Originally Posted by Pyro
Originally Posted by geRV
Originally Posted by Pyro
I guess you know that term eh Gerv.
What happened to you man...you were cool before, now you're just an asshole.
The term "paddy", nah pyro ive just been alive 27 years in Ireland and never head that one before. oOo:
Like asking a canadian has he ever felt the cold or seen the snow. stupid:
Either way...why don't you come on MSN anymore and you seem to only talk to loser Offtopic mods like bucky.
MSN bores me thats why, most of the time trying to string a conversation together on msn is virtually impossible due to people stopping it dead in its tracks with retarded comments, or "as short as humanly possible" contributions to it. why would i waste my time trying to talk to people who seemingly have a word one response to anything and everything?
Ive been on msn about twice this year and nothings changed so i don't bother anymore. Id be suprised if my accounts still active at all. I doubt if i'll ever be online on msn again so the account can rot for all i care.