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Himmler 12-18-2005 09:21 PM

i dont see a problem with letting her shoot the gun. she was totally supervised and what not. pyro you are a fucking moron for trying to compare drugs and guns. for one drugs can damage your body, and shooting guns for recreation cannot hurt you unless an accident happens.

btw they sure cant aim for shit.

SoLiDUS 12-19-2005 12:53 AM

Most of the comments made regarding the irresponsibility of letting a little girl fire the mounted machine guns stems from a misunderstanding of how things were set up and plain old disinformation for all things firearm related. No surprise there...

Simo Häyhä 12-19-2005 08:16 AM

most peoples comments of irresponsibility are just misguided hatred of rednecks and hill billys. think about it

Sgt>Stackem 12-19-2005 10:40 AM

looks like fun, lets do it!! Pyro can drive the car!!

Jimmy Paterson 12-19-2005 11:06 AM

so what how many little girls wouldn't love to use an mg?

12-19-2005 11:34 AM

[quote="Sgt>Stackem":cb5af]looks like fun, lets do it!! Pyro can drive the car!![/quote:cb5af]

with duffy sitting in the passenger seat!

Machette 12-19-2005 12:16 PM

I don't hate rednecks. I just think guns are irresponsible all together, I wish they were never created and I wished they were banned...what have they brought for us as human beings in this reckless society? Fun you say, I laugh at you when you say that because guns not only bring some people fun for a small minority but it brings wars, huge death rates which are part of the majority of the fraction (In Toronto alone 70 or more people died from gang related crimes using guns this summer and its consantly in the newspapers) This is only my opinion of course and I don't mean to stir rhetoric even though thats what will happen because I know on this fourm their are a good amount of gun owners who see themselves as responsible...but a huge majority arn't.

tomxtr 12-19-2005 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by Machette
I don't hate rednecks. I just think guns are irresponsible all together, I wish they were never created and I wished they were banned...what have they brought for us as human beings in this reckless society? Fun you say, I laugh at you when you say that because guns not only bring some people fun for a small minority but it brings wars, huge death rates which are part of the majority of the fraction (In Toronto alone 70 or more people died from gang related crimes using guns this summer and its consantly in the newspapers) This is only my opinion of course and I don't mean to stir rhetoric even though thats what will happen because I know on this fourm their are a good amount of gun owners who see themselves as responsible...but a huge majority arn't.

I wouldn't encourage my kids to shoot guns, but to each his own. There are a lot of places in this country at least, where guns are a necessity. In parts of the west, people in remote areas have to deal with coyotes and wolves and shit. I'd have a gun if I lived out there.

Himmler 12-19-2005 12:30 PM

[quote="Sgt>Stackem":df5ac]looks like fun, lets do it!! Pyro can drive the car!![/quote:df5ac]

12-19-2005 12:35 PM


Originally Posted by Machette
I don't hate rednecks. I just think guns are irresponsible all together, I wish they were never created and I wished they were banned...what have they brought for us as human beings in this reckless society? Fun you say, I laugh at you when you say that because guns not only bring some people fun for a small minority but it brings wars, huge death rates which are part of the majority of the fraction (In Toronto alone 70 or more people died from gang related crimes using guns this summer and its consantly in the newspapers) This is only my opinion of course and I don't mean to stir rhetoric even though thats what will happen because I know on this fourm their are a good amount of gun owners who see themselves as responsible...but a huge majority arn't.

yes, there were no wars before guns were invented. absolutley none!

Colonel 12-19-2005 12:42 PM


Originally Posted by Machette
.....but a huge majority arn't.

The statistics prove this to be an incorrect statement.

Machette 12-19-2005 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by Acideyez

Originally Posted by Machette
I don't hate rednecks. I just think guns are irresponsible all together, I wish they were never created and I wished they were banned...what have they brought for us as human beings in this reckless society? Fun you say, I laugh at you when you say that because guns not only bring some people fun for a small minority but it brings wars, huge death rates which are part of the majority of the fraction (In Toronto alone 70 or more people died from gang related crimes using guns this summer and its consantly in the newspapers) This is only my opinion of course and I don't mean to stir rhetoric even though thats what will happen because I know on this fourm their are a good amount of gun owners who see themselves as responsible...but a huge majority arn't.

yes, there were no wars before guns were invented. absolutley none!

