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geRV 08-15-2007 09:17 AM


Originally Posted by elstatec
what you gonna do then miyagi? upgrade pc?

I really don't know, I think I really need a new machine as I think the motherboard or hard drive on mine always seems to be having slight issues...

With all of these amazing games around the corner too I'd say now is the best time to upgrade if I was too. I just doubt I'd be able to sell my parts for very much at all.

Gerv has the right idea in buying parts and then replacing them quickly, selling off the older ones.......I should've done that over the year I guess annoy:

I wonder how much a solid rig would cost me now, with dual core cpu (i think quads are still a way off no?) and a half decent video card with 2 gig of ram....£400-500?

Hopefully I can afford that in the long run eek:[/quote:ff8a6]

Best way to do it is how i do it, have a card then sell it off before it loses too much of the asking price you can get for it. Cuts down the cost of the total system a ton.

You can buy a 3ghz core 2 duo for £177 from overclockers uk, more than adaquate for gaming since quads are only supported in supreme commander, even then their usage is minimal. Could probably price a system with a core 2 ,2 gig of ram and an 8800gts for around the price you're looking at paying.

geRV 08-15-2007 12:10 PM

Just checked on ocuk, you're talking around £542 for a new mobo, 2 gigs of ram, 3ghz core 2 and a 640mb gts.

Could get it down some with some compromises on cpu speed.

ninty 08-15-2007 12:15 PM

do it miyagi

Bean 2 08-15-2007 01:46 PM

whatever u do, dont get an Asus mobo, or more specifically the Asus P5N32E-SLI mobo. its giving me nothing but problems, which you know about from my thread about it.

geRV 08-15-2007 01:52 PM

Also penryn on november 11th

Mad the thermal requirements jump 40 watts for a measly 160mhz more on the cores. eek:

mr.miyagi 08-15-2007 04:32 PM


Originally Posted by geRV
Just checked on ocuk, you're talking around £542 for a new mobo, 2 gigs of ram, 3ghz core 2 and a 640mb gts.

Could get it down some with some compromises on cpu speed.

Fook, well I know thats good but my price range is about £400 if possible...

I'll most likely be asking my local small computer shop to build me one with me obviously handing them the specs I'm looking for.

You mention a 640mb gts but what games would need a 640? would a 320 run most things great for the next 3 years or so you reckon?

By the way I've kind of budgeted if I can afford it and I think it'd be fine with another 3k student loan + my weekend job helping out........therefore, I can now start building a NEW PC LIST, Woop! rock:

geRV 08-15-2007 04:33 PM

640 mb works better for higher res textures, can't remember who but someone on here asked me a while back about a demo not letting him use high res textures, at the time i had a 640mb gts and he had a 320mb gts and the ram was the limiting factor.

mr.miyagi 08-15-2007 04:45 PM

Cheers, well I guess I'll try for the 640mb then.

I'm clueless on the rest though....but heres what I need:

dual core processor
2 gigs of ram
250 gig hard drive

Quite recently my mate gave them a rough list like above and they found and built him his new pc. Hopefully they won't wack the prices right up.......he bought a dual core 3ghz machine with 2 gig ram, 150 gig hard drive and an Ati x1650 and they charged him about £400.

Surely if I got a 640mb gts they'd charge a lot more...........hmm, decisions decisions.
I don't fully trust myself to do it myself and I'd rather have some kind of warranty/people on hand who can fix it if it truly goes tits up.

geRV 08-15-2007 04:59 PM

If they try to give you an x1650 kick them in the nuts then point and laugh.

Maybe try buying the gfx card then get them to assemble the rest of the machine and install it? Make sure they'll do that first though.

mr.miyagi 08-15-2007 05:42 PM

ah its ok, he asked for that ati card.

is 3ghz dual core decent then? i currently run a P4 3ghz, what difference does Dual Core actually do??

geRV 08-15-2007 05:47 PM

[quote="mr.miyagi":8d013]ah its ok, he asked for that ati card.

is 3ghz dual core decent then? i currently run a P4 3ghz, what difference does Dual Core actually do??[/quote:8d013]

Dual core really just makes things more responsive. if you have a dual core enabled game you will see improvements in framerate etc. When you're playing a game on windows your one core cpu is handling background tasks as you play the game as well as running the game for you, with multiple cores theres more cpu time to allocate towards games that support more than one cpu, plus run all the background tasks that exist when you're playing the game.

