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Sgt>Stackem 10-25-2005 06:55 PM


Originally Posted by ninty
My suggestion is that Afghanistan would have been invaded whether or not 9/11 happened. Iraq would have been invaded whether or not 9/11 happened. Of course, the American people would never have stood for these wars without a catylist. This is why 9/11 did happen.

The US didn't go into afghanistan to get OBL. The US didn't go into Iraq to bring freedom to Iraq.

Id bet you wear a foil hat

rdeyes 10-25-2005 11:54 PM


Originally Posted by ninty
My suggestion is that Afghanistan would have been invaded whether or not 9/11 happened. Iraq would have been invaded whether or not 9/11 happened. Of course, the American people would never have stood for these wars without a catylist. This is why 9/11 did happen.

The US didn't go into afghanistan to get OBL. The US didn't go into Iraq to bring freedom to Iraq.

the U.S did go into afghanistan to get bin laden , if he would have been in sudan they would have go in to sudan to get him.

Short Hand 10-26-2005 04:22 PM


Originally Posted by ninty
My suggestion is that Afghanistan would have been invaded whether or not 9/11 happened. Iraq would have been invaded whether or not 9/11 happened. Of course, the American people would never have stood for these wars without a catylist. This is why 9/11 did happen.

The US didn't go into afghanistan to get OBL. The US didn't go into Iraq to bring freedom to Iraq.

Id bet you wear a foil hat[/quote:87f55]

gtfo, here is a guy being polite and serious and all you can do is come in while he is debating this with TGB and take a cheap sucker shot at him.. Seriously, SHUT UP and refrain from hitting the post button.

Poseidon 10-26-2005 04:39 PM


Originally Posted by rdeyes

Originally Posted by ninty
My suggestion is that Afghanistan would have been invaded whether or not 9/11 happened. Iraq would have been invaded whether or not 9/11 happened. Of course, the American people would never have stood for these wars without a catylist. This is why 9/11 did happen.

The US didn't go into afghanistan to get OBL. The US didn't go into Iraq to bring freedom to Iraq.

the U.S did go into afghanistan to get bin laden

So tell me, why the fuck havent they got him yet?? If this Is a trully justified war of "just" getting ABL. We WOULD have him by now. its been what 3 years, yet we havent even been fucking close to arresting him yet? Yes this IS the man behind the whole 9/11 attacks in which many american citizens were killed.

If the USA had REALLLY wanted ABL as much as it was made out, we would have invaded Iraq. We would have stayed in Afghanistan and would have used ALL our resourses to find this murderer.

This is why im against the whole war. Because there are things obviously false about the justification as to why we invaded these countries. It is obvoius that there is more to this war.

TGB! 10-26-2005 05:48 PM

[quote:0da04]So tell me, why the fuck havent they got him yet?? If this Is a trully justified war of "just" getting ABL. We WOULD have him by now. its been what 3 years, yet we havent even been fucking close to arresting him yet? Yes this IS the man behind the whole 9/11 attacks in which many american citizens were killed.[/quote:0da04]

Bin Laden has been on the loose for more than just "3 years" (your math is funny regardless) - he has been stalked by two administrations. Both the Clinton and Bush admins have failed to bring him in.

Poseidon 10-27-2005 08:12 AM


Bin Laden has been on the loose for more than just "3 years" (your math is funny regardless)[/quote:fa3d7]

Hense the my sentence containing "what 3 years" as usually means its an estimation. I'm not going to research the number of years we have been looking for ABL just to support a irelevant section of my argument

he has been stalked by two administrations. Both the Clinton and Bush admins have failed to bring him in.[/quote:fa3d7]

Yes and my point still stands...

[quote:fa3d7]So tell me, why the fuck havent they got him yet?? If this Is a trully justified war of "just" getting ABL. We WOULD have him by now.[/quote:fa3d7]

The USA is the most powerful country in the world yet they cant fucking seem to find the most wanted person, in over 3 years. Their intelligence is one of the best in the world, and with other countries following them closely behind them it should have been an easy enough job to catch him.

Saddam husain was found and caught in a matter of weeks/ months, yet this man wasnt the person that blew up thousands of US citizens.

