Captain Bunny |
02-06-2003 07:17 AM |
[quote="{1CAB}ThiRTeeN":aecf8]After Bush nukes it Iraq will be a overflow parking lot for the super bowl[/quote:aecf8]
Or build a giant school for US kids who can't read good.
I didn't see or hear anything new in powells speech, I almost died laughing at the spy video of the iraqi jet supposidly spraying test chemical weapons.
And then there was the arial photos of supposed weapons warehouses with large bold writing with arrows pointing to blurred items "Warheads" "Boxes of Anthrax" "Map To Saddams Secret Underground Layer"...
I am all for seeing saddam being taken down from having any power or even dead because he is a nutter, but couldnt it be that they assasinate him without going to war with iraq? Wookie, Havocs point was that relations with iraq and indeed the middle east and anyone else with anit-west feelings are pretty much at an all time low, and incase you hadnt noticed, the idea of war hasnt been a very popular choice with the rest of the world too, and thinks maybe now is not a good time to go to war. Vietnam did not get a good public backing and that was from the US civilians themselves, but because the US wants this war, is that good enough reason to ignore anyone elses pleas against war, including the iraqi civilians, and go ahead and bomb the country? If the situation was reversed and you lived in iraq knowing a very powerful country was planning on bombing your country, i dont think you would be too happy about it, even if you hated saddam and wanted him out.
Not that it helps matters, but when 9/11 happened, the US piblic didnt suspect anything, and in a way that was a good thing, everyone was getting on with thier daily lives. we all know how easily we press the panic button at the sign of trouble, britian is particulary bad for it, like the fuel crisis. and Y2K, not everyone is guilty of it, but the majority of the world was buying out shops etc in fear something bad might happen. So imagine how the iraqi civilians feel knowing their country is to be a battle field yet again. but then i suppose they are probably used to it by now. "the americans are coming? when did they leave us in the first place?"
Saddam needs to be taken from power, agreed, but by means other than war as it will just fuel more hatred towards US and britian. Saddam has his people under his thumb, which he gets by force and by beleif in some God. Give iraq a sane and honourable leader who praises god and the iraqi people will follow, and appreciate not being threatened by their leader, and also not being threatened by powerful countries who dont like their leader because they fear he may attack them.
That may sound a picturesque ideal situation of dreamland, but people here think war is good and iraq should be nuked......oOo: