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Pyro 01-22-2005 11:48 PM


Originally Posted by Acideyez
wow youre a tall are you like 5 feet 6 inches?

5'7, and id rather be a healthy bmi, which I am, then be overweight.

Pyro 01-22-2005 11:48 PM


Originally Posted by Acideyez

Originally Posted by Pyro

Originally Posted by Acideyez
in canada its favour, in USA its favor. Its like saying "to-may-toe" and "to-mah-to"

so yeah still think you can carry out that "favour" ?

In every country in the world that speaks english it is favour.

care to comment ?

Well fuck...I guess Im the only one who knew is an american website oOo:

01-22-2005 11:49 PM


Originally Posted by Pyro

Originally Posted by Acideyez
wow youre a tall are you like 5 feet 6 inches?

5'7, and id rather be a healthy bmi, which I am, then be overweight.

youre a short skinny little fuck arent wonder buck can take you down, like he did in that one grainy vid :)

im 17 and 6'0" and 170 a bit overweight..but you sir, are underweight and thats not healthy.

Pyro 01-22-2005 11:56 PM


Originally Posted by Acideyez

Originally Posted by Pyro

Originally Posted by Acideyez
wow youre a tall are you like 5 feet 6 inches?

5'7, and id rather be a healthy bmi, which I am, then be overweight.

youre a short skinny little fuck arent wonder buck can take you down, like he did in that one grainy vid :)

im 17 and 6'0" and 170 a bit overweight..but you sir, are underweight and thats not healthy.

I think Miscguy on this forum is 5'11 and 120. That's underweight. I am 20.6 on BMI, which is perfect health.

I wouldn't expect to beat up Chris, who is 6'0 as well as you are. The difference between him and you, is he doens't pick fights over the internet. What is the point of bashing height and so on, when it is something no body can change on their own? Id think you were 12 and not 17, if I heard a comment like that in person, but I guess everyones intelligence drops when they enter the internet.

01-22-2005 11:58 PM

naw im just bored and since everyones fucking with you , i thought id join in on the fun :)

Pyro 01-22-2005 11:58 PM


Originally Posted by Nyck

Originally Posted by Pyro

Originally Posted by Acideyez
uh the mounties described a 22 year old man...and mounties dont lie.

Since SweetJ actually seems to be a nice person, unlike her husband, I will not comment any further...though you made it really easy....

wtf does my wife have to do with it...this is about you n me not significant others.

I didnt comment on your right hand and hello dolly blow up sheep doll now did I?

wtf does myself have to do with a news story about a 22 year old man from vancover? But hey, I guess you have to keep it up, being the class clown for the gf1 community.

01-23-2005 12:01 AM


Originally Posted by Pyro

Originally Posted by Nyck

Originally Posted by Pyro

Originally Posted by Acideyez
uh the mounties described a 22 year old man...and mounties dont lie.

Since SweetJ actually seems to be a nice person, unlike her husband, I will not comment any further...though you made it really easy....

wtf does my wife have to do with it...this is about you n me not significant others.

I didnt comment on your right hand and hello dolly blow up sheep doll now did I?

wtf does myself have to do with a news story about a 22 year old man from vancover? But hey, I guess you have to keep it up, being the class clown for the gf1 community.

its just funny cuz youre most likely to steal dildos from vancouver.

Pyro 01-23-2005 12:08 AM


Originally Posted by Pyro

Originally Posted by Nyck

Originally Posted by Pyro

Originally Posted by "Acideyez":59003
uh the mounties described a 22 year old man...and mounties dont lie.

Since SweetJ actually seems to be a nice person, unlike her husband, I will not comment any further...though you made it really easy....

wtf does my wife have to do with it...this is about you n me not significant others.

I didnt comment on your right hand and hello dolly blow up sheep doll now did I?

wtf does myself have to do with a news story about a 22 year old man from vancover? But hey, I guess you have to keep it up, being the class clown for the gf1 community.

its just funny cuz youre most likely to steal dildos from vancouver.[/quote:59003]

Explain to me, how of all the billions of human beings in the world, that I would be the most likely of them, to steal dildos from a city on the opposite side of the country I live in?

Nyck 01-23-2005 12:10 AM

I picked you because

A) your from canada
B) I already used bucks name
C)everyone else in canada(including maple) gets laid and has no need for dildos.
d) everyone would understand who Pyro was
e) Dick Jammer was already taken
6) stfu

JBird 01-23-2005 12:11 AM

why are you analyzing this? its a joke. take the advice from this emoticon calmdown:

Pyro 01-23-2005 12:12 AM


Originally Posted by Nyck
I picked you because

A) your from canada
B) I already used bucks name
C)everyone else in canada(including maple) gets laid and has no need for dildos.
d) everyone would understand who Pyro was
e) Dick Jammer was already taken
6) stfu

So basically you wanted people you've never met, who frequent to this site, to laugh at what you said by using an obvious choice. Once again, I must commend you on your originality displayed in this thread.

