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Colonel 12-14-2002 12:17 PM

Hey ddub, We'd be happy for you to come join us on, AAN or OTD servers. We're easy to find. Just follow the sound of creaking bones or the smell of BenGay. (also some of us have a flatulence problem that tends to give away our position!)

BTW - Oldguy IS really 60 - but he acts more mature than that! biggrin:

Hollywood 12-14-2002 01:31 PM

[quote="Dr.Deleto":2c626]60, GODDAMN, aren't you suppose to be living out of a tube, or some shit. I mean dman, what did you do wrong with your life that your spending the last few years of it playing some shit ass video game! Talk about being a loser, eh vVolf?

P.S. WTF is wrong with ya Henry? 31 and no kids yet, shootin blanks or what?[/quote:2c626]

never mind I just told off Butters but apparently it's a fake Butters.

rudedog 12-14-2002 01:34 PM


Originally Posted by MOMMA
My prediction is if you looked at the IP's of vVolf and his two cronies Dr. Deleto and Airborn_Butters (Not to be confused with Airborne Butters) they would have the same IP. Just a thought...

Your almost correct. Momma but vVolf does not have the same IP or is using any other aliases besides his own.

Now Dr.Deleto ( without a space ) is going buy several other names.

Please watch yourself's. I will be paying close attention b4 I leave on vacation. Next week.

Old Reliable 12-14-2002 01:37 PM

Hey rude when are you going to put the server back to MOHAA?

DANcymru 12-14-2002 01:45 PM

im 13 here! but i play with a 35 yr old called miskebam, shes one players around

henry707 12-14-2002 03:07 PM

Ddub & Vwolf..

You guys are pretty good examples of why threads go the way they do. Why don't you just go on a yahoo chat room or something - might be more fun for ya.

Good luck with the girlfirend hunt biggrin:


vVolf 12-14-2002 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by Hollywood
... And vVolf stop spamming this board please, you say most of your repies are helpful but I've seen a lot that are ignorant and spiteful.

Oh, and allof yourposts are?

Well, anyway. If you dont trust Rude dog, i dont have any other names on here. I knew Dr.Deleto does, but is he using them? Isn't Arborne_Butters (not aIrborne butters) Dr.Deleto?

Hey, i heard there was a 10 year old on the boards. oOo:

Hollywood 12-14-2002 04:30 PM

Yeah I think I trust rudedog, I know your IP doesn't match anyone else's. It was someone else who suggested this.

vVolf 12-14-2002 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by sgtSlaughter

Originally Posted by vVolf
I have a wife, Sheena, and no kids. biggrin:

what a waist of a life 21 and maried oOo:

Learn to spell. And i never asked for your opinion.


Originally Posted by Shakes21
You've been here for a little over a week and you have almost 350 posts?? * cough* spammer* cough*

Go have a look.

rudedog 12-14-2002 05:50 PM

Hehe I hope Hollywood trust me seeing he's my brother.

This is not directed at anyone in this thread, but man will I have some cleaning up to do when I return from my vacation.

vVolf 12-14-2002 05:57 PM

Yeah, you need to delete a lot of inactives on teh forums... I cant wait. Oh, and there is a weird problem on the forums:

When you submit your post, down the bottom where it usually says: Template created by Verrerararaer it changes to (Which is HTML code for just a 'memo' in your Document.

Now, the problem also sometimes results in the two links and all the words around them being deleted. I'll get a screenshot when i get it again. It is very random, and quite annoying.
e.g. [img][/img]

Anyone else get this problem? And can anyone fix it?

GhostRider2AD 12-14-2002 06:29 PM

Hear you have a broken leg. How about I add a few more bones to the list. You and Deleto owe [OTD]Oldguy an appology. Your just blowing smoke on other people to hide you apparent lack of respect for other human beings. I see you qouted everyone that attacked your spaming and bad manners, whats a matter little boy, no balls to go with that scrotum head of yours? That's what I thought, just a PC coward. You can talk the talk but you not man enough to walk the walk. Be a MAN appologize. As far as your blank screen its a JAVA problem with your browser.

vVolf 12-14-2002 07:02 PM

You couldn't break a biscuit.

Yes, i will apologize, but not because you said so, or because you tried to threaten me.

Armed Soilder 12-14-2002 10:58 PM

I'm 16 and i'll be a gamer untill I die fire1: comegetsome:

ddub 12-14-2002 11:38 PM


Ddub & Vwolf..

You guys are pretty good examples of why threads go the way they do. Why don't you just go on a yahoo chat room or something - might be more fun for ya.

Good luck with the girlfirend hunt biggrin:

Excuse me, but just what do you mean? All I did here was ask if there were any old guys playing this game. I didnt take the thread in any other direction than that! I resent whatever you are implying, Mr. Perfect . Maybe you are the one who doesnt belong here if your going to bad mouth me for asking a legitimate, innocent question. Oh, and why are likening me to vVolf, I'm nothing like him. Maybe you should take a look at yourself.

