughts to what happened on 9/11

Coleman 09-11-2004 06:57 PM

I don't really believe what they said about the WTC towers...but the pentagon was more blatant with the small hole, no wreckage, etc.

Infernal_ 09-11-2004 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by Coleman
I don't really believe what they said about the WTC towers...but the pentagon was more blatant with the small hole, no wreckage, etc.

i agree, but the tower falling just like it was a planned explosion, look at a bulding that was supposed to fall from dermolition then look at the WTC, and also tehy both fell in a close time frame to eachother......but i dono about that flashing shit lol

Vance 09-11-2004 07:07 PM

Re: Whoa....
[quote="Short Hand":25492][quote=Vance]

Originally Posted by "Short Hand":25492

Watch it all threw. State what you think about it after.

3 minutes into it I was thinking, "Wow, instead of posting some stupid movie about yet ANOTHER US conspiracy on 9-11, Short is actually putting aside all of that shit and posting a video about rememberence and reflection. Good job Short. rock: "

Man, was I fucking wrong.


watch it all.[/quote:25492]
I didn't see one bit of a tribute or remembrance to the fallen of 9/11. Did you?

Vance 09-11-2004 07:09 PM


Originally Posted by Coleman
I don't really believe what they said about the WTC towers...but the pentagon was more blatant with the small hole, no wreckage, etc.

i agree, but the tower falling just like it was a planned explosion, look at a bulding that was supposed to fall from dermolition then look at the WTC, and also tehy both fell in a close time frame to eachother......but i dono about that flashing shit lol[/quote:6bf20]
Man, whoever planned it really sucks at detonating buildings. WHen you demolish a building and it splits like a banana, you ought to be thrown in jail

Infernal_ 09-11-2004 07:11 PM

lol it split like a banana? i seemed to have missed that part.....

descry 09-11-2004 07:31 PM

that pentagon part is believable, but wtc isnt really but i guess if the pentagon was planned then the wtc would have to be too.

Vance 09-11-2004 07:45 PM

[quote="Infernal_":f2fbb]lol it split like a banana? i seemed to have missed that part.....[/quote:f2fbb]
That's funny, tthe very first time I saw it I've always reffered to it that way. Watch it, you're bound to see it

EDIT: I guess a more correct term would be 'peel'

Conscript 09-11-2004 08:13 PM

Just putting this out here..

What if the plane could go faster and was going faster and took the whole top of the building off..I know this is most likely impossible due to how its built..But how do you think it would have played out if that had happened?

Coleman 09-11-2004 08:20 PM


Originally Posted by Conscript
Just putting this out here..

What if the plane could go faster and was going faster and took the whole top of the building off..I know this is most likely impossible due to how its built..But how do you think it would have played out if that had happened?

I don't understand what you're trying to say. Can you reword it please?

Vance 09-11-2004 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by Coleman

Originally Posted by Conscript
Just putting this out here..

What if the plane could go faster and was going faster and took the whole top of the building off..I know this is most likely impossible due to how its built..But how do you think it would have played out if that had happened?

I don't understand what you're trying to say. Can you reword it please?

He is saying, what if the impact of the jet was so great it totally sliced off the top half and the top half came crashing down. WHat would of happened then?

I think that's what he is saying

Conscript 09-11-2004 08:26 PM


Originally Posted by Vance

Originally Posted by Coleman

Originally Posted by Conscript
Just putting this out here..

What if the plane could go faster and was going faster and took the whole top of the building off..I know this is most likely impossible due to how its built..But how do you think it would have played out if that had happened?

I don't understand what you're trying to say. Can you reword it please?

He is saying, what if the impact of the jet was so great it totally sliced off the top half and the top half came crashing down. WHat would of happened then?

I think that's what he is saying

Your right on the money. beer:

Machette 09-11-2004 09:58 PM

All I gotta say is, wow....This Video is truly awsome.

MrLevinstein 09-11-2004 10:36 PM

I have A.D.D and was not able to complete the video.

