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Innoxx 05-27-2003 11:07 PM

[quote="CaP bUsTa":b22a6]
how do you think they aborted this baby? They used saline to suffocate it untill it died. I think they are living things.[/quote:b22a6]

Dude, they're very inhumane to farm animals in the slaughter houses, does that mean you're gonna stop eating steak?

CaP bUsTa 05-27-2003 11:30 PM

i dont eat steak

SW-14 05-28-2003 01:06 AM


SW-14 05-28-2003 01:10 AM

oops, that smiley thing was about that guy's 15 or so posts in a row..

Anyways, do you think that abortion is not killing the fetus? What else would it be doing? To kill something, it has to be alive... Until you can prove that the fetus is not a living being, with the potential to become a living being more similar to yourself, abortion will always be murder.

Innoxx 05-28-2003 01:13 AM

[quote="SW-14":cbb16]oops, that smiley thing was about that guy's 15 or so posts in a row..

Anyways, do you think that abortion is not killing the fetus? What else would it be doing? To kill something, it has to be alive... Until you can prove that the fetus is not a living being, with the potential to become a living being more similar to yourself, abortion will always be murder.[/quote:cbb16]

Living, yes. Human, no. We kill things on a daily basis anyways.

Drew 05-28-2003 01:26 AM

All my life I have been anti-abortion.

As of last night, I'm not so sure. My girlfriend and I were discussing what would happen if she were to get pregnant (we had a scare once a couple of years ago).

She is in college, about to enter her final year. I personally have two years left before I'll nail down a degree. Both our parents are more or less against pre-marital sex. My parents know I'm not a virgin and they don't harp on me about it (because they did the same thing), but I have little doubt her father would decapitate me.

That said, I still couldn't let myself feel right about denying a life just to make mine easier.

Then my girlfriend said something to me. She told me to imagine myself in her shoes, walking around after the baby begins to show. All of the people you know whispering behind your back calling you a whore or saying how horrible it is or how careless you were. And to imagine the looks from people when we walked around together or attended church.

Pregnancy prior to marriage can truly be something that can shatter you entire life.

I'm not so sure I wouldn't be supportive of aborting the pregnancy before anyone was the wiser. And that tears me apart inside.

Tripper 05-28-2003 01:33 AM

Innoxx is absolutely right. I was reading the first four pages of this thread, and was just about to post what he posted.

Some of you are fucking morons.

"put it up for adoption, blah, blah."

What happens when there are an extra 45 MILLION kids in fucking orphanages. It's just stupid shit you're talking.

45 MILLION, For christ's sake.


If it wasn't for abortions, we would already be suffering from mass over-population. Which, in case you haven't noticed, is already a huge problem in the world today.

An unborn Fetus that can't feel anything or have emotions isn't going to mind that one bit, I'm sure.

Most Extremist Pro-Lifers are the same type of people that walk down streets in Alabama wearing white hoods, chanting shit about Jews, Gays and African Americans.

05-28-2003 03:18 AM


Originally Posted by Pyro
bian rules

Pyro rawks

Stinger_Dude 05-28-2003 03:49 AM

gg da_bian oOo: oOo: oOo: oOo: oOo: oOo: oOo: oOo: oOo: oOo: oOo: oOo:

05-28-2003 04:37 AM


Bleuachdu 05-28-2003 05:11 AM


Originally Posted by ninty9
It depends on the situation.

I have no sympathy for a whore who goes around sleeping with every guy and ends up pregnant.

But for someone who gets raped, that is a different story.

Basically if it was preventable like through not sleeping with everyone or using some type of protection, tough shit. You made the decision, you deal with it. However these people will probably be horrible arents and that raises another issue. But does that give them the right to take its life?

For people who are raped, thats a tough situation. Perhaps having the child and giving it up for adoption is a better idea than an abortion. I don't know.

I'm not going to read this entire thread, but I've got to agree with this.

SoLiDUS 05-28-2003 05:15 AM


Originally Posted by Ferich
Pro Choice. People get raped, you know..

LOL at that picture.


Stinger_Dude 05-28-2003 05:22 AM


Akuma 05-28-2003 06:00 AM

I'm pro-choice, not pro-abortion. It's not our decision what mothers to with their baby. I could really careless. The world is way over populated as it is, soon the earth's carrying capacity will be exceeded and most of the human race will be wiped out.

