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Trunks 05-05-2005 01:54 PM

For one thing, it's not that big of a deal to drink urine.[/quote:3c007] U go piss in a cup and drink it, if its no big deal. Then get back to us.

TodzumPapst 05-05-2005 02:13 PM

Tripper you cant just GROW UP like its something that happens over night. Even if hes 17 or 18 its long ways from grown up. Also stop making a simple concept into something as controversial as aids. Trunks why would he just go drink his own urine. It was a prank, that kind of stuff happens.

Jin-Roh 05-05-2005 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by "Jin-Roh":b79ad
He is black, he is racist, he is a Malcom X-type [and not a Dr. King-type].

You're a fucking moron who clearly needs to learn more about his own nation's history.

For one thing, it's not that big of a deal to drink urine, it probably wasn't even urine, if it was, it was very little. It was a one time thing so it's not that big of a deal, but that is one thing me and friends do, do stupid, mischevious shit. But most of the time it has nothing to do with other people.[/quote:b79ad]

Actually it is a very big deal tricking other people to drink someone elses urine. It is so unbelievebly unhealthy not to mention fucking disgusting. If I met a kid like you in person I swear to god I'd beat the fucking shit out of you. You're one of those little tossers who has avoided a good beating despite being a childish little brat. So go on with your "stupid mischevious shit," because as you get older all that will get you is lack of sex and serious beatings from seriously pissed off people. Your mommy and daddy won't be able to help you in that situation either.

What are you, 17 - 18? Grow the fuck up.[/quote:b79ad]

You are really funny. You are acting like I am the one that did it. Not only that, but you act like I don't know who Malcom X and Dr. King. X was considered racist to white men and to be divided. Dr. King was doing everything peacefully and unite. You don't know me very well. You think I am not intelligent because of what I say on a forum. "it probably wasn't even urine" - And it's true, it wasn't urine. So stop being a fucking whore and stop acting like I am a bad person.

"ffs grow up, your supposed to be going into adulthood. Your acting like a fucking 11 year old." - Ok... Whatever you say.

You are guys are bringing this in a completely different direction. You are acting like this thing is giving everyone AIDS and committing genocide. Urine can keep you alive in a desert, it doesn't kill you. Another thing, things like this happen all the time in colleges and other highschools.

Tripper, I honestly have no idea why you think it's me that pissed into the milk. =\

Stammer 05-05-2005 02:33 PM

He's right, urine won’t kill you. All urine really is extra water and nutrients your body didn't need. Some nut jobs even drink urine instead of water when they take supplements because they think putting the nutrients back that your body didn't need is a good idea.

Tripper 05-05-2005 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by TodzumPapst
Tripper you cant just GROW UP like its something that happens over night. Even if hes 17 or 18 its long ways from grown up. Also stop making a simple concept into something as controversial as aids.

Are you like 10? I'm 19 and two years ago I wasn't acting like that. Noone I knew was either. Only friendless morons who grunted when someone said "boobs" were....So I guess you're just like those kids, which in turn means I have even less respect for you (If that's even possible).

You are really funny. You are acting like I am the one that did it.[/quote:b3ec0]

No, actually I'm acting like you think it's a total joke and that these kids shouldn't be punished, and that everyone is overeacting. You said yourself that you thought drinking someone elses urine was "no big deal."

[quote="Jin-Roh":b3ec0]Not only that, but you act like I don't know who Malcom X and Dr. King. X was considered racist to white men and to be divided. Dr. King was doing everything peacefully and unite.[/quote:b3ec0]

Malcolm X's firm policies were in the face of blatant racism and hatred towards black people from a majority of white people. He didn't just hate for no reason like you claim this guy was. Even more so, the fact that you try to label ALL black people under two 1950-60s civil rights leaders suggests that you don't really have an understanding of other people in general....

[quote="Jin Roh":b3ec0]You don't know me very well. You think I am not intelligent because of what I say on a forum. "it probably wasn't even urine" - And it's true, it wasn't urine. So stop being a fucking whore and stop acting like I am a bad person.[/quote:b3ec0]

Listen here you fucking crackpot - You're the one who initially said it WAS urine, this is the first time you've said it "probably wasn't even urine," seems like your only purpose in this thread is to make these kids whom you made look terrible in your initial post, look even less so as the debate moves on. I really just don't believe the shit that's spilling out of you, right now.
...and anyone that seriously thinks tricking other people into drinking urine is a joke IS a bad person. Oh, and - of course I base who you are by how you act on an internet forum. That's the way the internet works. Think about that the next time you post stupid shit - If you want us to think of you as intelligent that is....