BUTCHER 12-15-2002 12:00 AM

[quote="Airborne Butters":6ac80]Is anyone afraid to turn 18? I'm 17 and will be 18 in 2 weeks, but I'm scared shitless. I'm not ready to be an adult. My mom still cooks, cleans, and does my laundry! And she keeps saying "alright 2 more weeks, then I can legally kick you out!"

I'm kinda afriad she will! She did it to my sister, but that was cause my sister was stupid and droppped out. But whatever.[/quote:6ac80]

judgin from that sig...if thats your pic i would have kicked you out long ago...BUTCHER

vVolf 12-15-2002 12:03 AM

Judging from yoursig, i would have shot you in the face a long time ago.


And where is yourpicture? Give me your picture so i can diss you. lol.

Anyway, back on topic:

We need moreold people! lol, it will be so much funnier with more 60-90 year olds.

v\/olf 12-15-2002 12:07 AM

Now look what you've done you old cocksuckers. Ddub's pussy is all hurting and shit and we'll never hear the end of it. The elderly are a plague upon the planet and this only further illustrates my point. Maybe what we need is some euthanasia for you old fogeys. Shut the fuck up and go change your Depend (Depends is a registered trademark of the Kimberly-Clark Corporation. All names, logos and trademarks are the property of Kimberly-Clark Corporation or its affiliates. Copyright 1997-2002 Kimberly-Clark Corporation. All Rights Reserved.) before grandma has to clean your shit off of the floor again.

vVolf 12-15-2002 12:11 AM


Oh yea, thats reallyme. lol, your mistakes are:

1. You have the worng color font on my sig.
2. You have 1 post... I have like 430.
3. I actually useparagraphs.
4. I can actually spell...

v\/olf 12-15-2002 12:12 AM

Hey, Old Guy!!!!!!!!!!1 [url=]Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11[/url:d9749]

vVolf 12-15-2002 12:15 AM

5. Yoh have the wrong name.
6. You are a complete dick licker.

Pfc.Green 12-15-2002 12:19 AM

v\/olf \ vVolf I think its time you shut the fuck up, I feel sorry for you if this is the way you treat the older people in your family or that you know hake:

v\/olf 12-15-2002 12:30 AM


Originally Posted by vVolf
You didn't have to diss yourself. Damn. Anyway, i'm 21 and i work at a Networking company called Cisco...


Originally Posted by vVolf
I saidi was 16. ...


Originally Posted by vVolf
Yeah, you need to delete a lot of inactives on teh forums...


Originally Posted by vVolf
Oh yea, thats reallyme. lol, your mistakes are:

1. You have the worng color font on my sig.
2. You have 1 post... I have like 430.
3. I actually useparagraphs.
4. I can actually spell...

Hi. My name is vVolf and I'm mentally retarded. I talk to myself, too. I'm a schizo. But mommy says thats fine. I like to tell myself I can't spell when there's nothing wrong with the spelling of the previous entry. But I really can't spell anyway. Also, I jump the gun and agree with racist and opinionated pigs when I myself am one. Once people realize how STUPID I am, I try to cover my tracks. But I really suck at that aswell. I also spam boards like a mentally challenged goldfish. And I make wild accusations to myself and lie about my age. I am a homosexual.

ddub 12-15-2002 12:30 AM


Oh yea, thats reallyme. lol, your mistakes are:

1. You have the worng color font on my sig.
2. You have 1 post... I have like 430.
3. I actually useparagraphs.
4. I can actually spell...
You can actually spell!? Then tell me genius, how do you spell wrong? Ha Ha, what a Maroon! Do you feel as stupid as you look?

v\/olf 12-15-2002 12:41 AM


I pretty much just surf the 'net and look for these at random. It's either that or masturbate into a cup at the nursing home. For pleasure.

Old Reliable 12-15-2002 01:03 AM

someone is using his account, haha

vVolf 12-15-2002 02:25 AM

No, someone else made an account with my name, but they edited the vV. When i find this n00b i will personally hunt him down... And, yes, the mods will detect his IP and probably ban him.

And, v\/olf, i get the forum pics from [url=]here[/url:03e6a].

Exorcist 12-15-2002 05:27 AM

ddub, thank you for posting this, and to all youz older guys for adding to the thread. I'm 47, married and have a little girl who is 7. I have often wondered the ages of those who I play against. I have even asked for ages during games. (I think I feel kinda embarrased, cuz I'm so old and "playing" games.) When ppl actually do respond, it averages somewhere around 25 I think. I sometimes feel odd playing an online game as much as I do (Hell, I can play MOHAA/SH all day sometimes. It's addictive!)