SoLiDUS 05-28-2003 06:40 AM

I think we need to set a couple of things straight; namely why abortion is an
action which I believe to be a matter of choice, and nothing else.

The main strength of the anti-abortionist crowd seems to be the idea that
'Life' has a specific value; something they use as often as possible in the
hopes of rallying more people to their cause, which seems to be removing
the freedom of choice from the hands of the free. My main gripe with their
so-called argument is this: who said Life was sacred ? Who says Life has a
specific value / quality making it so special that the mere idea of stopping
it's development is to be an unthinkable act, cruel to the eyes of even the
immoral and unethical among us ? The answer is no one: no person living
on this planet can tell you otherwise.

Religious fanatics and improperly educated / highly moral and ethical
people would like you think Life has an intrinsic quality to it, however
this is as far as it can go, until proof of a higher purpose to existence
is discovered and proven beyond doubt.

Let me test you: is incest wrong ? The correct answer is, of course, no.
Undoubtedly, many of you did not hesitate to blurt out YES, which is a
fallacious answer. If you need an elaboration on this topic, I will adress
it at a later time... but until then, chew on the abovementioned.

05-28-2003 07:24 AM


Originally Posted by SoLiDUS
Let me test you: is incest wrong ? The correct answer is, of course, no.
Undoubtedly, many of you did not hesitate to blurt out YES, which is a
fallacious answer. If you need an elaboration on this topic, I will adress
it at a later time... but until then, chew on the abovementioned.

uhh... please make a new topic on this so i may be amazed by your wisdom oOo:

05-28-2003 07:38 AM

lets see...

remove abortion: ull have crazy amounts of younge teenage girls ruining their lives trying to take care of some baby. another needle in the heart of society.

keep abortion: everyones happy except of course the bible thumpers.

i try and not think about it unless i have to, and right now id say her and i are pretty fucking clear (considering there is no sex).

ED 05-28-2003 12:06 PM

[quote:b5074]Then my girlfriend said something to me. She told me to imagine myself in her shoes, walking around after the baby begins to show. All of the people you know whispering behind your back calling you a whore or saying how horrible it is or how careless you were. And to imagine the looks from people when we walked around together or attended church.[/quote:b5074]

Ab. So. Lute. Bull. Fucking. Shit.

Is this Pro-Choices new tagline, "Avoid uncomfortable subtle stares and snickers in pucblic - HAVE AN ABORTION!". When did this fucking country become so god damn weak?

A fetus isn't a life? Now we're grasping at straws since a fetus is a living organism. Oh but right, it cant count to 10 so it's not wholly human or worthy of any kind of consideration. And yes, abortions within the first trimester are a little more HUMANE than those applied AFTER the first trimester (when the child has a fully developed brain and heart - but youre right I can still see how it's an unhuman thing), but [url=]go here[/url:b5074] to see the many humane and WODERFUL ways we now have of aborting babies; most eyeopening is the picture of a "CANDY APPLE BABY" - fun for all.

And lets not forget that abortions DO go wrong and babies ARE born (sometimes late in the pregnancy), and doctors have the enviable task of killing the unsuccesfully aborted chillens.

We can run around screaming "Pro-Choice" all we want, but guess what, there is only ONE choice being made here out of a possible 3. So the minority can always win. What a fair system we have set up.

ED 05-28-2003 12:15 PM

[quote:9c04e]The main strength of the anti-abortionist crowd seems to be the idea that
'Life' has a specific value; something they use as often as possible in the
hopes of rallying more people to their cause, which seems to be removing
the freedom of choice from the hands of the free. My main gripe with their
so-called argument is this: who said Life was sacred ? Who says Life has a
specific value / quality making it so special that the mere idea of stopping
it's development is to be an unthinkable act, cruel to the eyes of even the
immoral and unethical among us ? The answer is no one: no person living
on this planet can tell you otherwise.[/quote:9c04e]

By your logic then, I can take away YOUR freedom to live without feeling any remorse of feelings of guilt; by an "absence of right" I an only excercising control over something that has no definable value and thus can be seen as meaningless.

