![]() |
I think it is a g43. Usually all m16's these days. |
No one has ever proven to me why anybody would need a gun that can shoots bullets really quickly. Stick to handguns or something if you really need to own a gun.
You need them to kill things really quickly. |
You need them to kill things really quickly.[/quote:54dce] Which we refer to as murder. Fuck, let's legalise it then...Southerners will be in heaven, kill all the niggers and all. |
have you ever gone out shooting? It can be a fun and safe sport. Ripping off a 30 round mag is a blast. Who says handguns fire slower than a semiauto rifle? You dont have any knowelge about what you talking about. |
No one has ever proven to me why anybody would need a car that has a speedometer that goes up to 120 mph either. If the speed limit is 55 mph, shouldn't we only make cars that can go that fast as a maximum speed? Cars that are faster should be locked up and only used at professional races on the weekend by professional drivers. That would save thousands of lives a year. hmmmm....maybe I should start a activist organization called Automotive Control Inc. and call for the ban of all cars that can go faster than 55 (70 in some states). We also need a seven day waiting period on purchases of cars so that we can do the background check to see if the driver has ever gotten a ticket (although this information can be obtained instantly by any policeman). I also feel the need to force every driver to put a boot on the tires of his car every time he parks it, so that it can't be used by an unauthorized person. Then I'm gonna sue every car manufacturer for every wreck that has ever happened because it is their fault that each of these wrecks occurred. The driver behind the wheel will have no responsibility for an accident in my perfect world. He is a victim of the evil automotive companies, who seduced him into driving this car through their advertising and mind control. hmmm....where is my list of Congressmen.... I've got to start writing letters. |
I want i want. happy: |
have you ever gone out shooting? It can be a fun and safe sport. Ripping off a 30 round mag is a blast. Who says handguns fire slower than a semiauto rifle? You dont have any knowelge about what you talking about.[/quote:1c5f5] Glochs are mad fun to shoot. I got a shell casing right in the fucking eye though. spank: |
Glochs are mad fun to shoot. I got a shell casing right in the fucking eye though. spank:[/quote:30fa3] Glock |
how does it feel to be nuetered by your govt? It worked well in Germany. freak:[/quote:5dbce] Goddamn that's an ignorant statement if ever I saw one. Our gun laws are similar down here to the UK, and I'll tell you what: It's fucking sweet. Cops don't even need to carry guns. There's pretty much no gun crimes at all. There's your "nuetered" nation. |
Ok, let me jump in since i live in the US. While it's true we have our share of "gun" murders, it's not as insane as one would believe. As far as i know, fully automatic weapons are illegal here in the states. Only law enforcement and military have full auto. Again, i could be wrong about that but i'm almost sure it's illegal for citizens to own such weapons.
Here in New York, the gun laws are probably one of the strictest in the country (I believe Washington DC is the toughest). In order for an average NY resident to own a firearm, they must apply for a permit....wait 6 months for the process, pay for 3 sets of fingerprints to be taken, and have your background checked. After all that, you get your lil' piece of paper saying you can now "own a gun" and can only carry it concealed TO & FROM an authorized firearms range. Thats if you didn't get a "business carry" license (which even more stuff is required...business license, bank notes...etc) Now, you have your license and it's time to purchase your handgun. Well, forget about going to "Sports Authority" or "Wall Mart" like you were able to do some years ago (The liberals took care of that for us !!) You now need to go to an authorized firearms dealer. Ok, you go there, pick out your "insert maker here" and put a deposit on it. Now, you have to fill out paperwork to give to the agency that issued your license. So, you leave the gun store and go to the "Pistol license section" to show them (on paper) what you would like to purchase. They go over the paperwork and give you a "purchase order" (which you have to pay