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Merlin122 11-26-2004 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by Machette


Akuma 11-26-2004 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by Acideyez
^ lol

want: ATI Radeon 9800XT, 500W PSU

what i might get: ATI Radeon 9800, 400W PSU

Why would you want a 9800XT? eek:

11-26-2004 04:22 PM

why wouldnt i want it? he said be realistic rofl, no way are my parents gonna get me a video card thats like 400-500 dollars (x800 series)

imported_Grim_Reaper 11-26-2004 04:31 PM

i know absolutely nothing on vid cards except mine runs ATi and my parent's runs nvidia.

fujimi7su 11-26-2004 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by Acideyez
why wouldnt i want it? he said be realistic rofl, no way are my parents gonna get me a video card thats like 400-500 dollars (x800 series)


i am usually an ATI fan, running 9600xt overclocked now and very very satisfied, if i had the cash though, and was going very high end i would go nvidia at the moment

for mid level... 9800pro is great performance for goood price, if not 9600xt runs HL2 on high settings great.....

oh and btw

back to what u want

Poseidon 11-26-2004 04:42 PM

as i'm working all of christmas (eve, day, box day, new year eve etc) + christmas money

If i have £800+ = Laptop
under £800 = complete pc upgrade

9mm BeRetTa 11-26-2004 05:05 PM

400 watt power supply
radeon 9800 pro gfx card
gran turismo 4
gas gift cards for car (or cash)

fujimi7su 11-26-2004 05:07 PM

[quote="9mm BeRetTa":bee8a]400 watt power supply
radeon 9800 pro gfx card
gran turismo 4
gas gift cards for car (or cash)[/quote:bee8a]

my parents get me those cards all the time, great idea for parents

harpua 11-26-2004 05:18 PM

metal gear solid 3 snake eater
metroid prime 2: echos
ghost recon 2 reserve
mp3 player
steel batalion 2 rock:

11-26-2004 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by harpua

from what i head, they are useless and a money sucker too.

@/\/G3L 11-26-2004 05:57 PM

Xbox-with Xboxlive
Halo2, any other game i feel like getting.
Airsoft gun
Pair of sunglasses
gas cards.

Scalping Chief 11-26-2004 06:03 PM

some sort of mp3 player (ipod)
seinfeld box set
some clothing
san adreas
some dvds, and cds

my parents are divorced so they try to buy my love oOo:

Nyck 11-26-2004 06:24 PM

LOL spoiled fucks...


small 256 mb mp3 player
rome total war
cheap home theater speaker system(on sale at wally world for 40 bucks)

thats pretty much it.

bukdez 11-26-2004 06:33 PM

booze & smokes...

Judas 11-26-2004 06:36 PM


Akuma 11-26-2004 06:49 PM


Originally Posted by Acideyez
why wouldnt i want it? he said be realistic rofl, no way are my parents gonna get me a video card thats like 400-500 dollars (x800 series)

Because it costs $250+ and gets completely demolished by the 6800 (vanilla) which is around $250. 9800XT is one of the worst cards you could buy from a price/performance POV.

9800 Pro for ~$200 or 6800 for $250 are best midrange cards.

Eight Ace 11-26-2004 07:01 PM


Originally Posted by Judas

annoy: you're not having all that, you'll only leave them lying around where people
will trip over can have some nice shirts and some sensible shoes.

ninty 11-26-2004 07:14 PM

The Big Lebowski
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
V: The Original Miniseries
Bourne Supremacy

Machette 11-26-2004 07:19 PM

Collateral rock:

HeadUp 11-26-2004 07:19 PM

since i cant ask my parents for liquor and weed, i asked for money to pay my cell bill and shit...hopefully ill break even after all the money i spent on everyone else

the only realistic thing i wanted was CoD:Finest Hour, which i played for ps2 in ebgames today while shopping and thought it was fuckin awesome a lot better than frontline + more CoD = happy:

i also asked for an mp3 player, since an ipod seems to be out of the question im trying to get them to get me a zen, but knowing my luck i will probably get some shitty mp3 player that holds only a few more songs than a fuckin cd player....

all i really want is a nice weekend in the mountains with my gf and maybe a bottle of bubbly too dance:

Machette 11-26-2004 07:20 PM

In the ass?

fujimi7su 11-26-2004 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by DJHeadUp
all i really want is a nice weekend in the mountains with my gf and maybe a bottle of bubbly too dance:

wish i could do that.. be so awesome

Short Hand 11-26-2004 08:55 PM


Car: K/N FIlter, Official GM Chevy Seatbelt Strap Pads, RKSport Red Windshield wipers, High Powered headlights, New Carbon Fibre Shifter Knob, Sound deadening pads, Fuel Air Mixer (wanna try one out), Gmax Engine Kit,
Custom Gauge set. New interior lighting (red) RK Sport, visionik, RK, Pioneer, or K/n Window Vynl.

