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fujimi7su 10-31-2004 10:52 PM

oh btw its pathetically easy and cheap to get any drug or alcohol in iowa.....

rock: rock:

Coleman 10-31-2004 10:54 PM


Originally Posted by Milla

Originally Posted by Judas

Originally Posted by geRV
Putting peoples windows in with rocks is clearly the cool thing to do. oOo: rolleyes:

: how the fuck did you get -42 gerv LOL

Just wondering that same thing, no one ever gives me good + rep, and i thought you fuckers loved me.

I think everyone uses their votes on negative karma points for gerv and thus in turn cannot give positive karma to milla. biggrin: (i love the word thus)

fujimi7su 10-31-2004 10:55 PM


Originally Posted by Coleman

Originally Posted by Milla

Originally Posted by Judas

Originally Posted by geRV
Putting peoples windows in with rocks is clearly the cool thing to do. oOo: rolleyes:

: how the fuck did you get -42 gerv LOL

Just wondering that same thing, no one ever gives me good + rep, and i thought you fuckers loved me.

I think everyone uses their votes on negative karma points for gerv and thus in turn cannot give positive karma to milla. biggrin: (i love the word thus)

change gerv to jin-roh and your correct

Milla 10-31-2004 10:55 PM


Originally Posted by Coleman

Originally Posted by Milla

Originally Posted by Judas

Originally Posted by geRV
Putting peoples windows in with rocks is clearly the cool thing to do. oOo: rolleyes:

: how the fuck did you get -42 gerv LOL

Just wondering that same thing, no one ever gives me good + rep, and i thought you fuckers loved me.

I think everyone uses their votes on negative karma points for gerv and thus in turn cannot give positive karma to milla. biggrin: (i love the word thus)

If used wisely yes its an awesome word, thus my reason for this post....tis not spam.

geRV 10-31-2004 10:57 PM


Originally Posted by Coleman

Originally Posted by Milla

Originally Posted by Judas

Originally Posted by geRV
Putting peoples windows in with rocks is clearly the cool thing to do. oOo: rolleyes:

: how the fuck did you get -42 gerv LOL

Just wondering that same thing, no one ever gives me good + rep, and i thought you fuckers loved me.

I think everyone uses their votes on negative karma points for gerv and thus in turn cannot give positive karma to milla. biggrin: (i love the word thus)

You're probably right, filthy fucking cunts loney:

Then again after the abuse ive given 99% of the oOo:'s on this forum over the years its their revenge. eek:

fujimi7su 10-31-2004 10:59 PM


Originally Posted by Coleman

Originally Posted by Milla

Originally Posted by Judas

Originally Posted by "geRV":84148
Putting peoples windows in with rocks is clearly the cool thing to do. oOo: rolleyes:

: how the fuck did you get -42 gerv LOL

Just wondering that same thing, no one ever gives me good + rep, and i thought you fuckers loved me.

I think everyone uses their votes on negative karma points for gerv and thus in turn cannot give positive karma to milla. biggrin: (i love the word thus)

You're probably right, filthy fucking cunts loney:

Then again after the abuse ive given 99% of the oOo:'s on this forum over the years its their revenge. eek:[/quote:84148]

dont make me - 1 u


dont be scared man... 1:30 left... stupid jin-roh... what a waste of karma

Scalping Chief 10-31-2004 11:20 PM

i played soccer eek:

Pyro 10-31-2004 11:35 PM

You are an asshole and should be shot.

Sirus 10-31-2004 11:59 PM


Originally Posted by TonyMontana
Grow the fuck up

Nyck 11-01-2004 12:23 AM


Originally Posted by TonyMontana
Grow the fuck up

Bucknub 11-01-2004 01:22 AM

now why would u throw rocks at a window? stupid:

and trying to get egg yolk off a house is a pain in the ass if you dont try to wash it off early,

all I did was go to work, and then go see saw

I would have much rather stayed home to hand out candy and give children a hard time and bitch at kids who are too old for trick or treating and not give them shit .

geRV 11-01-2004 01:30 AM


Originally Posted by Buckweed
now why would u throw rocks at a window? stupid:

and trying to get egg yolk off a house is a pain in the ass if you dont try to wash it off early,

all I did was go to work, and then go see saw

I would have much rather stayed home to hand out candy and give children a hard time and bitch at kids who are too old for trick or treating and not give them shit .

Id rather have stayed home and handed out "candy" spiked with laxatives, but thats just me.

