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Judas 09-29-2005 02:03 PM

scopes, tree stands and every advantage and still you cant even tell what you are killing LOOOOOOOL.



Zoner 09-29-2005 02:23 PM

I think someone needs to see the "Bovine University" film strip starring Troy McClure.

Tripper 09-29-2005 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by Judas
: quite honestly i do feel bad when i think of the animals who died so that i could eat ... but im not out in a cow pasture camoflaged as a cow pattie taking pot shots at them and mounting their heads over my fire place.

Wow, I thought you were a Vegan after all that. Personally I think you have no place to talk if you yourself are eating the meat. What's the difference if a deer dies at the hands of a hunter than if it dies at the hands of whoever rounds them up so that you can eat them.

If you're eating it, you're part of it and you shouldn't really bitch about it.

geRV 09-29-2005 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by Judas
wtf is dont you fight the animal hand to hand and see how you do... its be a fuking riot to see you scampering home like a fuking pussy with an antler shoved up your ass.

Bahahahhaha rock:


Tripper 09-29-2005 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by geRV

Originally Posted by Judas
wtf is dont you fight the animal hand to hand and see how you do... its be a fuking riot to see you scampering home like a fuking pussy with an antler shoved up your ass.

Bahahahhaha rock:



Judas 09-29-2005 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by Tripper

Originally Posted by Judas
: quite honestly i do feel bad when i think of the animals who died so that i could eat ... but im not out in a cow pasture camoflaged as a cow pattie taking pot shots at them and mounting their heads over my fire place.

Wow, I thought you were a Vegan after all that. Personally I think you have no place to talk if you yourself are eating the meat. What's the difference if a deer dies at the hands of a hunter than if it dies at the hands of whoever rounds them up so that you can eat them.

If you're eating it, you're part of it and you shouldn't really bitch about it.

i probably would if i were more informed and knew how to eat. its much different to provide yourself substanance than to just kill for the fun of it.
we have to eat, theres nothing i can do about that. but i dont just kill aminals for no apparent reason, just because i can.

im feel VERY strongly about aminal rights, love and appreciate all aminals. i think it says a lot about a person if they do, and alot more if they dont.

i think having pets and really getting to know them has been whats done it for me ... they have personality, can love and be loved, be sad, make friends, etc ... to me they are just as human and we are and should be treated as such.

Sgt>Stackem 09-29-2005 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by Judas
overpopulation arguments are bullshit. they are going to starve to death? dont they eat vegetation? i sure as fuk dont see a shortage of grass, leafy trees, weeds, etc, around here. and theres probabaly more retarded bucktoothed, spit dribbling redneck retards around here than anywhere saying the same exact shit. ... thats all they have really... a sad way to justify what they are doing, since there is really no other reason.

: quite honestly i do feel bad when i think of the animals who died so that i could eat ... but im not out in a cow pasture camoflaged as a cow pattie taking pot shots at them and mounting their heads over my fire place.

as ussal you tree huggers are misinformed. The over population is a very valid arguement. deer eat alot. When overpopulated they eat the foods other animals need to survive. Here in Michigan we have Metro Parks. You cannot hunt Metro Parks and the deer herd is out of control. if you look at the wood line you can see how far the deer reach up to eat all the buds and leaves. it is measurably different in hunting areas and non hunting areas. The other animals are so effected that thier numbers are dying off fast. they have gone as far as to hire people to cull the herd (that mean kill them). That is a waste, hunters pay alot to hunt and the money goes to game and non game species. The car/deer accidents also skyrocket by these non hunting areas. If you read my earlier post you would see I save my familys budget a ton of cash by getting my own meat and not having to buy it at stores. As Zoner mentioned the meat is far better for you than the crap they sell at stores.
Do you know how many animals are hurt to clear fields to plant soy beans so you tree huggers can have your tofu? Millions upon millions of acres are wasted so you veggies can have your fart inducing meals. If you have any other myths you need me to dispell go for it. BTW PETA kills more animals than it saves.
Do you even know how many hunter donate thier extra meat to the needy? There are litteraly millions of meals provided by hunters for needy familys and that is in the Detroit area alone, there is a program called Hunter for the Hungry, it is nation wide and it helps millions of meals yearly for the needy

geRV 09-29-2005 02:56 PM

Should just give some hungry people knives and forks and let them go hunt themselves. biggrin:

Tripper 09-29-2005 02:57 PM


Originally Posted by Judas

Originally Posted by Tripper

Originally Posted by Judas
: quite honestly i do feel bad when i think of the animals who died so that i could eat ... but im not out in a cow pasture camoflaged as a cow pattie taking pot shots at them and mounting their heads over my fire place.

Wow, I thought you were a Vegan after all that. Personally I think you have no place to talk if you yourself are eating the meat. What's the difference if a deer dies at the hands of a hunter than if it dies at the hands of whoever rounds them up so that you can eat them.

If you're eating it, you're part of it and you shouldn't really bitch about it.

i probably would if i were more informed and knew how to eat. its much different to provide yourself substanance than to just kill for the fun of it.
we have to eat, theres nothing i can do about that. but i dont just kill aminals for no apparent reason, just because i can.

im feel VERY strongly about aminal rights, love and appreciate all aminals. i think it says a lot about a person if they do, and alot more if they dont.

i think having pets and really getting to know them has been whats done it for me ... they have personality, can love and be loved, be sad, make friends, etc ... to me they are just as human and we are and should be treated as such.

I see what you mean now, and I agree. I personally would have a hard time shooting an animal - and that's why I don't hunt...and because I just don't care for it, but I always feel as though I could never really argue against it with someone who did hunt, because I myself eat the animals...

...But yeah, shooting them for no reaason is kind of pointless. Although if it is for eating, I don't really have a problem....I guess I just assumed that people always eat the animals after hunting them...

Zoner 09-29-2005 02:57 PM

[url=]For every animal you don't eat, I'm going to eat three[/url:80036]


Coleman 09-29-2005 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by Judas
overpopulation arguments are bullshit. they are going to starve to death? dont they eat vegetation? i sure as fuk dont see a shortage of grass, leafy trees, weeds, etc, around here. and theres probabaly more retarded bucktoothed, spit dribbling redneck retards around here than anywhere saying the same exact shit. ... thats all they have really... a sad way to justify what they are doing, since there is really no other reason.

: quite honestly i do feel bad when i think of the animals who died so that i could eat ... but im not out in a cow pasture camoflaged as a cow pattie taking pot shots at them and mounting their heads over my fire place.

as ussal you tree huggers are misinformed. The over population is a very valid arguement. deer eat alot. When overpopulated they eat the foods other animals need to survive. Here in Michigan we have Metro Parks. You cannot hunt Metro Parks and the deer herd is out of control. if you look at the wood line you can see how far the deer reach up to eat all the buds and leaves. it is measurably different in hunting areas and non hunting areas. The other animals are so effected that thier numbers are dying off fast. they have gone as far as to hire people to cull the herd (that mean kill them). That is a waste, hunters pay alot to hunt and the money goes to game and non game species. The car/deer accidents also skyrocket by these non hunting areas. If you read my earlier post you would see I save my familys budget a ton of cash by getting my own meat and not having to buy it at stores. As Zoner mentioned the meat is far better for you than the crap they sell at stores.
Do you know how many animals are hurt to clear fields to plant soy beans so you tree huggers can have your tofu? Millions upon millions of acres are wasted so you veggies can have your fart inducing meals. If you have any other myths you need me to dispell go for it. BTW PETA kills more animals than it saves.
Do you even know how many hunter donate thier extra meat to the needy? There are litteraly millions of meals provided by hunters for needy familys and that is in the Detroit area alone, there is a program called Hunter for the Hungry, it is nation wide and it helps millions of meals yearly for the needy[/quote:3f905]I agree.

