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Tripper 09-21-2005 12:56 AM


Originally Posted by SoLiDUS
You don't ban all knives, vehicles and power tools because they're used in killing sprees, so why would you deprive millions of responsible firearm owners their right to bear arms and protect themselves because of one bad apple ? Pure ignorance: look at what gun control has done to Australia and England! Check the stats and then we'll talk. If you need help finding the information, I will gladly point you in the right direction...

It's alot easier to pull a gun trigger without thinking than it is to drive a knife into someone.

....and what has gun control done to Australia and England other than make them safer places to live?

(I realise it's a different case for North America which already has plenty of guns in criminals' hands so owning a gun yourself would seem like a smart choice)

Short Hand 09-21-2005 12:57 AM


Originally Posted by SoLiDUS
You don't ban all knives, vehicles and power tools because they're used in killing sprees, so why would you deprive millions of responsible firearm owners their right to bear arms and protect themselves because of one bad apple ? Pure ignorance: look at what gun control has done to Australia and England! Check the stats and then we'll talk. If you need help finding the information, I will gladly point you in the right direction...

You need a knife to do things in daily life.. You need power tools to work.. A gun really serves no purpose in that capacity.. (unless your a soldier). I am not saying ban all guns, but fuck... how can gun companys sell automatics and assault rifles to civilians.. I mean come on.

Jin-Roh 09-21-2005 12:58 AM

The new weapon of tomorrow: Ninjas

Jimmy Paterson 09-21-2005 01:22 AM

[quote:f9346]Deputy Dinkheller is survived by his pregnant wife and 22-month-old daughter. Deputy Dinkheller's son was born in early September, 1998[/quote:f9346]

thats so sad, they should have taken that bastard and pulled out everyone of his hairs and fingernals then they should have put him infront of a firing squad

Eight Ace 09-21-2005 03:31 AM


Originally Posted by SoLiDUS
Pure ignorance: look at what gun control has done to Australia and England! Check the stats and then we'll talk. If you need help finding the information, I will gladly point you in the right direction...

just one question...what the fuck are you talking about?

Bullitt 09-21-2005 03:54 AM

[quote="Short Hand":cbacf][quote=CoMaToSe]

Originally Posted by "Short Hand":cbacf
...and you all say gun control is bad...

STFU Short

The weapon the guy had is illegal to own in the united states. This is why gun control is bad. Most guns used by criminals are obtained illegally. SO with gun control, you leave the average law abiding citizen defensless against criminals.[/quote:cbacf]

As proven on previous pages you can barely tell what type of gun it is[/quote:cbacf]its a m1 carbine

imported_Fluffy_Bunny 09-21-2005 04:15 AM

Looks like the cop may have shot back a little at first kus it looks like one of the door windscreens on the truck breaks. I'm not too sure what I'd do if I was in that situation, getting in the car & driving off would probably be the wise choice when faced with a machine gun but then the cop would prolly get charged with cowardice etc. Better that though than getting blown to hell. Quite a disturbing video. eek:

Mr.Buttocks 09-21-2005 06:51 AM


Originally Posted by Stammer

Originally Posted by elstatec


Sgt>Stackem 09-21-2005 07:27 AM

machine gun????????????????????????????

that is a semi auto perfectly legal rifle in the hands of someone that shouldnt have it

Johnj 09-21-2005 07:32 AM

First off the rifle is a auto-loading rifle, not a machine gun. you have to pull the trigger for each shot. The second point is about assault weapons, if I were to tap you ever so lightly about the brain housing group with a baseball bat, you'd be convinced that the baseball bat was an assault weapon. Third is about gun control, which the cop lost when he panicked. All the training in the world gets thrown out the window when you panic under fire. The officer emptied his pistol at the guy and missed every shot.

Whatada 09-21-2005 07:35 AM


Originally Posted by CoMaToSe

Originally Posted by "Sgt. Paine":c31eb
wtf? im shocked.

what gun was that anyway?


Originally Posted by CoMaToSe
yea, it looked like the MP40 from MoHAA

well it fucking wasnt dip shit so shut the fuck up.