for!) that allows you to buy the gun. Now, back to the gun store with said purchase order. Ok, in the gun store you fill out more papers and fully pay for your gun. It's yours right?...no, not so fast. You now have 10 days to RETURN to the pistol license section to have the gun completely registered on your permit so........back to the pistol license section to have them man handle your new machinery and type the info on your permit. NOW you can go home with your new gun. Seems a bit of a pain eh? The problem we have here in NY is the "black market". People aren't shooting themselves with registered guns, it's guns purchased from other states with laxed laws or stolen guns. I have 3 registered handguns and haven't purchased that beloved .45 because it's, 1. a $1000 gun i want, and 2. The process is such a pain in the ass. |
loney: |
Pronunciation: 'ig-n(&-)r&nt Function: adjective 1 a : destitute of knowledge or education <an ignorant society>; also : lacking knowledge or comprehension of the thing specified <parents ignorant of modern mathematics> b : resulting from or showing lack of knowledge or intelligence <ignorant errors> 2 : UNAWARE, UNINFORMED - ig·no·rant·ly adverb - ig·no·rant·ness noun synonyms IGNORANT, ILLITERATE, UNLETTERED, UNTUTORED, UNLEARNED mean not having knowledge. IGNORANT may imply a general condition or it may apply to lack of knowledge or awareness of a particular thing <an ignorant fool> <ignorant of nuclear physics>. ILLITERATE applies to either an absolute or a relative inability to read and write <much of the population is still illiterate>. UNLETTERED implies ignorance of the knowledge gained by reading <an allusion meaningless to the unlettered>. UNTUTORED may imply lack of schooling in the arts and ways of civilization <strange monuments built by an untutored people>. UNLEARNED suggests ignorance of advanced subjects <poetry not for academics but for the unlearned masses>. sorry Holmes, we can agree to disagree on this. It is a PROVEN FACT when the govt comes after your guns your rights are next PS if I call a cop I want him armed to the teeth |
Pronunciation: 'ig-n(&-)r&nt Function: adjective 1 a : destitute of knowledge or education <an ignorant society>; also : lacking knowledge or comprehension of the thing specified <parents ignorant of modern mathematics> b : resulting from or showing lack of knowledge or intelligence <ignorant errors> 2 : UNAWARE, UNINFORMED - ig·no·rant·ly adverb - ig·no·rant·ness noun synonyms IGNORANT, ILLITERATE, UNLETTERED, UNTUTORED, UNLEARNED mean not having knowledge. IGNORANT may imply a general condition or it may apply to lack of knowledge or awareness of a particular thing <an ignorant fool> <ignorant of nuclear physics>. ILLITERATE applies to either an absolute or a relative inability to read and write <much of the population is still illiterate>. UNLETTERED implies ignorance of the knowledge gained by reading <an allusion meaningless to the unlettered>. UNTUTORED may imply lack of schooling in the arts and ways of civilization <strange monuments built by an untutored people>. UNLEARNED suggests ignorance of advanced subjects <poetry not for academics but for the unlearned masses>. sorry Holmes, we can agree to disagree on this. It is a PROVEN FACT when the govt comes after your guns your rights are next PS if I call a cop I want him armed to the teeth[/quote:46899] You didn't need to post the definition of Ignorant. I know it, and I still standby what I said. I'm seriously lmfao at this...You think our rights are under threat? Anyone that knows about my country will understand just how nieve that statement is. Proven fact my ass. ....and our cops carry guns in squad cars but don't walk around the streets with guns in holsters unless they're experienced or of certain rank.... Under these rules we don't have any "accidents" where people are shot 40 times for reaching for a wallet by a bunch of rookie cops with itchy trigger fingers... Cops aren't infallible superhumans. They make mistakes too. It's alot harder to make a fatal mistake when you don't have a gun. The cops don't need 658678676876 guns because there are VERY few criminals that have access to guns...If that's because of our strict gun laws, who knows....