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06-03-2003 11:59 AM


Originally Posted by BallisticWookie
Blow each other the hell up and leave the world to Australia, and take those friggin Muslims extremists with ya too.

I gotta ask this. Whats the point of this thread ? We are all Allies, so why ? Either way, if it happened, I'd want the US to win, I can't stand those fuckin Eurotrash shits.

To be perfectly honest, you are putting 1 country against an entire region/continent, made up of multiple countries, with billions of people, which is just stupid. In the end, if the United States flexed it's muscle completely it would decimate quite a number, if not most, of the countries hostile toward them. There is no doubt about that. Besides, theoritically, if any of the European nations HAD any balls, they would have done something more instead of political gnashing of their teeth as far as the war in Iraq was concerned. Europe would'nt have the heart or guts to wage a war against the US, not to mention the budget.

England, Australia, Canada, Japan, South Korea, Israel....just a few countries that are allies with the US with capable and ready defence forces. I read somewhere, that this years US Military budget was 365.1 Billion dollars, perhaps more. The closest any country could get was in the 100 Billions, and that number was listed under "Allies" meaning multiple countries. None of us have any idea of the unrestrained power of the US Military, so dont even try and comprehend it, because with a budget like that, they must have an awful lot of shit, that makes big bangs, bright flashes, and leaves alot of people dead in the wake.

And if anybody thinks what the States sent to Iraq is all they have, you aint seen nothin'.

glad you mentioned Israel, they are likely to side with the US, because there has always been a lot of crap hurled at them by Europe (especially from the French) in regard to the Palestine situation. Israel has a first class air force which may very well be as well or better trained than the USAF. (remember in early 1980s a handful of IAF F-16 penetrated Iraq's border and blew up a nuke plant, while the US needed to use stealths and Apaches to disable Iraq's air defense before attacking)

SEATO (Japan, South Korea) have nothing to lose and everything to gain by siding with the US. Japan has a very good Naval squadron of Aegis destroyers and a modern air force. I have also heard that Korean Marines are pretty badass.

Office Depot 06-03-2003 03:00 PM

well put ballisticwookie guy.

You guys are all twisting this thing around nobody makes allies or anything it is just United States vs. Europe IMO Europe ends just west of Russia and it does not include Russia so that means like US and Canada don't ally it's just straight up US and Europe.

Unknown_Sniper 06-03-2003 09:21 PM


Originally Posted by BallisticWookie
Blow each other the hell up and leave the world to Australia, and take those friggin Muslims extremists with ya too.

I gotta ask this. Whats the point of this thread ? We are all Allies, so why ? Either way, if it happened, I'd want the US to win, I can't stand those fuckin Eurotrash shits.

To be perfectly honest, you are putting 1 country against an entire region/continent, made up of multiple countries, with billions of people, which is just stupid. In the end, if the United States flexed it's muscle completely it would decimate quite a number, if not most, of the countries hostile toward them. There is no doubt about that. Besides, theoritically, if any of the European nations HAD any balls, they would have done something more instead of political gnashing of their teeth as far as the war in Iraq was concerned. Europe would'nt have the heart or guts to wage a war against the US, not to mention the budget.

England, Australia, Canada, Japan, South Korea, Israel....just a few countries that are allies with the US with capable and ready defence forces. I read somewhere, that this years US Military budget was 365.1 Billion dollars, perhaps more. The closest any country could get was in the 100 Billions, and that number was listed under "Allies" meaning multiple countries. None of us have any idea of the unrestrained power of the US Military, so dont even try and comprehend it, because with a budget like that, they must have an awful lot of shit, that makes big bangs, bright flashes, and leaves alot of people dead in the wake.

And if anybody thinks what the States sent to Iraq is all they have, you aint seen nothin'.