It was some type of 30 caliber semi automatic rifle[/quote:c31eb]


Johnj 09-21-2005 07:41 AM

Its not big enough to be an M-14. It could be a mini 14 or mini carbine. I can't see it that well. M-14s are illegal to own because of the select fire switch, the civilian model would be a M1-A1.

Colonel 09-21-2005 08:25 AM


Originally Posted by Madmartagen
people scream out excessive force when there is excessive force. this isnt the case here, so.....?

This isn't the case here because we know the outcome. If the policeman had shot the guy when he was dancing around like a lunatic it would have saved the officer's life but some folks would be screaming that he didn't have to do it. Hindsight is 20/20.

There ought to be a law that if the officer tells you to "get your hands outa your pocket" or "get back here" a certain number of times and you don't do it he can shoot you on principle alone.

SoLiDUS 09-21-2005 09:51 AM


Originally Posted by Tripper

Originally Posted by SoLiDUS
You don't ban all knives, vehicles and power tools because they're used in killing sprees, so why would you deprive millions of responsible firearm owners their right to bear arms and protect themselves because of one bad apple ? Pure ignorance: look at what gun control has done to Australia and England! Check the stats and then we'll talk. If you need help finding the information, I will gladly point you in the right direction...

It's alot easier to pull a gun trigger without thinking than it is to drive a knife into someone.

....and what has gun control done to Australia and England other than make them safer places to live?

(I realise it's a different case for North America which already has plenty of guns in criminals' hands so owning a gun yourself would seem like a smart choice)

Actually, my uninformed friend, Australia and England now suffer from even MORE violent crime as a result of disarming its populace. It's very easy to understand why. I will gladly link you to the data if you really wish to be educated: it may sound counter-intuitive, but when you publicly announce that no one has an efficient means of defending self and property, you are giving criminals the thumb's up to do anything they please. Of course, I'm not even going to get into the idea that a phone call will save you or that your public servants can be everywhere and are somehow more qualified to use firearms after a 14 hour training period. Simply ignorance, and I for one am tired of the feel-good bullshit that you try to feed everyone. </rant>

PM ME if you want the research reports. I will happily set the record straight.

PS. If you're going to get into the NEEDS fallacy, I will oblige you to dispose of practically everything you own, because by your own logic, they serve no real purpose other than make your life slightly easier to live. You don't need your car, your television or that computer. Please relinquish them immediately as they are unnecessary and can pose a health hazard to all the sheeple out there...

Sgt&gt;Stackem 09-21-2005 10:11 AM


Originally Posted by SoLiDUS

Originally Posted by Tripper

Originally Posted by SoLiDUS
You don't ban all knives, vehicles and power tools because they're used in killing sprees, so why would you deprive millions of responsible firearm owners their right to bear arms and protect themselves because of one bad apple ? Pure ignorance: look at what gun control has done to Australia and England! Check the stats and then we'll talk. If you need help finding the information, I will gladly point you in the right direction...

It's alot easier to pull a gun trigger without thinking than it is to drive a knife into someone.

....and what has gun control done to Australia and England other than make them safer places to live?

(I realise it's a different case for North America which already has plenty of guns in criminals' hands so owning a gun yourself would seem like a smart choice)

Actually, my uninformed friend, Australia and England now suffer from even MORE violent crime as a result of disarming its populace. It's very easy to understand why. I will gladly link you to the data if you really wish to be educated: it may sound counter-intuitive, but when you publicly announce that no one has an efficient means of defending self and property, you are giving criminals the thumb's up to do anything they please. Of course, I'm not even going to get into the idea that a phone call will save you or that your public servants can be everywhere and are somehow more qualified to use firearms after a 14 hour training period. Simply ignorance, and I for one am tired of the feel-good bullshit that you try to feed everyone. </rant>

PM ME if you want the research reports. I will happily set the record straight.

PS. If you're going to get into the NEEDS fallacy, I will oblige you to dispose of practically everything you own, because by your own logic, they serve no real purpose other than make your life slightly easier to live. You don't need your car, your television or that computer. Please relinquish them immediately as they are unnecessary and can pose a health hazard to all the sheeple out there...