Coleman 10-27-2005 10:35 AM

I don't care what administration is in power. It's hard as hell to find ONE person in the ENTIRE world. (middle east for our purposes). The people even have OBL's back and lie in regards to his whereabouts. I don't think the case was the same for Saddam.

Poseidon 10-27-2005 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by Coleman
I don't care what administration is in power. It's hard as hell to find ONE person in the ENTIRE world. (middle east for our purposes). The people even have OBL's back and lie in regards to his whereabouts. I don't think the case was the same for Saddam.

I'm sure out of the 295 Million people in the USA, someone could have infiltrated ABL's group and managed to capture him. If the US had really wanted to capture him, they could have done exactly what they did to Iraq. A full on invasion. Search everywhere, surely they would have found him eventually.

Coleman 10-27-2005 10:54 AM

I just don't think it's as simple as many people make it out to be.

Madmartagen 10-27-2005 08:39 PM

look at it this way, if OBL is caught, then Bush has to give up his little war.

Coleman 10-27-2005 08:54 PM


Originally Posted by Madmartagen
look at it this way, if OBL is caught, then Bush has to give up his little war.

yeah, and then be criticised about how "he just left the middle east in ruins."

rdeyes 10-27-2005 10:16 PM


Originally Posted by Poseidon

Originally Posted by rdeyes

Originally Posted by ninty
My suggestion is that Afghanistan would have been invaded whether or not 9/11 happened. Iraq would have been invaded whether or not 9/11 happened. Of course, the American people would never have stood for these wars without a catylist. This is why 9/11 did happen.

The US didn't go into afghanistan to get OBL. The US didn't go into Iraq to bring freedom to Iraq.

the U.S did go into afghanistan to get bin laden

So tell me, why the fuck havent they got him yet?? If this Is a trully justified war of "just" getting ABL. We WOULD have him by now. its been what 3 years, yet we havent even been fucking close to arresting him yet? Yes this IS the man behind the whole 9/11 attacks in which many american citizens were killed.

If the USA had REALLLY wanted ABL as much as it was made out, we would have invaded Iraq. We would have stayed in Afghanistan and would have used ALL our resourses to find this murderer.

This is why im against the whole war. Because there are things obviously false about the justification as to why we invaded these countries. It is obvoius that there is more to this war.

bin laden hasnt survived all these years being the worlds most wanted man by not being stupid . dont forget he was a wanted man by the russians when they were in afghanistan, i believe OBL has been surpassed by Zarqawi has the worlds most wanted man.

TGB! 10-27-2005 10:45 PM


Originally Posted by Madmartagen
look at it this way, if OBL is caught, then Bush has to give up his little war.

Yea you're right. . .the War On Terror is about OBL. . .

Ignorance isnt a debate tactic -

ninty 10-30-2005 01:40 PM

Here's another article on the origonal topic: ... 77,00.html

Trunks 10-30-2005 03:05 PM


Originally Posted by Madmartagen
look at it this way, if OBL is caught, then Bush has to give up his little war.

Yea you're right. . .the War On Terror is about OBL. . .

Ignorance isnt a debate tactic -
[/quote:edbc1]really, what is it about then? There are people in every single country who could qualify as terrorists. Should we invade them all?

Madmartagen 10-30-2005 06:56 PM


Originally Posted by "TGB!":0f57c

Originally Posted by Madmartagen
look at it this way, if OBL is caught, then Bush has to give up his little war.

Yea you're right. . .the War On Terror is about OBL. . .

Ignorance isnt a debate tactic -

really, what is it about then? There are people in every single country who could qualify as terrorists. Should we invade them all?[/quote:0f57c]very true. this "war on terror" started only after 9/11, so if TGB has enlightened knowledge that no one else knows about, I would like to hear it. other than a few sniping remarks in his violet trademark and otherwise equally ignorant debates, then i suppose he doesnt have anything new to say other than that he will gladly take bush's lies, war and cock down his throat.