I wonder, if your logic would hold up were your family to be killed and those you loved, and their killer claimed this very thing.

pest 05-28-2003 12:21 PM

I used to be hard core pro-choice. I find that more and more I am turning anti-abortion. The choice should have been at conception. I used to say that the fetus wasnt a person, its doesnt have rights, etc. Well wait until you have a child that you want. You track its progress, you form an attachment. If some dude hit my pregnant wife across the stomach with a basball bat and killed my baby, it woulb be just that - killing - and I would respond accordingly. Try to go thru the process of lossing a baby and then tell me it wasnt alive.

There are times when it might be appropriate, but they are the exceptions. I am not a bible thumper, I am not a "sensitive" guy. Abortion isnt the answer for overpopulation any more than random executions is. At this point, I am not going to say that I am anti-choice, but my support is soft, and fading.

Old Reliable 05-28-2003 12:22 PM

Could it be that people view a fetus not as a living thing because it is ugly compared to a baby? Something that doesn't look like us doesn't count as murder

ED 05-28-2003 12:56 PM

[quote="Old Reliable":0566d]Could it be that people view a fetus not as a living thing because it is ugly compared to a baby? Something that doesn't look like us doesn't count as murder[/quote:0566d]

On the contrary. If you kill a pregnant woman, and subsequently kill the child, you WILL be charged with a double homocide.

Strange that we're able to differentiate between the two situations.

Zoner 05-28-2003 01:16 PM

If I could interrupt the debate for a second...

Please don't post links to disturbing imagery (yes, I'm looking at you, Cap Busta).

I realize the intention is to shock people, but this forum is NOT Consumption Junction or any other gross pic site. Please keep it that way.

Ok...carry on.

Argon 05-28-2003 01:18 PM

Wow whatta topic. Personally I think its a women's right to choose and last I checkerd none of us who come on this forum are women, so its easy to through your opinion around.

I personally don't think an embryo or fetus is life, Until that kid comes out of the "playdoo fun factory of life" and breathes on his own he's just another parasite living off his mother.

ED 05-28-2003 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by Argon
Wow whatta topic. Personally I think its a women's right to choose and last I checkerd none of us who come on this forum are women, so its easy to through your opinion around.

I personally don't think an embryo or fetus is life, Until that kid comes out of the "playdoo fun factory of life" and breathes on his own he's just another parasite living off his mother.

How long did it take you to get your PhD? That's one helluva medical opinion you have there.

And the weight of a womans emotional "connetivety" to a child is thrown around ALL THE TIME. "Oh the woman forms an attachment...", "The woman doesn't want to part with it - ".


What about the Mans right to chose. Oh I forget, we're not sharing childbirth, we're just handing over sperm to be used and to not be used.

And I question the removal of the links Zoner. It's not "disturbing imagery just to be a prick", its relevant to the topic at hand. Hold on though, let me find some cartoon-abortion pics with pink and sunshine and a happy clone aborting a happy baby, so that noone thinks an abortion topic is anything BUT happy.

Zoner 05-28-2003 01:50 PM

Question all you want. It's not appropriate imagery for this forum, on-topic or not.

Office Depot 05-28-2003 02:31 PM

What the hell do you think that fetus is? Some alien creature? NO! Month after month goes by, and the fetus grows and grows to more closely resemble yourself. After 9 are up, the fetus leaves the woman's body and continues living on its own! Nothing has changed, except now the baby is out in the world by itself.

Oh, and btw, my aunt was VERY upset when she lost her baby due to a miscarriage. But what the hell, it was just a fetus right?

05-28-2003 03:00 PM

[quote="Da_Bian":9959f]oh by the way, your poll question is fucked. I can't answer you with a yes or no answer.

anyway, i'm pro
it's your body, you do what you want with it[/quote:9959f]
It is not your body! It is a child growing up inside of you, it is living off you, it is not part of you. You cannot decide if it shall die

Office Depot 05-28-2003 03:08 PM

hey sclass you suddenly ain't so bad :) sorry i was riding your case awhile ago.