I think you are the only Canadian on this board that understands that!

CoMaToSe 09-21-2005 10:25 AM

[quote="Short Hand":e57ca][quote=CoMaToSe]

Originally Posted by "Short Hand":e57ca
...and you all say gun control is bad...

STFU Short

The weapon the guy had is illegal to own in the united states. This is why gun control is bad. Most guns used by criminals are obtained illegally. SO with gun control, you leave the average law abiding citizen defensless against criminals.[/quote:e57ca]

As proven on previous pages you can barely tell what type of gun it is.. yet you can claim it is illegal. Gun control = loaded crazy vet with no gun = one less dead officier = one kid with a father. Period. rolleyes:[/quote:e57ca]
Actaully no. The weapon used was, in 1999, considered an assault weapon. Any semi or fully automatic weapon is considered an assault weapon. The clinton administrations illegalizing of all assault weapons was in effect in 1999. SO yes, the weapon used was illegal.

Johnj 09-21-2005 10:36 AM

Ahh Grasshopper, the Clinton assault rifle ban covered military looking rifles like AR-15, AK-47 and the like not civilian plinkers like Ruger Mini-14 or Mini Carbines. It also only banned the sale of these rifles not the possesion of them.

wallbash: calmdown:

Bleuachdu 09-21-2005 10:38 AM


Originally Posted by CoMaToSe
Any semi or fully automatic weapon is considered an assault weapon.


SoLiDUS 09-21-2005 10:43 AM

An interesting side-note related to "assault weapons": in Canada, we have a few semi-auto centerfire rifles (like the AR-15) that fall under the restricted firearms section based on their esthetics, which is regretable considering how other "less physically threatening" models are capable of the same <liberal> damage </liberal> and magazine loading restrictions. After all, you wouldn't want people to think they are functionally identical...


Pyro 09-21-2005 10:48 AM

A Gun is not needed in your ordinary life, it has no purpose but to kill.


Vance 09-21-2005 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by Pyro
A Gun is not needed in your ordinary life, it has no purpose but to kill.


You just got fucking burned, go put that cock back in your mouth and shut the fuck up.

Sgt&gt;Stackem 09-21-2005 10:50 AM


Originally Posted by CoMaToSe
Actaully no. The weapon used was, in 1999, considered an assault weapon. Any semi or fully automatic weapon is considered an assault weapon. The clinton administrations illegalizing of all assault weapons was in effect in 1999. SO yes, the weapon used was illegal.

wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!

it is concidered an assault weapon but you needed to violate 3 of the 5 directives in oredr for it to have been illegan under the AWB (assault weapons ban)
1 folding stock'
2 detachable mag
3 bayonette
4 pistol grip
5 thumb hole on stock.

CoMaToSe 09-21-2005 10:50 AM


Originally Posted by SoLiDUS
An interesting side-note related to "assault weapons": in Canada, we have a few semi-auto centerfire rifles (like the AR-15) that fall under the restricted firearms section based on their esthetics, which is regretable considering how other "less physically threatening" models are capable of the same <liberal> damage </liberal> and magazine loading restrictions.


SoLiDUS 09-21-2005 10:55 AM


Originally Posted by Pyro
A Gun is not needed in your ordinary life, it has no purpose but to kill.


Needs fallacy.

I could mention their many legal uses, such as hunting, sport/olympic shooting, plinking and the defense of self, property and a check on government oppression.

One could counter your arguments with examples of how dangerous computers can be in the hands of trained criminals, and how the financial damages resulting from their misuse can end up, through the butterfly effect (cause and effect), killing more people and costing more to the world than simple firearms transgressions.

This is simply unacceptable! I propose we initiate a movement to ban all computers. Who's with me !? stupid:

Pyro 09-21-2005 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by Vance

Originally Posted by Pyro
A Gun is not needed in your ordinary life, it has no purpose but to kill.


You just got fucking burned, go put that cock back in your mouth and shut the fuck up.

burned by who? Only comment I made earlier had to do with Vietnam.