Its basically more number crunching power, you can run a virus scan while playing a game and the game will play much better than if you were using a single core cpu. Everything just feels snappier with dual and quad cores.

mr.miyagi 08-15-2007 06:03 PM

Wicked, well are most games fine to run on dual-core now? I read all new games are I think. Think dual core is worth the upgrade tho?

Will I see much difference from my current setup? coz £400 is quite a price to spend for minimal change. You got dual core at the mo gerv?

geRV 08-15-2007 06:08 PM

[quote="mr.miyagi":1f38e]Wicked, well are most games fine to run on dual-core now? I read all new games are I think. Think dual core is worth the upgrade tho?

Will I see much difference from my current setup? coz £400 is quite a price to spend for minimal change. You got dual core at the mo gerv?[/quote:1f38e]

If you're getting a 3ghz core 2 with an 8800gts you'll see a massive difference over an x800. Crank up the detail in the majority of games and have great frame rates.

At the moment im running a core 2 quad, 2.4 @ 3ghz. happy:

mr.miyagi 08-15-2007 07:06 PM

Another thing, if I was to get Vista with it, will vista make use of the dual core cpu and is dual core 64bit?

You running Vista atm gervle? Not sure if I wanna risk using vista when xp runs ok. May be a good thing to get Vista now though.....

Bean 2 08-15-2007 07:30 PM

oh i have a question about vista as well since were on the topic. Its 150 for Home Premium right? Also can u upgrade if you dont have a authentic version of XP? And is it better to get 32 or 64 bit?

[DAS REICH] Blitz 08-15-2007 08:08 PM

thank you india!

geRV 08-15-2007 08:39 PM

Im running 64 bit vista, for me most things run fine but different people have different experiences with it. 64 is better as it can address more ram, if you put 4 gigs into vista 32 it only makes use of 3-ish gig.

Not sure about upgrading a pirated version of xp though, probably better finding an oem version of vista which goes for a lot cheaper than full retail.

Bean 2 08-15-2007 09:07 PM


Originally Posted by geRV
Im running 64 bit vista, for me most things run fine but different people have different experiences with it. 64 is better as it can address more ram, if you put 4 gigs into vista 32 it only makes use of 3-ish gig.

Not sure about upgrading a pirated version of xp though, probably better finding an oem version of vista which goes for a lot cheaper than full retail.

oem just comes with the cd? whats the benefit of full retail version?

geRV 08-15-2007 09:13 PM

Oems for installation on one pc, full version you can tranfer it between pc's but can still only be on one at any time. Still easy enough to ring ms and bs them to get the oem reactivated though.

ninty 08-16-2007 08:01 AM

yeah just get oem. you don't get 30 days of ms support with oem and you don't get a nice looking box. boo hoo.

mr.miyagi 08-18-2007 10:38 AM

I phoned the guys up and this system without a videocard would come to about £330:

3.0ghz Dual Core CPU
2 Gig Ram
250 gb HD
500+ PSU
DVD Burner

now I don't know the exact hardware they're putting in but I'll just trust its sweet enough...

Now my dilemma is that with an Nvidia 8800 GTS 640mb card in it, it'd come to £629, which is over my budget. Should I try getting the 320mb version or is ATI an option or are their latest cards not as good?
Not sure what to do now as I was looking at the £500 mark tops.


geRV 08-18-2007 12:06 PM

Cheapest ive seen a 640gts was 217. 2900 is slightly better than a gts now but sucks up a lot more power. I honstly think you're better snagging a gts and getting them to install it. 320mb imo would limit you a good bit on some games with demanding texture requirements.