(I'm guessing it is)... Anyways, as soon as the word "firearm" even enters any kind of call to police, the "armed to the teeth" cops come, The Armed Defenders Squad (Our SWAT equivelent). They rarely need to enter the situation. ...Also, when our criminals have firearms, it's usually antique rifles, hunting rifles or shotguns/sawn offs....And unless you have a huge muther fucking trenchcoat, it's pretty hard to conceal a big fucking musket...Let alone do any damage with it. We manage pretty well, with around 40 - 60 homicides a year for the ENTIRE nation. I don't even know how many of those would be firearm homicides....Probably no more than 20.... I feel pretty damn safe. rofl @ rights under threat.... hahahahahahahhahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahaha... ..I would laugh in your face if you said that to me in person.... Now I'm not criticising the U.S here, Instead I'm pointing and laughing at the idea/proposition of the same gun laws being employed in ALREADY "gun safe" places such as the UK, Aussie, NZ, etc.... |
I'm seriously lmfao at this...You think our rights are under threat? Anyone that knows about my country will understand just how nieve that statement is. Proven fact my ass. ....and our cops carry guns in squad cars but don't walk around the streets with guns in holsters unless they're experienced or of certain rank.... Under these rules we don't have any "accidents" where people are shot 40 times for reaching for a wallet by a bunch of rookie cops with itchy trigger fingers... Cops aren't infallible superhumans. They make mistakes too. It's alot harder to make a fatal mistake when you don't have a gun. The cops don't need 658678676876 guns because there are VERY few criminals that have access to guns...If that's because of our strict gun laws, who knows....(I'm guessing it is)... Anyways, as soon as the word "firearm" even enters any kind of call to police, the "armed to the teeth" cops come, The Armed Defenders Squad (Our SWAT equivelent). They rarely need to enter the situation. ...Also, when our criminals have firearms, it's usually antique rifles, hunting rifles or shotguns/sawn offs....And unless you have a huge muther fucking trenchcoat, it's pretty hard to conceal a big fucking musket...Let alone do any damage with it. We manage pretty well, with around 40 - 60 homicides a year for the ENTIRE nation. I don't even know how many of those would be firearm homicides....Probably no more than 20.... I feel pretty damn safe. rofl @ rights under threat.... hahahahahahahhahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahaha... ..I would laugh in your face if you said that to me in person.... Now I'm not criticising the U.S here, Instead I'm pointing and laughing at the idea/proposition of the same gun laws being employed in ALREADY "gun safe" places such as the UK, Aussie, Canada, NZ, etc....[/quote:23bce] I envy you and your awesome country. |
its much easier here, go to the police station. Pay $10 for purchase permit. Go buy handgun. Take handgun back to police station where they double check serial numbers and then go home with your new handgun. For rifles and shotguns you go to gun store, wait for "instant check" (this has taken up to 3 hours for me) and walk out with your new rifle or shotgun. If you want to carry you need to apply for a permit and wait. Michigan is a "shall issue" permit state. If you have no criminal backround and have gone to your CCW class you get a permit. Since the "shall issue" permits have become availble crime has dropped. NOT ONE person with a permit to carry has commited a crime. PS there are full auto guns in some privite citizens hands but the permits are almost impossible th get. There has NEVER been a legally registered fully automatic weapon used in a crime EVER in the US |
this is actually pretty entertaining watching the debates from a distance.
[quote="Chris Rock":6f1e9]
Bullets should cost $10,000 so that way, gun violence goes down. Who would pay 10 thousand dollars for a bullet? Also, if a guy gets shot, he got shot for a damn good reason. [/quote:6f1e9] Totally agree with that one ^ |
Tripper, I'm sure New Zealand is a wonderful place to live. However I would assume that much of the difference between there and here is a combination of cultural differences (I can elaborate if you need me to) and population density. New Zealand has four million people spread out over a country the size of the UK. The UK has fifteen times as many people. The US is about the size of Australia and has a popluation approaching 300 million.
