[420SS]RogueWolf |
01-25-2003 12:15 AM |
well guyz this is what i think... u guyz need to fukin grow up. All these bastards out there makin cheats and all these bitches *excuse my language, but i had to say it* in the forumz whining. all u people sayin fuck mohaa....WHAT THE FUCK R U DOIN POSTING HERE!?!?!?!?!? in case u didnt notice this is a mohaa forum. and i mean mohaa might have been givem up by EA but not by its community. the moh comunity is only missing one thing in my opinion. there are no full conversions whatsoever. maybe sumthin like a modern day warfare or red army vs nazis or sumthin liek that. is that like impssible to do ? dunno .. <------ not the best codder lol