Gonna be a bit over the 500 mark but its a good pc for the price. Just make sure its a proper core 2 duo, E-6850. ... subcat=793

Miscguy 08-18-2007 12:31 PM

Wait wait wait... Let me get this straight. EA basically remakes mohaa, or one of its other generic WW2 shooters. Then, they just remake a ton of mohaa's MP maps and suddenly your all in line to suck there cocks and shell out 50-60 bucks for the privledge? What the hell happened here people.

geRV 08-18-2007 12:43 PM


Originally Posted by Miscguy
Wait wait wait... Let me get this straight. EA basically remakes mohaa, or one of its other generic WW2 shooters. Then, they just remake a ton of mohaa's MP maps and suddenly your all in line to suck there cocks and shell out 50-60 bucks for the privledge? What the hell happened here people.

You know it is possible that airborne could actually be a good game....

Theres 3 allied assault mp maps in the game...hardly a ton by any reckoning. Plus theres plenty of shooters that do that, counterstrike being one of the main ones.

As hard as it is to admit it airborne is bringing in some new features that stop the game from being on rails and make it more dynamic. I can't recall any ww2 shooter allowing you to drop out of a plane and land practically anywhere below. Hardly a remake either.

Gonzo 08-18-2007 12:45 PM

they should just completly redo mohaa and port it over to 360 and pc

mr.miyagi 08-18-2007 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by geRV
Cheapest ive seen a 640gts was 217. 2900 is slightly better than a gts now but sucks up a lot more power. I honstly think you're better snagging a gts and getting them to install it. 320mb imo would limit you a good bit on some games with demanding texture requirements.

Gonna be a bit over the 500 mark but its a good pc for the price. Just make sure its a proper core 2 duo, E-6850. ... subcat=793

Ta, well I think I'll go for the 320mb and possibly replace it with a 640mb sometime in the future if I need to. I'm guessing it'd be about £550 price-wise for the entire pc, will call them on Monday and start them building. Took them 3 days to build my mates pc, hopefully I'll have it in similar time rock:

Chronic Diarrhea 08-18-2007 01:44 PM

According to everybody who went to the MP summit, the game is awesome. Rudedog was one of those guys.

[quote:c8beb]The map as I noted earlier was awesome – amazingly detailed and much bigger than it used to be. One thing you figure out about Airborne pretty quickly is the game is now three-dimensional, like no other game before it. Rather than bunch of little circle-jerk maps that play for the most part in the X and Y dimensions (maybe with 2nd floors in some buildings if you’re lucky), Airborne maps add the Z dimension – the vertical. From the jump from 800 feet up, to bunkers that go 2-4 stories down, you learn quickly that you have to constantly look up as well as around corners. This totally changes gameplay and makes the maps so much bigger than they are in the overhead.[/quote:c8beb]

[quote:c8beb]One thing I have to note is how nice it is to be back to a game where each team spawns in a consistent place again – no more circle-jerk goofball spawning like in COD.[/quote:c8beb]

[quote:c8beb]Overall I had fun playing the game, and was able to mix charging, laying back, and defending and be effective at each. It’s not restricted, uber-realistic like Red Orchestra or Insurgency, but it’s not noobcannon run-and-gun either, ala COD2. It’s somewhere in the middle, really much like MOH:AA or Spearhead back in the day – comfortable and familiar and a good balance.[/quote:c8beb]

[quote:c8beb]The sounds were AMAZING – all around, they were probably the best sounds I’ve heard in any game, hands down, with Red Orchestra coming in second. Whoever the sound designer was EA, give them a raise and a promotion, then use them in every FPS game you ever put out from here forward. The environment is detailed, believable, and very well constructed. I can’t say enough about how well the game sucks you into the environment.[/quote:c8beb]

[quote:c8beb]When talking with Tom Hess one night over barley sodas, we were describing some of the fun we’d had during the day playing, and some particular situations that had us laughing and really enjoying ourselves. Tom said "You know what we call that? Crack. Gaming crack" (ie - it's addicting).[/quote:c8beb]

[quote:c8beb]The Allies of course get the best part of all – maneuvering your parachute to land on someone and then kicking them in the head for the kill – the newest form of ownage and possibly the coolest ever. 100% crack. The bash is still there and still cool (in fact, the bash reminded me of Spearhead’s bash like no game since), but the kick to the head beats all. PK got the best one of all when he somehow managed to kick two guys at once who were standing next to one another – just awesome![/quote:c8beb]

mr.miyagi 08-18-2007 03:54 PM


I think us gamers are going to be quite spoilt in the coming months with all these great games.

