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Jotun 04-16-2007 02:43 PM

i go to James Madison University, and VaTech is about 2 hours away...i only know one person that goes there, i havent heard anything about him. everyone who goes here knows at least 3 people that go there...everyone is worried and everyone is trying to call. the phones are jammed up and its a bunch of confusion...

kind of weird being so close to it, its really scary. my heart goes out to anyone who is affected by this tragedy...i saw a few people crying on campus today, its heartbreaking.

Whatada 04-16-2007 02:45 PM

[quote="Sgt. Paine":45f34]Dunno if this was posted but it has audio if you scroll down

this is really sad i watched it unfold all the way back when it was only 1 dead. A very very sad day and my prayers go out to the families affected.[/quote:45f34]wtf.

click the "student describes being shot" audio clip.

"You think it's a joke, a gunman coming on campus, but when he came up here and started shooting, things got cereal very quickly."


Jotun 04-16-2007 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by elstatec
did he reload

you're a piece of can you say that? if you saw the people on this campus crying their eyes out because of a friend in danger, you wouldnt say that. heartless fuck.

Nyck 04-16-2007 03:12 PM

yep keeps going up, they said 2 kids jumped out a window in a panic

snipeymagoo 04-16-2007 03:16 PM

This is so fucked up....sick fucking people. No difference in this and suicide bombings.

Mr.Buttocks 04-16-2007 03:27 PM

If the deaths stop at 33 I'll be reaching for my tinfoil hat.

ninty 04-16-2007 03:28 PM

[quote="Mr.Buttocks":99f24]If the deaths stop at 33 I'll be reaching for my tinfoil hat.[/quote:99f24]


Nyck 04-16-2007 03:39 PM ... 252702.php

Jack Thompson attacks

Tripper 04-16-2007 03:43 PM

jesus christ - i just heard about this

terrible news - i hope millas friends and family are all ok, do we have any other users from that area?

geRV 04-16-2007 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by Nyck

Jack Thompson attacks

Thats a shocker, id seriously love to go and slap some sense into this cocksucker. A while back he threatened midway beacuse someone made a character that looked like him in the latest mk game , that twat was so informed on the subject he thought it was a character that came with the game. oOo: ... eddon-but/

Tripper 04-16-2007 03:56 PM


sme photos

mr.miyagi 04-16-2007 03:57 PM

So people still lie bleeding, nobody really knowing who did it and for what reasons........ and Jack fucking Thompson comes in and blames it on videogames?!

Fox News let him get on national television to vent his shit? thats intelligent....oh wait, its fox news

geRV 04-16-2007 03:59 PM

Thompson needs a 360 dropped on his head from a height of 3 feet. cuss:

Tripper 04-16-2007 04:11 PM


Originally Posted by wikipedia
Blacksburg's town limits were slightly northeast of an earlier frontier settlement dating from 1748 called Draper's Meadow, the site of the infamous "Draper's Meadow Massacre" of 1755. Smithfield Plantation, built in approximately 1772 [2] by Col. William B. Preston, sits on the original Draper's Meadow site, which is near the Duck Pond on the Virginia Tech campus.



Paintballr 04-16-2007 04:26 PM

annoy: I'm from the area, haven't heard anything bad about the people I know from there yet. Hopefully they are ok. Cousin went there but he graduated last year and my other one went to Radford, they knew a bunch of people from the school.

elstatec 04-16-2007 05:44 PM

guns are bad and any law making it harder to get hold of one would lead to shit like this not happening.

and jack thompson, damn it must be that gears of war that lead this guy todo it, ban!

ninty 04-16-2007 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by elstatec
guns are bad and any law making it harder to get hold of one would lead to shit like this not happening.

and jack thompson, damn it must be that gears of war that lead this guy todo it, ban!

yeah, that has worked real well for drugs, and prohibition of alcohol before that.

The fact is if someone wants to shoot someone, they can always do it, no matter how many laws you put in place. Anti gun laws punish legitimate gun owners for crimes committed by fucked up people.

elstatec 04-16-2007 06:07 PM

yea but it would make it more difficult for people such as school kids or what not to get hold of them.

yes bad people would still have them via black market, terrorism or what not but surely grabbing a gun that your father or what not owns and keeps around the house is just wrong....mhmmm let me think.

c312 04-16-2007 06:09 PM

yeah, most people who commit crimes with guns are people who a) aren't allowed to have them at all or b) people who have obtained them illegally.

elstatec 04-16-2007 06:17 PM

the columbine dudes just got some 3rd party person to buy the guns they used legally, so lets think carefully.

ninty 04-16-2007 06:28 PM

but that can happen no matter the amount of gun control as long as guns are still legal.

that could happen in Europe where there are stricter gun laws or Canada.

only option there would to ban entirely every single firearm that can shoot a projectile over 400fps or so. I don't see that as an option, however, i'm sure there are many people that would support that as well as many politicians and lawmakers. I am not one of them.

