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[DAS REICH] Blitz 09-18-2007 04:31 PM

[quote="mr.miyagi":8c438]This game is fucking amazing, I even bought it for my mate too

So much fun and runs on everyones computers perfectly. Some people say it runs better than counter strike source rock:[/quote:8c438] blashphemy!

Stammer 09-18-2007 04:38 PM

Amazing - it's really the only way I can describe it.

So far I've had a hard time winning because my teams are usually full of idiots like bradboi1019293 who insist on being Sniper/Spy number 7 out of 7 while I'm trying to find a Heavy or Soldier, to heal, who doesn't think the shotgun is their main weapon.

Other than that, everything else is great. The game runs amazing on my computer at high settings and the game play is fun too. No bugs to report of either.

Chronic Diarrhea 09-18-2007 06:02 PM

Yeah I've got latest drivers. That wouldn't be the problem anyway. I can play for about 3 minutes and then it just freezes up. There's no actual error prompt, just a lock-up, and I have to alt-tab out. Pisses me the fuck off.

mr.miyagi 09-18-2007 07:11 PM

[quote="Chronic Diarrhea":e62fd]Yeah I've got latest drivers. That wouldn't be the problem anyway. I can play for about 3 minutes and then it just freezes up. There's no actual error prompt, just a lock-up, and I have to alt-tab out. Pisses me the fuck off.[/quote:e62fd]

My mate is having the same problem so i looked on the Steam forums and theres loads of people crashing on startup. People have tried lots of things like turning audio to medium, adding commands to the launcher, etc but no fix as of yet

This is where the Beta part of it comes in I guess...

Chronic Diarrhea 09-18-2007 09:45 PM

Yeah I dunno. I reinstalled the game and now it seems to only crash when somebody wins a round. I tried turning EVERYTHING off/lowest and that doesn't help. The only thing that fixes the problem is to go to your task manager and delete gameoverlay.uax

According to that huge thread on the matter, some of the people who sound intelligent seem to think it is due to a memory leak. A ton of people are having the exact same problem as I, so I'm not too worried about it.

As for the game, it's very fun. It's definitely nothing like anything I've played in the past. All of the classes are awesome, particularly spy, demo, and heavy. Heavy + medic = domination.

geRV 09-19-2007 10:45 AM

The pyro i feel is still a little useless. The flamethrower is very deceiving and its hard to tell if the flames hitting the enemy or not, if you;re moving forwards at the time its really deceiving and hard to tell. It seems the best way is to practically teabag the enemy and be right on top of them to hit them with it which isn't very practical. Hopefully they tune it a bit more for the final release.

Milla 09-19-2007 01:47 PM

Someone buy it for me so we can play, i'm going to Iraq in Dec so if i buy it when its released for real i wont even be able to play it...


mr.miyagi 09-20-2007 08:28 AM

with bioshock this is one of the games of the year!

having so much fun with the Spy biggrin:

Chronic Diarrhea 09-20-2007 10:32 AM

[quote="mr.miyagi":650f3]with bioshock this is one of the games of the year!

having so much fun with the Spy biggrin:[/quote:650f3]

Hah yeah same here. The Spy is a good class, and it always pisses me off to get knifed by one. I saw a funny encounter the other day. Two spies were disguised as the other spy, and they ran by each other. Both stopped, figured out something wasn't quite right with that, and started shooting at each other.

geRV 09-20-2007 10:45 AM

I find it funny when i see a guy and hover my crosshair over him only for my name to show up. Blast the shit out of him and get "omg how did you know who i was". biggrin:

geRV 09-21-2007 04:24 PM


happy: biggrin:

mr.miyagi 09-27-2007 01:55 PM

try fov_desired 90 if you get motion sickness or just fancy a change of field of view, I changed to 90 and I prefer it now. The default is 75 and the max is 90

you enter it into the console, which is enabled in controls > advanced


FOV 75

FOV 90

I think it writes it to the cfg file so you should only need to do it once and is of course easily reversed rock:

mr.miyagi 09-30-2007 08:11 PM

Here are loads of Tips if you can be assed to read em all biggrin:

