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fucking typo idiot.But thanks for the moronic reply. I expected no less from you.
[quote="Founding_Law":d70b0]fucking typo idiot.But thanks for the moronic reply. I expected no less from you.[/quote:d70b0]
Make like your girlfriend and blow me. evil: Whoops gotta go zee biotch (your girl) is calling for her nightly fuckathon. yawn cry: |
I bet he's only 13; give or take. Founding, as BallWook stated earlier you shoot deer; they're unarmed..... you COWARD! I've got 20 bucks that says he's some sort of ex-military/police guy when they catch him. noticehow idon't type likethis? .......Unlike you. Besides, if I were you I'd cut my loses, shut the fuck up and hope I don't get banned. Go back to school junior.
Why do I even bother with you ? The moral ?? The moral you say ?? The military and police have been guilty of a number or immoral things in the past. Where do you get off thinking they are pure of heart and good Christian soldiers ?? JFK was assassinated by a redneck trained by the United States Marine Corps....go figure.
[quote:73880]You Say You Have Shot Many Weapons. Could You Shoot Some Unknowing Person With A Scope,and Kill Them In One Shot. I Would Hope So. Are You Have No Skill.[/quote:73880] Huh ?? You would hope so ?? What kind of a sick demented fuck are you ? [quote:73880]Ps in a military/ police action.You actually think the people they shoot at are unsuspecting,Lets say some one has hostages they send in snipers,what ever.If I was that person I would expect something like that wouldn't you.same with a military situation it is war you expect to be shot at.[/quote:73880] Usually, ie all the time, a hostage situation arises, they dont send in snipers, they send in either SWAT, FBI HRT, Marshalls, SFOD-D, SEAL Team 6....you know, snipers act as observers. They have the high ground, and rarely shoot. Oh, they have their nice Robar SR90 or SR60 just incase they NEED to take down a suspect, but the shooting is always done by Entry Team, ie, the guys with the MP5's, M4's.... Hostage takers, are always on edge, thats why they have a police negotiator always talking to them, trying to create a false sense of security for the hostage takers, giving the hostage takers what they want until the negotiator feels he can go no further. THEN, when the suspects are feeling like they are getting what the want, the Entry Team will go into action and do their deed. Military snipers have it completely different. They dont need a "green light" to be able to shoot their prey. In most cases, their targets are always unsuspecting, always guarded, but always unsuspecting. Snipers infiltrate behind enemy lines, make their hide, and wait. The snipers target thinks they are safe in their safe zone, this is what gives the military sniper his advantage. The target and his men dont know the sniper is there, that is why they are so effective and hardly ever caught. They shoot their target from 1000 meters plus, and by the time the guards get their shit together, the sniper team is already on the move. Good or evil, military/police snipers and this murderer are exactly the same. They kill. No-one has the right to take anothers life, whether in war or peace. Killing is wrong. for whatever reason. |
Founding_Law....Please tell me why you are STILL here...Is it not obvious to you, that NOBODY on this whole forum enjoys your company? If it isn't then it is YOU who is the insolent, moron. Infact, it is no question.
So do you enjoy being insulted? Is it fun creating an image of a sad 12 year old whose new phrase is "you Comprehend it." I swear, you have typed this in EVERY reply....Do you not have anything else to say?! GIVE UP FUCK-SACK... This is what you are, what I think, and what most people thing of YOU: Fuck Tard Penis Jockey Cock Smoker Shit Toker Ass Bandit Shaft Gobbler Insolent Git Pussy Loser Moron Imbecile Fool Nut Grasper Upside Down Stool Rider Gear Stick Rider Cock Rider C-Man Slapper Cum Breath Ass Eater And so on.......... |
Test fini
all those .s in the middle of posts are confusing, he must be from california he's not just typing in "lazy english" anymore
pe·ri·od Pronunciation Key (pîr-d) A punctuation mark ( . ) indicating a full stop, placed at the end of declarative sentences and other statements thought to be complete, and after many abbreviations. |
I'll take Insolent Git for 500 Alex.
Founding is a silly Fuck. <---- Notice the full stop ENDING the sentence.