Judas, you may or may not realize that the population thing is a big deal. Here in PA we have a huge overpopulation of deer. There have been a few "parks" where hunters were encouraged to come and hunt so other animals have a chance with food supplies. Deer population can really get out of hand if not taken care of by hunters.

Judas 09-29-2005 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by Judas
overpopulation arguments are bullshit. they are going to starve to death? dont they eat vegetation? i sure as fuk dont see a shortage of grass, leafy trees, weeds, etc, around here. and theres probabaly more retarded bucktoothed, spit dribbling redneck retards around here than anywhere saying the same exact shit. ... thats all they have really... a sad way to justify what they are doing, since there is really no other reason.

: quite honestly i do feel bad when i think of the animals who died so that i could eat ... but im not out in a cow pasture camoflaged as a cow pattie taking pot shots at them and mounting their heads over my fire place.

as ussal you tree huggers are misinformed. The over population is a very valid arguement. deer eat alot. When overpopulated they eat the foods other animals need to survive. Here in Michigan we have Metro Parks. You cannot hunt Metro Parks and the deer herd is out of control. if you look at the wood line you can see how far the deer reach up to eat all the buds and leaves. it is measurably different in hunting areas and non hunting areas. The other animals are so effected that thier numbers are dying off fast. they have gone as far as to hire people to cull the herd (that mean kill them). That is a waste, hunters pay alot to hunt and the money goes to game and non game species. The car/deer accidents also skyrocket by these non hunting areas. If you read my earlier post you would see I save my familys budget a ton of cash by getting my own meat and not having to buy it at stores. As Zoner mentioned the meat is far better for you than the crap they sell at stores.
Do you know how many animals are hurt to clear fields to plant soy beans so you tree huggers can have your tofu? Millions upon millions of acres are wasted so you veggies can have your fart inducing meals. If you have any other myths you need me to dispell go for it. BTW PETA kills more animals than it saves.
Do you even know how many hunter donate thier extra meat to the needy? There are litteraly millions of meals provided by hunters for needy familys and that is in the Detroit area alone, there is a program called Hunter for the Hungry, it is nation wide and it helps millions of meals yearly for the needy[/quote:ca1b3]

show me proof of what you say. are there LEGITAMITE studies that support it ? and by legitamate i mean "sceientific weekly", or university studies.or did you get this information from last months copy of "deer hunter montly"?

i still dont buy it ... and i believe there HAS to be more humane ways to deal with overpopulation than to set hundreds of cave men out into the wilderness so that they can satisfy some morbid blood lust. if such a problem even exists.

with all the animal rights groups out there, i find it hard to believe that they, or government agencies who support them, would allow for "killing'' to solve overpopulation problems. so what your saying is pretty much the equivalant of saying, there are too many of a species, so we should line them up and kill them, for trophys.

and the "they eat the food other species", sounds like a quote from "field and stream". not buying that shit either. food chain, etc, etc. nature will, or at least should work itself out. and i dont think human interferance is going to help. hunters are just too damn dumb ... hence, the orange vest.

huntes for the hungry. lol. sounds like another attempt to justify killing. i cant even think of another way to put it. I wonder how much surpluss meat, is already generated and supplied to the needy. And i know for a god damn fact that youre intentions are not to feed the needy, nor are they to feed your family. I know hunters, and their mentality revovles around the trophy, plain and simple. The meat is only secondary, and not really even the motive for hunting in the first place.

:lol at tree huggers. arent you fuking hunters suppose to be about "the outdoors" ?

Coleman 09-29-2005 03:21 PM

the orange vests are so they don't shoot fellow hunters. I don't believe deer/does can see in color...or is that a different type of game?

TodzumPapst 09-29-2005 04:01 PM

SURVIVAL FOR THE FITTEST!!!!!! Sorry Animals....... hellfire:

09-29-2005 05:02 PM

Judas, what you don't understand is that humans have been hunting for as long as humanity has existed. If we don't kill the deer, a wolf will. Circle of life, go watch Lion King again.

