Originally Posted by Pyro
(Post 893837)
Why are the PC people so confrontational?
Webb is just here cuz he hates 360...
The product is not worth the price when it comes to PCs.
you can't say that because it depends on what you want. if you want to play games, ok buy an fps. if you want to browse the internet, have a proper multimedia station, use photoshop, use a calculator, make music, have a million gigs of porn, etc. then how is the product not worth the price? i will gladly pay $1,000 to have a machine that does all these things and so much more. you're wrong.
Originally Posted by Pyro
(Post 893749)
Id say...only RTS
Id rather play COD 4 on xbox 360 than PC now.
On console it is easier to do it wrong...but when it is right...there is no reason to play PC FPS games over consoles...it's pretty much same shit almost.
how you can say they are the same shit is beyond me. mouse vs. joystick + autoaim? yeah, that's different shit. you're wrong.
Originally Posted by Pyro
(Post 893744)
you think PC is the best choice compared to consoles
that can't be proven
how many people int he world actually think that now?
anyone that takes fps gaming seriously. so quite a few. so you're wrong.
Originally Posted by Pyro
(Post 893741)
so you're saying that paying thousands of dollars to keep upgrading your computers for minimul improvements in graphics every few months is better than having a console for like 4 years that plays all games for it at top quality?
as gerv said, no one has to pay "thousands of dollars", a simple graphics card update here and there is all you need.
plays all games at top quality, but that quality will never exceed the console. graphics on pc games can grow as the pc grows; rather than waiting 4 years for the next console to come out. so you're pretty much wrong here.
Originally Posted by Pyro
(Post 893737)
Consoles should get all the attention...they have waited long enough and it is obvious that it is the best choice now.
best choice for who? it's subjective. i like to play an fps properly, in which i have full control over my aim and range of control. i also enjoy having the ability to change graphic options. i enjoy being able to mod games. so you're wrong here again.
Originally Posted by Pyro
(Post 893744)
you think PC is the best choice compared to consoles
that can't be proven
how many people int he world actually think that now?
again, you just said you can't prove pc's are a better choice compared to consoles; but you can say consoles are the better choice to pc's? how does that fucking work?
you are both a hypocrite; and insanely wrong. it boggles my mind, i knew you were stupid to begin with but god damn. it seems as you've grown older you've gotten worse. even that doesn't make any sense.