General/All classes:
-look at your team’s classes. Is it balanced? For example: Defending teams should have at least two engineers, attacking teams should have at least two medic soldier/heavy combos. Know the maps and what situation you are in. If you can’t get past those 3 sentries but there are no spies on your team and you can’t get an uber going, are you going to win?
-It's a good idea to look at what your teammate’s classes are, because you should always adapt to the fucking situation. Most, but not all of the time you will need at least one medic. If soldier isn't working out for you, switch it up. If your teammates aren't switching, YOU switch. I hate playing medic, but last night I was able to remain up at the top of the scoreboard most of time as a medic. If you are a good medic and have paired with a decent soldier/heavy -you will rape the shit out of the other team and reap the benefits.
-you have a secondary weapon - use it. It's much better to switch to your shotgun or pistol and take someone out instead of reloading your primary.
- Watch the walls for red/blue dots for snipers. After playing for a bit, you'll know where sniper hot-spots are and will know if there's sniper or not. I saw so many people run right into the dot and die instantly
- The most effective way of subtly checking for spys is to run into teammates. You (roughly) clip through teammates, but you will bounce off spies.
-If we're having a spy problem, I prefer going pyro and spamming the shit out of everyone :)
-Still have a spy problem? Look for cloaked blurs and smoke. When in doubt, shoot jump and run around to keep that spy uncomfortable.
-USE COVER. Keep your back to a wall to prevent backstabs. Use corners to cut off line of sight if you're hurt. Don't be afraid to retreat a bit and find health packs or to let your medic heal you. Even with a medic you're not invincible, and you should retreat, even if only for a second or two, if you take serious damage.
-bind the ‘e’ key for reloading, you won’t accidentally call for medics when you only need some ammo. You also avoid bugging medics who have better things to do. Move the medic command somewhere else, it’s still very useful.
-by crouch jumping you can access places that otherwise you cannot.
- learn the placement of all med packs and ammo/metal boxes in each map. Use them to your advantage.
-If you’re still learning, don’t worry about it.
-You can mute players by pressing escape (probably have to move the server list window out of the way) and click "mute player" then choose the player you want to mute.

Notes on medics and ubercharge:
- You can't cap while uber
-If you are being assisted by a medic, watch for your ubercharge meter. When that hits 100% your medic can make you invulnerable for a short period of time. This is a great way to take out entrenched sentries and push for cap points.
-Your medic’s ubercharge meter will rise faster if he is healing damage, so perhaps try to take some damage without charging into action. Stick your head out there fire off some rounds and fall back. Soldiers should continuously rocket jump. Don’t lead your medic into the line of fire or a room with 1000 enemies. Remember, your medic is healing you, not himself.
-Save the ubercharge until you're damaged you still heal when invulnerabling.
-If you are ubered up, take action! Your medic has invested valuable time getting to this point, don’t waste the opportunity.
- Take the bullet for the medic. If the medic is healing you and you see a rocket heading straight for him, jump in the way. Of course, not always possible, but when it is, it's better to take the blow and get healed than lose the medic.
-If I am your medic and someone runs up to us with 5 health and is on fire, give me a sec to heal him up before you charge in to battle. The more points healed, the closer to ubercharge for a fire fight.
-I hate it when I am healing a soldier/hwguy and they run away from me forcing me into the line of fire. You guys needs to respect the fact that medics will die for you, but will be able to heal you better if you are smart enough to stay near cover.
-If you have a medic with you, keep an eye on them! I can’t count how many times I could have been saved if the person I was healing looked back every once in a while to make sure I wasn't being killed by an enemy who came from behind.
-If I see an uber, and I'm a soldier or demo, I try to knock the medic away from the heavy with explosions. (if the medic’s healing stream disconnects, the other player looses invuln)
-If you encounter a medic healing your assailant, aim for the medic first. He will take normal damage unless invulned.
-You can switch uber targets! Stop healing person #1 and he'll stop being invincible. Start healing person #2 and he is now invincible. Typically, though, do not do this, because it's fucking stupid. First, you waste a second or two of your very limited invul time. Stupid! Second, the person you were ubering thinks he is invincible. He's probably charging straight down the gullet of a level three sentry guarded by a heavy, a pyro, and fifteen thousand sticky bombs. You take off his invul and he's dead before he even knows what the fuck. Stupid! Third, the person you're switching thinks he's gonna die, because there's a level three sentry guarded by a heavy, a pyro, and fifteen thousand sticky bombs. He's probably running the fuck away so he's not dead before he knows what the fuck. Therefore, you're wasting even more of your precious, limited invul time. Stupid! The only time I switch invul targets is when the person I'm healing is stupid and runs away rather than charging in, guns blazing. I'd rather waste two seconds of my invul time switching targets and waiting for him to turn around and run back into the fray than waste all ten seconds on some idiot who's taking cover behind a boxcar. Ugh.
-don't expect a medics healing to do anything at all if you start to take successful critical shots. Even heavies can be instantly killed regardless of how many medics are on him if somebody gets some crits on him.
-If you have a good medic... Try to keep between your medic and danger. The longer the medic stays alive, the longer you stay alive. If your medic stops healing you for any reason, spin around with your gun firing. There's a good chance he got Spy'd. You can take a stab or two to the face. Backstabs are instant death. If you get ubercharged, ATTACK. Don't sit there with your thumb up your ass. Attack! You cannot die for ten seconds, but the enemy can. Make sure they do. Attack! Take out sentries first, followed by enemy medics, followed by whoever and whatever else is looking dangerous. A good medic will ubercharge you if either of you are going to die in combat. Although it's best to save the ubercharges for entrenchments, it's still better to use it and stay alive than it is to die with it unspent. Don't sit there and berate him.
-if you lose a great medic, hang back behind the front line (second wave) and stay alive until he comes back. If you alternate deaths, you'll never meet up again.
-A heavy with a proper medic (or two) will deal way more damage per second than even a super-accurate soldier. For sheer firepower a medicated heavy is hard to top.
-you should see what 2 heavies + 2 ubers at the same time does. A team was doing that to us and they just steamrolled us.
-perhaps a great setup tactic would be two soldiers, two heavies, and two medics. The soldiers rocket jump like bunnies in heat while their medics rapidly achieve 100% ubercharge status. The medics then switch to the heavies for ultimate surprise carnage with the soldiers in tow cleaning up the aftermath.