[quote="Jin Roh":b3ec0]Another thing, things like this happen all the time in colleges and other highschools.[/quote:b3ec0]

Funny how your country is the only one that has school shootings on the scale that it does...

[quote="Jin Roh":b3ec0]Tripper, I honestly have no idea why you think it's me that pissed into the milk. =\[/quote:b3ec0]

I never once said I thought you pissed in the milk. oOo:

I'm under the impression that you think it's not a big deal at all....

TodzumPapst 05-05-2005 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by Tripper
Are you like 10? I'm 19 and two years ago I wasn't acting like that. Noone I knew was either. Only friendless morons who grunted when someone said "boobs" were....So I guess you're just like those kids, which in turn means I have even less respect for you (If that's even possible).

Why do i have to be 10 to think that way? I have nothing to do with this urine buisness so dont judge me like i do. You obviously dont have to be 10 years old to do something like that, how many 10 year olds do you know that put urine in other peoples drinks??? Why are you making such a big deal out of this? Wow some kid drank urine WHO CARES! Or are you one of the kids that were picked on and made to drink urine to, is that why your making this such a big deal?

Jin-Roh 05-05-2005 04:29 PM

Calm down... it's just urine. Not AIDS. I honestly don't give a shit that he did it or the kid drank it.

"Malcolm X's firm policies were in the face of blatant racism and hatred towards black people from a majority of white people. He didn't just hate for no reason like you claim this guy was. Even more so, the fact that you try to label ALL black people under two 1950-60s civil rights leaders suggests that you don't really have an understanding of other people in general.... "

Malcom X, in the beginning, hated Dr. King and did not want to mix with the whites and would use violence. It was only until the end he started to praise Dr. King. I do not label ALL black people under two civil rights leaders. Head of security (Burrell) here REALLY is racist, it is not an exaggeration. Mr Burrell is racist and does NOT like the white people here.

So far, Tripper, you have turned this into a lame ass debate because you disregard some of the things I say and then you act like you know everything about me and this topic, like you've done it before. You pretend you are the most mature person here. I don't even know why you give a shit what my opinion is, maybe you're just bored...

Stop being a fuckhead and treating me like shit just because I don't care. I say they shouldn't be punished because it was so long ago and in a different state and it's common for people to pull pranks on each other. You're not perfect tripper, so get your head out of your ass and stop taking things so fucking seriously and far. It's urine you fuckhead, it's not the fucking end of the world. This isn't even a debate. All you're doing is bashing me for having an opinion that I honestly don't really care about. I don't care about some of my opinions, but they are still there.

I also could say: I'll show you how intelligent I am. But of course, being so cool over the internet, you aren't allowed to be nice to intelligent people who have real opinions, and you probably won't care what I do.

+1 Tripper, because you are so fucking fun to debate with.

Poseidon 05-05-2005 05:21 PM

[quote="Jin-Roh":1af8f] Urine can keep you alive in a desert, it doesn't kill you. [/quote:1af8f]

So your friends boiled their urine to get rid of all the shit thats in their urine before pouring it into the lads milk? Because thats what they do in the desert. There could be anything in that drink, why the fuck does your body get rid of it in the first place? if it was good for you your body wouldnt excrete it.

No one said you pissed in his milk. We are arguing based on your opinion that the guy shouldnt be punished for pissing in some poor lads milk. Fucking christ I can guarentee that if i pissed in some random guys drink at college (or my old school - i'd have been EXPELLED). I'd have actually agreed with the decision. What your 'friends' did was fucking dirty, I dont care how much you argue - your a fucking twat for thinking its acceptable.


Originally Posted by TodzumPapst
Why are you making such a big deal out of this? Wow some kid drank urine WHO CARES!

We have already posted the reason as to why we care. We would twat any fuck that would do it to us, due to all the filth that could be in the urine.

Jin-Roh 05-05-2005 07:21 PM

I don't think it's acceptable. I don't think it's unacceptable. I honestly don't care.

Johnj 05-05-2005 08:05 PM

Yet this guy, who thinks it's cool to trick people into drinking his urine, is your friend. How do you know that he hasn't "dosed" you?


Jin-Roh 05-05-2005 08:46 PM


Originally Posted by Johnj
Yet this guy, who thinks it's cool to trick people into drinking his urine, is your friend. How do you know that he hasn't "dosed" you?


