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Chronic Diarrhea 07-03-2007 12:43 PM

Screenshots are large.





Paintballr 07-03-2007 03:06 PM

[quote="Chronic Diarrhea":887b8]Screenshots are large.





There a rank system in game?

mr.miyagi 07-03-2007 03:18 PM

Looks very nice indeed.

My problem is that I have HL2 but the email address i registered with was stolen a year ago, so I can never re-activate it.

Even rejoined steam but it won't let me use it again, so now I have the game box, the DVD, etc......but I can't use it. Fucked up.

I don't want to have to buy HL2 again... cry:

Merlin122 07-03-2007 03:19 PM

^ same thing happened to me man

Chronic Diarrhea 07-03-2007 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by Paintballr
There a rank system in game?

Yes, but as of right now I don't think it means anything. The developers have plans to introduce a global stat tracking system, and possibly with rewards. As it stands right now, the ranking system only ranks you up during the game you're currently playing, and doesn't keep track of your rank. You rank up very fast in the game though. I can go from Pvt. to Lt. within 30 minutes of playing or so (Recruit to Revolutionary rank for the Insurgents).

Ranking up doesn't give you anything, and doesn't give you access to better weapons like BF2. Really the only reason for it right now is to let you know who is "good", or at least who knows what the Hell they're doing (that number is small right now). I tend to follow other Lieutenants when I join a server, and I leave the Privates to themselves.

I think someboday said this game is Full Spectrum Warrior in FPS style. Actually, that's not too far off from some of the experiences I've had, but you have to find a team who knows what's going to to really get that feel. I know one thing from finally playing on a good team who has a clue about military tactics, and that is each weapon really feels like it serves the same role as those weapons would in real life.

For example, we were in a cap zone on top of a building. Right ahead of this building lies a wide road with buses and roadblocks and a smaller alleyway to the side. The Insurgents were pushing hard as Hell to cap back what we had just stolen from them. We had 5 guys on our roof. I was the commander, so I told the SAW gunner to deploy his bipod and cover the alleyway. Just placing that one guy in the right position with the right weapon completely shut down that alleyway, and allowed the rest of us to try to push forward into the next cap zone. They kept trying to flank through the alley, but our SAW gunner was just wiping them out, whereas an M-16 or M4 probably couldn't hold down a position like that.

geRV 07-03-2007 04:28 PM

[quote="Chronic Diarrhea":78134]

For example, we were in a cap zone on top of a building. Right ahead of this building lies a wide road with buses and roadblocks and a smaller alleyway to the side. The Insurgents were pushing hard as Hell to cap back what we had just stolen from them. We had 5 guys on our roof. I was the commander, so I told the SAW gunner to deploy his bipod and cover the alleyway. Just placing that one guy in the right position with the right weapon completely shut down that alleyway, and allowed the rest of us to try to push forward into the next cap zone. They kept trying to flank through the alley, but our SAW gunner was just wiping them out, whereas an M-16 or M4 probably couldn't hold down a position like that.[/quote:78134]



mr.miyagi 07-03-2007 04:54 PM

ok, im thinking about buying HL2 again then, anyone know the cheapest place to get it from?

Can't believe im buying it again even though i have it right here in front of me, lol but Steam works like that and I want to play the Fortress Forever, Insurgency mods that are out. I also miss havin the odd play on hl2 when im bored....

I need a cheap copy now, ebay? not sure if I can risk it.....

Chronic Diarrhea 07-03-2007 06:40 PM

You can buy the HL2 DM for $10. That's the cheapest I think.

As for buying something simply to play this mod, don't set your hopes too high. There's a lot of things about this game that are broken. It is, afterall, the first public beta. Use of teamwork is a very rare instance so far, since most people playing the game right now are either idiots or little CSS kids who are team killing everybody. However, I think it's safe to say that with a number of improvements that will be coming soon in a series of patches, this game could be a fantastic experience for both matches and public servers with players who are willing to play as a squad.

From everything I've seen, players who don't want to play as a squad and just go Rambo are usually the first to die. You will die extremely fast in this game if you don't stick with other players. Even if the group of players you're with aren't using teamwork or playing as a squad, at least players tend to stick together in groups. Of course most servers I've been on nobody stays in groups, and then they ask why they keep losing over and over within 5 minutes. You'd think the kids would understand there's something called objectives.