I like handguns, that is good enough for protection purposes...I just see no point to needing a semi-auto or automatic weapon.

Sgt&gt;Stackem 09-21-2005 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by Pyro

burned by who? Only comment I made earlier had to do with Vietnam.

I like handguns, that is good enough for protection purposes...I just see no point to needing a semi-auto or automatic weapon.

sorry to rain on your parade but many pistols are semi autos

I think you dont know the difference or you believe the main stream media that says every shooting is with an "AK47"

Madmartagen 09-21-2005 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by Colonel

Originally Posted by Madmartagen
people scream out excessive force when there is excessive force. this isnt the case here, so.....?

This isn't the case here because we know the outcome. If the policeman had shot the guy when he was dancing around like a lunatic it would have saved the officer's life but some folks would be screaming that he didn't have to do it. Hindsight is 20/20.

There ought to be a law that if the officer tells you to "get your hands outa your pocket" or "get back here" a certain number of times and you don't do it he can shoot you on principle alone.

The policeman should have shot the guy the moment he pulled out his gun or made a gesture that was an obvious threat (e.g. pointing, turning, pulling out the weapon, loading it, fucking it). The whole incident was on tape from the officers camera so there is no need to call out for excessive force when there wasnt any. That was my point in my original post, there was no excessive force.

You have to be kidding on the last part. Cops cant go around shooting people just because theyre too scared, bored or stupid to determine if someone is putting your life in danger. Just because people dont obey an officers every command, that doesnt qualify them for a bullet. When people get drunk, they get belligerant. When they get upset or scared, they become evasive and belligerent. Of course, by doing so you warrant yourself a good tackle by 4 or 5 officers and getting the knee in your back before ending up hog tied in the back of a squad car.

As for the gun control, this type of violence is a price we have to pay for living in this type of free society. People want guns, its that simple. There are alot of bad people here and since they have access to guns, youre gonna have this type of problem. There is no way you could effectively ban weapons in the US, there are too many of them out there. If for some reason, every gun in the US were to dissolve right now, people would still manage to get them elsewhere. The only problem in this case was that the officer should have shot sooner and better. In some cases you learn from your mistakes with your life, and that was this case. Im all for guns, owning some myself, the only problem is that just about anyone can get them. I think a requirement should be some training courses and a better criminal background checks. Like I said, im all for guns, but I dont think it should be a constitutional amendment, because then it means everyone should be allowed to own one, and I certainly dont agree to that.

tomxtr 09-21-2005 03:02 PM


Originally Posted by Madmartagen
As for the gun control, this type of violence is a price we have to pay for living in this type of free society. People want guns, its that simple. There are alot of bad people here and since they have access to guns, youre gonna have this type of problem. There is no way you could effectively ban weapons in the US, there are too many of them out there. If for some reason, every gun in the US were to dissolve right now, people would still manage to get them elsewhere. The only problem in this case was that the officer should have shot sooner and better. In some cases you learn from your mistakes with your life, and that was this case. Im all for guns, owning some myself, the only problem is that just about anyone can get them. I think a requirement should be some training courses and a better criminal background checks. Like I said, im all for guns, but I dont think it should be a constitutional amendment, because then it means everyone should be allowed to own one, and I certainly dont agree to that.

I agree...with a lot of what you said.

The problem is criminal don't buy their guns legally in the first place. Criminal background checks are a good idea, but the reality is that it doesn't deter criminals from obtaining firearms.

Training courses might help to prevent accidents, but certainly wouldn't prevent incidents such as these. Besides, statistically swimming pools are much more dangerous in terms of accidental deaths than firearms, and there is no training required to own a residential pool.

Not sure what the solution is, but guns control laws don't seem to work. Perhaps, if felons actually served their full terms and if sentencing of convicted criminals was a bit more harsh, it would curtail some crimes.

Vance 09-21-2005 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by Pyro

Originally Posted by Vance

Originally Posted by Pyro
A Gun is not needed in your ordinary life, it has no purpose but to kill.


You just got fucking burned, go put that cock back in your mouth and shut the fuck up.

burned by who? Only comment I made earlier had to do with Vietnam.