JBird 01-23-2005 12:14 AM


Originally Posted by Pyro

Originally Posted by Nyck
I picked you because

A) your from canada
B) I already used bucks name
C)everyone else in canada(including maple) gets laid and has no need for dildos.
d) everyone would understand who Pyro was
e) Dick Jammer was already taken
6) stfu

So basically you wanted people you've never met, who frequent to this site, to laugh at what you said by using an obvious choice. Once again, I must commend you on your originality displayed in this thread.


this thread has answered all your questions on why he did it. its a joke for christ's sake.

Nyck 01-23-2005 12:15 AM

obviously you want to annoy people you have never met in real life to no end by whining like a little bitch to the point where said people that have never met you want to perform the rodney king hoedown dance on your head.

You are a success in that fact

Pyro 01-23-2005 12:18 AM


Originally Posted by JBird

Originally Posted by Pyro

Originally Posted by Nyck
I picked you because

A) your from canada
B) I already used bucks name
C)everyone else in canada(including maple) gets laid and has no need for dildos.
d) everyone would understand who Pyro was
e) Dick Jammer was already taken
6) stfu

So basically you wanted people you've never met, who frequent to this site, to laugh at what you said by using an obvious choice. Once again, I must commend you on your originality displayed in this thread.


this thread has answered all your questions on why he did it. its a joke for christ's sake.

Some "jokes" are funny when they are about me, like some of the pics made. This doens't happen to be one of the funny ones, and I don't like having my name attributed to unfunny material.

Pyro 01-23-2005 12:19 AM


Originally Posted by Nyck
obviously you want to annoy people you have never met in real life to no end by whining like a little bitch to the point where said people that have never met you want to perform the rodney king hoedown dance on your head.

You are a success in that fact

If they find it annoying, it is tough luck for them. Some people have self respect and enjoy defending their character.

01-23-2005 12:20 AM

i dono, you stealing dildos is pretty funny to me...

Nyck 01-23-2005 12:20 AM


Arch 01-23-2005 12:21 AM

Pyro, never had any problems with you, but dude, it's just the fucking internet, people won't come to your door and start laughing their asses off in front of you....Just Chill. calmdown:

Pyro 01-23-2005 12:22 AM


Originally Posted by Acideyez
i dono, you stealing dildos is pretty funny to me...

I believe Ive already talked about that fact. That if I met you in real life id think you were 12 and not 17. Id expect a 12 year old to find it funny.

01-23-2005 12:23 AM

im immature for my age, i admit that =)

Bucknub 01-23-2005 12:25 AM


Originally Posted by Nyck


elstatec 01-23-2005 12:25 AM


Nyck 01-23-2005 12:25 AM


seriously pyro ACT your age and not like some crotchity old nagging fuck who yells at all the kids and tells them to get off his lawn.


Arch 01-23-2005 12:26 AM

[quote="Kenny Banya":e42de]

Originally Posted by Nyck


That's fucking hilarious. happy:

Himmler 01-23-2005 03:31 AM


Originally Posted by Hybrid
LMAO happy:

oh yeah, and pyro quit being a baby ffs

Blase 01-23-2005 04:14 AM

[quote="Pyro,Nyck,Ect.":3c798](Insert quotes, insults, wtf's, and other miscellanous crying/argueing[/quote:3c798]

It's a fucking joke, If nyck had said it were me instead of you in the topic I would have let out an lol, not cried about ffs, and no it's not because I wouldn't stand up for myself, if because I let my friends joke around with me.
If you can't take a little joke at you (Yes, I know you get hundreds of these a day, but it's because you care so much) then what are you doing at a place like this? Go to AAN, everyone plays real nice there. (Not a bash on AAN)

PS. I do agree the whole "You're the most likely" thing made no sense stupid: ,Bringing nycks wife into this was gay, Stop being such a know it all, We say Favor, You say Favour, Big fucking deal.

[DAS REICH] Blitz 01-23-2005 04:16 AM


Xorcist [USA] 01-23-2005 08:53 AM


Maplegyver 01-23-2005 09:30 AM


Mr.Buttocks 01-23-2005 10:05 AM

A dildo story and a Stallone photo - this thread can't get any better! rock:

Coleman 01-23-2005 10:25 AM


Jimmy Paterson 01-23-2005 10:59 AM


TonyMontana 01-23-2005 11:01 AM

i thought this would have been locked by morning oOo:

Johnj 01-23-2005 11:18 AM

This has been the funnest thread this year!


Pyro 01-23-2005 11:22 AM


Originally Posted by elstatec


Pyro 01-23-2005 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by "Pyro,Nyck,Ect.":e8dc8
(Insert quotes, insults, wtf's, and other miscellanous crying/argueing

It's a fucking joke, If nyck had said it were me instead of you in the topic I would have let out an lol, not cried about ffs, and no it's not because I wouldn't stand up for myself, if because I let my friends joke around with me.
If you can't take a little joke at you (Yes, I know you get hundreds of these a day, but it's because you care so much) then what are you doing at a place like this? Go to AAN, everyone plays real nice there. (Not a bash on AAN)

PS. I do agree the whole "You're the most likely" thing made no sense stupid: ,Bringing nycks wife into this was gay, Stop being such a know it all, We say Favor, You say Favour, Big fucking deal.[/quote:e8dc8]

All I did was say I like SweetJ and thought she was nice.