Sgt>Stackem, have a great time :)

Wabbit season doesn't start until late November/early December, so I'll shoot bugs bunny, and video tape myself gutting it and email it to Judas just for the sake of him crying.

TodzumPapst 09-29-2005 05:05 PM


Originally Posted by Acideyez
Judas, what you don't understand is that humans have been hunting for as long as humanity has existed. If we don't kill the deer, a wolf will. Circle of life, go watch Lion King again.

Sgt>Stackem, have a great time :)

Wabbit season doesn't start until late November/early December, so I'll shoot bugs bunny, and video tape myself gutting it and email it to Judas just for the sake of him crying.

Hehe happy:

Scalping Chief 09-29-2005 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by Acideyez
Judas, what you don't understand is that humans have been hunting for as long as humanity has existed. If we don't kill the deer, a wolf will. Circle of life, go watch Lion King again.

Sgt>Stackem, have a great time :)

Wabbit season doesn't start until late November/early December, so I'll shoot bugs bunny, and video tape myself gutting it and email it to Judas just for the sake of him crying.

Jerk. annoy:

Akuma 09-29-2005 05:56 PM

awhhhh happy: happy: happy: happy: happy:

[DAS REICH] Blitz 09-29-2005 06:39 PM


Judas 09-29-2005 07:19 PM


Scalping Chief 09-29-2005 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by Judas

lol.. Did you make that?

Judas 09-29-2005 07:28 PM


Nyck 09-29-2005 08:02 PM

The deer overpopulation in michigan is really high, hell Take a drive up US-127 going to mount pleasant. Last time I did it looked like fucking omaha beach on the side of the roads. Deer were splattered all over, at least 10 on a 60 mile stretch of highway.

09-29-2005 08:56 PM

For Judas:


Scalping Chief 09-29-2005 08:58 PM


Originally Posted by Acideyez
For Judas:


You suck at Photoshop.

geRV 09-29-2005 08:58 PM


Originally Posted by Acideyez
For Judas:



Scalping Chief 09-29-2005 09:00 PM


Sgt. Paine 09-29-2005 09:03 PM


Scalping Chief 09-29-2005 09:05 PM

[quote="Sgt. Paine":d26a4][img][/img][/quote:d26a4]
Sorry, but.. No oOo:

09-29-2005 09:11 PM

Scalping Chief it isn't photoshop, its mspaint. Photoshop is for suckers.

Eight Ace 09-29-2005 09:12 PM

[quote="Scalping Chief":a0720][img][/img][/quote:a0720]
LOL! happy:
[quote="Scalping Chief":a0720][quote="Sgt. Paine":a0720][img][/img][/quote:a0720]
Sorry, but.. No oOo:[/quote:a0720]
..sorry, but yes biggrin:

Scalping Chief 09-29-2005 09:12 PM


Originally Posted by Acideyez
Scalping Chief it isn't photoshop, its mspaint. Photoshop is for suckers.


You suck at MSPaint.

Eight Ace 09-29-2005 09:15 PM

on topic tho, this famous couplet says it best:

"to eat meat is neat,
but ur a cunt if u hunt".

Hawke 09-29-2005 10:40 PM


Originally Posted by Judas
show me proof of what you say. are there LEGITAMITE studies that support it ? and by legitamate i mean "sceientific weekly", or university studies.or did you get this information from last months copy of "deer hunter montly"?

i still dont buy it ... and i believe there HAS to be more humane ways to deal with overpopulation than to set hundreds of cave men out into the wilderness so that they can satisfy some morbid blood lust. if such a problem even exists.

with all the animal rights groups out there, i find it hard to believe that they, or government agencies who support them, would allow for "killing'' to solve overpopulation problems. so what your saying is pretty much the equivalant of saying, there are too many of a species, so we should line them up and kill them, for trophys.

and the "they eat the food other species", sounds like a quote from "field and stream". not buying that shit either. food chain, etc, etc. nature will, or at least should work itself out. and i dont think human interferance is going to help. hunters are just too damn dumb ... hence, the orange vest.

huntes for the hungry. lol. sounds like another attempt to justify killing. i cant even think of another way to put it. I wonder how much surpluss meat, is already generated and supplied to the needy. And i know for a god damn fact that youre intentions are not to feed the needy, nor are they to feed your family. I know hunters, and their mentality revovles around the trophy, plain and simple. The meat is only secondary, and not really even the motive for hunting in the first place.

