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What, that God doesn't answer my prayers? Why don't you go up to my youth minister and tell him ''You'll understand later in life.'' Because he wouldn't be here today if it weren't for Christ.
I stayed there for almost a year. I got the odd job here and there and I collected my father's death benefits and I was saving up some serious cash. Well that unxle I was talking about earlier died in a car accident and he willed me his house. So here I am today, living in my late uncles house, girlfriend cooking breakfast, and a BMW in the driveway. I am content. |
err not to be mean or offensive but technically you were a Hobo?
[quote="[DAS REICH] Blitz":ee0c9]err not to be mean or offensive but technically you were a Hobo?[/quote:ee0c9]
Yup, definition of rock bottom. |
Did people ever just sit next to u and make fun,kick ya,smack ya?
[quote="[DAS REICH] Blitz":06c9d]Did people ever just sit next to u and make fun,kick ya,smack ya?[/quote:06c9d]
Yeah sometimes but usually they're too scared to piss me off that much. The most momorable was when some fatty high school kid tried to imprss his girl and threw his half eaten burger on me. I got up chased him for about a couple blocks, threw him into a fence, shit kicked him and smeared the half eaten burger all over his face. I can't stand people like that. |
LMAO!!Did the fat kid look like Buckweed at a young age?
He kinda looked like Butters actually. biggrin:
Nein, I learned my lesson. |
Well it seems to me that while you were praying to God, you expected him to do everything....he can't do everything for you man. At least when you were at rock bottom try to get a job, or something.
I guess I'd find out in a real hurry, eh. |
I wouldn't care less where I ended up, either way if I died now I would not be able to accomplish what I want to in the physical world, so afterlife or no afterlife, it doesn't really matter to me. I don't think I would like heaven one bit, I mean no problems to solve, no challenges to overcome, no need to better myself or my lifestyle, in short booooorrrrriiiiiiing, an eternity of bl;issful boredom oOo: |
now explain what hell is to us all Sgt. Stryker and the compare those 2. Also, slap ureself for saying that u dont wanna go to heaven angel:
I think you'd be the one gettin Pinapples up the ass bro.
Dang, I hope they let me down a bottle of cognac first.
ha, u say that now. Dude, be freakin serious for once in ure "life". Hell is a horrible place and NOONE here on earth no matter how much they say their not scared of the devil and fire etc, dont wanna go at all. Try this: next time u get burned or something try and keep whatever body part on whatever it is ure getting burned by.....well, hell would be 1000000 times worst than that feeling. Btw Innoxx, u wouldnt be able to shove a pineapple up his butt b/c the freakin thing would discenegrate b4 u could even pick it up. Maybe i should post the "enviroments" of hell in here b/c obviously some of us dont take it seriously enough mwah:
But, you can do all of the above without needing to be a born again Christian (or whatever faith it may be). Each and every one of us is entirely responsible for our actions and, perhaps with the help of familly, or friends, or even complete strangers, anything is acheivable if you put your mind to it. I have changed my life around before, from smoking tons of pot every day with "friends" who didn't give a shit about me. From losing my job because I stole property. From having no job and debts up to my eyeballs. With help from my mum, but ultimately from my own hard work, I now have my own place which I share with my beautiful girlfriend, who is carrying our baby. I have a very well paid job with a huge multinational company (Europe's largest energy supplier no less) and I am content. I did all that myself, with a little help, and I did it without the help of Jesus. Now, if someone was to come to me and say "You were blessed by God and, through Jesus, you were saved" I would take it as a grave insult. I did it. Not God. I think religion can be a wonderful thing and it obviously brings a lot of people happiness. But that is where it ends. Everything else is down to the person and their actions/intentions. The worst kind of religion is where (and I point this at no particular religion or person or nation) religion is the excuse used by people for the horrible things they do or the depravation they inflict on others. Quote:
Don't pity me because I do not have a faith. This is another aspect of religion that riles me no end. You are not better off because you believe in God. You have absolutely no idea how I feel because I do not believe in God, so I don't require any pity from you or any other person. I doubt that if God truly existed that he would be happy that you made such statements. |
Lol, have you been to this place?