There are several different game types. Push is the most popular one, and it pits an attacking team against a defending team. The attacking team must cap all objectives. The attacking team only starts with 9-10 reinforcement waves, whereas the defending team gets an unlimited amount of waves. However, with each obj that is capped, you get an extra 5 reinforcement waves. Trust me, if you don't want to play as a team, you will lose within 5 minutes. The reinforcement waves get depleted very fast if you're not willing to work as a team or actually use your brain before you move somewhere. There's been a lot of people bitching on the forums about how the Marines can never win (they're the attacking team for this particular game mode). Hopefully these CSS kids move along soon.

Going back to game types, I already spoke about Push. You have Battle, which is basically like Day of Defeat. Both teams try to end cap, and both teams have unlimited reinforcements. I've only seen a definitive win twice on this game mode, as usually it comes to a draw (just not enough teamwork yet to warrant successful pushes). Then you have firefight, which is like Battle except you can capture the objectives in any order. You don't have to do it in succession. In Battle if you're in the middle of capping, and the enemy caps behind your line, then you must fall back because you can no longer cap that point.

There's a few other gametypes, but I haven't looked into it. Those three are the main ones. I took A LOT of screenshots of the weapon models and such. I'll get around to uploading them and posting them here.

Milla 07-03-2007 06:51 PM

Can someone please send me the SDK base? Its still to busy to let me DL it. cuss:

Milla 07-03-2007 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by Milla
Can someone please send me the SDK base? Its still to busy to let me DL it. cuss:

[quote:686ef]Remove the file clientregistry.blob in the directory /Steam/

Now restart Steam, let it update and try again.[/quote:686ef]

If anyone else is having the same problem DLing stuff on steam. DLing the damn SDK now

mr.miyagi 07-03-2007 07:23 PM

I'm not buying HL2 for Insurgency, its more for FF.

And as I have a Radeon card i can download TDM and Lost Coast for free anway, but I hate TDM....

Chronic Diarrhea 07-04-2007 07:26 AM

I'm not sure how to link a full size screenshot as a thumb off of photobucket (can it even be done?) so I'll just post the thumb and then the full size URL link

M4 w/aimpoint


M4 again

Central area of Baghdad market


M9 Baretta


Saddam Hussein statue square in Baghdad






I had to jack the contrast up for this one. Shows the authenticity of all the surroundings


Baghdad mosque and market


I lol'd WTF


A nice shot of Haditha at sunrise (sundown?)


geRV 07-04-2007 08:03 AM

Hows the performance of the game? Ive been reading a lot of complaints about how demanding it is considering its just a mod on the source engine.

Chronic Diarrhea 07-04-2007 09:12 AM

Performance is shit at the moment. The developers said the last build (the one that was uploaded for distribution) contains some new flaws in the code that bogs down frame rate pretty bad when you're outside. It will go from 100+ indoors to 20 outside in some areas. I've gotten up to 40 outside still, so it's playable, but annoying. When asked about it, the quote was something along the lines of, "I think you'll be pleased soon with the correction in performance."

It's not the game, as people with 8800 GTX cards are getting 20 frames just as the guy with a 7300. I actually turned all the graphics on low, turned off AA and AF, everything, and my framerate was identical, so that tells me it is indeed a flaw in the code and they're working on it right now.

Zoner 07-04-2007 09:41 AM

Game looks fucking spiffy. I might hafta go buy HL2. That ought to be relatively cheap nowadays, no?

Milla 07-04-2007 08:32 PM

Its fun but like chronic said, the Frame rate is pure shit, almost unplayable when you get into a fire fight with a lot of people.

[DAS REICH] Blitz 07-04-2007 08:40 PM

fun, but i wish i could figure out how many bullets i had left or where the rest of my god damn team was

geRV 07-04-2007 08:57 PM

[quote:27194]Okay, for all the people that don't understand, here is the problem:

The objective locations are not fucking clear. Who the hell is spouting off about realism when I'm sitting at an objective, asking another teammate to move two inches to the left so he can be in the cap point, because there's "not enough people" to capture the objective? I'm so sick of this "REALISM!" arguement it's not even funny. A fucking FLAG is a REASONABLE thing to see in a god damned country. I'm not asking for something the size of a highway side McDonald's arches, I'm asking for a fucking CONSISTENT object that sticks out at OBJECTIVES so I know where the fuck to go to CAPTURE the objective.