-Your job is find a hole and sneak through it. It doesn't matter if they see you doing it, they can't catch you.
-Flank constantly. You shouldn't engage in many head on fights. You might win, but you'll die in the next one.
-Once you've set up behind their front line scout out the objective. TELL THE TEAM if there are turrets and where they are. Only in very rare circumstances should you try to kill a turret yourself.
-In a lot of levels there are upper floors that no one who is any threat to you really uses. This is a safe haven full of free kills and plentiful health, and flank routes. People will eventually come up and chase you around but only another scout is a concern (everyone else you can run from or kill). Drop down to kill the respawning medics who run by, or anyone else really. You'll get good scores on these levels and be very useful.
- learn the placement of all med packs in each map because you'll be running around picking them up pretty frequently. Of course that knowledge helps all classes, but the Scout can take advantage of frequent med pack pickups the most.
- the pistol is a great annoyance weapon at range. It can get people to back off down long hallways and even distract snipers. You probably won't get many kills with it but it's far from useless.
-You can DM with pretty much any class but you have to get in close for your shotgun to do good damage. Run around in circles and stay airborne as much as possible. Avoid closing with pyros head on.
-You cap at double the rate, but you alert the enemy to your position if you're solo. On some maps (like well), you can cap so fast that the defense can't react. On others (like gravel) it takes a lot to cap so you can't really solo cap.
-If you can drop down on someone, wait to fire until your gun is right on their head.
-You have the advantage of being able to get to where you're needed the most the fastest. You're most useful on offense, but you can play D or chase the intelligence carrier if the situation arises.

-Utilizing the soldier’s ability to rocket jump can be clutch sometimes.
-crouching while rocket jumping gives you more air
-always keep an eye on your rockets available and constantly reload, especially before engaging the other team.
-Be able to swap between your rockets and your shotgun quickly. That quick shot could be all you need to take out your enemy once your rockets are gone and that time you spend reloading your rockets (and pray to god you dont miss) could mean your death. Anticipate your enemies movements as well
-a medic’s uber charge will increase to 100 faster if you are taking damage. Continuously rocket jump while a medic is assisting you to uber-up quicker.
-long ranged rockets are a great sentry gun neutralizer
-rocket jump script (may not work on some servers):
alias +rocketjump "+attack;;+jump;+duck"
alias -rocketjump "-attack;-jump;-duck"
bind X "+rocketjump"