Computer: 80 gig HD, HL 2 Collectors Edition. (If on PC KOTOR 2)

Clothes: Adidas (SS Friendly), lots of plain black/ white shirts. + some new track pants + Jeans.

DVD/CD's: U2(How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb), Unwritten Law(Self Titled),Few Dance Mixes i saw for sale Featuring, Dumonde, Paul Van Dyke, TIesto, Ace Cream, Armin Vasn Buuren, Oakenfield etc. /DVD\ Dave Chapele DVD, Schindler List, Troy, Farenheit 911, Roger & Me, Saving Private Ryan DVD

Random: Jack Lelaine Power Juicer, Show Time Grill, Chef Tony's Knives.... fuck already got those...

Dream: GM Super Charger, or RK Sport Superc
harger, RKSport Intercooler, A KrazyCustoms Custom Airflow body kit. Sparco Racing Seats,RKSport Custom Dual exuast, RKSport Headers, Athlon FX55 system, Injen Cool Air, Block Blue Printed, Cam Shafts Done, 18 000 Watt Sub's, COmpition Alternator, 2 Visoinik 5000 Watt Monoblocks + Alpine CDA 9835, Infinity conponent's.

Pretty much a good list.

Da_Bian 11-26-2004 08:57 PM

I want all of these.

pest 11-26-2004 09:03 PM

LOL gerv - still hating on nvidia.....

And I mean seriously, I dont care what brand you have, both have worthy options, but double slot means jack to me. Its not like I have the first pci card anyway. It could be triple slot, who cares. Even if I had a sound card - the only pci card I can think of that I would need - i have 4 slots to choose from.

nvidia makes the best $200, 300, and 400 cards, ati makes the best $550 card (if you can find it).


ninty 11-26-2004 09:11 PM


Akuma 11-26-2004 09:12 PM


Originally Posted by pest
LOL gerv - still hating on nvidia.....

And I mean seriously, I dont care what brand you have, both have worthy options, but double slot means jack to me. Its not like I have the first pci card anyway. It could be triple slot, who cares. Even if I had a sound card - the only pci card I can think of that I would need - i have 4 slots to choose from.

nvidia makes the best $200, 300, and 400 cards, ati makes the best $550 card (if you can find it).



Eight Ace 11-26-2004 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by fujimi7su

Originally Posted by DJHeadUp
all i really want is a nice weekend in the mountains with my gf and maybe a bottle of bubbly too dance:

wish i could do that.. be so awesome

go ahead and ask DJ and his gf if you can tag along then.

strvs 11-26-2004 09:22 PM


Mr.Buttocks 11-26-2004 09:36 PM

[quote="Short Hand":7071a]New Carbon Fibre Shifter Knob[/quote:7071a]


Coleman 11-26-2004 09:46 PM

a collection of John Williams CD's and maybe some stuff by Hans Zimmer.
Jazz CD's

I'd like some trumpet accessories.

Mostly music stuff. I hardly get anything from my family or friends anyway. The most I ever got was the Ken Burns Jazz Collection from my brother. Christmas is hardly about gifts nowadays for me.

Short Hand 11-26-2004 09:51 PM

[quote="Mr.Buttocks":894ea][quote="Short Hand":894ea]New Carbon Fibre Shifter Knob[/quote:894ea]


The thing you put your hand on, and gently, or forcefuly push back and fourth, That thing attached to the pole, which runs to your transmission, which keeps your car/ helps it go various speeds, change amoutn of torque you get all sorts of things.


Mr.Buttocks 11-26-2004 10:00 PM

I was going to get [url=]this[/url:18472] for Christmas too, but I went and bought it myself. eek:

Scalping Chief 11-26-2004 10:02 PM

[quote="Mr.Buttocks":a34a0]I was going to get [url=]this[/url:a34a0] for Christmas too, but I went and bought it myself. eek:[/quote:a34a0]
ya im probably going to get that, was listing to a little preview thing on Q107. (local rock and roll radio station) on the drive home from a game last sunday night, sounds amazing..