They brought war to its epic state which it stands now, killing more on a grand scale. I'll take an example of a Newfoundland regiment in WW1 which had 1,000 men they were forced over the top 200 came back in 15 minutes, no war killed so many in so little time. And colonel I'm interested out of curiosity to see the statistic.

Colonel 12-19-2005 12:57 PM

Macette - I don't even have to look it up - all you have to do is look logically at your statement. You said that the "majority" of gun owners do not handle them responsibly. For that to be true then gun accidents would have to number in the millions, since there are millions of gun owners. However, accidental gun deaths are rather uncommon compared to the total number of owners.

I have referenced statistical web sites before in these forums. I'm just too lazy to go looking right now. If memory serves me right there were less accidental gun deaths in the US than the number of kids dying of poisoning from cleaners in the cabinet under mom's sink. Less than lightning strikes. Less than job related accidental deaths .... the point being that most gun owners are safety conscious.

If you want to look at it another way - 70 people killed in Toronto. Are there more than 139 gun owners in Toronto? That's the number you need for 70 bad guys to make up the "majority".

Machette 12-19-2005 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by Colonel
Macette - I don't even have to look it up - all you have to do is look logically at your statement. You said that the "majority" of gun owners do not handle them responsibly. For that to be true then gun accidents would have to number in the millions, since there are millions of gun owners. However, accidental gun deaths are rather uncommon compared to the total number of owners.

I have referenced statistical web sites before in these forums. I'm just too lazy to go looking right now. If memory serves me right there were less accidental gun deaths in the US than the number of kids dying of poisoning from cleaners in the cabinet under mom's sink. Less than lightning strikes. Less than job related accidental deaths .... the point being that most gun owners are safety conscious.

If you want to look at it another way - 70 people killed in Toronto. Are there more than 139 gun owners in Toronto? That's the number you need for 70 bad guys to make up the "majority".

I'm saying the illegal amount of gun owners...thats what I'm getting at. I know their are 4 million registered gun owners in Canada. I don't want to tick any gun owners off like I said before but its irrational to think such a thought. Its obvious that accidental gun deaths are low because you are registered users, its the illegal market of guns I'm getting at...the stuff the gangs use. I don't see a point in guns, for protection? well if they weren't invented we wouldn't have a logic in which our first reaction is to pick up the gun and shoot somebody. Society has taken a bad turn with all these guns, I have never shot a gun before so I can't comprehend with the argument thats its fun to shoot at targets and such. Just clearly state why you think guns exist, other than for protection because if its for protection get a alarm or pepper spray, something that won't kill a person.

geRV 12-19-2005 01:07 PM


laugh at the vid and fuck off the rest of ya.

Machette 12-19-2005 01:09 PM

This is a important debate, that has relevance to the so called funny video.

geRV 12-19-2005 01:10 PM

Whys it any time guns are mentioned the anti gun troop comes out in force? plzdie: oOo:

Machette 12-19-2005 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by geRV
Whys it any time guns are mentioned the anti gun troop comes out in force? plzdie: oOo:

Because it is important to have a voice...and some people don't see things as other people do...its apart of human nature.. oOo: imwithstupid:

geRV 12-19-2005 01:21 PM


Originally Posted by Machette

Originally Posted by geRV
Whys it any time guns are mentioned the anti gun troop comes out in force? plzdie: oOo:

Because it is important to have a voice...and some people don't see things as other people do...its apart of human nature.. oOo: imwithstupid:

And a debate on a forum with maybe 50-70 users is gonna do what exactly? The words "sweet fuck all" come to mind.

