![]() |
I wanted to write on her wall for Myspace but I didn't realize you had to be a friend first. Fuck. I'm a noob.
I wanted to write this: [quote:8686a]You are a dirty cunt that deserved every word from Sarah Silverman. Your skanky self thinks it's ok to serve a sentence in the luxury of your own home? I hope you didn't leave your Bible back in your jail cell, cause you'll need it dear. Your medical condition is just withdrawl from crack and booze...go to rehab like your firecrotch buddy, lindsay lohan. You are almost as worthless as the last bit of toothpaste in the empty tube."[/quote:8686a] |
[quote:b29bf]why should she be released, because her parents are rich and shes a d list celeb?[/quote:b29bf]
Appearantly shes being released due to medical reasons. If these are false youll have to bring it up with the folks releasing her. /shrug As if noone here would make up a bullshit story to get out of doing time - even a month. [quote:b29bf]what does that prove to young people[/quote:b29bf] Probably not a whole lot as their are scores MORE examples of the Judicial Hammer coming down hard on tards than not. If you are shocked that priviliege provides access to representation that the common folks cant afford (and why should a genius lawyer work for anything less than what the Hilton's are paying?), then you really need to get out more. Paris Hilton being let out of prison to serve the remainder of her time on HOME CONFINEMENT, is not going to destroy the legal system. |
it doesn't destroy the legal system. You're right. It just destroys all confidence I had in our legal system.
Whats fucking new so called "celebs" getting bullshit preferential treatment because her daddy owns a hotel chain and this useless cunt is apparently somehow worth 30 million.
Released for medical reasons my fuck, more like she turned on the fucking waterworks once inside and got her doctor to make some bullshit excuse. Theres 2 legal systems in the world, one for celebs and one for everyone else, and these cocksmokers just seem to be able to get away with anything. I even read the other day that Lindsey Lohan had a car accident and there was cocaine found inside her car, anyone else would be getting hauled off to the cop shop, far as i read she never even got a slap on the wrists. rolleyes: |
Why should it - "justice" was served here. Paris Hilton got access to the best representation she could afford. The panel of Sheriffs (who admittedly are elected and potentially swayed by fat stacks of cash) felt her petition was legit. This IS how it works folks.
[quote="TGB!":aae0a]Why should it - "justice" was served here. Paris Hilton got access to the best representation she could afford. The panel of Sheriffs (who admittedly are elected and potentially swayed by fat stacks of cash) felt her petition was legit. This IS how it works folks.[/quote:aae0a]
Well the sheriffs (hyuk hyuk) need to go fuck themselves and all. "justice" in this day and age is governed amost entirely on how much cash you can fling around, even more so in the case of useless cumstains like hilton. |
When has it not. . .
Im confused as to where this collective naivete is coming from. |
[quote="TGB!":bc27e]When has it not. . .
[/quote:bc27e] When people didn't have as much money id assume oOo: |
lol, i knew she'd get let out early....just not this early. We had a local cun....er, i mean cleb here who ran some people down in her SUV and got real special treatment in jail because of $$$. I forgot her name already.
What was the medical condition anyhow? She got sick from the jail food?
[quote="TGB!":3ff2d]When has it not. . .