NexusRevived 09-11-2004 11:49 PM

My friend must see this video. I have a DVD burner how do I burn it to a DVD? rock:

Short Hand 09-12-2004 06:02 AM

download it in mpg form off of a peer to peer network "search 911 in plane site" thkz to buttocks for this. All you do it burn the mpg file to dvd and it should play if it is mpg 1 or 2.

TGB! 09-12-2004 08:47 AM

The "documentary" presents a logical fallacy: that the ONLY responses to this movie can be anger, denial and acceptance. As for the rest of it, its "questions" that have been brought up before and we've had conspiracy theories before. This isnt a magic bullet killing the president and shattering the govener of Texas's hand - although science COULD explain all that - this is something to me that is pretty blatant and obvious.

Short Hand 09-12-2004 04:59 PM

[quote="TGB!":b6b23]The "documentary" presents a logical fallacy: that the ONLY responses to this movie can be anger, denial and acceptance. As for the rest of it, its "questions" that have been brought up before and we've had conspiracy theories before. This isnt a magic bullet killing the president and shattering the govener of Texas's hand - although science COULD explain all that - this is something to me that is pretty blatant and obvious.[/quote:b6b23]

sounds to me like a Bush fan boi in the 2nd stage. rolleyes: Violently opposed / Persons which will do anything possible to discredit the video. & "Facts"

Mr.Buttocks 09-12-2004 05:10 PM

If you watched the "In Plane Sight" video you might want to have a look at the following website, it will help create a "balance" in all your perverted minds. (Click on the "9/11: in plane site" link at the top left)

ps: I'm naked.

Machette 09-12-2004 05:13 PM


Mr.Buttocks 09-12-2004 05:13 PM


Originally Posted by Machette


Machette 09-12-2004 05:16 PM


Mr.Buttocks 09-12-2004 05:18 PM


Machette 09-12-2004 05:18 PM


Short Hand 09-12-2004 05:38 PM

Buttocks, that website... from what angle were those pictures taken ?

Lets comapre.

oilempire picture.


Picture Used in the & the in plane site bio.





where was that image from the bogus website used ? it doesnt look like any Sept 11th photo...

Im not saying this is true, only that that site does a piss poor job at diss prooving any of these 911 theory sites.[/img]

Vance 09-12-2004 05:47 PM


Oh noes, another missle pod oOo:


Mr.Buttocks 09-12-2004 05:48 PM

[quote="Short Hand":abe26]Buttocks, that website... from what angle were those pictures taken ?

Lets comapre.

oilempire picture.



That image was first posted by the idiots over at [url:abe26][/url:abe26] in [url=]this[/url:abe26] post on their forums. Don't buy into the pod theory, it's BS.

Short Hand 09-12-2004 05:53 PM

im not buying into the whole pod thing. It is suspicious none the less. Im more concerned about the pentagon other then anything else. And the Senator Dayton cliams (via your sig).

Im just saying that oil empire does a horrible job at dissproving More thought should be put into it./ more research.

TGB! 09-12-2004 05:56 PM

[quote="Short Hand":286ba][quote="TGB!":286ba]The "documentary" presents a logical fallacy: that the ONLY responses to this movie can be anger, denial and acceptance. As for the rest of it, its "questions" that have been brought up before and we've had conspiracy theories before. This isnt a magic bullet killing the president and shattering the govener of Texas's hand - although science COULD explain all that - this is something to me that is pretty blatant and obvious.[/quote:286ba]

sounds to me like a Bush fan boi in the 2nd stage. rolleyes: Violently opposed / Persons which will do anything possible to discredit the video. & "Facts"[/quote:286ba]

SHOCKING! Short Hand doesnt know what logical fallacies are. I've been put in my place damnit.

To assume that the only responses to this film could be Violent/Uncontrolled anger at being presented with fact or acceptance of what has been known all along is a severe logical fallacy that would get you kicked out of any forensics club ASAP.