All I hear about this place is church talk and you know how reliable that can be. |
Of course we don't know everything and it's obvious that we do not use our brains to the full capacity but until we do and I see evidence of that then I will use what knowledge I do have to draw my own conclusions. I have more knowledge of how humans work than the average person who was alive 2000 years ago, that was my point. In that case I am more subject to question the reality of religion. My conclusion, and mine alone, is that science shows me more about the way my body and mind work and develop than religion. We evolved. We were not created as if from clay and placed on this planet, whole humans. Science tells me that and it makes a lot more sense to me than any religious theories. I don't completely discount the idea that there is a higher conscience, either within our own minds or in some ethereal plane, but until I see it for myself then I don't see the point to bothering myself with it. Quote:
[quote:b409a] But if didn't exist, how could it become something? [/quote:b409a] The universe is a great unknown. That nothing could be created from nothing is the great mystery. Discussing that and religion is futile, nothing can prove nor discprove anything if you know nothing of it to start with. [quote:b409a] Things like this are the reason for the existence of religion. A zillion years ago it was because we did not understand what a thunderstorm was all about [/quote:b409a] That is exactly what I meant! Religion was created to answer questions about unknown phenomena. Humans did not know what caused death, pain, anger, happiness, lust, rain, trees, sunshine, snow and everything else that they encountered daily. [quote:b409a](and even nowadays we can not completely comprehend and predict the nature of a thunderstorm)[/quote:b409a] But we do know a lot more than people did 2000 years ago, don't we? We have many more answers than they did. We understand how things work a lot more. Religion is formed from awe. If you do not understand how something works, why it happens or how to control it you will be in awe of it. You may even fear it. The more you know about something, the less it awes you. If you can control it then you will fear it less. If you could possibly take a huge TV back to before Christ and play a music video in front of thousands of people then there is every chance that they would believe they were seeing a God. They might even worship it, write about it and tell stories about it. To them there is no way to explain it so they will find ways to explain it to themselves. They would have every right to believe in it... After-all they don't know any better, do they? And thousands of years later that would hold true. If it gives happiness then good. [quote:b409a]And, okay then, we're back to the basis of religion: Faith. Whether you like it or not: Everybody is a believer. Either you believe in a God/higher being/etc. or you don't believe. A disbeliever? No. You're not sure are you?[/quote:b409a] I am totally sure what I believe in. I believe in happiness, sharing and my familly. I believe in love, doing my best and having fun. I believe in a lot of things. I try my best to live a good life, to help and support others. I try to have fun. I try to make a difference in my life. I, and any other person in this world, can do all of that without even being told what God and religion is. Being a good person is not dependant on being religious. Most Agnostics and Atheists understand that. Religious people tend not to. And when I die? I will hope that I will live on in the hearts and memories of my familly and friends. If that happens, and I am sure it will, then I will die a happy man. |
You see Ydiss, Christianity is different from any other religion because there was actually a guy that came here....and this dude's name was Jesus.....and he did alot of cool stuff like raise people from he dead and then he died but then he himself rose from the dead and then he went back to Heaven. There is no other religion that comes close to that.
I find it funny that God is told to have created everything, but he chose us to reveal himself to humans by sending a human to do his work.
Not a rabbit, a squirrel, or an ant, but a human. We must be quite special. Of all of the billions of species out there, known and unknown, we are the ones he happens to be modelled after. Many reasons to believe, many reasons why not to. Did God create us, or did we create God? The universe is a huge and massively unknown entity - We are not that important a factor to it. We will pass and die away long before even our planet does most likely. And when we are extinct, like dinosaurs, life will carry on quite well without us. |
Sorry for the spam (I'd use the edit key in a second if I could), but I am not trying to prove to Christians that God does not exist. Equally I do not think Christians should try to convince others that he does.