TGB! 10-30-2005 07:46 PM

Why is it that none of you regular critics can effectively critique without someone FIRST saying what you NATURALLY were going to say? -

The War On Terror is NOT about OBL, and to think it is is to commit the same logical fallacy that many on the fringe left do every single day - that the war can be marginalized and laid out in some flowery terms to appease those asking "what for". You are more than welcome to think ONE MAN is the focus of this process - some of us know better and arent so literal, narrow-minded, or just fucking stupid. OBL will be caught - dead or alive - eventually. He however, is a non-issue at this point. Zarqawi is the point-man coordinating the attacks in Iraq and thus is Man #1 to go after - but again even he isnt the point of the War On Terror. The point is to remove those tools and resources from terrorist organizations so that these countries that welcome them and where these recruits are coming from, have no choice but to resort to diplomacy to solve their grievances. For people as literal and willfully ignorant - like you MAD - this cannot be understood by you. To make the war about something more than the number of dead and OBL - means coming to an understanding that puts you in the uncomfortable position of seeing the neccesity of the United States actions. For morally-righteous-facists such as you, thats a cardinal sin.

As for the WIT beginning in Sep, 2001 - what rock where you living under? Weve been fighting terrorism for years - its just that THIS administration got serious about it; no firing rockets at asparin factories, or bombing Al Qaeda meetings after OBL has already left.

Now - if youdont have anything beyond the cliche bullshit you read off, kindly take your high-school whining elsewhere.

Madmartagen 10-30-2005 09:19 PM

I, like many others, dont consider the war in iraq to be part of the war on terror. It was imperialism at its finest and the terrorism therin was caused unnecessarily by american aggression. Purely cause and affect. The only reason why terrorism is in iraq - the only reason why we even know about Al Zarqawi is because of whats happening in Iraq. Terrorists, with the exception of 9/11 and London are simply going wherever US or Coalition troops are stationed. If they werent in Saudia Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq and these other nations where our military has no business in, then we wouldnt have to worry about it. If the west would rethink their foreign policy that wasnt so skewed towards Israeli appeasment and Corporate greed, then we wouldnt have this kind of beef with other people. Bush may have reacted more aggresively than any of his predecessors have, but what progress has he received with such strength? nothing. nothing at all. OBL hasnt been caught, Afghanistan is a blip on the Fox News/CNN streamers nowadays. More focus on all media is on american deaths, the apparent bunglings of the feds, insider trading, and now the supreme court. Your faith in this strategy of "remove those tools and resources from terrorist organizations so that these countries that welcome them and where these recruits are coming from, have no choice but to resort to diplomacy to solve their grievances" IMO is dellusional. Who here can say that prior to the invasion that Iraq was synonomous with terrorism? Alot of these terrorist suspects are Saudi, I dont see our tanks rumbling through Riyadh. There were plenty of real terrorists to go after other than Iraq. Bush was wrong about WMDs, and its fucking hysterical on how people can still try to justify what he did. He fucked up, plain and simple, and instead of fixing it, this country has to suffer for it and he still got re-elected. as for your comment about, i havent read their site and i dont think i have ever quoted one of their links. im not saying that what Ninty posts is bullshit, i just think that before you top off with some kind of proverbial potshot, you should at least get it right.

Chappy 10-31-2005 07:00 AM


Originally Posted by Madmartagen
It was imperialism at its finest and the terrorism therin was caused unnecessarily by american aggression.

imperialism? so bush is trying to make a 51st state? i didnt make it through the rest of your post because of the stupidity of your first sentence. thanks for towing the party line of the "blame america first" crowd.

Johnj 10-31-2005 07:42 AM

We're in Saudia Arabia & Kuwait because the governments of those countrys asked us to be there. I do, however, agree that the USA has no reason to be in Iraq.

Trunks 10-31-2005 01:47 PM

The problem is, that terrorism can not be defeated by force, many a time it has been tried, and it has always failed. Unless of course, you intend to wage a war of extermination, instead of a war on terrorism. And even then, success is not assured. But if you do attain success, you would have to ask yourself, at what cost? TGB, I respect your opinion of course, however, I must disagree with you. America does NOT act the way it does, to be a good country, so to speak. it acts the way it does to protect its interests, as do all countries. And once again, we have to ask ourselves, what exactly does a war on terroism entail?

TGB! 10-31-2005 02:09 PM

[quote:ad763]It was imperialism at its finest -[/quote:ad763]

More unsubstatiated bullshit. Where is your evidence that this is "imperialism at its finest"? If you point to Halliburton contracts and oil then you automatically lose. If this were about Imperialism, Iraq wouldnt have passed a constitution recognizing Islam as a source for legislative procedure.