I let my friend joke around with me too, but Nyck isn't exactly a friend.

Nyck is the type of person who would drive the columbine kids to want to shoot up a school. Aaron from my old high school, who is 3 years younger than me, commited suicide because of dicks like nyck who insult people over and over and over again.

I don't like AAN, never did, plus I couldn't argue with morons there.

Coleman 01-23-2005 11:33 AM


Originally Posted by Blase

Originally Posted by "Pyro,Nyck,Ect.":27df4
(Insert quotes, insults, wtf's, and other miscellanous crying/argueing

It's a fucking joke, If nyck had said it were me instead of you in the topic I would have let out an lol, not cried about ffs, and no it's not because I wouldn't stand up for myself, if because I let my friends joke around with me.
If you can't take a little joke at you (Yes, I know you get hundreds of these a day, but it's because you care so much) then what are you doing at a place like this? Go to AAN, everyone plays real nice there. (Not a bash on AAN)

PS. I do agree the whole "You're the most likely" thing made no sense stupid: ,Bringing nycks wife into this was gay, Stop being such a know it all, We say Favor, You say Favour, Big fucking deal.

All I did was say I like SweetJ and thought she was nice.

I let my friend joke around with me too, but Nyck isn't exactly a friend.

Nyck is the type of person who would drive the columbine kids to want to shoot up a school. Aaron from my old high school, who is 3 years younger than me, commited suicide because of dicks like nyck who insult people over and over and over again.

I don't like AAN, never did, plus I couldn't argue with morons there.[/quote:27df4]Pyro, go shoot yourself in the head. If you don't want a mess, just tie a noose.

Pyro 01-23-2005 11:34 AM


Originally Posted by Pyro

Originally Posted by Blase

Originally Posted by "Pyro,Nyck,Ect.":69a77
(Insert quotes, insults, wtf's, and other miscellanous crying/argueing

It's a fucking joke, If nyck had said it were me instead of you in the topic I would have let out an lol, not cried about ffs, and no it's not because I wouldn't stand up for myself, if because I let my friends joke around with me.
If you can't take a little joke at you (Yes, I know you get hundreds of these a day, but it's because you care so much) then what are you doing at a place like this? Go to AAN, everyone plays real nice there. (Not a bash on AAN)

PS. I do agree the whole "You're the most likely" thing made no sense stupid: ,Bringing nycks wife into this was gay, Stop being such a know it all, We say Favor, You say Favour, Big fucking deal.

All I did was say I like SweetJ and thought she was nice.

I let my friend joke around with me too, but Nyck isn't exactly a friend.

Nyck is the type of person who would drive the columbine kids to want to shoot up a school. Aaron from my old high school, who is 3 years younger than me, commited suicide because of dicks like nyck who insult people over and over and over again.

I don't like AAN, never did, plus I couldn't argue with morons there.

Pyro, go shoot yourself in the head. If you don't want a mess, just tie a noose.[/quote:69a77]

For someone who is religious, you sure don't make it seem like a good thing if you wish death upon people.

Coleman 01-23-2005 11:35 AM


Originally Posted by Coleman

Originally Posted by Pyro

Originally Posted by Blase

Originally Posted by "Pyro,Nyck,Ect.":1a4b1
(Insert quotes, insults, wtf's, and other miscellanous crying/argueing

It's a fucking joke, If nyck had said it were me instead of you in the topic I would have let out an lol, not cried about ffs, and no it's not because I wouldn't stand up for myself, if because I let my friends joke around with me.
If you can't take a little joke at you (Yes, I know you get hundreds of these a day, but it's because you care so much) then what are you doing at a place like this? Go to AAN, everyone plays real nice there. (Not a bash on AAN)

PS. I do agree the whole "You're the most likely" thing made no sense stupid: ,Bringing nycks wife into this was gay, Stop being such a know it all, We say Favor, You say Favour, Big fucking deal.

All I did was say I like SweetJ and thought she was nice.

I let my friend joke around with me too, but Nyck isn't exactly a friend.

Nyck is the type of person who would drive the columbine kids to want to shoot up a school. Aaron from my old high school, who is 3 years younger than me, commited suicide because of dicks like nyck who insult people over and over and over again.

I don't like AAN, never did, plus I couldn't argue with morons there.

Pyro, go shoot yourself in the head. If you don't want a mess, just tie a noose.

For someone who is religious, you sure don't make it seem like a good thing if you wish death upon people.[/quote:1a4b1]No, I pray to God that you would just die.

Maplegyver 01-23-2005 11:35 AM


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