Im confused as to where this collective naivete is coming from.[/quote:3ff2d]I am not naive mr. wise man. I just don't understand how you can just accept a flawed system. Yes, I do believe it's flawed because you can get out based on the dollar. Why would you have no disapproval of a system that is supposed to be in place to give fair punishments but fails to do the very thing it's set up for? |
biggrin: |
[quote="TGB!":133ff]Why should it - "justice" was served here. Paris Hilton got access to the best representation she could afford. The panel of Sheriffs (who admittedly are elected and potentially swayed by fat stacks of cash) felt her petition was legit. This IS how it works folks.[/quote:133ff]
That's not how it's supposed to. If any of us had tried to pull a "It's cold, I'm scared, now I can't eat" routine and say I was getting psychological problems they'd most likely not release me. Probably the only reason they did release her is because if she did actually end up getting herself messed up in jail the massive amount of public attention she'd get would lay a lot of blame on the sherrifs office. She's a liability to keep in jail because she's so good at whining and she could turn this on the police in a second. You all say the Hiltons are spending money to get her out, but I think they're probably trying to find ways to get money out of this. |
[quote:ca817]Yes, I do believe it's flawed because you can get out based on the dollar.[/quote:ca817]
So all lawyers should do pro-bono work, or have their wages regulated? Because thats the ONLY way you're going to level the playing field for everyone to get similar representation. As it is, the best and brightest (and cleverest) lawyers go to the highest bidder. Why shouldn't they - their law school debt isn't going to magically disappear. [quote:ca817]Why would you have no disapproval of a system that is supposed to be in place to give fair punishments but fails to do the very thing it's set up for?[/quote:ca817] Uhm - Hilton was sentenced to prison. The system did its job. From what CNN is saying, its the prison THEMSELVES who have agreed to allow Hilton to serve the remainder of her sentence on house arrest, not the courts. And yes, even IF she managed to find some loophole in the system - the system is still working as intended. As soon as you guys can come up with a fool-proof justice system that has a 100% conviction rate for 100% of the REAL criminals, and lets the innocent go free - be sure to let me in on it so I can get some credit. What is ultimately funny, is that you folks are castigating the Hiltons for what I'm sure each and everyone of you would do in their place - get their loved ones out of a bad situation by ANY means neccessary. [quote:ca817]If any of us had tried to pull a "It's cold, I'm scared, now I can't eat" routine and say I was getting psychological problems they'd most likely not release me. [/quote:ca817] Bullshit. If you have a legit medical issue, and the state/county takes no action - then they have a lawsuit on their hands. Now I dont know if any of you are former prison doctors/psychologists - but they felt that her shit was on the up and up. Other than your bias against young people with money acting like fools (shocking - who has heard of such a thing) do you have ANYTHING to say shes otherwise? |
are you sticking up for her cause she's next on your white-trash shag list or what?
Yes that must be it. It can't be that all of your complaints are hypocritical hyperbolic nonsense, and that now that your "GOTCHA!" moment of seeing that "slut" behind bars has been shattered - all hell must now break loose. No that can't be it. sleeping: The only difference between this woman and the great majority of people her age is that she has a shitload of disposable income, and we dont. Period. Everyone please step off the fucking high horses and get real. |
The only difference between this woman and the great majority of people her age is that she has a shitload of disposable income, and we dont. Period. [/quote:d3342] im pretty sure her high profile status has more to do with it. there are a ton of really rich girls her age that wouldnt have gotten off like this.. |
[quote:39b4e]If any of us had tried to pull a "It's cold, I'm scared, now I can't eat" routine and say I was getting psychological problems they'd most likely not release me. [/quote:39b4e] Bullshit. If you have a legit medical issue, and the state/county takes no action - then they have a lawsuit on their hands. Now I dont know if any of you are former prison doctors/psychologists - but they felt that her shit was on the up and up. Other than your bias against young people with money acting like fools (shocking - who has heard of such a thing) do you have ANYTHING to say shes otherwise?[/color][/b][/quote:39b4e] Oh yea, and that would completly explain why so many people come out of jail and prison on time, and not 1/9th into their sentence because of psychological problems. Seriously, how many people do you know that have gotten out of jail by complaning they didn't want to be there? I'm pretty sure that when you get assigned 45 days of jail you serve 45 days of jail. If you have a problem you can get it fixed and then you go back to jail. I've been in jails before and I've seen people claiming all types of problems to get out, and no one really listens to them. And the only thing I have to say otherwise to her "medical condition" is that the only doctor anyone is aware of her seeing is a psychologist and the only symptoms they'll describe is her refusing to eat food. Bullshit? I can't understand why you think taking her out of jail and putting her in house arrest while every other inmate who doesn't have tuberculosis has to sit their time out in their cells is "Justice". |
why didn't they take her to the hospital first rather straight to her mansion if it was a medical condition? It doesn't make logical sense.
I'm talking about the "omg shes so terrible" ranting in regards to her behavior that goes on here. [quote:1b1b1]Oh yea, and that would completly explain why so many people come out of jail and prison on time, and not 1/9th into their sentence because of psychological problems. [/quote:1b1b1] Again - if you have more information about why the Sheriff's panel made the decision they did, poney it up so we can stop with the assumptions. [quote:1b1b1]Seriously, how many people do you know that have gotten out of jail by complaning they didn't want to be there?[/quote:1b1b1] Strange, nowhere in the press release did it say thats why they released her from jail (and not her sentence). [quote:1b1b1]I can't understand why you think taking her out of jail and putting her in house arrest while every other inmate who doesn't have tuberculosis has to sit their time out in their cells.[/quote:1b1b1] I assume you mean why I think its fair. Its fair because shes not a violent criminal, serving a sentence for a violent crime or are you really comparing her to the people spending a majority of their sentence in prison hospitals? |
Christopher "TGB!" Darden in the motha fuckin house
[img]http://www.cnn.com/US/OJ/sights_sounds/9-27/darden/darden.jpg[/img] |
As usual, if it doesn't have anything to do with Hockey, Baseball, or the new great deal you got at Wal-Mart - your contribution is nil.