[quote:ad763]and the terrorism therin was caused unnecessarily by american aggression.[/quote:ad763]

And the majority of the terrorist blowing Iraqis up are. . .Iraqis - right? RIGHT??

[quote:ad763]Terrorists, with the exception of 9/11 and London are simply going wherever US or Coalition troops are stationed.[/quote:ad763]

Bali, Madrid, Indonesia, Syria, etc. etc. etc. Tell me another one.

[quote:ad763]If the west would rethink their foreign policy that wasnt so skewed towards Israeli appeasment and Corporate greed[/quote:ad763]

Lord - if ever a response was deserving of an eye-roll emote.

[quote:ad763]Bush may have reacted more aggresively than any of his predecessors have, but what progress has he received with such strength?[/quote:ad763]

Other than removing an oppresive human rights abusing government that openly sponsered terrorism, and taking care of a dictator with numerous human rights abuses who was currently undermining UN resolutions - yea. Nothing much.

[quote:ad763]OBL hasnt been caught, Afghanistan is a blip on the Fox News/CNN streamers nowadays.[/quote:ad763]

Oh my stars and garters - theres no mass murdering going on in Afghanistan - UNACCEPTABLE! Madmart must have constant happenings going on in Afghanistan or the removal of the Towley-Ban wasnt worth it!

[quote:ad763]IMO is dellusional[/quote:ad763]

Thats ok. Youre pretty much showed your opinion isnt too coherent and grounded in any kind of reality. I'm sure if I formed my opinion based on sound-bites and what I get from I'd feel the same way.

[quote:ad763]Who here can say that prior to the invasion that Iraq was synonomous with terrorism?[/quote:ad763]

Other than the fact that he provided medical support for known terrorists as well as "Suicide Bomber Payoffs" to Palestinians who attacked Israel. . .naw - nothing at all.

[quote:ad763]Bush was wrong about WMDs[/quote:ad763]

As was George Tenet, Congress, and the Brits. Decisions arent made in a vacuum - understandably that undermines your "Fuck Bush" mentality - but credit where credit is due.

[quote:ad763]and its fucking hysterical on how people can still try to justify what he did.[/quote:ad763]

One more time - its narrowminded people like you who need to make the war about WMD. Its not, nor was it solely about WMDS - thats just what was given to the public; that indeed was the admin's mistake - overselling WMD's and underselling the other tangible reasons to remove wacky Saddam from power. But you keep on bleating about WMD's - certainly noone will mistake you for a sheep.

Short Hand 10-31-2005 03:32 PM

Suddam never openly sponsored terrorism. More bullshit from your factory.

TGB! 10-31-2005 04:05 PM

[quote="Short Hand":60eca]Suddam never openly sponsored terrorism. More bullshit from your factory.[/quote:60eca]

Who's Suddam?

Poseidon 10-31-2005 05:26 PM

TGB your soo fucking full of shit, you make it sound like you know what your talking about by making your comments sound "intelligent"

Yet, most of the time you have no argument against us, so just twist what we said round and flame us for a spelling/grammer/ even a slight exaderation of the point we are trying to pass. Your too afraid to admit that some of your bullshit comments are wrong, so you have to completely miss the complete picture and focus on a few minor sections of our posts. Just to find a small mistake to place an argument.

myself, Short, ninety etc have all given legitemate comments/opinions about the war and why it shoudnt have happened, yet most of the time you cannot argue our comments, so you have to flame us for it. Its fucking pathetic.

Short Hand 10-31-2005 05:34 PM

While I can be a complete moron and have the grammer level of a two year old, it is my beleif ninty deserves a lot more respect then what he gets around here, same with you poseiden. He never really takes anyone on directly issue for issue.

Poseidon 10-31-2005 05:40 PM

[quote="Short Hand":893a7]While I can be a complete moron and have the grammer level of a two year old, it is my beleif ninty deserves a lot more respect then what he gets around here, same with you poseiden. He never really takes anyone on directly issue for issue.[/quote:893a7]

Totally agree. Ninty is a sound guy, he definately needs to be listened to once in a while rock:

TGB! 10-31-2005 06:04 PM


Originally Posted by Poseidon
TGB your soo fucking full of shit.

Then you should have NO problem taking what I said and pointing out the fallacy in my statements.