Some of you really need to get into politics. oOo:

Machette 12-19-2005 01:22 PM

ah fack off biggrin:

strvs 12-19-2005 01:24 PM

Yea, intelligent conversation is totally gay.

geRV 12-19-2005 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by strvs
Yea, intelligent conversation is totally gay.


Bullshit debates started out of something posted for a laugh are.

strvs 12-19-2005 01:28 PM


Originally Posted by geRV

Originally Posted by strvs
Yea, intelligent conversation is totally gay.


Bullshit debates started out of something posted for a laugh are.

Just ignore the damn thread then. You've been here long enough you should have seen it coming.

geRV 12-19-2005 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by strvs

Originally Posted by geRV

Originally Posted by strvs
Yea, intelligent conversation is totally gay.


Bullshit debates started out of something posted for a laugh are.

Just ignore the damn thread then. You've been here long enough you should have seen it coming.

Yeah ill ignore my own thread, oOo:


strvs 12-19-2005 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by geRV

Originally Posted by strvs

Originally Posted by geRV

Originally Posted by strvs
Yea, intelligent conversation is totally gay.


Bullshit debates started out of something posted for a laugh are.

Just ignore the damn thread then. You've been here long enough you should have seen it coming.

Yeah ill ignore my own thread


Milla 12-19-2005 01:33 PM

Want me to delete the BS gerv?

EDIT: i forgot you were a mod...delete your own shit!!!! happy:

12-19-2005 01:33 PM




wintersforge 12-19-2005 01:36 PM

meh...when you all have the "balls" to pollute the gene pool you can make your own decision. As far as a child being raised in an environment where guns are....its all up to the parents. if they raise the child with the healthy respect that goes along with owning a firearm then go for it...treat every gun as loaded and dont ever let me see that finger on the the action etc etc etc.

ive 2 daughters...the eldest seems to be a tom boy. she is likely to ask whats up with Dada leaving for a week at the end of Nov. and coming home with racks. I can only teach her WHAT I VIEW AS PROPER and in accordance with the laws of the land...the rest is up to her. Most have heard the tale of the 8-10 yr old girl shooting a bear in Md.

I wouldnt alloow my daughter to operate a firearm in a controlled environment until she can demonstrate responsibility and clean her fucking room to start....but is she persists (and im not the kind of dad that will want her to do everything I did...she will have all the opportunities I can afford her and thats that) I will teahc her the way of the ranger and woods etc etc roll that d20 and make a save versus logic

geRV 12-19-2005 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by wintersforge
I will teahc her the way of the ranger

Don't you mean lean strafing shotgun whore? biggrin:

Colonel 12-19-2005 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by Machette
.... well if they weren't invented we wouldn't have a logic in which our first reaction is to pick up the gun and shoot somebody. ...

Machette, have you ever heard the saying, "God created men and Sam Colt made them equal"? Saying that if all guns were abolished then there would be no need for them does not take into account that men are generally bigger and stronger than women, that some men are bigger and stronger than others, etc. I've related several times in this forum how having a gun saved my dad's life. I don't need to go into that again other than to say that a twenty something year old drug crazed nut job can kill a 70-something year old coot without the use of a gun.

And again, even if you look at guns owned illegally, saying the "huge majority" are used irresponsibly doesn't hold up, unless you think there are only 139 illiegal gun owners in Toronto. The fact is that many folks that are against gun ownership have never been around them. That's why I think gun ownership will die a slow death. Fewer and fewer people (it seems to me) hunt, or shoot recreationally, or are exposed to guns in anyway other than what thy see on the news or in movies. So, since they don't really understand guns, they fear them.

I grew up hunting with my dad. All of our shotguns hung in our hallway in a gun rack. This rack was the old timey kind that was just hooks and a shelf for ammo. It was not locked in any way. I walked by those guns every day of my life as I went back and forth to my room. It never dawned on my to touch them unless I was going hunting. They held no mystery for me. I think what happens in alot of gun accidents is that you have a kid that is curious about his dad's gun. I was never "curious" because I got to use them all the time. I had seen the damage they can do and I had been taught all about safely handling them.