Hahahahahhaa... I don't know... happy:

I doubt he would. I am sure he felt guilty after giving it to the kid.

TodzumPapst 05-05-2005 09:22 PM


Originally Posted by m1ck97
So your friends boiled their urine to get rid of all the shit thats in their urine before pouring it into the lads milk? Because thats what they do in the desert. There could be anything in that drink, why the fuck does your body get rid of it in the first place? if it was good for you your body wouldnt excrete it.

i think what he was referring to was a man in the desert actually broke his leg and survived by drinking his own urine.

Tripper 05-05-2005 11:36 PM

[quote="Jin-Roh":9ef49]Calm down... it's just urine. Not AIDS. I honestly don't give a shit that he did it or the kid drank it.

"Malcolm X's firm policies were in the face of blatant racism and hatred towards black people from a majority of white people. He didn't just hate for no reason like you claim this guy was. Even more so, the fact that you try to label ALL black people under two 1950-60s civil rights leaders suggests that you don't really have an understanding of other people in general.... "

Malcom X, in the beginning, hated Dr. King and did not want to mix with the whites and would use violence. It was only until the end he started to praise Dr. King. I do not label ALL black people under two civil rights leaders. Head of security (Burrell) here REALLY is racist, it is not an exaggeration. Mr Burrell is racist and does NOT like the white people here.

So far, Tripper, you have turned this into a lame ass debate because you disregard some of the things I say and then you act like you know everything about me and this topic, like you've done it before. You pretend you are the most mature person here. I don't even know why you give a shit what my opinion is, maybe you're just bored...

Stop being a fuckhead and treating me like shit just because I don't care. I say they shouldn't be punished because it was so long ago and in a different state and it's common for people to pull pranks on each other. You're not perfect tripper, so get your head out of your ass and stop taking things so fucking seriously and far. It's urine you fuckhead, it's not the fucking end of the world. This isn't even a debate. All you're doing is bashing me for having an opinion that I honestly don't really care about. I don't care about some of my opinions, but they are still there.

I also could say: I'll show you how intelligent I am. But of course, being so cool over the internet, you aren't allowed to be nice to intelligent people who have real opinions, and you probably won't care what I do.

+1 Tripper, because you are so fucking fun to debate with.[/quote:9ef49]

blah blah blah that was all bullshit. You didn't say anything that made any sense just bollocks....I don't give a shit what you think about me so stop trying to curb the argument that way. We have no relationship. You're nothing. You're a fucking amatuer. What happens to my shits after I flush them is more important to me than you.

You're a mere annoyance and because I've already made my point and you haven't made one valid point, I can declare this "debate" (which I might as well have waged blindfolded with one hand tied behind my back) over. Clearly noone agrees with you except your stupid fucking fanboy who actually represents himself much like a 5 year old would. Congratulations on you and your support. Now keel over and die from a horsecock exploding your anus.

Jin-Roh 05-05-2005 11:58 PM


Originally Posted by Tripper
blah blah blah that was all bullshit. You didn't say anything that made any sense just bollocks....I don't give a shit what you think about me so stop trying to curb the argument that way. We have no relationship. You're nothing. You're a fucking amatuer. What happens to my shits after I flush them is more important to me than you.

You're a mere annoyance and because I've already made my point and you haven't made one valid point, I can declare this "debate" (which I might as well have waged blindfolded with one hand tied behind my back) over. Clearly noone agrees with you except your stupid fucking fanboy who actually represents himself much like a 5 year old would. Congratulations on you and your support. Now keel over and die from a horsecock exploding your anus.

My valid point(s):

Urine is not good for you nor is it REALLY BAD for you.
The joke was neither unacceptable nor acceptable. I don't care about it, really.
My main point was Burrell making up lies to get my two friends (who had nothing to do with it) get in trouble.
The one who urined in the milk got in trouble. Good. Ok. It's not like he should be sent to prison for urinating in someones face.


TodzumPapst 05-06-2005 12:14 AM


Originally Posted by Tripper
blah blah blah that was all bullshit. You didn't say anything that made any sense just bollocks....I don't give a shit what you think about me so stop trying to curb the argument that way. We have no relationship. You're nothing. You're a fucking amatuer. What happens to my shits after I flush them is more important to me than you.

How didnt it not make sense? Are you that stupid not to understand it? Why would you want a relationship on a forum board anyways. Dude stop acting like you are completly right about everything and consider the fact that you just made a big deal out of nothing.