Kudos for representing the Fat White Angry Male demo so well. |
My main man Denzel in License to Kil
[img]http://www.payless.com.au/images/1881.jpg[/img] |
[quote="TGB!":891eb]As usual, if it doesn't have anything to do with Hockey, Baseball, or the new great deal you got at Wal-Mart - your contribution is nil.
Kudos for representing the Fat White Angry Male demo so well.[/quote:891eb] give me a break its all there bald black glasses, intelligent, chip on his shoulder, a thing for jewish women (darden alleged fling with marcia clark who is jewish) the likeness is uncanny fight the fight ! |
Ha - chip on the shoulder. This from the guy who is having INSTANT MESSAGE conversations about fucking Paris Hilton - bitch please. You realize this is why the rest of the country (nay the WORLD) laughs at you. . .because of banal shit like this occupying the majority of your conversations instead of - yanno, sorta important stuff like a certain G8 Summit going on right now. . .naw, lets bitch and moan about a wild and crazy young adult getting a change of venue for her sentencing.
[quote:12155]Oh yea, and that would completly explain why so many people come out of jail and prison on time, and not 1/9th into their sentence because of psychological problems. [/quote:12155] Again - if you have more information about why the Sheriff's panel made the decision they did, poney it up so we can stop with the assumptions.[/quote:12155] I'll concede that I don't have the exact reason that the sheriffs office released her, but I do know how Californian jails work and medical problems are not a common reason at all to switch from jail (which is different from prison, you compare the two frequently) to house arrest. [quote="TGB!":12155] [quote:12155]Seriously, how many people do you know that have gotten out of jail by complaning they didn't want to be there?[/quote:12155] Strange, nowhere in the press release did it say thats why they released her from jail (and not her sentence).[/quote:12155] Every available quote from her time in jail is nothing but complaining about the conditions she is in. Assuming that she wasn't placed in some microbe infested cell it's safe to say that other inmates have come and gone through the exact same place she has and haven't contracted any type of urgent medical disease. Personally I'm positive it's psychological and I don't think that's any reason to switch from jail to house arrest. [quote="TGB!":12155] [quote:12155]I can't understand why you think taking her out of jail and putting her in house arrest while every other inmate who doesn't have tuberculosis has to sit their time out in their cells.[/quote:12155] I assume you mean why I think its fair. Its fair because shes not a violent criminal, serving a sentence for a violent crime or are you really comparing her to the people spending a majority of their sentence in prison hospitals?[/color][/b][/quote:12155] Wow TGB, I didn't know you were a crusader agaisnt jail time for non violent offenders. Well just to let you know, a good majority of jail and prison inmates are currently serving time for non violent crimes. I'm just wondering, since it's fair for Paris to get out since she's non violent, should they all be on house arrest also? Or maybe even non-violent offenders should serve time for their crimes also? Also, the thought of Paris Hilton's "house arrest" being considered her serving her sentence is a joke. Oh great, let's keep her confined to a mansion for 40 days, wait, isn't that the grand prize on the back of my cereal box? |
[quote="TGB!":39167]Ha - chip on the shoulder. This from the guy who is having INSTANT MESSAGE conversations about fucking Paris Hilton - bitch please. You realize this is why the rest of the country (nay the WORLD) laughs at you. . .because of banal shit like this occupying the majority of your conversations instead of - yanno, sorta important stuff like a certain G8 Summit going on right now. . .naw, lets bitch and moan about a wild and crazy young adult getting a change of venue for her sentencing.[/quote:39167]You are naive because you're not protesting outside of the G8 meeting place in Germany with the rest of the hippies. Shame on you.