Amen Brotha. WE here in the UNITED States of America do have alot. AS many of you have seen after 9/11 there was a surge in signups for hte military. And if word of a war with all of EUROPE gets round I can gaurntee you there would be lines out the door and around the corner of the recruiting offices. the USA is one of the most patriotic countries in the world. If it happened tomorrow im only 17, however I do know that there are a hell of a lot of gun shops here in NH and I live right next door to a reserve station for the army. ..... You have brains just think about it. OVer half the worlds population would die in this war if it happened. Whos side are you on?

Unknown_Sniper 06-03-2003 09:24 PM


Originally Posted by BallisticWookie
Blow each other the hell up and leave the world to Australia, and take those friggin Muslims extremists with ya too.

I gotta ask this. Whats the point of this thread ? We are all Allies, so why ? Either way, if it happened, I'd want the US to win, I can't stand those fuckin Eurotrash shits.

To be perfectly honest, you are putting 1 country against an entire region/continent, made up of multiple countries, with billions of people, which is just stupid. In the end, if the United States flexed it's muscle completely it would decimate quite a number, if not most, of the countries hostile toward them. There is no doubt about that. Besides, theoritically, if any of the European nations HAD any balls, they would have done something more instead of political gnashing of their teeth as far as the war in Iraq was concerned. Europe would'nt have the heart or guts to wage a war against the US, not to mention the budget.

England, Australia, Canada, Japan, South Korea, Israel....just a few countries that are allies with the US with capable and ready defence forces. I read somewhere, that this years US Military budget was 365.1 Billion dollars, perhaps more. The closest any country could get was in the 100 Billions, and that number was listed under "Allies" meaning multiple countries. None of us have any idea of the unrestrained power of the US Military, so dont even try and comprehend it, because with a budget like that, they must have an awful lot of shit, that makes big bangs, bright flashes, and leaves alot of people dead in the wake.

And if anybody thinks what the States sent to Iraq is all they have, you aint seen nothin'.

Amen Brotha. WE here in the UNITED States of America do have alot. AS many of you have seen after 9/11 there was a surge in signups for hte military. And if word of a war with all of EUROPE gets round I can gaurntee you there would be lines out the door and around the corner of the recruiting offices. the USA is one of the most patriotic countries in the world. If it happened tomorrow im only 17, however I do know that there are a hell of a lot of gun shops here in NH and I live right next door to a reserve station for the army. ..... You have brains just think about it. OVer half the worlds population would die in this war if it happened. Whos side are you on?

Innoxx 06-03-2003 09:46 PM

I'd fight for Europe. I don't have any American blood in me. I'd be on the next plane to Berlin and I'd volunteer for the Bundeswehr. If I die from a missle I cannot see, so be it. It is in my genetic disposition to defend my people.

Stinger_Dude 06-03-2003 09:51 PM

[quote="Office Depot":83506]well put ballisticwookie guy.

You guys are all twisting this thing around nobody makes allies or anything it is just United States vs. Europe IMO Europe ends just west of Russia and it does not include Russia so that means like US and Canada don't ally it's just straight up US and Europe.[/quote:83506]

Russia is part of Europe.

Old Reliable 06-03-2003 09:52 PM

WRONG! Russia is both asia and europe

06-03-2003 10:04 PM

[quote="Stinger_Dude":137de][quote="Office Depot":137de]well put ballisticwookie guy.

You guys are all twisting this thing around nobody makes allies or anything it is just United States vs. Europe IMO Europe ends just west of Russia and it does not include Russia so that means like US and Canada don't ally it's just straight up US and Europe.[/quote:137de]

Russia is part of Europe.[/quote:137de]

yeah, but they rarely if ever side with the other Europeans

Chango 06-03-2003 10:11 PM

[quote="Stinger_Dude":a642b][quote="Office Depot":a642b]well put ballisticwookie guy.