Originally Posted by Tripper
You're a mere annoyance and because I've already made my point and you haven't made one valid point, I can declare this "debate" (which I might as well have waged blindfolded with one hand tied behind my back) over. Clearly noone agrees with you except your stupid fucking fanboy who actually represents himself much like a 5 year old would. Congratulations on you and your support. Now keel over and die from a horsecock exploding your anus.

I thought i was 10 years old... Just because i agree that its not that big of a deal and that i disagree with whatever you say that makes me a 10 year old HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Wait 5 now... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH fanboy that was cute man say it again so i can laugh in my fucking clown shoes, also why do you talk about animal sex? Bash me all you want i just laugh at how serious everyone gets.

Tripper 05-06-2005 01:02 AM


Originally Posted by TodzumPapst

Originally Posted by Tripper
blah blah blah that was all bullshit. You didn't say anything that made any sense just bollocks....I don't give a shit what you think about me so stop trying to curb the argument that way. We have no relationship. You're nothing. You're a fucking amatuer. What happens to my shits after I flush them is more important to me than you.

How didnt it not make sense? Are you that stupid not to understand it? Why would you want a relationship on a forum board anyways. Dude stop acting like you are completly right about everything and consider the fact that you just made a big deal out of nothing.


Originally Posted by Tripper
You're a mere annoyance and because I've already made my point and you haven't made one valid point, I can declare this "debate" (which I might as well have waged blindfolded with one hand tied behind my back) over. Clearly noone agrees with you except your stupid fucking fanboy who actually represents himself much like a 5 year old would. Congratulations on you and your support. Now keel over and die from a horsecock exploding your anus.

I thought i was 10 years old... Just because i agree that its not that big of a deal and that i disagree with whatever you say that makes me a 10 year old HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Wait 5 now... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH fanboy that was cute man say it again so i can laugh in my fucking clown shoes, also why do you talk about animal sex? Bash me all you want i just laugh at how serious everyone gets.

What...the.......fuck? oOo: oOo: oOo:

Is this thing for real?......Anybody?

Jin-Roh 05-06-2005 01:34 PM


Originally Posted by Tripper

Originally Posted by TodzumPapst

Originally Posted by Tripper
blah blah blah that was all bullshit. You didn't say anything that made any sense just bollocks....I don't give a shit what you think about me so stop trying to curb the argument that way. We have no relationship. You're nothing. You're a fucking amatuer. What happens to my shits after I flush them is more important to me than you.

How didnt it not make sense? Are you that stupid not to understand it? Why would you want a relationship on a forum board anyways. Dude stop acting like you are completly right about everything and consider the fact that you just made a big deal out of nothing.


Originally Posted by Tripper
You're a mere annoyance and because I've already made my point and you haven't made one valid point, I can declare this "debate" (which I might as well have waged blindfolded with one hand tied behind my back) over. Clearly noone agrees with you except your stupid fucking fanboy who actually represents himself much like a 5 year old would. Congratulations on you and your support. Now keel over and die from a horsecock exploding your anus.

I thought i was 10 years old... Just because i agree that its not that big of a deal and that i disagree with whatever you say that makes me a 10 year old HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Wait 5 now... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH fanboy that was cute man say it again so i can laugh in my fucking clown shoes, also why do you talk about animal sex? Bash me all you want i just laugh at how serious everyone gets.

What...the.......fuck? oOo: oOo: oOo:

Is this thing for real?......Anybody?

Everything I have told you about my friend urinating in the milk is lie. Hah. You got owned because you wasted 5-10 minutes of your life typing useless debate that wasn't true.

TodzumPapst 05-06-2005 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by Tripper

Originally Posted by TodzumPapst

Originally Posted by Tripper
blah blah blah that was all bullshit. You didn't say anything that made any sense just bollocks....I don't give a shit what you think about me so stop trying to curb the argument that way. We have no relationship. You're nothing. You're a fucking amatuer. What happens to my shits after I flush them is more important to me than you.

How didnt it not make sense? Are you that stupid not to understand it? Why would you want a relationship on a forum board anyways. Dude stop acting like you are completly right about everything and consider the fact that you just made a big deal out of nothing.


Originally Posted by Tripper
You're a mere annoyance and because I've already made my point and you haven't made one valid point, I can declare this "debate" (which I might as well have waged blindfolded with one hand tied behind my back) over. Clearly noone agrees with you except your stupid fucking fanboy who actually represents himself much like a 5 year old would. Congratulations on you and your support. Now keel over and die from a horsecock exploding your anus.