ps. Paris Hilton sucks a lot of c0k. |
[/quote:37400] Globalization is bad. |
[quote:658c3]Wow TGB, I didn't know you were a crusader agaisnt jail time for non violent offenders.[/quote:658c3]
Im not. BUT - I also believe in American citizens being able to use the legal system to their benefit - ethical or not. A rules a rule. If it can be exploited, well then you'd better get better prosecutors. [quote:658c3]I'm just wondering, since it's fair for Paris to get out since she's non violent, should they all be on house arrest also?[/quote:658c3] Shes on house arrest because of her "condition", not because they just decided Paris shouldn't have to spend time in jail. To reiterate, Hilton doesn't have a history of violent behavior, it is a 45-day sentence (not 5 years for embezzlement or other non-violent crime), and she does have compotent representation. [quote:658c3] You are naive because you're not protesting outside of the G8 meeting place in Germany with the rest of the hippies. Shame on you. [/quote:658c3] Sarcasm isn't a strong suit. |
[quote="TGB!":d392d][color=Violet][b][quote:d392d]Wow TGB, I didn't know you were a crusader agaisnt jail time for non violent offenders.[/quote:d392d]
Im not. BUT - I also believe in American citizens being able to use the legal system to their benefit - ethical or not. A rules a rule. If it can be exploited, well then you'd better get better prosecutors. [quote:d392d]I'm just wondering, since it's fair for Paris to get out since she's non violent, should they all be on house arrest also?[/quote:d392d] Shes on house arrest because of her "condition", not because they just decided Paris shouldn't have to spend time in jail. To reiterate, Hilton doesn't have a history of violent behavior, it is a 45-day sentence (not 5 years for embezzlement or other non-violent crime), and she does have compotent representation. [/quote:d392d] Then the only difference between us is that I think we should have better law makers and you think we should have better attorneys. |
[quote="TGB!":d31cc]Ha - chip on the shoulder. This from the guy who is having INSTANT MESSAGE conversations about fucking Paris Hilton - bitch please. You realize this is why the rest of the country (nay the WORLD) laughs at you. . .because of banal shit like this occupying the majority of your conversations instead of - yanno, sorta important stuff like a certain G8 Summit going on right now. . .naw, lets bitch and moan about a wild and crazy young adult getting a change of venue for her sentencing.[/quote:d31cc]
and thats any different from you swooping in to throw in your 2 cents about the situation on a message board now spanning 9+ messages and 3 and a half hours ? let alone the fact YOU initiated the conversation by posting about her getting out here I dont see any topics here or in politics forum from you about yanno, sorta important stuff like a certain G8 Summit going on right now oOo: please we all know you like to come here and spew off your e-pinons and talk down and seem so intellectually superior to a bunch of people but get your "lucky" dollar sign boxers all in a bunch when somone checks you on your "god-like" opinion or does a pisstake on your behalf. its the same thing that happens when you go down to your Sacramento Community College union and spew off your feelings on Iraq and other political happenings that you just read about in the New York Times or whatever psuedo intellectual news paper you carry around with you, hoping that will lend a little more credence to all the bullshit you spew out in hope of impressing some girl to have some a innocent cup of java at the coffee beanery in hopes of throwing enough game to knock another notch in the "white trash/jewish conquest" bed post |
I bet TGB secretly posts at stormfront.org.
[quote:5357b]Then the only difference between us is that I think we should have better law makers and you think we should have better attorneys.[/quote:5357b]
I'm just not so idealistic to think human beings are at all capable of creating the perfect legal system. For all the Hiltons, you have many more Stewarts, Skakels, Lays, Downey Jrs., etc. [quote:5357b]please we all know you like to come here and spew off your e-pinons and talk down and seem so intellectually superior to a bunch of people but get your "lucky" dollar sign boxers all in a bunch when somone checks you on your "god-like" opinion or does a pisstake on your behalf.[/quote:5357b] Hey whatever comes naturally. And sorry Sally, but my boxers are unbunched. You and Coleman have yet to say anything other than "Oh god shes such a slut and she sucks!". The rest of your rant is fantasy projection - while the entirety of mine is fact, or was Coleman making it up that, just like here, a great chunk of your one-on-one conversation centers around a woman over a thousand miles away from you that you've never met, and have the capacity to ignore but choose not to? I thought not. |
i'm with Nyck
NO[img]http://media.ign.com/boardfaces/22.gif[/img] |
http://www.tmz.com/2007/06/07/paris-med ... -physical/
[quote:f9e5e]Law enforcement sources tell TMZ Paris Hilton's medical condition was purely psychological and that she was in peril of having a nervous breakdown, and that's why she was released early this morning. Psychiatrist Charles Sophy visited Hilton in jail yesterday and the day before. We're told after Sophy's visit yesterday, word was passed to the Sheriff that Hilton's mental state was fragile and she was at risk. The reason for releasing her had nothing to do with a rash or other physical issues. It was purely in her head.[/quote:f9e5e] |
In other words put on bullshit, waaaah i want my mommy. oOo: |
so then she should be put in a fuckin mental institution. rofl @ justice system
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