-as a pyro its good to switch to shotgun after you've lit the guy on fire but is running away out of reach from your flame
-Distance (or better lack of distance) is key - the closer you are the more damage you deal - also try to keep the flame on your target - they die quicker.
-The real secret to the pyro, in my opinion ( this has been the same since tf1), is that the flames move out in waves at a constant speed - and the speed has nothing to do with the speed you are moving at. This means an enemy will be hit with far fewer flame waves if he is running away from you, even if you are running after him. He will be hit with FAR more if he is running towards you, even if you are running away. If you can make an enemy come to you while you are holding down the flame, even a heavy will die Very quickly.
-getting in the enemies face is essential. Use the map and your fairly fast speed to your advantage and cut off your enemies running route to blast fire in their face. If your enemy runs away, use ramps and jumps to your advantage to cut them off and use the element of surprise. Good practice can be found in the 2Fort "stairs room/lobby"
-Pyro vs Pyro: go with the shotgun for long range (duh), but if the other pyro gets in close, I say go for the axe. It's a much more comedic kill, and since you both are fire resistant it's a better choice. (They will take reduced damage from direct flame contact however.)
-Pyro vs Heavy: the only time to attack these guys is in very close or from behind. If you can get in real close and use your speed advantage, you can at least take a good chunk of health down before you die
-Pyro vs Scout: you will rock these guys in close quarters or cap points, but out in the open just spread your cheeks and bend over.
-Pyro vs Soldier: you'll probably get rocked in open areas if you're equal in DM skill unless you can close the distance to user your flamethrower. The main problem is the distance between really long range where it's easy to dodge the rockets (and you can use your shotty), and mid-short range where you can't use the flamethrower yet and the rockets and splash damage are the most effective.
-Pyro vs Spy: flame everyone including teammates, problem solved, unless the spy is Sweet Lew
-Pyro vs Demoman: I treat these guys pretty much like heavies, if I can get the jump on them I'll charge in from behind, or if I'm already real close, but one good shot and you're done.
-Pyro vs Medic: Probably the most fun to toast. These should be your primary targets always. They burn so nicely, and most of the time they're too busy healing to defend themselves, or if they defend themselves, their heal target is on his way to dying.

-Utilizing the demo’s ability to sticky jump can be clutch sometimes.
-Stick grenades have great range when your charge their firing (hole down the sticky fire button) for an additional amount of time. And good places to sticky bomb up are always choke points (hidden from view as best as possible), capture points, and flag/briefcase rooms.
-I like planting stickies on the inside of doorframes, then baiting enemies to follow you. When they walk through the door, hit your secondary, and BLAM-O, insta-paste.
- when using the stick gernades i deploy out all the nades and reload then switch to my primary nade launcher gun. if someone runs over the stick nades you can still right-click to blow them up while holding the primary weapon (4 nade launcher). afterwards pull out your stick gernade launch and place more stick nades down. rinse and repeat.
-If you can predict where your enemy is going to run successfully you can plant enough explosives in their way to trip them up. When you're facing a foe with a medic, focus on arcing your shots in the path of the medic. Medics tend to swing around the other way of their target, much like an 18 wheeler (wide right and left turns). Firing rounds behind an enemy medic is always a pretty good idea as they tend to retreat quick. When planting sticky grenades, dont just clump them up in a pile. Sure, it makes for great burst damage but more often than not you'll explode them prematurely and your target will live on, but if you lay out your sticky grenades nicely you can rig an entire room to go kaboom. Do not hesitate to lure your enemies into your rigged room. Once they're in the room, press the detonator, and watch the gibs fly!
-My personal strategy (that gets me countless control point defenses) is to always put all 8 of your sticky grenades onto your teams control point that the enemy is trying to take. That's obvious but I think too many demomen stick around too close to their control points once they've done this. Don't get into the thick of battle after laying down your sticky grenades. What I do is after laying down my sticky grenades is I'll find a place where I can shoot my grenades to slow down the enemies offense without putting myself in too much danger. Longer hallways or around corner works well. The key is not to die. You can stay there holding them back for as long as you want with your main grenades and you can retreat anytime you think you might die. But the absolute second you hear the announcement that your control point is being taken you detonate your sticky grenades. You don't have to be near it, you don't have to see the guy you most likely just killed. I'd say 85% of the time you'll end up killing someone.
-you can detonate sticky bombs by alt-firing your grenade launcher. no need to switch back to the sticky bomb gun.
- whenever possible stick the stickies to the ceiling. The game is designed to draw your vision to the floor area, but most people will never see the sticky grenades above until it is too late. (also on the sides of corners and other key places work well too.)