Until then, your reply amounts to a petulant child whining when he cant get what he wants.

And anyone who qualifies anything ShortHand says as "legitimate" and "intelligent" immediately deserves their "I'm Not A Moron" Card to be taken away.

Poseidon 10-31-2005 06:40 PM


Originally Posted by Poseidon
TGB your soo fucking full of shit.

Until then, your reply amounts to a petulant child whining when he cant get what he wants.[/quote:44ce6]

Really, point out exactly which of my statements make me out to be a 'petulant child'? C'mon support your comments with proof and quotes. Not the useless proofless bullshit your coming out with at the moment.

I am not whining, my opinion is legitemate. I've discussed it in previous posts, have a look, quote me exactly what posts of mine appear like im whining.


Originally Posted by Poseidon
TGB your soo fucking full of shit.

And anyone who qualifies anything ShortHand says as "legitimate" and "intelligent" immediately deserves their "I'm Not A Moron" Card to be taken away.[/quote:44ce6]

This is the first time i've probably supported what Short has ever said on this board. Just because i agree with short has said doesnt necessarily mean I'm a 'moron'. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, and should 1 person have a simular opinion about a subject as another 'unliked person' by certain people on the board, doesnt necessarily label me a fucking moron.

Your such a fucking boon. Did you even read my posts? If you had have done you wouldnt have posted the comment you actually made.

TGB! 10-31-2005 10:09 PM

Again child, stop the listless posturing and refute what I have said - much of what you are rambling about (and yes you are rambling) is a grand display of ad-hominem theatre. Sound and fury signifying NOTHING. Your opinion on this topic - if you have one - is irrelevant as I did not challange YOUR interpretation of current events. You however denigrated my ability to critique and understand the situation as it stands now so it is up to YOU dear boy to explain why. You see - from A to B, using those brain-cells you feel you proclaim you are possessed of. If what I have written on this topic is fallicious in anyway - by all means DISCREDIT it. Stop waving your dick around SAYING I'm wrong. . .and prove I am. Simple as that. See - I'll help you:

[quote:23472]TGB your soo fucking full of shit, you make it sound like you know what your talking about by making your comments sound "intelligent"[/quote:23472]

Now NORMALLY - a fucking adult would follow that up with a "FOR EXAMPLE" - you didnt do that. . .so - you get the "You're A Tard" Stamp on your forehead. If you can follow-up, by all means do so.

Until then, you remain a child who has no tool to debate with other than pathetic whining -

"Oh Mr. TGB you're so mean and pathetic with your insults. . .WAAH!" -

Madmartagen 10-31-2005 10:23 PM

lol, funny how im so stupid cause im really doing exactly what TGB does in every argument he makes. no links, no facts. im just putting my opinions and anything i can think of on the internet, but he doesnt say anything different other than the fact that his points oppose mine. i guess if you dont agree with TGB, you must be a moron or something. whether you believe nintys links or not, he states his opinion and provides articles that support it or provide insight as to how he formulates his theories. TGB just puts his thoughts out on space and marvels how someone could come up with a completely different opinion. this forum is a place of ideas, but some are so fucking obsessed with proving their arguments "right" or "wrong" it just turns into another fagfest.

My words are my opinions as stated by IMO, but i will respond to other ideas.

johnj - i agree we dont belong in iraq as well. but for being in saudi arabia just cause they asked...that may be true, but i think its unfair for us to baby one of the worlds wealthiest nations when we wont send effective defense forces in africa, south america and other places that truly need our help. we're in saudi arabia because they buy our troops like mercenaries. they have money, they have oil, and so we post troops to protect it.

chappy - you dont even know what imperialism is, you fucking twat, so stfu and eat a bucket of man sauce, you cock hungry faggot.

rdeyes 10-31-2005 10:42 PM

[quote="Short Hand":56a26]Suddam never openly sponsored terrorism. More bullshit from your factory.[/quote:56a26]

i disagree with that statement

[url=""][/url] ... yid=319351 ... i_95358025


Short Hand 11-01-2005 01:43 AM

[quote=rdeyes][quote="Short Hand":2dd14]Suddam never openly sponsored terrorism. More bullshit from your factory.[/quote]

i disagree with that statement

[url=""][/url] ... yid=319351 ... i_95358025


The administration has no proof yet these websites claim they have some...... ed:

Poseidon 11-01-2005 02:27 AM

[quote="TGB!":f3779]Stop waving your dick around SAYING I'm wrong. . .and prove I am. Simple as that. See - I'll help you[/quote:f3779]

i've not once said you're wrong, ive given my opinion yet questioned certain aspects to what other people have said in their opinions, as have you to me. I have answered each opposing question and answered it as fully as I can. I've im a wrong for opposing something someone's opinion, mMaybe you should actually do some research before you post to support your argument.