TonyMontana 11-01-2004 01:32 AM


Originally Posted by Buckweed
now why would u throw rocks at a window? stupid:

and trying to get egg yolk off a house is a pain in the ass if you dont try to wash it off early,

all I did was go to work, and then go see saw

I would have much rather stayed home to hand out candy and give children a hard time and bitch at kids who are too old for trick or treating and not give them shit .

lol 2 (they were about 10-12) kids came to my door at about 5:00 (wtf?) and they had no costume or anything, so my mom gave them one lollipop to one of the kids, and said here, share with your friend, and closed the door on them

Madmartagen 11-01-2004 01:37 AM

Some of the kids here are moron attention whores. Setting fires in the streets, throwing rocks and eggs. Wtf, you guys sound like a ragtag group of Palestinian street vagrants.

Himmler 11-01-2004 02:07 AM

i hope the douchebag kid rats you out and you get in big fucking trouble. you are a complete fucking assfuck for doing that to someone. it might have been fun to do while in 5th or 6th grade, but if your in high school and you throw rocks into someones window, you need to get your fucking ass beat man. i hope you get in trouble with the cops for this and possibly spend some fucking jail time. loser.

CoMaToSe 11-01-2004 02:30 AM

Oh you poor victims. I cant believe he ratted you o0ut after you egged his house! Clearly he is an uncool kid. I can see why he has no friends, all the cool kids would sit back and take it from the guys who constantly subjugate him to abuse and who call him a douchebag homo rat fag.

Mr.Buttocks 11-01-2004 03:27 AM

[quote="Apocalypse | NoW":92d89]Saturday night, we (me and a bunch of my friends) had 12 dozen eggs. We stoashed them at a friends house so we dont have to carry it all. I ran out of eggs in the dozen I had, and my friends each had 1. So i picked up a rock. On our way back, we found a nice house to egg. We threw our eggs, and I pelted the window with my rock, and the window broke. [/quote:92d89]

I hope someone breaks your face with a rock oOo:


Originally Posted by Pyro
You are an asshole and should be shot.


Originally Posted by TonyMontana
lol 2 (they were about 10-12) kids came to my door at about 5:00 (wtf?) and they had no costume or anything, so my mom gave them one lollipop to one of the kids, and said here, share with your friend, and closed the door on them


Eight Ace 11-01-2004 04:06 AM

in Australia we envy the tradition-rich cultures of the nations which have
shaped our, if they come to the door we tell them to fuck off
...whilst any egging or rocking is automatic car torching, pet hostaging.

Mr.Buttocks 11-01-2004 04:21 AM


Akuma 11-01-2004 04:52 AM

This thread sucks. Who vandalises anything anymore? Go sodomize young virgins or do something else productive.

And why the fuck are you using my avi, Fuji?

Eight Ace 11-01-2004 05:12 AM

Goths and Vandals.....not worth a pinch of shit...any of them.... annoy:

imported_Fluffy_Bunny 11-01-2004 07:13 AM

what kind of loser would egg someones house? oOo: Take my advice kid, buy some beer & get completely fukd with your mates it's a lot more fun.

tomxtr 11-01-2004 08:35 AM

Re: Worst halloween ever
[quote="Apocalypse | NoW":66c24]On our way back, we found a nice house to egg. We threw our eggs, and I pelted the window with my rock, and the window broke[/quote:66c24]

Asshole. I just paid 410K for my home and if some little dipshit punk threw a rock through my Anderson windows you can bet your ass I'd fuck you up. You think its cheap to get windows fixed? It cost me $250 just to get the seal on my skylight fixed. Not to mention like someone else said, one of my two little kids could be crawling around under the window.

[quote="Apocalypse | NoW":66c24]We were pissed scared hes gonna rat us out, cuz hes a faggot with no friends and is the biggest rat in our grade.[/quote:66c24]

What the fuck is he supposed to do? Let you assholes get away with fucking up his house in the name of looking cool in the eyes of the real douche bags (you and your retarded friends).