Short Hand 09-12-2004 05:58 PM

[quote:79ecb]The pod is there. Period.
If the pod is there then it's VERY likely that it's purpose is to conceal the missile. If the pod and the missile are real, then the planes were switched.
The switch very likely occured at the point in the flight path where a very sharp "turn" is visible.
Switching the planes could have easily been proven with FAA radar data.
FAA radar data was quickly destroyed.
An attempt by several key tower personnel to document the strange events they had just witnessed by making a tape recording was crushed.
This crucial tape was crushed, cut into many pieces and thrown into several different waste baskets by the senior manager.
A huge cover-up took place immediately after the planes crashed.
The cover-up involved FAA, FBI, and others.
All these things are established FACTS.

One thing leads to another.
No way around it...
Plenty of focus, here.
Skeptics can simply post a link to their own forums.
Back to work.[/quote:79ecb]

I found that post intresting. I am still not buying into the whole pod theory, but this intrests me.

TGB I am not wasting my time with you today.

Short Hand 09-12-2004 06:08 PM

I found the third paGE OF THE THREAD. really intresting, one of the best reads I have had in a long time. ... c&start=30

Tripper 09-12-2004 10:47 PM

sleeping: sleeping: sleeping:

MrLevinstein 09-12-2004 11:06 PM

Why must we argue about what was on the plane yadda yadda?

I know a plan was crashed into our centers, and terrorists did it. 9/11 taught me that no matter where you come from what you believe or who you are friends with when your countrymen die, you get pissed, you bond and things get tighter.

This thread needs lock, because mel gibson from conspiracy theory is coming out of the woodowkr to give his opinion on this crap, right before the black helocopters get him

Albow0001 09-13-2004 01:31 AM


Originally Posted by MrLevinstein
Why must we argue about what was on the plane yadda yadda?

I know a plan was crashed into our centers, and terrorists did it. 9/11 taught me that no matter where you come from what you believe or who you are friends with when your countrymen die, you get pissed, you bond and things get tighter.

This thread needs lock, because mel gibson from conspiracy theory is coming out of the woodowkr to give his opinion on this crap, right before the black helocopters get him

Fucking idiot, the point of the last 5 pages was to prove that terrorists DIDN'T do it, and that the country you're bonding under could very well have been responsible.
Sorry, i just hate seeing things like that where people come out of the blue and state something totally against what people have been talking about...happens way too often to get a "lol" anymore...

Personally, i find it interesting, but i'd very much like to see a video on 9-11 published that's only like the first HALF of that video. When you present problems, as much as we freak out because there are no solutions and we all think "wtf am i watching this for", as long as you're not trying to push some specific theory, your error-detections tend to be a lot less biased. If you could just present a movie about 9-11 that didn't warp every bit of information to reach one conclusion or another, i think it would be far better.

Conscript 09-13-2004 02:23 AM


Originally Posted by Albow0001

Originally Posted by MrLevinstein
Why must we argue about what was on the plane yadda yadda?

I know a plan was crashed into our centers, and terrorists did it. 9/11 taught me that no matter where you come from what you believe or who you are friends with when your countrymen die, you get pissed, you bond and things get tighter.

This thread needs lock, because mel gibson from conspiracy theory is coming out of the woodowkr to give his opinion on this crap, right before the black helocopters get him

Fucking idiot, the point of the last 5 pages was to prove that terrorists DIDN'T do it, and that the country you're bonding under could very well have been responsible.
Sorry, i just hate seeing things like that where people come out of the blue and state something totally against what people have been talking about...happens way too often to get a "lol" anymore...

Personally, i find it interesting, but i'd very much like to see a video on 9-11 published that's only like the first HALF of that video. When you present problems, as much as we freak out because there are no solutions and we all think "wtf am i watching this for", as long as you're not trying to push some specific theory, your error-detections tend to be a lot less biased. If you could just present a movie about 9-11 that didn't warp every bit of information to reach one conclusion or another, i think it would be far better.

Tinfoil hat Brigade?

MrLevinstein 09-13-2004 08:53 AM


Originally Posted by Albow0001

Originally Posted by MrLevinstein
Why must we argue about what was on the plane yadda yadda?

I know a plan was crashed into our centers, and terrorists did it. 9/11 taught me that no matter where you come from what you believe or who you are friends with when your countrymen die, you get pissed, you bond and things get tighter.