- Right-click for heavies spin their guns without shooting so it allows you to shoot the primary without the start up time. However, you walk extremely slow when you're doing this
-Of all the classes, you have the most hit points but This does not mean you're invincible. As a heavy, your number one priority should be staying alive. You're so slow that if you die, you can miss half the match trying to find your way back to the action.
-Get a medic. You are ten times deadlier with a medic. More on this later.
-Do not charge entrenchments without support. A L2 or L3 sentry gun will kill you dead, unless you somehow manage to drop on it point blank with your gun already spinning. Even then, you might die.
-Keep aware of your surroundings. Know where sniper nests are and take cover from them. When you're firing, you're even slower than normal. The worst sniper in the world can get a headshot on you. Know where sentry guns usually sit, and watch out for spies.
-Watch your ammo count. Pick up fallen weapons and ammo boxes. Sascha uses a lot of ammo. A lot! If you run out of bullets, your effectiveness drops through the basement. Fire in controlled bursts. Keep your gun spinning (Mouse2) when there's no enemies on screen (but you know they're around) but don't keep firing bullets at corners.
-Know your optimum firing distance. Don't just spray and pray. Sascha has a really huge spread and sucks for long distance. Your best at mid range and closer. Face to face, enemies sometimes die before they realize what's happening.
-Bad medics, the ones that constantly switch healing targets, stand completely still (making them cannon fodder), or abandon you, simply aren't worth your time. Play as if they're not even there, or treat them like mobile dispensers. A good medic is your best friend. If Sascha is your lover, your medic is that wonderful contraceptive that lets you fuck her bareback without risk of pregnancy.
-If you have a good medic... Try to keep between your medic and danger. The longer the medic stays alive, the longer you stay alive. If your medic stops healing you for any reason, spin around with your gun firing. There's a good chance he got Spy'd. You can take a stab or two to the face. Backstabs are instant death. If you get ubercharged, ATTACK. Don't sit there with your thumb up your ass. Attack! You cannot die for ten seconds, but the enemy can. Make sure they do. Attack! Take out sentries first, followed by enemy medics, followed by whoever and whatever else is looking dangerous. A good medic will ubercharge you if either of you are going to die in combat. Although it's best to save the ubercharges for entrenchments, it's still better to use it and stay alive than it is to die with it unspent. Don't sit there and berate him.
-if you lose a great medic, hang back behind the front line (second wave) and stay alive until he comes back. If you alternate deaths, you'll never meet up again.
-If you are about to get an übercharge and have less than 100 ammo find the nearest dropped weapon/dispenser/ammo box before its ready. Nothing is worse than getting über and then having to whip out the shotgun. Not only is it not as powerful but the time it takes to spin down and switch is a huge waste.