Now NORMALLY - a fucking adult would follow that up with a "FOR EXAMPLE" - you didnt do that. . .so - you get the "You're A Tard" Stamp on your forehead. If you can follow-up, by all means do so.

Yup like 95% of your posts rolleyes:

[quote="TGB!":f3779]Until then, you remain a child who has no tool to debate with other than pathetic whining -

"Oh Mr. TGB you're so mean and pathetic with your insults. . .WAAH!" -

I've said all I need to say about my opinion of the war, of which hsant yet been argued. I was reading and hated the way you critic other peoples posts, seemingly because they have a different opinion.

Sgt>Stackem 11-01-2005 06:36 AM

TGB has very valid arguements


Johnj 11-01-2005 06:48 AM


Originally Posted by Madmartagen
i agree we dont belong in iraq as well. but for being in saudi arabia just cause they asked...that may be true, but i think its unfair for us to baby one of the worlds wealthiest nations when we wont send effective defense forces in africa, south america and other places that truly need our help. we're in saudi arabia because they buy our troops like mercenaries. they have money, they have oil, and so we post troops to protect it.

We don't send defense forces to countries in Africa because they don't want us to. Remember what happened when we tried to help the Somalians. As to South America we do have troops in several countries down there working with their troops in drug interdiction operations and the like. Other countries like Venezuela don't want us in there because they find it easier to blame all their problems on the USA.

Chappy 11-01-2005 06:48 AM


Originally Posted by Madmartagen
chappy - you dont even know what imperialism is, you fucking twat, so stfu and eat a bucket of man sauce, you cock hungry faggot.

you had me at man sauce, call me later

Trunks 11-01-2005 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by Johnj

Originally Posted by Madmartagen
i agree we dont belong in iraq as well. but for being in saudi arabia just cause they asked...that may be true, but i think its unfair for us to baby one of the worlds wealthiest nations when we wont send effective defense forces in africa, south america and other places that truly need our help. we're in saudi arabia because they buy our troops like mercenaries. they have money, they have oil, and so we post troops to protect it.

We don't send defense forces to countries in Africa because they don't want us to. Remember what happened when we tried to help the Somalians. As to South America we do have troops in several countries down there working with their troops in drug interdiction operations and the like. Other countries like Venezuela don't want us in there because they find it easier to blame all their problems on the USA.

true, but you do remember what Americans were trying to do besides help right? They said it great in the movie BHD. It went something like this. "you think you can come in our country, kill our general, and make us adopt an American democracy?" If america went there only to help, as in distributing food, peacekeeping, etc then I can see your point. However, action in Somalia also seems to have an imperialistic element behind it.

Johnj 11-01-2005 06:02 PM

Sorry Trunks last time I checked there wasn't anything in Somalia except the starving masses and the war lords who hoard the food. Our military went there to try to distribute food to the starving masses. As in most cases no good deed went unpunished.

Trunks 11-01-2005 06:58 PM


Originally Posted by Johnj
Sorry Trunks last time I checked there wasn't anything in Somalia except the starving masses and the war lords who hoard the food. Our military went there to try to distribute food to the starving masses. As in most cases no good deed went unpunished.

I am in no way trying to say America did not do good in Somalia. Because the US did. However, it would be naive to say that they did not attempt to interfere in the countries other "internal affairs," so to speak. If I am not mistaken, operation Gothic Serpent, whose goal was to capture Omar Salad and Mohamed Hassan Awale, both top advisors to Aidid, ignited the battle of Magadishu. If the US was more concerned with distributing food, and policing the towns, then this would not have happened. However, as always, we had to stick our noses where they dont belong, and because of that, 18 american soldiers were killed, 73 wounded, and somewhere around 1000 Somalis were also killed.

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