[quote="Founding_Law":75e24].The Intellect On This Forum Is Outstanding. Why Would I Get Banned. Because I Disagreed With Wookie. [quote:75e24]i've Got 20 Bucks That Says He's Some Sort Of Ex-military/police Guy When They Catch Him. Noticehow Idon't Type Likethis?[/quote:75e24] Pls Give Example Of This So Called Typing[/quote:75e24]
Author Message Topic: Is the forum acting weird for anyone? Founding_Law Replies: 8 Views: 74 Forum: Offtopic B.S. Posted: 02 Oct 2002 10:02 Subject: Is the forum acting weird for anyone? some of my post show up in wrong forums.at least they did.seems to be fine now. Topic: What do ya think of Michael Jackson??? Founding_Law Replies: 74 Views: 520 Forum: Offtopic B.S. Posted: 02 Oct 2002 09:56 Subject: What do ya think of Michael Jackson??? Your ingnorance on this subject is great.I work in this field so shut the fuck up pls.And stop useing movies for your research morons.You both own a dictionary we know this,you both have jesse jackson ... Topic: Windows XP help Founding_Law Replies: 13 Views: 73 Forum: Offtopic B.S. Posted: 30 Sep 2002 14:33 Subject: Windows XP help Sounds like mom needs her own computer to mess up.maybe delete her acount make her a new one.or try system restore if you have it on. Topic: THIS FORUM NEEDS AN ENEMA Founding_Law Replies: 20 Views: 182 Forum: Offtopic B.S. Posted: 30 Sep 2002 14:29 Subject: THIS FORUM NEEDS AN ENEMA Inoxx wrote STFU! n00b! your point noob,wtf does that mean.It has nothing to do with you you just but in.Thats rude you'r momma did a good job Topic: THIS FORUM NEEDS AN ENEMA Founding_Law Replies: 20 Views: 182 Forum: Offtopic B.S. Posted: 30 Sep 2002 14:20 Subject: THIS FORUM NEEDS AN ENEMA the truth that tripper is a idiot.it had nothing to do with you.mr qoutes lmao I have you both figured out perfectly.but I won,t go there just love to get you going so easy so very easy.but i would sa ... Topic: What do ya think of Michael Jackson??? Founding_Law Replies: 74 Views: 520 Forum: Offtopic B.S. Posted: 30 Sep 2002 14:14 Subject: What do ya think of Michael Jackson??? ohh tripper since ypu are so dumb.I will use easer words and no slang.Idiot Topic: What do ya think of Michael Jackson??? Founding_Law Replies: 74 Views: 520 Forum: Offtopic B.S. Posted: 30 Sep 2002 14:10 Subject: What do ya think of Michael Jackson??? Most of what you said makes sence ed.But Mr. jackson is not a child care worker.He is a pop star who has no bussiness having little kids sleep over.It is not normal,so people will talk and assume shit ... Topic: What are your thoughts on Eminem!!!!!! Founding_Law Replies: 50 Views: 359 Forum: Offtopic B.S. Posted: 30 Sep 2002 11:12 Subject: What are your thoughts on Eminem!!!!!! Well he is funny as hell.and has somewhat talent.and he dont hang out with little boys like MR>EDjackson. Topic: THIS FORUM NEEDS AN ENEMA Founding_Law Replies: 20 Views: 182 Forum: Offtopic B.S. Posted: 30 Sep 2002 11:08 Subject: THIS FORUM NEEDS AN ENEMA Boy the truth hurts dont it TRIPPER. Topic: What do ya think of Michael Jackson??? Founding_Law Replies: 74 Views: 520 Forum: Offtopic B.S. Posted: 30 Sep 2002 11:03 Subject: What do ya think of Michael Jackson??? In fact tripper.ARe u gay are a child molester.to not agree with me? Topic: What do ya think of Michael Jackson??? Founding_Law Replies: 74 Views: 520 Forum: Offtopic B.S. Posted: 30 Sep 2002 11:01 Subject: What do ya think of Michael Jackson??? the truth hurts your febil mind.What a idiot.dumb fuck Topic: aa.com server Founding_Law Replies: 8 Views: 88 Forum: General Discussion Posted: 30 Sep 2002 10:44 Subject: aa.com server Rude dog is it renamed our gone .I havent seen it in a while .Barely any ckr servers out there. Topic: What do ya think of Michael Jackson??? Founding_Law Replies: 74 Views: 520 Forum: Offtopic B.S. Posted: 30 Sep 2002 10:40 Subject: What do ya think of Michael Jackson??? Mr.ed the idiot.Maybe if fag man jackson didnt hang around little boys .he would not be accused of shit.stop defending him becouse he was black.Oj innocent to ,right Ed. and i spell words wrong so u h ... Topic: THIS FORUM NEEDS AN ENEMA Founding_Law Replies: 20 Views: 182 Forum: Offtopic B.S. Posted: 30 Sep 2002 10:34 Subject: THIS FORUM NEEDS AN ENEMA God can't help you.Oak park boy Topic: Nostradamus.. Founding_Law Replies: 46 Views: 291 Forum: Offtopic B.S. Posted: 16 Sep 2002 11:31 Subject: Nostradamus.. any fucking moron can make predictions about the future and half will come true.so i dub him nostra dumb ass. Take your pick. |
LMAO! Bahaha! What do you say Founding_Law?? Feel Foolish?