This thread needs lock, because mel gibson from conspiracy theory is coming out of the woodowkr to give his opinion on this crap, right before the black helocopters get him

Fucking idiot, the point of the last 5 pages was to prove that terrorists DIDN'T do it, and that the country you're bonding under could very well have been responsible.
Sorry, i just hate seeing things like that where people come out of the blue and state something totally against what people have been talking about...happens way too often to get a "lol" anymore...

Personally, i find it interesting, but i'd very much like to see a video on 9-11 published that's only like the first HALF of that video. When you present problems, as much as we freak out because there are no solutions and we all think "wtf am i watching this for", as long as you're not trying to push some specific theory, your error-detections tend to be a lot less biased. If you could just present a movie about 9-11 that didn't warp every bit of information to reach one conclusion or another, i think it would be far better.

YEAH, AMERICANS TOTALLY BLEW UP OUR OWN TRADE CENTERS TO GO INTO ECONOMIC RECESSSION AND GO TO WAR. Sorry for living in the country where it actually happened. You didnt watch 3k of your country men die so youre talking out your fucking ass albow. fucking die

Hawke 09-13-2004 09:22 AM

could someone send me this or re-upload it to some place. they download think for me appears to be down.

ninty 09-13-2004 11:32 AM


Originally Posted by MrLevinstein

Originally Posted by Albow0001

Originally Posted by MrLevinstein
Why must we argue about what was on the plane yadda yadda?

I know a plan was crashed into our centers, and terrorists did it. 9/11 taught me that no matter where you come from what you believe or who you are friends with when your countrymen die, you get pissed, you bond and things get tighter.

This thread needs lock, because mel gibson from conspiracy theory is coming out of the woodowkr to give his opinion on this crap, right before the black helocopters get him

Fucking idiot, the point of the last 5 pages was to prove that terrorists DIDN'T do it, and that the country you're bonding under could very well have been responsible.
Sorry, i just hate seeing things like that where people come out of the blue and state something totally against what people have been talking about...happens way too often to get a "lol" anymore...

Personally, i find it interesting, but i'd very much like to see a video on 9-11 published that's only like the first HALF of that video. When you present problems, as much as we freak out because there are no solutions and we all think "wtf am i watching this for", as long as you're not trying to push some specific theory, your error-detections tend to be a lot less biased. If you could just present a movie about 9-11 that didn't warp every bit of information to reach one conclusion or another, i think it would be far better.

YEAH, AMERICANS TOTALLY BLEW UP OUR OWN TRADE CENTERS TO GO INTO ECONOMIC RECESSSION AND GO TO WAR. Sorry for living in the country where it actually happened. You didnt watch 3k of your country men die so youre talking out your fucking ass albow. fucking die

Well, let me first say that i'm not saying for sure that the USA blew up its own buildings for certain reasons. I don't know exactly, and I think there is a possibility that they could have.

What we do know however is that it has happened in the past. Nero torched Rome and blamed it on the Christians because they were getting to powerful. Hitler wanted absolute power, so he burned the Riechstag, and told the people if they wanted to be safe, to give him absolute power as the Fuhrer.

Why is this any different? Terrorist attack happens, US Government says we need more money to defend against terrorism. We also need to pass legislation like the patriot act, the terrorist bill or whatever it is etc. Now what happens when another terrorist attack happens and 10,000 people die? The government might say we want all US citizens to have national id cards, and if you don't have one, you're illegal. And we want all citizens to have microchips implanted in them so we can track them and arrest certain individuals. And people will gladly give away their freedoms because they don't want another attack.

And this is not only Republicans. Remember the cruise missile strike on Sudan? There was a lot of other stuff going on for Bill Clinton at that time. Good one Bill. oOo:

Anyway, the point is that I think this is possible. I'm not saying its 100% fact, but we have seen it throughout history, and why would any leader not want more power and control?

geRV 09-13-2004 11:37 AM

^ Yup

Think most people have heard 911 referred to as another pearl harbor, after pearl harbor the military got more money etc, this is no different.

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