-your dispenser heals teammates and dispenses ammo and metal
-a good engie can play offense too. teleporters and dispensers first instead of sentries. any engie who builds a sentry before a dispenser makes baby jesus cry though, defense or not.
-right click rotates a sentry 90 degrees when you're placing it.... allows you to fit them snugly in corners
-The only bad thing is that if you place it right in a corner you can't get behind it to constantly wrench it and to be safe from spy backstabs. I'm thinking normally its best to keep it going the right direction and back yourself in the corner and place it like that unless its a tight situation or some other reasons.
-Ya, and you can also be shot by your own sentry so going over to repair/upgrade while a scout is running past could cause the sentry to fill you with bullets.
-I think right clicking also rotates teleporter exits too. I appreciate the time saved with a teleport, but it's kind of distracting teleporting face first staring into a wall.:(
- Right-click rotates teleporters too so you can make people spawn without facing the wall. There's an arrow on the blue map when you're placing it down
-On over time your number one priority is to build a dispenser!
-I usually build a telleport entrance first on all maps. Just outside of the primary spawn. Than Ill keep moving the exit as the front line changes.
-one of my pet peeves is when someone builds a SG first in an area with limited ammo refills. most notable on gravelpit, location A on defense. I always rush there and first thing i do is drop a dispenser sense the only refill is the thing that spawns on the ground, and its only 100 metal every time. I drop the dispenser, and pick up the metal thing there then drop a SG and then bang my dispenser to make it build faster, while im doing this some smacktard comes up and builds an SG first, then mooches off my dispenser so he can finish his SG. It hurts both of us cus we are both fishing for metal now and by the time the gates open we have 2 level 1 SGs which are useless, cus hes a smacktard. Tldr: BUILD DISPENSERS FIRST
-The engineer should always build a dispenser 1st by their sentry gun no matter where it is because it also heals teammates and them so they can wrench the sentry gun, get healed and get more metal all at once.
-i dont build right next to each other because demo and soliders have too easy a time taking them BOTH out. placement is key. building the dispenser around the corner, behind a rock, or in a shed will keep the dispenser alive longer and help further keeping the SG and dispenser and teammates alive.
-it really depends on the situation IMO.
-banging with the wrench cuts build time in half! 20 seconds on TPs and Dispensers without banging, 10 seconds with banging. 10 seconds on SG without banging, 5 with banging.
-sometimes its not easy or useful to build TPs IE. in sudden death. After getting my dispenser up (WHICH SHOULD ALWAYS BE YOUR FIRST BUILD IN SUDDEN DEATH) and my SG, if i have the extra metal i will build TPs around the back ways to my SG/Dispensers. The spots i build them don't really make them useful for transporting people, but they are useful as a giveaways for spys. A stupid spy will see them as an easy target and sap them, thus giving me a heads up that theres a spy on their way to my important stuff so i should be aware. I do this a lot on hydro when there are back door paths.
-build a sentry gun behind a strategic location. Run forward to engage your unsuspecting victim. He’ll think you’re an easy engie kill, so run back and he’ll die by your sentry as he runs to get you. Repeat. Profit.
-keep in mind your sentry gun doesn’t have an infinite range, is it out of the line of fire from soldiers and snipers?
-feel free to experiment with your sentry gun placement. Try to place them a little way away from the corners to avoid splash damage from rockets and grenades. Look for buildable spots on crates, boxes, and other parts of the environment.
-If spies are pestering you, just sit around and whack away at your sentry. Although it’s tedious and boring, If they decide to stab you, the sentry goes nuts and kills them. If they place a charge, you obviously know who is a spy (plus it will be stopped) and they're at your mercy - shoot at them and if they shoot back... well... your sentry is gonna fuck them up :)

-your healing gun should be your primary weapon. Using it will raise your ubercharge. When it reaches 100% you are ready to unleash all holy hell upon your enemies.
-get the fuck out of the intelligence room and get on the front line. stop healing that sniper fool!
-don't burn the uber too early, I've seen that happen a lot. Stay out of sight as the medic and give your target time to get in the right area to start causing havoc. Since the Heavy & Soldier move slow, you can really waste valuable seconds if not careful. Uber lasts 10 seconds.
- If I'm a medic and someone calls for one, unless we're in the heat of things, most of the time I'll switch off the heavy to heal the guy. Reasons being is that the hurt guy will probably die if I don't get over to him, and the ubercharge will fill up a lot faster healing a guy that's hurt. Once the guy is healed, the uber is ready to be unleashed and I'll go back to the original heavy that I was supporting.
- the ubercharge will fill up a lot faster healing a guy that's hurt
-Medics need to coordinate with their healees when they're going to use it. one of my big WTFs is when I'm standing around reloading and a medic just uses up their uber on me. I'm always just like WTF are you doing? I'm not even close to an enemy.
-Once, someone yelled at me because I "wasted" it but was really getting sniped and shot at, so dying would truly be wasting it.
-Once you hit Uber, you, the Medic, are invincible until it runs out. The person you are healing is only invincible so long as you are healing them.
-You can switch uber targets! Stop healing person #1 and he'll stop being invincible. Start healing person #2 and he is now invincible. Typically, though, do not do this, because it's fucking stupid. First, you waste a second or two of your very limited invul time. Stupid! Second, the person you were ubering thinks he is invincible. He's probably charging straight down the gullet of a level three sentry guarded by a heavy, a pyro, and fifteen thousand sticky bombs. You take off his invul and he's dead before he even knows what the fuck. Stupid! Third, the person you're switching thinks he's gonna die, because there's a level three sentry guarded by a heavy, a pyro, and fifteen thousand sticky bombs. He's probably running the fuck away so he's not dead before he knows what the fuck. Therefore, you're wasting even more of your precious, limited invul time. Stupid! The only time I switch invul targets is when the person I'm healing is stupid and runs away rather than charging in, guns blazing. I'd rather waste two seconds of my invul time switching targets and waiting for him to turn around and run back into the fray than waste all ten seconds on some idiot who's taking cover behind a boxcar. Ugh.
-dont be afraid to pair yourself up with a demoman or pyro. You can unleash hell. Sure, Heavies got some good damage and health, but they are slow as hell. With your speed matching that of a pyro or a demoman, you can really do some heavy offensive damage.
- (as a spy) I hate when I am disguised and a medic on my team starts healing me haha. only time I ever don't want a medic hanging out with me. bigger giveaway than when you catch fire while cloaked.