That's why I think this little girl in the film is being taught a valuable lesson. I would say that her chances of growing up to be a "gang" member are far less than the kid whose parents are scared to have him exposed to gun ownership.

As for your question as to why guns exist ... guns exist to propel bullets, and shot, at a high velocity toward a target. Bullets and shot exist for personal protection, food gathering, recreational target shooting, protection from government oppression, and to basically punch holes in anything that gets in their way.

Machette 12-19-2005 02:10 PM

I respect your arguments, but I still remain objective. Gathering from your post people like myself can empathize with how people use guns and appreciate them.

Milla 12-19-2005 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by geRV

Originally Posted by wintersforge
I will teahc her the way of the ranger

Don't you mean lean strafing shotgun whore? biggrin:

lmao biggrin:

elstatec 12-19-2005 04:28 PM

Im with machette on this.

Guns have more bad things about them then good.

Pyro 12-19-2005 04:39 PM

Are guns being put on a pedastal or something? Would life be better if guns were never invented...? I don't think one rational soul would believe that it wouldn't be. Anyways...gun owners are fine and dandy...but why kids? To me it's the same as teaching them how to pick pocket and pick locks.

Colonel 12-19-2005 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by elstatec
Im with machette on this.

Guns have more bad things about them then good.

I'm curious what you base that statement on. For instance, studies show that guns are used to stop crime far more (and I'm talking "times" as in mulitpluication - times as an individual instance) than they are used to commit crime. So if an item stops bad things from happening more than it helps bad things happen, how can it have more bad things about it than good? Just curious what you are referring to.

SoLiDUS 12-19-2005 04:48 PM


Originally Posted by Machette
This is a important debate, that has relevance to the so called funny video.

No offense, Machette, but if you're going to enter a debate about firearms possession and all things related, you should take the time to do your homework on the subject: seeing as (so far) you have no fucking clue what you're talking about, I'll let you download and peruse the Gunfacts pdf before engaging in any sort of discussion with you. Besides, I'm not sure it would be worthwhile for me to do so as you seem to have your mind already made up.

Doctor Duffy 12-19-2005 05:02 PM

Guns dont kill people, I kill people.

elstatec 12-19-2005 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by Colonel

Originally Posted by elstatec
Im with machette on this.

Guns have more bad things about them then good.

I'm curious what you base that statement on. For instance, studies show that guns are used to stop crime far more (and I'm talking "times" as in mulitpluication - times as an individual instance) than they are used to commit crime. So if an item stops bad things from happening more than it helps bad things happen, how can it have more bad things about it than good? Just curious what you are referring to.

How can it have more bad things than good? Are you just plain ignorant? Where are these 'studies' that you refer to? And why would you ever think that guns are meant for good, they are made to harm or kill.

elstatec 12-19-2005 05:05 PM


Originally Posted by SoLiDUS

Originally Posted by Machette
This is a important debate, that has relevance to the so called funny video.

No offense, Machette, but if you're going to enter a debate about firearms possession and all things related, you should take the time to do your homework on the subject: seeing as (so far) you have no fucking clue what you're talking about, I'll let you download and peruse the Gunfacts pdf before engaging in any sort of discussion with you. Besides, I'm not sure it would be worthwhile for me to do so as you seem to have your mind already made up.

gunfacts.pdf put together by charlton heston

Machette 12-19-2005 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by SoLiDUS

Originally Posted by Machette
This is a important debate, that has relevance to the so called funny video.

No offense, Machette, but if you're going to enter a debate about firearms possession and all things related, you should take the time to do your homework on the subject: seeing as (so far) you have no fucking clue what you're talking about, I'll let you download and peruse the Gunfacts pdf before engaging in any sort of discussion with you. Besides, I'm not sure it would be worthwhile for me to do so as you seem to have your mind already made up.

Send away and no offense taken, I guess I'm an idiot for stating irrelavant arguments... oOo:


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