I'm sorry if I sound a bit heated, but I am. All the reasonable suggestions for making this game a bit easier to understand and less of some swim through murky swamp water looking for a brown pebble are immediatly aruged against with "THATS UNREALISTIC, THIS IS REALISTIC, LOOK, REALISM!!!!!12 GUYZ LETS GO CAPTURE THIS WALL HURR I NEED THREE PEOPLZ CUZ N RAL LYFE U NEED 3 PEOPLZ TO CAPTUR A WALL LIKE DIS"

THIS. IS. A GAME. REALISM ONLY GOES SO FAR. I am NOT asking for flags like DoD, I said that in my first god damned post. I'm asking for flags that fit with the atmosphere of insurgency. And believe it or not, flags are realistic, because they actually exist in the real world.

edit: And just so every jerkoff that wants to come on here and tell me that I want this to be another CS, I don't. Tactical realism shooters are my favorite god damned kind of shooter out there. So shove it up your ignorant retarded ass. [/quote:27194]

omg biggrin:

The official forums are hilarious, it seems to be 2 camps, one side that wants the game to be very much like they obviously have a leg up on everyone else, and another who are sick of the "realism" bullshit and just want a fun game.

Will commence trying out this mod sometime tomorrow hopefully. Assuming these fuckers deliver my new parts. cuss: cuss:

Chronic Diarrhea 07-04-2007 09:22 PM

Gerv the guy who made that post is an idiot. One of the maps has an objective, and guess what it is? A HUGE ASS MOSQUE that is visible from all the way across the map. I think that's a pretty good indicator of where the cap zone is.

As for not being able to know where the cap zones are, that's the commander's job. The commander can point out where he wants his team to go, both through identifying which objective he wants to cap, or by setting waypoints that look very similar to something in Brothers in Arms or some other similar games where you can lay down a graphic on the map. It's very easy to do this the way they implemented it. If you don't know where the cap zones are, it's probably because your commander is an idiot. In other words, you actually have to use some teamwork to get something done in this game.

BTW, they announced a patch that will come out soon today. Here's a list of what they are fixing:

[quote:0394a]Release 1.0a Changelist
--- code only
* ADDED: command "tkremove" and "tkdetect"
* ADDED: hint to suggest use of "cl_stancemode 1"
* ADDED: super-sonic bullet whiz
* CHANGED: alltalk is defaulted to "0"
* CHANGED: it wont suicide you when you select another class anymore
* FIXED: attacking with grenades while sprinting
* FIXED: RPG playing the wrong draw animation when not loaded
* FIXED: the client crash XYZ ^
* FIXED: the server crash XYZ ^
* FIXED: flashpoint and spraypaint in spectator is now disabled
* FIXED: can not longer cook smoke grenades
* FIXED: reloading the M249
* FIXED: small problem for people that do not have SSE support on their CPU
* FIXED: strange behaviour in shotgun reload
* FIXED: players connecting won't instanlly spawn in the game,
* FIXED: super-fast prone and unprone
* FIXED: unable to use grenade if attacking while going prone
-- others
* FIXED: various of FPS improvements[/quote:0394a]

Just as I thought, they have been working on optimizing the game so that the frame rate doesn't drop to shit outdoors. This should make the game much more satisfying.

BTW Milla, an immediate fix for the frame rate is to play in servers with a max of 16 players. I've found my frame rate to be more consistent when I do that.

Milla 07-04-2007 10:19 PM

I just figured that out, its actually really fun, and i like how its basically a one shot one kill game. The M16/ M4 sounds are damn good, so are all the other weapon noises going on in hte BG.

I had my aimpoint up walking slow and a terrorist turned the corner and i shot him about 3 times (i only use semi, anything more is a waste) and it was awesome, like some shit out of BHD.

One recommendation i dont know if you are on those forums or not, but tell the fucking Devs and modelers to put ACOGs on the M16 rifleman kits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Any fucking picture of a Marine in iraq with an M16 he has an ACOG on there. Jesus it annoys me, iron sights are so last decade.


Chronic Diarrhea 07-04-2007 10:33 PM

Yeah its the only game I've played where the weapon sounds actually sound like their real world counterparts. And yeah, BHD definitely comes to mind. As a matter of fact, I watched BHD with my Dad for the 4th.

As for the ACOG, I've seen a lot of pics of the USMC using iron sights on the M16, but you're a Marine yourself so I won't argue. They may mostly use ACOG now, but according to, there were a lot of USMC guys using iron sights back in 2003.

After the patch comes out and it fixes the fram rate issues and all the glitches and bugs, some of us should play a few games together. rock:

Milla 07-04-2007 10:35 PM

Yeah this is Modern infantry combat my man.

Chronic Diarrhea 07-04-2007 10:51 PM

Actually it's most likely based early on in the war, hence Saddam's statue is still present. Of course that would bring some inconsistencies in the presence of the USMC MARPAT that is present in the game...