You guys are all twisting this thing around nobody makes allies or anything it is just United States vs. Europe IMO Europe ends just west of Russia and it does not include Russia so that means like US and Canada don't ally it's just straight up US and Europe.[/quote:a642b]

Russia is part of Europe.[/quote:a642b]

30% isn't enough of it to count, its in Asia

Tripper 06-04-2003 12:24 AM

I'd sit back, watch you all annihilate each other, then go and have sex with all your wives.

CaP bUsTa 06-04-2003 12:30 AM

with a crazy mofo like gerard fighting for europe, there is no question who would win, he's fucked up man, he'll wreck you all oOo:

Stinger_Dude 06-04-2003 12:51 AM

[quote="Old Reliable":cdbad]WRONG! Russia is both asia and europe[/quote:cdbad]

Wrong again. Russia is part of Europe Geographically and Politically since the central government and 90% of the population is based in the western part of Russia technically making it part of Europe. Siberia is part of Asia.

geRV 06-04-2003 01:30 AM

[quote="Sgt Stryker":3c464][quote="Stinger_Dude":3c464][quote="Office Depot":3c464]well put ballisticwookie guy.

You guys are all twisting this thing around nobody makes allies or anything it is just United States vs. Europe IMO Europe ends just west of Russia and it does not include Russia so that means like US and Canada don't ally it's just straight up US and Europe.[/quote:3c464]

Russia is part of Europe.[/quote:3c464]

yeah, but they rarely if ever side with the other Europeans[/quote:3c464]

World war 2 ring a bell? oOo:

geRV 06-04-2003 01:31 AM

[quote="CaP bUsTa":e25c8]with a crazy mofo like gerard fighting for europe, there is no question who would win, he's fucked up man, he'll wreck you all oOo:[/quote:e25c8]

LOL thanks for the vote of confidence............i think......... eek:

Tiwaz 06-04-2003 05:45 AM

- Russia not in Europe?

Russia is located in Europe and Asia. They are partner of the EU. Enough European for you?

- European nations balls (concerning Iraq)?

Definitely Poland, Spain, UK (yeah, let's start a debate if the UK is European or not).

- Russia rarely to side with other European nations?

Germany and France <-> Iraq? WWII? Or do they side often with the US, in cold wars and stuff? Hey.

- In the EU live around 320 million people, in Europe about 700 million (that's including the Russian part). Not billions. In Asia live billions of people.

- It took six pages of topic, but I always like being called 'Eurotrash', hehe.

- And why always this Old world <-> New world thing? It's stupid. We're allies.

Old Reliable 06-04-2003 09:12 AM

don't tell me that russia is europe. if you go past Ural mountains it is asia, and that makes up for the majority of the country. It's true that Moscow is located on the european side and makes all the decisions, but the country remains of asian descent

06-04-2003 09:19 AM

[quote="Old Reliable":5d4af]don't tell me that russia is europe. if you go past Ural mountains it is asia, and that makes up for the majority of the country. It's true that Moscow is located on the european side and makes all the decisions, but the country remains of asian descent[/quote:5d4af]

But the culture is closer to European though,
alphabet is based off Greek,
main religion (before Communists) was Christian (Orthodox),

Old Reliable 06-04-2003 09:26 AM

depends on your definition of european, as the orthodox church was located in the past ottoman empire. a large number of russians are of asian descent, but even less so after the breakup of CCCP. Russia is a unique country in that it is in two continents. some will argue it is more european, while others that it is more asian. travel past the Ural mountains and you will find it to be a mix of both...

Tiwaz 06-04-2003 09:58 AM


The larger part of the population lives in the European part of Russia.

Language is Slavic (Indo-European). Mainly.

82% of the population is Christian (Russian-Orthodox).

Also, the Russian race is Europide.

European enough for ya?

(I already knew about these facts, Geography classes, long time ago, but I looked them up to make sure)

He who thinks Russia isn't European is mistaken. Geographically, the larger part is on the continent of Asia, that's about the only valid argument.

It is both Asia and Europe. So it's Asian. And European.

As far as I am concerned, they are allowed to join in what probably would be the biggest conflict in the history of mankind. The biggest hypothetical conflict as well.