-Whenever I play sniper, I play it as the support role that it's meant to function as. I pick off people who are hurting my team's offensive units, and I always aim for medics, sentries, and engineers before anything else. A good sniper on a team can greatly ease the burden of any offensive push due to the snipers ability to rid the battlefield of the opposing team's support classes.
-Your sniper rifle projects a telltale laser dot on the wall you are aiming at, if you can, hide it on a surface the opposing team can’t see.
-While you are zoomed in with your sniper rifle, you have a charge that rises to 100% to do more damage.
-Snipers can be an effective long range sentry gun neutralizer, I suggest taking out the engineer first.
- use the secondary nail gun to pick out spys.. i've found it to be the most useful weapon for 'spy checking' due to its high rate of fire

-mouse2 cloaks no matter the weapon, watch your meter and use it wisely, hide, and wait for a full recharge before using it again if possible.
-disguised spys can call for medics and be healed by the enemy
-if you change disguise while cloaked as a spy you will still create that smoke and give away your position
-When choosing a disguise, always choose a costume that runs just as fast as you. Never pick a Soldier, HWG or scout. The soldier and HWG disguise slow you down and make backstabbing a real pain. The scout cover doesn't slow you down but it doesn't speed you up or give you the double jump either and these facts make it easier for the other team to uncover your true identity.
-Mind your killing grounds and your costume accordingly. Front lines are good for the demoman costume, behind them it's engineers territory and nothing beats the ploy of the engineer keeping watch over his sg to scope out your playing field. The pyro is often used when the other team is tired of getting ganked from behind so dress accordingly.
-Snipers can't see you when sniping but they listen for footsteps since this is their only defense against you. Just walk up to them and hit them as much from behind as possible (if they hug the wall). Even missing your back stab will lead to their death since all they can do is switch to their smgs and hope for the best while 2-3 quick stabs will do the trick in much less time.
-Your invisible cloak is your friend: use it sparingly and wisely. Find some place no one ever goes (preferably with a health pack spawn) to recharge it and then pounce on the poor sheep.
-High grounds are great for surprise back stabs. Taking a little damage from a fall is well worth a medic+HWG kill.
-Guns are perfect for long distance engie buildings kill. Try to get one that's unattended, find a hiding spot far away and shoot. The bullets from that gun are very precise.
-Saps can kill a turret even when an engie is trying to get rid of them. Just keep the sg in between you and the engineer and continue planting saps on it until it explodes.
-Spies are one of the best defense class. just hang around an hallway or room leading to your base/objective and an entire offense party can fall to your knife.
-Kill off the medics before they get uber and try to get them to heal you at the same time. They'll hate you forever though. (I once got a medic to uber me when I was disguised as a demo, hilarious)
-Don't let the engineers get too comfy, keep them running for metal.
- no matter what weapon the spy is wielding, he appears to be using the default weapon of the kit he's impersonating
- When running toward an enemy base while disguised, that's when they're most likely to shoot you to see if you're on the wrong team. If you're calling for a medic, or backpedaling into their base, they're less likely to shoot you but it won't fool everyone.
- Spys are great at capturing CPs in some situations. Even if you don't make the cap, it can distract the other team long enough to allow your team to make a push. If a Demoman has the CP covered in stickies, the Spy is great for taking him out.
- I hate when I am disguised and a medic on my team starts healing me haha. only time I ever don't want a medic hanging out with me. bigger giveaway than when you catch fire while cloaked.
-Switch your costumes up. I find that disguising as an engineer doesn't work as well now because it's the standard spy costume. I'll typically go with Soldier/demo, with the occasional heavy for kicks. I like the heavy disguise because no one suspects you and you can keep an enemy medic occupied for a while.
-act your role. If you're going into the enemy intel room dressed as a soldier, make a quick lap thru the room as if you're just checking on things. Then you can switch to engineer or cloak and sneak in there.
-Spys also make great offensive units. I like disguising as a soldier/demo or medic and joining with an offense party. The amount of chaos this causes is awesome. You can usually take out a medic/hw combo pretty easily.
-I think the best thing to do though is to act the part you're playing. Don't just dress up as the enemy, ACT like the enemy. And use your cloak for getting into believable positions.
-If you're in disguise, and you get shot, DON'T FREAK OUT! If you act like nothing happened, the shooter will assume you're legitimate and go about his business. If you start circle strafing the shooter, he will kill you.
- cloaked/disguised spies, can NOT capture points, shoot your gun or decloak to reveal yourself
-sentry guns won’t shoot at cloaked, undisquised spys
-if you decloak in front of a sentry, it will shoot you
-being disquised, you'll slow down as a heavy or soldier, but you won't go faster if you disguise as a scout.