I like handguns, that is good enough for protection purposes...I just see no point to needing a semi-auto or automatic weapon.


You just said a gun is not needed in your life, but then you say handguns are okay? Man, learn to think before you speak, kid.

And you got burned by Soli's wisdom, and you just tried to cover it up by saying 'handguns are okay'. (Which are mainly semi-auto, try actually learning something before you open your mouth).


Tripper 09-21-2005 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by SoLiDUS
Actually, my uninformed friend, Australia and England now suffer from even MORE violent crime as a result of disarming its populace. It's very easy to understand why. I will gladly link you to the data if you really wish to be educated: it may sound counter-intuitive, but when you publicly announce that no one has an efficient means of defending self and property, you are giving criminals the thumb's up to do anything they please. Of course, I'm not even going to get into the idea that a phone call will save you or that your public servants can be everywhere and are somehow more qualified to use firearms after a 14 hour training period. Simply ignorance, and I for one am tired of the feel-good bullshit that you try to feed everyone. </rant>

PM ME if you want the research reports. I will happily set the record straight.

PS. If you're going to get into the NEEDS fallacy, I will oblige you to dispose of practically everything you own, because by your own logic, they serve no real purpose other than make your life slightly easier to live. You don't need your car, your television or that computer. Please relinquish them immediately as they are unnecessary and can pose a health hazard to all the sheeple out there...

No, I won't dispose of my car, I use it to get to get places.

My television entertains me, as does my Computer.

A gun......What does a gun do for me (other than give me a weapon to potentially kill people without thinking twice), that a baseball bat/Golf club/Shovel can't do?

If I do want a gun, I'll go get a license - Just like If I want to drive my car, I'll go ge a license to do so. The license process (In both cases) is intended to weed out those that pose a risk to the lives of others. What the fuck is wrong with that? I don't get why you continue to criticise two countries whose gun laws enable the people to own a gun if they actually need one.

I also don't get why you critique the police training process....It shouldn't take them more than 14 hours to teach how to operate a gun. If you're trying to say that 14 hour training period is the only thing that police have to get through to be able to use a gun, then you're wrong. The fact that they're already in the police is reason enough to trust them more with weapons, because just like gun licenseing, to get in the police there is that same process to weed out undesireables. So once they reach the gun training period with their recruits they have already eliminated those that would be unsafe or untrustworthy with a gun.

....and for the record, I only pipe up on this issue when you or others like you critique other countries gun laws, which is uneeded seeing as you don't live in those countries, so it shouldn't effect you... and seeing as how this issue is most certainly NOT black and white, I have just as much right as you or anyone else to rant my "feel-good bullshit."

Sheeple? Kindly go fuck yourself you french faggot.

BTW - Go ahead and post those stats. I'm sure there probably is another reason for the rise in violent crime after the beefing up of gun laws...

CoMaToSe 09-21-2005 05:15 PM

.... I live in Germany. Can I complain about their gun laws?

Tripper 09-21-2005 05:51 PM


Originally Posted by CoMaToSe
.... I live in Germany. Can I complain about their gun laws?

Why wouldn't you be able too?

Zoner 09-21-2005 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by Tripper

Originally Posted by CoMaToSe
.... I live in Germany. Can I complain about their gun laws?

Why wouldn't you be able too?


SoLiDUS 09-21-2005 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by Tripper
No, I won't dispose of my car, I use it to get to get places.

My television entertains me, as does my Computer.

A gun......What does a gun do for me (other than give me a weapon to potentially kill people without thinking twice), that a baseball bat/Golf club/Shovel can't do?

I like how you conveniently avoid mentioning their legal properties to favor your idiotic stance on gun control. Well done, but it doesn't work on people with an ounce of intelligence.

If I do want a gun, I'll go get a license - Just like If I want to drive my car, I'll go ge a license to do so. The license process (In both cases) is intended to weed out those that pose a risk to the lives of others. What the fuck is wrong with that? I don't get why you continue to criticise two countries whose gun laws enable the people to own a gun if they actually need one.