I'll be buying Bioshock and Airborne for sure.
Hopefully we can get a forum Airborne server going at some stage beer:

geRV 08-18-2007 03:56 PM

Bioshock, Airborne, Crysis,

2 within the space of about 2 weeks. eek:

Forte 08-18-2007 04:00 PM

thank god my roommate is bringing a 360. I still hope it will come out for Mac.

mr.miyagi 08-18-2007 04:07 PM

Bioshock + Airborne + Team Fortress 2 ( with Portal, Episode 2)


Almost forgot TF2, although I think it was pushed to January amirite?

geRV 08-18-2007 04:20 PM

Already got teamfortress-episode 2 and portal, ati deal with the 2900, hasn't started preloading yet though as its still being finished off. biggrin:

MuZzA 08-18-2007 07:13 PM

I got two key cards for the the two packages (TF2, left for dead etc) I should of only got one rock:

mr.miyagi 08-18-2007 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by MuZzA
I got two key cards for the the two packages (TF2, left for dead etc) I should of only got one rock:

my address send thx

snipeymagoo 08-18-2007 07:21 PM

Does anyone here have a comp that will run this with more than 50 fps besides gerv?

MuZzA 08-18-2007 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by snipeymagoo
Does anyone here have a comp that will run this with more than 50 fps besides gerv?

I think I can biggrin:

rudedog 08-18-2007 07:46 PM

yep x6800 8800GTX ultra SC 2 gigs of ram and 2x150 rapters

If they can fix the MP side of things then the game will rock, however we are having a bit of an issue getting any straight answer out of EA... like things change LOL.

geRV 08-19-2007 09:48 AM


Originally Posted by rudedog
yep x6800 8800GTX ultra SC 2 gigs of ram and 2x150 rapters

If they can fix the MP side of things then the game will rock, however we are having a bit of an issue getting any straight answer out of EA... like things change LOL.

Pack of cunts imo, they showed an obviously buggy mp component then blackhat gets his panties in a twist when its reported as being buggy. I dont get why the fps admin site is ex communicated, a number of other places reported exactly the same thing, that it was buggy but the bugs were being reported and fixed at the same time. stupid:

Scorpion -]M15F1T[- 08-19-2007 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by geRV

Originally Posted by rudedog
yep x6800 8800GTX ultra SC 2 gigs of ram and 2x150 rapters

If they can fix the MP side of things then the game will rock, however we are having a bit of an issue getting any straight answer out of EA... like things change LOL.

Pack of cunts imo, they showed an obviously buggy mp component then blackhat gets his panties in a twist when its reported as being buggy. I dont get why the fps admin site is ex communicated, a number of other places reported exactly the same thing, that it was buggy but the bugs were being reported and fixed at the same time. stupid:

Why what happened??

geRV 08-19-2007 10:47 AM

[quote="Scorpion -]M15F1T[-":727c2]

Originally Posted by geRV

Originally Posted by rudedog
yep x6800 8800GTX ultra SC 2 gigs of ram and 2x150 rapters

If they can fix the MP side of things then the game will rock, however we are having a bit of an issue getting any straight answer out of EA... like things change LOL.

Pack of cunts imo, they showed an obviously buggy mp component then blackhat gets his panties in a twist when its reported as being buggy. I dont get why the fps admin site is ex communicated, a number of other places reported exactly the same thing, that it was buggy but the bugs were being reported and fixed at the same time. stupid:

Why what happened??[/quote:727c2]

Rudedog used to get info from the ea community liason "blackhat", some fansite owners got invited to try the mp component of the game, turned out there were some pretty bad bugs with aiming, something to do with the engine rendering too many frames ahead plus ea were gonna release the game with an xbox style server setup which had fuck all in terms of customisation. At the event though this stuff was pointed out to ea who went aobut fixing it, but the majority of sites still reported the issues as thats what they experienced, they also mentioned that fixes were being worked on.

Some sites held back on the story though and were given a virtual handjob by ea by being invited back to try the fixed game. Since that story though BlackHat seems to pretty much have excommunicated rudedog. stupid:

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