New vs Old
290 million vs 700 million
Haute Cuisine vs McDonalds... biggrin:

Office Depot 06-04-2003 02:02 PM

Russia doesn't count as Europe because I said so, and I am the one that made the topic! All countries west of Russia and that are in Europe count.

geRV 06-04-2003 02:31 PM

[quote="Office Depot":3758f]Russia doesn't count as Europe because I said so, and I am the one that made the topic! All countries west of Russia and that are in Europe count.[/quote:3758f]

Well what you say is wrong, its part of europe as well so it counts.

06-04-2003 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by "Office Depot":b7c77
Russia doesn't count as Europe because I said so, and I am the one that made the topic! All countries west of Russia and that are in Europe count.

Well what you say is wrong, its part of europe as well so it counts.[/quote:b7c77]

well he set up the original scenario, so I guess he can modify it however he wants.

anyway this makes my job as naval analyst simpler.
without the firepower of the Kirov cruisers and Kursk subs (Kursk is not the class name though, I forgot the class name) and their "granit" SSMs it makes the naval supremacy game a whole new ballgame.

Stinger_Dude 06-04-2003 09:02 PM

[quote="Old Reliable":9bf9b]depends on your definition of european, as the orthodox church was located in the past ottoman empire. a large number of russians are of asian descent, but even less so after the breakup of CCCP. Russia is a unique country in that it is in two continents. some will argue it is more european, while others that it is more asian. travel past the Ural mountains and you will find it to be a mix of both...[/quote:9bf9b]

The orthodox was never lcoated in the ottomon empire. It was located in Trukey during the era of the Byzantine Empire but when the Turks captured Constaninople they turned the cathedral into a Mosque. The Orthodox then moved north towards Russia.

Ydiss 06-05-2003 02:22 AM

[Made this post last night and it seems to have mysteriously vanished - If I double post, blame the forum]

Russia is a part of Europe because the Eurovision Song Contest says so!

Now, there's another totally redundant conflict.

Incidentally, it's funny that, considering a lot of posters on this thread have condemned it for its redundancy, it has lasted for 7 pages and without any considerable flaming, either!

That's not bad going for, now is it?

BloodBorn 06-05-2003 08:48 AM


Originally Posted by Ydiss
[Made this post last night and it seems to have mysteriously vanished - If I double post, blame the forum]

Russia is a part of Europe because the Eurovision Song Contest says so!

Now, there's another totally redundant conflict.

Incidentally, it's funny that, considering a lot of posters on this thread have condemned it for its redundancy, it has lasted for 7 pages and without any considerable flaming, either!

That's not bad going for, now is it?

Yeah....Turkey is also part of Europe. Damn that eurovision song from Turkey sucked ass(and they won, bahahha). Austrias song was just funny/pathetic.

Stinger_Dude 06-05-2003 09:08 AM


Originally Posted by Ydiss

Incidentally, it's funny that, considering a lot of posters on this thread have condemned it for its redundancy, it has lasted for 7 pages and without any considerable flaming, either!

That's not bad going for, now is it?

Something is wrong.........

Oh yeah my post vanished as well and appeared like 3 days later. Whats up with that?

Stinger_Dude 06-05-2003 09:09 AM


Originally Posted by Ydiss

Incidentally, it's funny that, considering a lot of posters on this thread have condemned it for its redundancy, it has lasted for 7 pages and without any considerable flaming, either!

That's not bad going for, now is it?

Something is wrong.........

Oh yeah my post vanished as well and appeared like 3 days later. Whats up with that?

Tiwaz 06-05-2003 09:22 AM

Israel also took part in the Eurovision Song Contest.