05-28-2003 03:33 PM

the anti-abortion crowd who want to ban all abortions forget one thing, what about the cases where the mother risks death?

even if you consider a fetus as a living human, one casualty is, in my military mind, always preferrable to two

05-28-2003 03:34 PM

I think people who abort babies should be charged with murder. People say they cant feel the pain. Well go kill someone very quickly in their sleep. They dont feel it, so I guess that means theyre not guilty. If theres 45 million babies in adoption places, thats better than just killing them in the womb. Some of tbose babies get a chance at life, to be brought home with a family that cannot concieve. ABortion is wrong, and anway who aborts a baby should be thrown in jail

pest 05-28-2003 03:47 PM

[quote="Sgt Stryker":0dddc]the anti-abortion crowd who want to ban all abortions forget one thing, what about the cases where the mother risks death?

If you look at most of the "antis", they have already addressed that.

05-28-2003 03:49 PM

ya, the links werent posted to say hey im a stupid prick, these are some dumb baby getting aborted, no.

it was posted to show the sickness of abortion, post them again busta

ED 05-28-2003 04:11 PM


Originally Posted by "Sgt Stryker":1747d
the anti-abortion crowd who want to ban all abortions forget one thing, what about the cases where the mother risks death?

If you look at most of the "antis", they have already addressed that.[/quote:1747d]

Pro-Lifers have never been about "no abortions for all". That is a fallacy. If a womans life is at risk from delivery, or if complications arise during pregnancy, want an abortion or NOT the Dr. WILL remove the fetus, or the baby. That is not an abortion in the STRICTEST sense.

An abortion is a CONCIOUS decision on the part of a woman to not carry a child to term for whatever reasons, EXCLUDING life threatening situations.

CaP bUsTa 05-28-2003 04:52 PM

zoner i warned people before hand...and you didnt even remove all my other ones. I thought it would be ok considering joe posted pics of some black dude after he had been decapitated and had his head impaled on a fence post. But because he's a mod its ok.

Drew 05-28-2003 05:05 PM

Of course ED enters the topic and attempts to turn a debate into a flame war. What a dick.

ED 05-28-2003 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by Noctis
Of course ED enters the topic and attempts to turn a debate into a flame war. What a dick.

Fuck off bitch. I thought your relative quietness was a sign that you had finally removed your lips from my dick, but obviously old-Ed-inflicted-wounds run deep. Youre the first person to call me flamethrowing, so maybe - yea - just maybe it's all in your head (along with 23 years of pent up "frustration"...sexually active my ass). Keep your personalizing to yourself milady.

[quote:7812f]zoner i warned people before hand...and you didnt even remove all my other ones. I thought it would be ok considering joe posted pics of some black dude after he had been decapitated and had his head impaled on a fence post. But because he's a mod its ok.[/quote:7812f]

Dont try to understand the thinking of a mod. It's RARELY logical.

CaP bUsTa 05-28-2003 05:21 PM

well zoner is the best mod behind gerard so i thought there would be some resonable explanation

Drew 05-28-2003 05:23 PM

[quote="ED! Ban #127":1a509]

Originally Posted by Noctis
Of course ED enters the topic and attempts to turn a debate into a flame war. What a dick.

Fuck off bitch. I thought your relative quietness was a sign that you had finally removed your lips from my dick, but obviously old-Ed-inflicted-wounds run deep. Youre the first person to call me flamethrowing, so maybe - yea - just maybe it's all in your head (along with 23 years of pent up "frustration"...sexually active my ass). Keep your personalizing to yourself milady.[/quote:1a509]

Maybe some day your keyboard courage will pay off, ED. When you have pictures of yourself and a supposed woman, we'll all believe you aren't some disillusioned college geek who gets depressed in the summer time when he has to leave his dark dorm room and T1 behind.

And as far as the rest of your ever-weakening insults, try again jackass. If you want, you can speak with my girlfriend while she sits in front of my webcam. That and I'm 20.

Masturbate some and try again next week.

SoLiDUS 05-28-2003 05:26 PM

[quote:9c1b9]By your logic then, I can take away YOUR freedom to live without feeling any remorse of feelings of guilt; by an "absence of right" I an only excercising control over something that has no definable value and thus can be seen as meaningless.

I wonder, if your logic would hold up were your family to be killed and those you loved, and their killer claimed this very thing.[/quote:9c1b9]

Correct. Ideally, we should all live by the golden rule but this isn't always a
possibility. For the correct functioning of society, however, we have made up
rules regarding the type of behavior most acceptable to as many people as
possible. Any more questions, Ed... or can I stick this dagger in your heart ?


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