:lol at tree huggers. arent you fuking hunters suppose to be about "the outdoors" ?

Come to Ohio. Every few miles theres a dead deer laying on the side of the road because they are so over populated that they are everywhere. Running accross highways. As a matter of fact, just last month we were driving through the city which is very very busy. Tons of buildings and home and little woods. We driving around and 5 deer come out of a small area of trees. 5 deers in a fucking city. They more than likely were all killed from a car which is clearly more painful than an instant death.

And I'm suprised this hasn't been mentioned yet but hunting goes back to the wilderness. The money for hunting lisceneses and stuff of the like is used to help manage the wild.

The local guy that is usually packed during hunting season is a good friend of my dads. He has told us numerous times that if it wasn't for hunting season, his business would never make it [butcher]. Not only does he get business, he gets the left over meat which I'm certain is normal with other places. Whatever you don't want is given to the person processing it. It isn't just thrown away. It is packed, processed and sold.

And I still can't believe that you are arguing. You buy meat. By buying meat, you are killing the cow. You're supporting the breeding of an animal for it to be killed. Same goes with animals like chickens. Just stop complaining about deer hunting.

Judas 09-29-2005 11:00 PM

[quote="Scalping Chief":fdf61][quote="Sgt. Paine":fdf61][img][/img][/quote:fdf61]
Sorry, but.. No oOo:[/quote:fdf61]yeah i thinkt hat ones lol too

Mr.Buttocks 09-30-2005 06:07 AM

I look forward to the day when the animals shoot back.

Sgt>Stackem 09-30-2005 06:32 AM

[quote="Mr.Buttocks":44d9f]I look forward to the day when the animals shoot back.[/quote:44d9f]

I support the right to arm bears

Mr.Buttocks 09-30-2005 06:48 AM

[quote="Sgt>Stackem":19621][quote="Mr.Buttocks":19621]I look forward to the day when the animals shoot back.[/quote:19621]

I support the right to arm bears[/quote:19621]

happy: biggrin:

mr.miyagi 09-30-2005 07:49 AM


Originally Posted by Judas
wtf is the point really ? Quick clean death ? Why ? Its not like you need the food. You are killing for entertainment. KILLING. Its fuking pointless, i dont give a shit whose done it, for how many years, and whatever the reason. IT IS KILLING ANOTHER LIVING BREATHING THING. period. and its not justified. if you were hungry and had to rely on this animal for survival, then ok, go hunt you some dinner, but you dont. You are out there like a child stomping on insects to entertain yourself, and for no other reason. its fuking rediculous. And LOL at you fuking pussies gussying up in piss, hiding in trees like pussies, and disguising yourself. All the while you have a GUN ffs. At least you can defend yourself. Why dont you fight the animal hand to hand and see how you do... its be a fuking riot to see you scampering home like a fuking pussy with an antler shoved up your ass.

I can only imagine how the animals must feel when you invade their homes to kill them. I hope that you suffer the same sometime if your life. Hopefully some ravaged crackhead will invade your home, hide in a corner and beat you bloody with a hammer.

these are beautiful creatures that SHOULD be able to live side by side with man, and be appreciated for what they are.Grow up ffs. Appreciate them for what they are.

I agree.

Colonel 09-30-2005 08:04 AM

Sounds like fun Stackem! Have a good time and say hello to Mr. Nugent for me!

I've never been bow hunting. I don't think I'd be very good at it. I don't have enough patience.

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