I thought i was 10 years old... Just because i agree that its not that big of a deal and that i disagree with whatever you say that makes me a 10 year old HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Wait 5 now... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH fanboy that was cute man say it again so i can laugh in my fucking clown shoes, also why do you talk about animal sex? Bash me all you want i just laugh at how serious everyone gets.

What...the.......fuck? oOo: oOo: oOo:

Is this thing for real?......Anybody?

Everything I have told you about my friend urinating in the milk is lie. Hah. You got owned because you wasted 5-10 minutes of your life typing useless debate that wasn't true.[/quote:ff239]


Tripper 05-06-2005 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by Tripper

Originally Posted by TodzumPapst

Originally Posted by Tripper
blah blah blah that was all bullshit. You didn't say anything that made any sense just bollocks....I don't give a shit what you think about me so stop trying to curb the argument that way. We have no relationship. You're nothing. You're a fucking amatuer. What happens to my shits after I flush them is more important to me than you.

How didnt it not make sense? Are you that stupid not to understand it? Why would you want a relationship on a forum board anyways. Dude stop acting like you are completly right about everything and consider the fact that you just made a big deal out of nothing.


Originally Posted by Tripper
You're a mere annoyance and because I've already made my point and you haven't made one valid point, I can declare this "debate" (which I might as well have waged blindfolded with one hand tied behind my back) over. Clearly noone agrees with you except your stupid fucking fanboy who actually represents himself much like a 5 year old would. Congratulations on you and your support. Now keel over and die from a horsecock exploding your anus.

I thought i was 10 years old... Just because i agree that its not that big of a deal and that i disagree with whatever you say that makes me a 10 year old HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Wait 5 now... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH fanboy that was cute man say it again so i can laugh in my fucking clown shoes, also why do you talk about animal sex? Bash me all you want i just laugh at how serious everyone gets.

What...the.......fuck? oOo: oOo: oOo:

Is this thing for real?......Anybody?

Everything I have told you about my friend urinating in the milk is lie. Hah. You got owned because you wasted 5-10 minutes of your life typing useless debate that wasn't true.[/quote:aaf54]

So basically I got to insult you a bunch of times for no reason, and watch you make an ass of yourself.....

....I only keepgoing with arguments fueled by insults because I enjoy exposing peoples flaws and flaming is my bag....Congratulations you fucking dumb-ass you just wasted YOUR OWN time and gave me pretty much what I come to these forums for.

Jin-Roh 05-06-2005 04:22 PM


Originally Posted by Tripper
So basically I got to insult you a bunch of times for no reason, and watch you make an ass of yourself.....

....I only keepgoing with arguments fueled by insults because I enjoy exposing peoples flaws and flaming is my bag....Congratulations you fucking dumb-ass you just wasted YOUR OWN time and gave me pretty much what I come to these forums for.

Whatever you say you wannabe-Australian...

I don't give a shit what you do. You're probably expendable more than I am.

TodzumPapst 05-06-2005 04:39 PM


Originally Posted by Tripper

So basically I got to insult you a bunch of times for no reason, and watch you make an ass of yourself.....

Basically ya, but in OUR perspective by us lieing and agreeing with eachother and laughing at you with whatever you type your the one making an ASS of YOURself cause you were making such a big deal out of it and looking in encyclopedias to prove us wrong. GREAT JOB I HOPE YOUR PROUD!

TodzumPapst 05-06-2005 04:43 PM


Whatever you say you wannabe-Australian...

Aren't you australian????

Quze 05-07-2005 04:21 PM


Originally Posted by TodzumPapst

Originally Posted by Tripper

So basically I got to insult you a bunch of times for no reason, and watch you make an ass of yourself.....

Basically ya, but in OUR perspective by us lieing and agreeing with eachother and laughing at you with whatever you type your the one making an ASS of YOURself cause you were making such a big deal out of it and looking in encyclopedias to prove us wrong. GREAT JOB I HOPE YOUR PROUD!

Tripper didn't make an ass out of himself.

The whole "Everything we said is a lie" is just bullshit because Tripper's better then you.

Ferich 05-07-2005 04:32 PM


Tripper 05-07-2005 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by TodzumPapst

Originally Posted by Tripper

So basically I got to insult you a bunch of times for no reason, and watch you make an ass of yourself.....