I also don't get why you critique the police training process....It shouldn't take them more than 14 hours to teach how to operate a gun. If you're trying to say that 14 hour training period is the only thing that police have to get through to be able to use a gun, then you're wrong. The fact that they're already in the police is reason enough to trust them more with weapons, because just like gun licenseing, to get in the police there is that same process to weed out undesireables. So once they reach the gun training period with their recruits they have already eliminated those that would be unsafe or untrustworthy with a gun.

Nice fallacious argument: because they are police we should trust them. Well played: if you actually knew how easy it was to pass those qualifications, you would worry.

....and for the record, I only pipe up on this issue when you or others like you critique other countries gun laws, which is uneeded seeing as you don't live in those countries, so it shouldn't effect you... and seeing as how this issue is most certainly NOT black and white, I have just as much right as you or anyone else to rant my "feel-good bullshit."

The reason it DOES affect all of us is because other countries tend to imitate what they see as furthering their preferences. In this case, it's really easy to understand how one country's stance can affect the others.

Sheeple? Kindly go fuck yourself you french faggot.

Yes. Sheeple. You're moved by "authorities" and do little more than grunt as you comply: in a perverted way, you deserve the ills that are befalling you.

BTW - Go ahead and post those stats. I'm sure there probably is another reason for the rise in violent crime after the beefing up of gun laws...

That argument has been tried time and time again: I will start you off with the following study, and when you're done, let me know so I can give you more material. ... riment.pdf

I find it regrettable that you are so easily manipulated into believing the lies and propaganda fed to you, however I am not surprised. It takes guts and a critical mind to analyze the issue and accept the facts, which are decidedly not in favor of gun control.

SoLiDUS 09-21-2005 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by Zoner

N9IN! There is no Gestapo! Nothing to see here! Move along! HEIL!!

Proteus 09-21-2005 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by Pyro
Why the fuck do veterans think they're above the law? I know you served your country (this guy in a meaningless war though)...but fuck it doesn't allow you to be a total dick to everyone.

This guy was obviously insane from the war and was also very drunk. Turning up your volume it really fucking gets to you. You can hear his last breath.

Arkan 09-21-2005 07:55 PM

It's a shame his mistakes cost him his life. Perhaps others can benefit from it.

Zap. USMC 09-21-2005 10:52 PM

Ok, I'm confused... did that cop just stay in his seat and not fuckin move or what? That guy just moved around and put like 8 rounds into the windshield and then it looks like he killed him when the cop finally got out of his drivers side seat.

What really bothered me was when the cop started to scream the first time and it sounded like he just stayed there in the front seat while the guy just ran to him and capped him a few more times and then he screamed again when he was getting continued to get shot and died. I just think the cop panicked... could of handled it allot better as most of you guys are mentioned. Man, that screaming was horrible to listen to.

Tripper 09-21-2005 11:00 PM


Originally Posted by SoLiDUS

Originally Posted by Tripper
No, I won't dispose of my car, I use it to get to get places.

My television entertains me, as does my Computer.

A gun......What does a gun do for me (other than give me a weapon to potentially kill people without thinking twice), that a baseball bat/Golf club/Shovel can't do?

I like how you conveniently avoid mentioning their legal properties to favor your idiotic stance on gun control. Well done, but it doesn't work on people with an ounce of intelligence.

I actually don't understand what you mean by legal properties. The above point I made is totally relevant as far as I'm concerned, and all I see is you conveniently avoiding any kind of rebuttle towards that point.

If I do want a gun, I'll go get a license - Just like If I want to drive my car, I'll go ge a license to do so. The license process (In both cases) is intended to weed out those that pose a risk to the lives of others. What the fuck is wrong with that? I don't get why you continue to criticise two countries whose gun laws enable the people to own a gun if they actually need one.

I also don't get why you critique the police training process....It shouldn't take them more than 14 hours to teach how to operate a gun. If you're trying to say that 14 hour training period is the only thing that police have to get through to be able to use a gun, then you're wrong. The fact that they're already in the police is reason enough to trust them more with weapons, because just like gun licenseing, to get in the police there is that same process to weed out undesireables. So once they reach the gun training period with their recruits they have already eliminated those that would be unsafe or untrustworthy with a gun.