Snuff 06-05-2003 05:16 PM

I'll play along with this farfetched hypothetical situation. First off, when has all of Europe ever been able to ban together for any war. as a matter of fact WWI, WWII, and a majority of previous wars are inter European skirmishes that have managed to drag the rest of the world into it. In contridition, when the USA has been attacked or threatened, the people ralley together. Not naming any specific countries, but some of them owe their freedom they have today( including criticizing the USA) to the USA. If the USA attacked Europe, I highly doubt that all European countries would form a unified front, That being said, the US would incur too many casualties and probably withdraw in concession ( aka vietnam). If Europe attacked the USA, very high casualties(both sides) but Europe would definitely lose. Not only would Europe have to beat a strong military on its homeland, but the American people would unite and every guy with a shotgun would be in the battle. No one has ever defeated the USA on its homeland except the USA itself in the civil war

snipeymagoo 06-05-2003 11:22 PM

usa would win hands down

Old Reliable 06-05-2003 11:45 PM

regardless, at that time of the byzantine, russia was an outsider

geRV 06-06-2003 06:10 AM


Originally Posted by snipeymagoo
usa would win hands down

u = oOo:

Were talking billions here against how many? Pfft sure.

Maplegyver 06-06-2003 11:32 AM

this thread is the funneh

06-06-2003 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by Gerard

Originally Posted by snipeymagoo
usa would win hands down

u = oOo:

Were talking billions here against how many? Pfft sure.

more like Eagles and Falcons vs. Eurofighter Baffoons,
Tomcats, Hornet and Harriers vs. Rafales and Harriers,
Ticos and Burkes vs Type 42s and froggy DDGs,
B-2s and B-52s vs...converted Concordes?? :biggrin
Nimitzes vs the Charles de Gaulle.

Btween the US Navy and Air Force the Europeans would have a tough time getting across "the pond", those that got ashore intact would get wiped out by our redneck militia patrols

Simo Häyhä 06-06-2003 12:49 PM

god bless those crazy rednecks

geRV 06-06-2003 12:54 PM

[quote="Sgt Stryker":102ca]

Originally Posted by Gerard

Originally Posted by snipeymagoo
usa would win hands down

u = oOo:

Were talking billions here against how many? Pfft sure.

more like Eagles and Falcons vs. Eurofighter Baffoons,
Tomcats, Hornet and Harriers vs. Rafales and Harriers,
Ticos and Burkes vs Type 42s and froggy DDGs,
B-2s and B-52s vs...converted Concordes?? :biggrin
Nimitzes vs the Charles de Gaulle.

Btween the US Navy and Air Force the Europeans would have a tough time getting across "the pond", those that got ashore intact would get wiped out by our redneck militia patrols

Well that was an interesting pile of bollocks. I see the oOo: is strong with you.

Simo Häyhä 06-06-2003 12:58 PM

[quote="Sgt Stryker":c04d9]

Originally Posted by Gerard

Originally Posted by snipeymagoo
usa would win hands down

u = oOo:

Were talking billions here against how many? Pfft sure.

more like Eagles and Falcons vs. Eurofighter Baffoons,
Tomcats, Hornet and Harriers vs. Rafales and Harriers,
Ticos and Burkes vs Type 42s and froggy DDGs,
B-2s and B-52s vs...converted Concordes?? :biggrin
Nimitzes vs the Charles de Gaulle.

Btween the US Navy and Air Force the Europeans would have a tough time getting across "the pond", those that got ashore intact would get wiped out by our redneck militia patrols
lol good point man

06-06-2003 01:02 PM

I think not, the most important aspect of an inter-continental non-nuclear war is air and naval power.

Does Europe have a counter to the 100 nautical mile AIM-54 Phoenix missile? No plane, American or otherwise, can stand up to a Tomcat, they have a lock and a missile away before the other guy is even in range.
With a "world war" going on one would assume that jetliners stay grounded so Tomcats would be free to shoot first rather than closing to visual like in the small conflicts.

06-06-2003 01:03 PM

doh, that last one was a responsw to Gerard

Maplegyver 06-06-2003 01:53 PM

america is a terrifying country

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