Basically ya, but in OUR perspective by us lieing and agreeing with eachother and laughing at you with whatever you type your the one making an ASS of YOURself cause you were making such a big deal out of it and looking in encyclopedias to prove us wrong. GREAT JOB I HOPE YOUR PROUD!

I was looking inside encyclopedias? News to me....

.....You really must be a fucking stupid, stupid, STUPID person if you think something I posted required "dem fangled encyclopedias wif da info in dem." I didn't even have to use my fucking brain in this argument, basically you two typed up stupid shit and I just pointed out the obvious flaws and mistakes. It took two of you working together to make yourselves look like morons.

....and you claim you have some kind of one-up over me. LOL.

You didn't waste any of my time, either - If I weren't flaming you in this argument in this thread it would be in another thread with something you actually didn't make up. You two are just another couple of urinal cakes in the long line of them.

Keep it up!

TodzumPapst 05-07-2005 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by Tripper
I was looking inside encyclopedias? News to me....

.....You really must be a fucking stupid, stupid, STUPID person if you think something I posted required "dem fangled encyclopedias wif da info in dem." I didn't even have to use my fucking brain in this argument, basically you two typed up stupid shit and I just pointed out the obvious flaws and mistakes. It took two of you working together to make yourselves look like morons.

....and you claim you have some kind of one-up over me. LOL.

You didn't waste any of my time, either - If I weren't flaming you in this argument in this thread it would be in another thread with something you actually didn't you two are just another couple of urinal cakes in the long line of them.

Keep it up!

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA you say it like i care rock: rock: rock: rock: rock: rock: rock:

Mr.Buttocks 05-07-2005 10:01 PM

[quote="$p!k3":46d47]He's right, urine won’t kill you. All urine really is extra water and nutrients your body didn't need. Some nut jobs even drink urine instead of water when they take supplements because they think putting the nutrients back that your body didn't need is a good idea.[/quote:46d47]

This is true. Rolf Harris drinks his own piss.

Merlin122 05-07-2005 10:37 PM

Firealarms and things of that nature hardly ever happen. Theres only 300 kids in my school so if something goes down, the person is caught quickly. There are lots and lots of other problems in my school beside your basic gun toters and firealarm pullers. I watch drug deals go down every effing (for lack of a better term) day in my school. There is an actual constant stream of racism effecting virtually everyone. Also, if you don't have some kind of basic protection in my school (ie, big guy to protect you or a concealed weapon) you are bound to get jumped for little or no excuse. I was almost beat up recently because another student thought they saw me leaving the office one day (usually interpreted as attempting to turn someone in or something along those lines). I have it in with most of the gang crowd and am well liked amongst most of the populous. Thankfully, i've always have my friends to protect me when really needed.

TodzumPapst 05-07-2005 11:20 PM

SHIT, where do you go to school at

Merlin122 05-08-2005 08:54 AM


Originally Posted by TodzumPapst
SHIT, where do you go to school at

suburb across the river from philly. I'm trying to get on the principal's panel so I can try to fix some of this stuff. The really bad thing is now that its very very very difficult to actually be expelled from my school. I'd like to try to change that. Most of the black kids (not being racist, its just coincidental) get their parents involved after they get a suspension or are put up for expulsion. They usually get up in our VP's face and gives him one hell of a time. So now the disciplinarian deptartment really doesn't give a damn about anything these kids do anymore.

Tripper 05-08-2005 05:04 PM


Originally Posted by TodzumPapst

Originally Posted by Tripper
I was looking inside encyclopedias? News to me....

.....You really must be a fucking stupid, stupid, STUPID person if you think something I posted required "dem fangled encyclopedias wif da info in dem." I didn't even have to use my fucking brain in this argument, basically you two typed up stupid shit and I just pointed out the obvious flaws and mistakes. It took two of you working together to make yourselves look like morons.

....and you claim you have some kind of one-up over me. LOL.

You didn't waste any of my time, either - If I weren't flaming you in this argument in this thread it would be in another thread with something you actually didn't you two are just another couple of urinal cakes in the long line of them.

Keep it up!

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA you say it like i care rock: rock: rock: rock: rock: rock: rock:

You do care.

TodzumPapst 05-08-2005 10:02 PM


Tripper 05-08-2005 11:50 PM


Originally Posted by TodzumPapst


TodzumPapst 05-10-2005 12:44 AM

freak: lets just be friends?

Tripper 05-10-2005 06:12 AM


Originally Posted by TodzumPapst
freak: lets just be friends?



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