BTW - I may be reading these charts wrong, but according to this site (http://www.police.govt.nz/service/stati ... /calendar/) New Zealand has about 110 violent crimes per ten thousand people. According to this site (http://www.disastercenter.com/crime/uscrime.htm) the US had about 506 crimes in the "violent" column per 100,000 people. I may be reading this chart wrong too for all I know but it seems like New Zealand is not much safer, if any, than the US as a whole. (But congrats on the declining Overall rate and the steady increase in the rate of Solved cases!) It may not seem like an imposition to you that you are not allowed to own a gun because you've never had that freedom, but to us that have enjoyed going hunting with our dads, or going to the pistol range with our daughters (I've enjoyed both scenarios), or have protected ourselves from a home invasion (as my 78 year old dad had to do a couple of years ago), any talk of taking away our right to own a gun causes the hair on our necks to stand up. Couple that with our national history of citizens using their own guns to fight for our freedom and you have a culture that a person who has lived their life in New Zealand, or Japan, or Germany, or even the UK cannot understand. |
That's why we're not being "neutered" by our own govt. That was my point from the beginning. I thought it was really ignorant and stupid of Stackem to try and propose that we were having our rights taken from us, just because we have strict gun laws, unlike the U.S.... P.S: I <3 Akuma. |
There's your "nuetered" nation.[/quote:ffe21] The way it should fucking be. to the person who brought up cars... speeding is illegal....it is fun to speed but it is illegal...so if it is fun to shoot a gun alot...it should be illegal to do so. Then at least you can have a chance to be caught...instead of all out letting people do it. What if some kid was playing around and just happened to come on your property and you shoot them with your semi automatic weapon...what you gonna say the kid deserved it they were trespassing i can shoot any fucking gun I want? |
sorry to disagree with you but rights are being taken away in most countries. You can call me ignorant and stupid if you like just because you dont see eye to eye on this. If you had a clue you would know Im right and your wrong. This isnt hapening over night its a slow process. For Canada C-68 is a perfect example. http://www.keepandbeararms.com/informat ... asp?ID=267
Austrailia http://www.keepandbeararms.com/informat ... sp?ID=1129 again, we will never agree about this, we see it in a very different light. Our countries have different sets of rules. What I would call normal, you may have never seen and vise/versa. |
[quote="Sgt>Stackem":30014]sorry to disagree with you but rights are being taken away in most countries. You can call me ignorant and stupid if you like just because you dont see eye to eye on this. If you had a clue you would know Im right and your wrong. This isnt hapening over night its a slow process. For Canada C-68 is a perfect example. [url="http://www.keepandbeararms.com/information/XcIBViewItem.asp?ID=267"]http://www.keepandbeararms.com/informat ... asp?ID=267[/url]
Austrailia http://www.keepandbeararms.com/informat ... sp?ID=1129 again, we will never agree about this, we see it in a very different light. Our countries have different sets of rules. What I would call normal, you may have never seen and vise/versa.[/quote:30014] Well I don't consider owning a gun a right, it's a privilige. That opinion is a product of my society/my country. My society, including the government AREN'T out to get me. That opinion is also a product of the society I live in....So really your opinions on the issue hold no weight, because your opinions are crossing the realm of American society into MY society. Not the other way around. I understand why you think like you do about guns because I know alot about your countries history....and I understand about gun culture in the U.S. So I can assure you, no rights are being lost down here. We're doing just fine and feel no oppression if we aren't allowed to own an automatic weapon. I speak on behalf of pretty much everyone I know from New Zealand. Moderate left and right. |
Seems like this thread has turned a bit political. Any objections to it being moved to the appropriate forum?
[quote="Sgt>Stackem":4a905]sorry to disagree with you but rights are being taken away in most countries.[/quote:4a905]
how can you take away something someone never had? |
dont you hunt? sleeping: rolleyes: |
yeah but with slugs, not bullets :P if guns kill people then pencils misspell words and cars make people drive drunk and spoons made rosie o'donnell fat |
Well the price would obviously be controlled by the government if it were to happen, which it wouldnt because it would be VERY easy to still get bullets from the black market. Not to mention our deer and other game populations would skyrocket with no hunters out there, plus bullet manufacturing companies would either go under or a few would get tons of government aid which is no good. Just a stupid idea that could never happen. |
There's not much to a bullet. I'm sure you'd have a huge black market in no time. |
Exactly, like I said. :) I mean its not even hard to get guns from the blackmarket, bullets would be simple. |
Exactly, like I said. :) I mean its not even hard to get guns from the blackmarket, bullets would be simple.[/quote:78b21]yep they show dudes making them on the Outdoor channel that I get happy: |
And as for the comment that asked " how can you take away something someone never had?" If you oppress people and have been all of their lives you are taking away their freedom, even though they have never experienced it before. It is possible to take away something you never had. |
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