I don't care either way, as long as they improve the look of the M16's iron sights. They look a little funky, and it's the only blemish I've found with the weapon models. I like ACOG, but I doubt the devs would put it in. That would give the USMC mostly aimpoints or scopes, with the only two weapons without being the shotgun and the SAW, whereas the Insurgents would only have their sniper with a scope. It would be realistic indeed, as I'm not really interested in total weapon balance, and even if they did put that in they could still give the Insurgents some advantages in their weapons. They could give more damage to the AK-47 and the RPK, considering they use a larger round than the M16/M4, but considering it seems the M16/M4 already is a 1 shot kill in the chest or head, I'm not sure how you could do that.

I like the fact that it's a 1 shot kill in the chest/head in this game. Sure, not everybody will automatically die from 1 bullet to the chest, but it will sure as Hell make you drop to the ground and render you useless, so I don't have a problem with it. I've actually taken 2 shots before without dying.

[DAS REICH] Blitz 07-08-2007 08:45 AM

Beta patch 1.1 released at 7am this morning..
lets see what it does

Chronic Diarrhea 07-08-2007 10:36 AM

I played a little bit. Seems to have taken care of a lot of the FPS issues. I still get pretty bad FPS on one particular map when looking down the longest road in the map, but instead of 10 FPS like it was it's now about 19. PLaces where I got 20 I now get 35-40. It'll do.

Chronic Diarrhea 07-08-2007 11:03 AM

I just tested out sprinting with the M203 selected and you can sprint with it.

Gerv, it seems you frequently complain about how MP games just dissolve into a retard deathmatch game where people just run around like morons. You can't do that here. The idea is you're supposed to stay together as a squad, using all the different weapons in your squad as they're supposed to be used. You should always have a sniper, SAW/RPK, and a rifleman together, and alternate point man positions as needed.

As for having no clue where you got shot from, there seems to be an issue, and a pretty severe issue at that, where people can see your player model and yet you can't see around a corner. I've noticed before getting shot when I'm behind a wall, so that's obviously a big deal. See this thread for reference.


But going back to your first point, what's bad about dying in one shot? You run across a street with no cover fire from a SAW/RPK, what do you expect? I'd much prefer getting a kill in one shot than having to fill the guy with lead 4-6 times to kill him. Newsflash, if you get hit in the chest with a rifle round, you're ineffective, even if you don't die right away. Since video games can't simulate being ineffective on the battlefield, you simply die. I believe further down the road they will implement a wounded system where sometimes if hit in the chest you fall to the ground, and it's up to the Corpsman to medic you and get you back on your feet.

In real warfare, getting hit in many places with one round will kill you. If you're hit in the thigh, if it severs your femoral artery, you will die from blood loss (almost 100% chance unless immediately treated in a hospital). If you get hit in the arm and it severs your brachial artery, you have a 70% chance of death. At least this game is gracious enough to allow you to get hit 2-4 times in a limb and stay alive. BTW, your femoral artery is pretty large, and it's not hard to hit it if you're hit in the leg.

geRV 07-08-2007 11:56 AM

If my post hadn't mysteriously vanished it woud be nice. eek:

Regarding the grenade launcher, if you are reloading it and are trying to sprint you can't and end up just waddling along. Considering you can run around with the grenade launcher selected it was suprising that reloading it slowed you to a crawl. Obviously reloading a grenade into it while moving fast would be akward..not impossible.

Staying together as a squad also has its issues, i was with 6 other guys behing a barricade and one by one we got picked off with no clue where the shots were coming from. Is there some bug where muzzle flashes at range are invisible or something? Seeing a muzzle flash would obviously be helpful but right now the games amazingly frustrating as you seem to get killed constantly by "invisible assassins".

Chronic Diarrhea 07-08-2007 12:08 PM

Yeah, it is frustrating, I'll give you that, and really the problem is this game seems to be geared much towards competitive play than pub play. As for muzzle flashes, you don't see muzzle flashes unless you're playing on a night map (not currently available) or you're in a dark spot. Muzzle flashes do not occur in daylight in real life.

Whatada 07-08-2007 01:49 PM

This game is balls to the wall. The only glitches that I've encountered are the server crashes, being stuck in place, and not being able to fire or switch weapons. Definitely worth the problems. beer:

mr.miyagi 07-20-2007 06:09 PM

Nice mod altho the dieing behind cover has made me a little peeved to say the least. I'm such at the moment, I die so much but that'll change over time and after various fixes are made.

Great mod regardless

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