Mr.Buttocks 11-26-2004 10:07 PM

[quote="Scalping Chief":483ed][quote="Mr.Buttocks":483ed]I was going to get [url=]this[/url:483ed] for Christmas too, but I went and bought it myself. eek:[/quote:483ed]
ya im probably going to get that, was listing to a little preview thing on Q107. (local rock and roll radio station) on the drive home from a game last sunday night, sounds amazing..[/quote:483ed]

The audio quality on some of the tracks isn't the greatest (especially the early stuff, which is to be expected I guess) but it's well worth the money if you're a Nirvana fan. The DVD's cool, and you get a nice booklet thing too.

Scalping Chief 11-26-2004 10:11 PM

[quote="Mr.Buttocks":6976e][quote="Scalping Chief":6976e][quote="Mr.Buttocks":6976e]I was going to get [url=]this[/url:6976e] for Christmas too, but I went and bought it myself. eek:[/quote:6976e]
ya im probably going to get that, was listing to a little preview thing on Q107. (local rock and roll radio station) on the drive home from a game last sunday night, sounds amazing..[/quote:6976e]

The audio quality on some of the tracks isn't the greatest (especially the early stuff, which is to be expected I guess) but it's well worth the money if you're a Nirvana fan. The DVD's cool, and you get a nice booklet thing too.[/quote:6976e]
i think the first recordings of some of the songs are way better than the later ones, and im pretty intersted in the early footage

Mr.Buttocks 11-26-2004 10:34 PM

[quote="Scalping Chief":d8a2f][quote="Mr.Buttocks":d8a2f][quote="Scalping Chief":d8a2f][quote="Mr.Buttocks":d8a2f]I was going to get [url=]this[/url:d8a2f] for Christmas too, but I went and bought it myself. eek:[/quote:d8a2f]
ya im probably going to get that, was listing to a little preview thing on Q107. (local rock and roll radio station) on the drive home from a game last sunday night, sounds amazing..[/quote:d8a2f]

The audio quality on some of the tracks isn't the greatest (especially the early stuff, which is to be expected I guess) but it's well worth the money if you're a Nirvana fan. The DVD's cool, and you get a nice booklet thing too.[/quote:d8a2f]
i think the first recordings of some of the songs are way better than the later ones, and im pretty intersted in the early footage[/quote:d8a2f]

I meant the actual sound quality of the recordings. Die hard fans will lap it up, but "casual listeners" might think "WTF?!?! This sounds like shit!".

[url= 2f]Example, right-click>Save target as[/url:d8a2f]

A lot of the demos/solo acoustic stuff sound like they've been recorded in a public toilet with a dodgy tape recorder. I like that though, it's more.......intimate. eek:

Apocalypse | NoW 11-26-2004 10:45 PM

I just want computer parts/games and clothes

Scalping Chief 11-26-2004 10:55 PM

[quote="Mr.Buttocks":fc021][quote="Scalping Chief":fc021][quote="Mr.Buttocks":fc021][quote="Scalping Chief":fc021][quote="Mr.Buttocks":fc021]I was going to get [url=]this[/url:fc021] for Christmas too, but I went and bought it myself. eek:[/quote:fc021]
ya im probably going to get that, was listing to a little preview thing on Q107. (local rock and roll radio station) on the drive home from a game last sunday night, sounds amazing..[/quote:fc021]

The audio quality on some of the tracks isn't the greatest (especially the early stuff, which is to be expected I guess) but it's well worth the money if you're a Nirvana fan. The DVD's cool, and you get a nice booklet thing too.[/quote:fc021]
i think the first recordings of some of the songs are way better than the later ones, and im pretty intersted in the early footage[/quote:fc021]

I meant the actual sound quality of the recordings. Die hard fans will lap it up, but "casual listeners" might think "WTF?!?! This sounds like shit!".

[url= 21]Example, right-click>Save target as[/url:fc021]

A lot of the demos/solo acoustic stuff sound like they've been recorded in a public toilet with a dodgy tape recorder. I like that though, it's more.......intimate. eek:[/quote:fc021]
i understand, i was just stating something i wanted to say lol

elstatec 11-26-2004 10:58 PM


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