Douchetallica 04-16-2007 06:31 PM

My girlfriend's family lives a couple hours from Blacksburg, her brother goes to Virginia Tech.

He almost always had classes at that Engineering building due to his field of study, but he recently changed his major so he wasn't in/near the building today.

My girlfriend called me shortly after I woke up and saw it on the news, she was crying knowing that her brother could have been in there had he not changed his career path.

I've been watching the news and I must say that one step-father from the Columbine incident brought up some good discussions about how the motives behind today's events will be concealed as were the motives for the Columbine massacre. And I agree with the politicians who blame the school, the President of VT and police officer saying they had the crime scene under control... they forgot one thing they didn't have under control -- the shooter.

Anyhow, my condolences to friends or family affected by today.

1080jibber 04-16-2007 06:44 PM


Originally Posted by Sparks
I've been watching the news and I must say that one step-father from the Columbine incident brought up some good discussions about how the motives behind today's events will be concealed as were the motives for the Columbine massacre.

there was a different reason for the Columbine incident? it wasnt because they were picked on and one of them had mental health issues.

c312 04-16-2007 06:49 PM


Originally Posted by elstatec
the columbine dudes just got some 3rd party person to buy the guns they used legally, so lets think carefully.

ok, well if we're "thinking carefully" -- how many people died at columbine or other school shootings with legal guns? Now compare that to how many people are killed in robberies, gang murders, drive-by's, hits, etc with ILLEGAL guns? I'm gonna put my money on illegal guns having a higher death count than legal ones...

Douchetallica 04-16-2007 06:51 PM

Apparently the Columbine shooters did a lot of picking on people themselves and there are underground videos of them holding guns in their basement and talking about shootings kids at school.

The step-father didn't say much since he said they all have gag-orders on them.

He was pretty confident the police, administration, and parents of the victims of today's events will have gag-orders too.

elstatec 04-16-2007 06:55 PM


Originally Posted by c312

Originally Posted by elstatec
the columbine dudes just got some 3rd party person to buy the guns they used legally, so lets think carefully.

ok, well if we're "thinking carefully" -- how many people died at columbine or other school shootings with legal guns? Now compare that to how many people are killed in robberies, gang murders, drive-by's, hits, etc with ILLEGAL guns? I'm gonna put my money on illegal guns having a higher death count than legal ones...

yes but this thread is about another school shooting, and im betting these gun/s were aquired legally.

Cpt. Obvious 04-16-2007 06:59 PM

Re: Killing Spree: 31+ dead at Virginia Tech University!

Originally Posted by Nyck

[quote:48040]At least 25 people are dead in what may be the biggest mass killing on a college campus in American history — and the death toll may rise.

Police at Virginia Tech say that the shootings happened at a dormitory and a classroom on opposite sides of the university campus in Blacksburg, Va.

Virginia Tech Police Chief Wendell Flinchum said that one person was killed in the first shooting, just after 7 a.m. at West Ambler Johnston Hall, a large dormitory. Flinchum said that at least 20 more people were killed in a later shooting at Norris Hall, an academic building.

Flinchum said the gunman was dead, but wouldn't say whether the shooter killed himself. The gunman, whose identity has not been released, is among the dead.

ABC News confirms that there were two separate bomb threats at Virginia Tech that targeted engineering buildings. The first was directed at Torgersen Hall, while the second was directed at multiple engineering buildings. Students and staff were evacuated, and the university had offered a $5000 reward for information into the threats.

Not all of the students involved in the shootings are dead. Two local hospitals are reporting treating 21 people.

University president Charles Steger said that police have not officially tied together the two shootings.

Steger described today's events as an incident of "tragic proportions," and said, "the university is shocked and horrified that this would befall us."

The campus is closed today and classed are cancelled today and tomorrow. Families seeking to reunite with their children have been directed by the unversity to the Inn at Virginia Tech.

Doesnt capt obvious go there? Milla is a huge fan too[/quote:48040]
No I'm about 5 hours away but thanks for your concern. Living here I grew up hating Virginia Tech but now that doesn't really matter. That is so terrible that it happened. Why would they not cancel class after the first shooting?

c312 04-16-2007 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by elstatec

Originally Posted by c312

Originally Posted by elstatec
the columbine dudes just got some 3rd party person to buy the guns they used legally, so lets think carefully.

ok, well if we're "thinking carefully" -- how many people died at columbine or other school shootings with legal guns? Now compare that to how many people are killed in robberies, gang murders, drive-by's, hits, etc with ILLEGAL guns? I'm gonna put my money on illegal guns having a higher death count than legal ones...

yes but this thread is about another school shooting, and im betting these gun/s were aquired legally.

but you think "making guns harder to get a hold of" would be warranted even though the vast majority of gun killings are most likely with illegal guns? Seems to be targeting the wrong problem.

c312 04-16-2007 07:10 PM

Re: Killing Spree: 31+ dead at Virginia Tech University!
[quote="Cpt. Obvious":0722b]
Why would they not cancel class after the first shooting?[/quote:0722b]

I think a lot of people are asking that question and the university better have a damn good answer because I can't imagine why they wouldn't cancel class after a murder on campus, especially when they knew nothing about the killer's whereabouts.