Wookie I Never Said Killing Is Good. I Asked You If You Could Shoot Like That.and You Try And Twist What I Said. To Make It Seem Like I Wanted You To Do That Are Condoned That Type Of Action. I Don't. You Are Right In The Moral Thing,for Military. It Is Only Morally Right In There Mind. But That Is A Whole Other Debate. When I Said Moral I Met Like The Allies Vs Nazi. I Think The Allies Were Morally Right. That Was The Example I Wanted To Use. And For The Hostage Thing I Said Snipers Or What Ever.as In Swat,and The List You Went On To Mention. So You Made A Whole Stupid Point About Some Thing That Was In Plane English.but You Didn't Comprehend. But Al Least You Have Smart Rebuttal And Good Debates. I See Your Points And Agree With A Few Of Them But Then Again I Can Admit To Good Points Made By Others. O And Ill Say It For You Law You Made No Good Points. That's What I expect from your intellect.
what the hell is going on here.
so ilrelevent. sentence fragment.
Well that's what my English teach would call both the "sentences" I just posted above Like fuck, are you in grade 1 or something? |
Foolish child
Don't try and cover up your ass-mistakes with an excuse so lame! [quote:4fb81]That Was In Plane English.but You Didn't Comprehend. But Al Least You Have Smart Rebuttal And Good Debates.[/quote:4fb81] There he goes with the Comprehend stuff....! IDIOT!!! BAHAH! ---> [quote:4fb81]like many of you.try more recent pls.i am being [/quote:4fb81] You're a fool! You just did it in the above, while trying to get a more recent example of your grammar! Thanks for giving one to us! |
Now that Founding_Law has been ridiculed and ostracized more ways than Sunday, I hope he shuts up now. If he doesn't, then I fully support the moderators and administrators on their decisions to deal with Founding_Law.
Well, in reality, he really hasnt done anything wrong. He is just stupid. We cant blame him for that. All we can do is try and make his stay as inhospitable as possible. He is welcome to share his views, no matter how utterly stupid they are. I wont threaten him with banning. Why bother. This is classic comedy. I'm loving every minute of it. |
Hunting save's more dear than what are killed. FACT
Holy shit Spooge you hit the nail on the head. I retire and respect you're intelligence. Now I will stop with the game's. It was all in fun.
[quote="Founding_Law":365bd]Holy shit Spooge you hit the nail on the head. I retire and respect you're intelligence. Now I will stop with the game's. It was all in fun.[/quote:365bd]
Damn it!! I've spent about fifteen minutes refreshing the page over and over waiting anxiously for your reply, and that is all you wrote!? But I'm glad to hear that you retired from... I'm glad that I am intelligence, as you put it. |
What a fantastic thread! I'm feeling the Mensa burn. You're intelligence... your intelligence. Genius. If only I had that mental capacity.
You're telling me Spooge, sometimes up to 15 mins, give or take a few mins here and there for the bigger posts of mine. I could have been playing Gran Turismo 2 on the PS2, Buffy the Vampire Slayer on Xbox, MoHAA, Ghost Recon, Op Flashpoint on PC or any number of DVDs but this thread has me coming back for more. It's like some kind of drug....or it's just a perfect example of human stupidity for which I had to be a part of.
Yeah, Shit! Call the Bletchley Park Decoders! I bet the Enigma was nothing compared to Moronic_Law....
theres a $50, 000 reward out for information leading to his arrest.
I wonder how much for shooting him in the back of the head with a .45? I'm an expert at such actions |
Just a question. If this is how a coward kills, do you think that each and every sniper out there in the military or the police is a coward ??[/quote:28b13] Well, a REAL sniper has to contend with the fact that his targets have GUNS and are on the lookout for him, once he fires he has to make a beeline out of there or a company of very bad tempered men with assault rifles will find him and string him up by the balls. This guy is randomly sniping at unarmed civies, who would have no way to shoot back even if they saw him, that is cowardice. |
Sgt stryker wrote.[quote:e508e]Well, a REAL sniper has to contend with the fact that his targets have GUNS and are on the lookout for him, once he fires he has to make a beeline out of there or a company of very bad tempered men with assault rifles will find him and string him up by the balls.
This guy is randomly sniping at unarmed civies, who would have no way to shoot back even if they saw him, that is cowardice. [/quote:e508e] That is the point I tryed to make. The skill is not in the shooting but the get away. any farm boy could more than likely make them shots. So yes it takes some skill. But wookie makes it seem like this guy so good he could shoot through the eye of a needle. Thats an exaggeration of course you can't shoot like that. But I figured I better make that clear or there will be a big flame about that. |
I cannot believe this guy shot a 13 yr old boy going to school today, this sunvuabitch swear to christ he will pay
[quote="Capt. John Miller":05137]I cannot believe this guy shot a 13 yr old boy going to school today, this sunvuabitch swear to christ he will pay[/quote:05137]
He must be using a scoped rifle from somewhere. From what ive read the police were told he's in a white van. People would obviously be very aware of white vans anywhere near them because of this shit so i assume he's quite a distance from the target for an easy escape. |
Shooting people is one thing, but shooting a young boy like that is even worse. Its really sad that things like this happens.
this guy better get the death penalty. M16:
And has anyone noticed kraut kiler hasn;t been about much. eek:
err... eek:
::calls FBI:: |
ninty9, whats the number for the FBI anyway..ive always wanted to know evil:
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