Nice fallacious argument: because they are police we should trust them. Well played: if you actually knew how easy it was to pass those qualifications, you would worry.

Okay, firstly - You generalise all police force recruit processes under one blanket and then just offer a hokey, half-assed claim. Is that all you have got as a rebuttle? Do you yourself know how easy it is to pass the NEW ZEALAND police qualifications? I doubt it. Very weak attempt.

....I never said simply because they're police we should trust them, I do however have some faith in the process of police recruitment, the same amount of faith I have in gun laws. I don't want someone with a criminal record of violent crimes policing me, just like I don't want them to have access to guns. The current police process of recruitment AND the process of gaining a gun license deny this......of course SOME bad apples will get through, but that's no reason to get rid of licensecing all together, ALOT of criminals or potential criminals would go and buy a gun if they could just go to the store and pick one up, without needing any licenses.

....and for the record, I only pipe up on this issue when you or others like you critique other countries gun laws, which is uneeded seeing as you don't live in those countries, so it shouldn't effect you... and seeing as how this issue is most certainly NOT black and white, I have just as much right as you or anyone else to rant my "feel-good bullshit."

The reason it DOES affect all of us is because other countries tend to imitate what they see as furthering their preferences. In this case, it's really easy to understand how one country's stance can affect the others.

No shit. Why do you think that is? Do you think it's just a trend of bad luck that all these countries are adopting similar restrictions? Or is it some conspiracy to thwart the people from owning guns so that the government can exercise oppression?

Sheeple? Kindly go fuck yourself you french faggot.

Yes. Sheeple. You're moved by "authorities" and do little more than grunt as you comply: in a perverted way, you deserve the ills that are befalling you.

What "ills" that are "befalling" me? This country has had gun restrictions for years....Tell me, tell me all about these "ills," I've been waiting for something bad to happen as a result of my countries gun control - Lemme check out my window and see if there is a reason for owning a gun coming down my street....... Nope. Nothing. In my entire lifetime, I've never needed a gun. I've never heard a story about someone I know and thought, "damn, you would have been better off if we didn't have these silly gun laws." ]

BTW - Go ahead and post those stats. I'm sure there probably is another reason for the rise in violent crime after the beefing up of gun laws...

That argument has been tried time and time again: I will start you off with the following study, and when you're done, let me know so I can give you more material. ... riment.pdf

I find it regrettable that you are so easily manipulated into believing the lies and propaganda fed to you, however I am not surprised. It takes guts and a critical mind to analyze the issue and accept the facts, which are decidedly not in favor of gun control.

What lies and propaganda? There is noone in my country bothering to dispiute or contest these laws because they have no reason too. There is also no member of parliament or government agency laying down gun control propaganda on me at all - They have no reason to. People are happy the way things are. You sound like a fucking paranoid schizo. I'm beginning to think you are.

Violent crime in New Zealand is at it's lowest in 20 years. That about sums it up. In relation to other countries you're probably right....but it still doesn't mean gun control is a flat out bad thing. It's worked out fine for my country....and I disagree with people who bash it just because it doesn't work in certain countries. That's what I meant by it no tbeing black and white, I guess now I see that it depends on the individual country in which it is in action.

I know for a fact that It works fine down here and that's why I pop in every time I see someone criticising gun control.

Milla 09-21-2005 11:39 PM

[quote="Zap. USMC":ae359]Ok, I'm confused... did that cop just stay in his seat and not fuckin move or what? That guy just moved around and put like 8 rounds into the windshield and then it looks like he killed him when the cop finally got out of his drivers side seat.

What really bothered me was when the cop started to scream the first time and it sounded like he just stayed there in the front seat while the guy just ran to him and capped him a few more times and then he screamed again when he was getting continued to get shot and died. I just think the cop panicked... could of handled it allot better as most of you guys are mentioned. Man, that screaming was horrible to listen to.[/quote:ae359]

I cant see the video...i cant ever see videos from that site. I just see the shitty Windows Media Player picture

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