Douchetallica 04-16-2007 07:15 PM

They thought they had it confined, which is understandable since it would appear to be a domestic thing.

I just don't get why no one at the Engineering building tried to fight back or take down the guy. If you're going down, why not go down fighting. Someone had asked that at the first press conference.

elstatec 04-16-2007 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by c312

Originally Posted by elstatec

Originally Posted by c312

Originally Posted by elstatec
the columbine dudes just got some 3rd party person to buy the guns they used legally, so lets think carefully.

ok, well if we're "thinking carefully" -- how many people died at columbine or other school shootings with legal guns? Now compare that to how many people are killed in robberies, gang murders, drive-by's, hits, etc with ILLEGAL guns? I'm gonna put my money on illegal guns having a higher death count than legal ones...

yes but this thread is about another school shooting, and im betting these gun/s were aquired legally.

but you think "making guns harder to get a hold of" would be warranted even though the vast majority of gun killings are most likely with illegal guns? Seems to be targeting the wrong problem.

just because if the crackdown (if one was to take place) didnt halt the people that got the weapons illegally, wouldnt it at least be worth it to stop things like this where kids etc get hold of weapons via weapons that were aquirred legally to stop stuff like this happening? if kids like these at columbine were not able to get some legally or from parents odd ones laying around then they aint going to be able to get ahold of them unless they are connected to the mafia.

guns were made for killing have no mistake about it, so less of them about the less murders. simple math.

descry 04-16-2007 08:01 PM


ninty 04-16-2007 08:05 PM

The school recently instituted a no guns policy on campus. Virgina has a concealed carry law which allows permitted citizens to legally conceal a handgun for defense purposes. Perhaps if they had allowed concealed weapons on campus, 32+ people wouldn't be dead right now.

Guns can be used for bad, but they can also be used for good. Self defense should be a basic human right. In many states it is.

In Canada, it is not unfortunately. There is basically no right to self defense. If you shoot someone on your property in Canada, you're going to have piles of legal bills to pay because you will be in court regardless.

If you ban all guns, only criminals will have guns. That leaves the rest of the population defenseless. Arm ordinary citizens and perhaps criminals would think twice about committing crimes.

Again, it's not the people who get permits for guns who are shooting people up. Also, statistically, the number of concealed weapons licenses revoked is almost negligible.

elstatec 04-16-2007 08:12 PM

Maybe the number of concealed weapons licenses revoked is almost "negligible" but in situations like that its a bit to late to revoke the license from whoever might legally own this weapon.

im just glad it is illegal to have weapons over here, seems to of worked so far.

RaNgeR 04-16-2007 08:16 PM

I woke up at 11:30 for my 11:45 class, logged on and I had an IM from my mom telling me to turn on the news and that she had been trying to call me all morning. My best friend goes to VT...he's like an adopted son in my family, my mom was freaking. Oh, and hes a Bio Chemical engineering major...thank god he is away on an internship; I dont know what I would have done. Watching the cell phone video is chilling...hearing the shots is awful.

ninty 04-16-2007 08:41 PM


Originally Posted by elstatec
Maybe the number of concealed weapons licenses revoked is almost "negligible" but in situations like that its a bit to late to revoke the license from whoever might legally own this weapon.

im just glad it is illegal to have weapons over here, seems to of worked so far.

No i'm talking about other students with concealed weapons stopping the killer.

gun crime might not be a huge problem in the UK, but crime in general is on the rise and has been for quite some time.

There is no real relationship between crime and guns. If there are no guns, people will use knives.

elstatec 04-16-2007 08:50 PM

yea but again you are using a double jeopardy rule to justify guns.

really think 33 people would of got murdered with a knife?

ninty 04-16-2007 08:54 PM

That's only if guns don't exist, they do. If someone wants a gun bad enough, they can get it. I don't think there's any doubt about that.

Milla 04-16-2007 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by ninty
That's only if guns don't exist, they do. If someone wants a gun bad enough, they can get it. I don't think there's any doubt about that.

Exactly, i guarantee the guy who shot all these people owned those guns illegally. The people who legally own guns are the people who get shit on when some dumb ass does something like this.

On another note i called my buddy at VT said he was suppose to be in Norris Hall but he drank last night and slept in.

Miscguy 04-16-2007 08:58 PM

[quote="dr nein":dfac6]I have a hard time believing one guy did all that unless he somehow managed to tie them all to posts first.

The real question is...will Miscguy return from work today or be mysteriously absent?[/quote:dfac6]

With such a low body count i can assure you it was not my handywork. Besides, ive gotten away with all my rampages thus far, why would you think they'd get me this time.

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