[quote="Apocalypse | NoW":66c24]I got the biggest lesson taught to me tonight, and im not goin egging for a while...[/quote:66c24]

If someone would have broke their foot off in your ass, then you would have learned a lesson. Feeling like a scared little bitch for a couple of days is probably the routine for a fuck-up like yourself. If you had learned anything or had a shred of self-respect you'd apologize and pay for the damages. The odds of that happening are probably about as high as you getting laid. Throwing rocks through people's windows and bragging about it. Jesus. stupid:

By the way, make all the cool sigs and skins or whatever that you want, just remember that you're still an asshole.

mR.cLeAn 11-01-2004 08:57 AM


Originally Posted by elstatec
i got in with a fat chick, on halloween on a sunday which is very good biggrin:


BadScript 11-01-2004 09:46 AM


He said he has learned his lesson, let's all hope he truthfully did. On the other hand, I'm sure we all have done really stupid things when we were younger. ie put up a website for a stupid game, etc. biggrin:

bukdez 11-01-2004 11:34 AM


egg raid on mojo...

Merlin122 11-01-2004 02:21 PM

GG. thats entirly your fault. you expect me to feel sorry for you?

Proteus 11-01-2004 02:25 PM

I couldn't even read that. All I got was egg. Anyways, yeah, you're a dumbass for egging houses.

Apocalypse | NoW 11-01-2004 02:29 PM

Woah guys... calmdown:

Nothing happened at school today, the kid didnt rat us out. After noticing how much of an asshole I was, I was really nice to him today, since hes in two of my classes. Im gonna start to be nice to him, not be friends with him, but be nice to him from now on. I went back to the house that i threw the rock at, it turns out the window isnt broken, it mightve looked like it from the egg i didnt throw. Thank god i missed the window. I felt like an asshole all last night and today at school. Im happy the window isnt broken. I learned my lesson, and will probably never go egging again. Id rather drink. Im gonna be nice to the kid, and not be an asshole anymore.

TonyMontana 11-01-2004 02:31 PM

[quote="Apocalypse | NoW":72b72]Woah guys... calmdown:

Nothing happened at school today, the kid didnt rat us out. After noticing how much of an asshole I was, I was really nice to him today, since hes in two of my classes. Im gonna start to be nice to him, not be friends with him, but be nice to him from now on. I went back to the house that i threw the rock at, it turns out the window isnt broken, it mightve looked like it from the egg i didnt throw. Thank god i missed the window. I felt like an asshole all last night and today at school. Im happy the window isnt broken. I learned my lesson, and will probably never go egging again. Id rather drink. Im gonna be nice to the kid, and not be an asshole anymore.[/quote:72b72]

stfu, whats done is done, dont try and look like the innocent nice kid. I would have put you in the hospital if i was that kid

bukdez 11-01-2004 02:31 PM

whew, i sure am glad this mess is settled...

Apocalypse | NoW 11-01-2004 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by "Apocalypse | NoW":f778a
Woah guys... calmdown:

Nothing happened at school today, the kid didnt rat us out. After noticing how much of an asshole I was, I was really nice to him today, since hes in two of my classes. Im gonna start to be nice to him, not be friends with him, but be nice to him from now on. I went back to the house that i threw the rock at, it turns out the window isnt broken, it mightve looked like it from the egg i didnt throw. Thank god i missed the window. I felt like an asshole all last night and today at school. Im happy the window isnt broken. I learned my lesson, and will probably never go egging again. Id rather drink. Im gonna be nice to the kid, and not be an asshole anymore.

stfu, whats done is done, dont try and look like the innocent nice kid. I would have put you in the hospital if i was that kid[/quote:f778a]

Wow, everyone makes mistakes, everyone does something retarded. He didnt even know I did it because i had my hood on, and i couldnt even see him the car. Im trying to fix the mistake i made.

Scalping Chief 11-01-2004 02:45 PM

if your going to vandalize something, do it to public property. oOo:

Apocalypse | NoW 11-01-2004 02:47 PM

[quote="Scalping Chief":c0ab3]if your going to vandalize something, do it to public property. oOo:[/quote:c0ab3]

Everything was fucked up. People put swastikas on schools or buildings, and a ton of places had "Fuck jews" on it.

Mr.Buttocks 11-01-2004 02:48 PM

[quote="Apocalypse | NoW":338fb][quote="Scalping Chief":338fb]if your going to vandalize something, do it to public property. oOo:[/quote:338fb]

Everything was fucked up. People put swastikas on schools or buildings, and a ton of places had "Fuck jews" on it.[/quote:338fb]

Jews like doing things like that.

TonyMontana 11-01-2004 02:49 PM

where do you live?

Apocalypse | NoW 11-01-2004 02:50 PM

Long Island... not a good part of it either, I hate it here

Machette 11-01-2004 02:53 PM

This thread can be summed up in one significant emoticon which can say alot....


imported_Grim_Reaper 11-01-2004 03:21 PM

people are so tough on the internet...

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