I love playing MOHAA and SH, because I grew up with the stories and movies that were all about the 'Good War' (WW2). Damn, there's just something about it, ya know? I watch the History Channal all the freakin' time if there's anything about WW2. I think it (WW2) perfectly embodies the fight and struggle of good against evil, and the ultimate judgement that comes in the aftermath. (Obviously, the German ppl weren't evil, just thier leadership.)

I think now I'm at the point where I'd like to start using voice in Team games. Not sure if Roger Wilco is the best or if Team Speck (if that's the name of it. ) is the best. I think it would be great to be able to talk to a team mate and say things like, "There's a sniper in the Church tower, I'm on it", and then go and do it, all without having to type. That kinda kills it.

Sorry for this long thread, but it felt good to get this off my chest.

Steve . . .

vVolf 12-15-2002 05:35 AM

Aww, a 7 year old girl? Good stuff. My wife is 2 months pregnant right now... I'm trying to think of a name to call him/her. I hope its a her. biggrin:

BusterKing 12-15-2002 08:49 AM


Originally Posted by Exorcist
I think now I'm at the point where I'd like to start using voice in Team games. Not sure if Roger Wilco is the best or if Team Speck (if that's the name of it. ) is the best. I think it would be great to be able to talk to a team mate and say things like, "There's a sniper in the Church tower, I'm on it", and then go and do it, all without having to type. That kinda kills it.

Steve . . .

It really adds to the game Steve. Check this thread: ... p?t=151182

vVolf 12-15-2002 09:37 AM

O yeah. Especially if you're with a clan.

rudedog 12-15-2002 09:58 AM

Team speak or any other voice over net software enhances any game. As long as you have a bunch of good friends ( could be a clan) playing on the same server.

Colonel 12-15-2002 10:04 AM

Hey ddub,
OTD uses Teamspeak. BusterKings's link will lead you to all the info you need. I look forward to talking to you.

vVolf 12-15-2002 10:07 AM

Hey rude dawg, can you see this?


ddub 12-15-2002 10:12 AM

old folks

ddub, thank you for posting this, and to all youz older guys for adding to the thread. I'm 47, married and have a little girl who is 7. I have often wondered the ages of those who I play against. I have even asked for ages during games. (I think I feel kinda embarrased, cuz I'm so old and "playing" games.) When ppl actually do respond, it averages somewhere around 25 I think. I sometimes feel odd playing an online game as much as I do (Hell, I can play MOHAA/SH all day sometimes. It's addictive!)

I love playing MOHAA and SH, because I grew up with the stories and movies that were all about the 'Good War' (WW2). Damn, there's just something about it, ya know? I watch the History Channal all the freakin' time if there's anything about WW2. I think it (WW2) perfectly embodies the fight and struggle of good against evil, and the ultimate judgement that comes in the aftermath. (Obviously, the German ppl weren't evil, just thier leadership.)

I think now I'm at the point where I'd like to start using voice in Team games. Not sure if Roger Wilco is the best or if Team Speck (if that's the name of it. ) is the best. I think it would be great to be able to talk to a team mate and say things like, "There's a sniper in the Church tower, I'm on it", and then go and do it, all without having to type. That kinda kills it.

Sorry for this long thread, but it felt good to get this off my chest.

Steve . . .
Hey, Ex, glad you like the thread. I'm really surprised at all the feedback from it. Most of it good. Well, I'm 50 and my kids are grown and gone. Like you, I could play MOH all day, but when I do, I get really wired. My wife doesnt appreciate it when I play for long periods. Yea, I agree that WW2 was the ultimate struggle for good against evil. Too bad we didnt kill Stalin, though, he was as bad as Hitler. And the current struggle against the evil terrorists may be turn out to be the ultimate. We will win!

Jasper 12-15-2002 10:12 AM

Exorcist, I have provided a TeamSpeak2 server for several months now to general members free of charge (see sticky up top). Maybe theres been some confusion but its not a clan server...more of a general MOH server open to anybody.

That reminds me...gotta make a post about TS. S'cuse me...

rudedog 12-15-2002 11:17 AM


Originally Posted by vVolf
Hey rude dawg, can you see this?


Nope, can anyone else see his picture?

vVolf 12-15-2002 11:19 AM

I can. What the hell is going on?

henry707 12-15-2002 11:28 AM

Ddub - sorry - I got mixed up with my responses (age, wrong pills etc oOo: )

I'm just a bit sick of people like vwolf & his unhelpful comments.

Peace dude cool:


GhostRider2AD 12-15-2002 01:37 PM

Hey Exorcist, 47 in in our range. Why not join OTD and become a member of the Older Than Dirt team. There's about 14 of us now and we're getting bigger all the time. Our requirement is that you be over the age of 40, and play with honor. If your interested pm the Colonel on this same thread. Hope to see you soon. GR biggrin:

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