-I feel pyros do better on defense on this map watching for incoming scouts that try and double jump on the second level or defending the room with the wooden stairs that engineers love to protect. Occasionally, I'll go offense on this map as a pyro, but only if the other team is completely turtling.
-Pryos - getting in the enemies face is essential. Use the map and your fairly fast speed to your advantage and cut off your enemies running route to blast fire in their face. If your enemy runs away, use ramps and jumps to your advantage to cut them off and use the element of surprise. Good practice can be found in the 2Fort "stairs room/lobby"

Thanks bcyde, limpossible

Gravel Pit:
-If you're on offense and the other team is heavy on engineers instead of other troops, just switch to demoman first to clear out the sentries, as a pyro you're pretty much useless against those unless you have a good medic on you. If they're heavy on other types of troops, pyro it up as usual and cause chaos and keep the cap point buring.
-On defense it's pretty much a no brainer, keep the cap room filled with flames for everyone running in and to check for spies. Pop out to keep the medics and demomen running, but I think your best bet is to make sure the scouts and spies are low on health in your cap room. When it gets to defending point C, you may get the urge to branch out from the cap point to try and raise your score, don't. It only takes one skilled spy or scout to end the game for you. Stick close to that tower and constantly run up and down flaming everyone.
-As a soldier I almost single-handedly managed to capture a point on Gravel due to my ability to rocket jump up to the top level of a tower just as the enemies were respawning.
-Always keep an eye on C. If A or B is down, the other is going, and there’s an enemy scout sitting at C, you’re toast.

Thanks bcyde, mittense

- In Dustbowl in the final attack/defend area, a sniper in the lower outpost near the final CP can take out most sentries and people when they don't expect it.

Thanks DHAvatar

Q and A:
Q: Does anyone know what to do when the other team is on defense and does like 7 demos? It was nonstop demo spam down the hallway and we couldn't do shit.
A: your best option is getting an uber out there. If you cannot coordinate that then your team failed.

Q: Has anyone tried defending a map with a heavy next to a medic and a dispenser? He could stand in front of both and take any damage and mow down people with no loss of ammo. And the amount of dmg to overcome the dispenser and medic would be insane.
A: Yeah. I've been on teams where me (the demo), a medic, a heavy, and an engineer defended a tower point solely due to the four-person configuration with dispensers. It's a huge combo.
A: Depends on how open the area is, but a sniper, soldier or demoman should be able to take that out.

Q: How is the pyro’s axe as a weapon? Does it do any kinds of decent damage?
A: Pretty much like all other classes' melee attacks 2-4 good whacks for most classes and they're done.

Q: Do TF2 sentries cut through 2 players at the same time? or does one player's body stop the bullets?
A: bodies stop the bullets. I always try to put the engineer between myself and the sentry because he gets tked by it AND acts as a damage absorber :D

information mostly organized from

geRV 09-30-2007 08:18 PM

I dont need no steeenking tips


engineer is fun happy:

Probably one of the only games on the market that has gameplay where having at least one of each class is a must if you want to win. rock:

KTOG 10-01-2007 07:40 PM

My computer is not handling this very well. Probably a memory leak issue do tho the giant BSOD i got once with the STOP 0x7A error.

Milla 10-11-2007 06:33 PM

My comp runs this game very well with everything cranked up. I play as Engineer mostly, because i suck with everything else.

Milla is my Steam friends name.

mr.miyagi 10-11-2007 06:37 PM


Originally Posted by KTOG (Post 884772)
My computer is not handling this very well. Probably a memory leak issue do tho the giant BSOD i got once with the STOP 0x7A error.

what are your specs?

valve have put fixes out nearly every day for tf2 and steam

mr.miyagi 10-14-2007 01:56 PM

TF2 - Heavies vs. Train

lolz! :D

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