But, religious people do exactly that, day after day after day. It should be up to the individual to make up their mind. It would be nice if it was left at that. I was given that option. And I firmly believe that is how it should be. |
We may know more than we did 2000 years ago, but we arent any smarter. Science can tell us that we werent always this way, it can tell us how our heart funcitons and how our muscles work, but it cant tell us where the beginning was. It cant take us to the garden of eden anymore than it can take us to the big bang. Actually, it probably has a better chance at taking us to the garden of eden. |
[quote="Sgt Stryker":7e12c]
I don't think I would like heaven one bit, I mean no problems to solve, no challenges to overcome, no need to better myself or my lifestyle, in short booooorrrrriiiiiiing, an eternity of bl;issful boredom oOo:[/quote:7e12c] And you have this insight into what heaven is like from where.......??? Bugs bunny? I am not telling you what to believe, but I would recommend you not repeat that too many places. I dont know what heaven is either, but I would bet its not sitting on clouds with a harp. |
Things like this are the reason for the existence of religion. A zillion years ago it was because we did not understand what a thunderstorm was all about[quote:3fb54]That is exactly what I meant! Religion was created to answer questions about unknown phenomena. Humans did not know what caused death, pain, anger, happiness, lust, rain, trees, sunshine, snow and everything else that they encountered daily.[/quote:3fb54]Yes, this is true. I agree (obviously). Does not mean that God/a higher being does not exist. But then again, that's not really the purpose of this discussion is it. It is merely an exchange of opinions. and even nowadays we can not completely comprehend and predict the nature of a thunderstorm[quote:3fb54]But we do know a lot more than people did 2000 years ago, don't we? We have many more answers than they did. We understand how things work a lot more. Religion is formed from awe. If you do not understand how something works, why it happens or how to control it you will be in awe of it. You may even fear it. The more you know about something, the less it awes you. If you can control it then you will fear it less. If you could possibly take a huge TV back to before Christ and play a music video in front of thousands of people then there is every chance that they would believe they were seeing a God. They might even worship it, write about it and tell stories about it. To them there is no way to explain it so they will find ways to explain it to themselves. They would have every right to believe in it... After-all they don't know any better, do they? And thousands of years later that would hold true.[/quote:3fb54]Nice example, I often use something similar when discussing religion with people. Because things that are possible now, were possible back then, even though they had not been invented or discovered yet. And, okay then, we're back to the basis of religion: Faith. Whether you like it or not: Everybody is a believer. Either you believe in a God/higher being/etc. or you don't believe. A disbeliever? No. You're not sure are you?[quote:3fb54]I am totally sure what I believe in. I believe in happiness, sharing and my familly. I believe in love, doing my best and having fun. I believe in a lot of things. I try my best to live a good life, to help and support others. I try to have fun. I try to make a difference in my life. I, and any other person in this world, can do all of that without even being told what God and religion is. Being a good person is not dependant on being religious. Most Agnostics and Atheists understand that. Religious people tend not to. And when I die? I will hope that I will live on in the hearts and memories of my familly and friends. If that happens, and I am sure it will, then I will die a happy man.[/quote:3fb54]It's nice that you are sure of what you do and do not believe in. I am not that sure. I am quite sure a higher being (God) exists, but absolutely sure? Not really. Not 100% (people who are 100% sure that God exists will probably say I will go straight to hell for not being totally sure. But because of my scientific background, having no proof, I can't be 100% sure. I can not rule out the possibility that God does not exist. Yet. Maybe when I reach 40. Given my scientific background, it would probably be easier to be a non-believer.[quote:3fb54]I am not trying to prove to Christians that God does not exist. Equally I do not think Christians should try to convince others that he does. But, religious people do exactly that, day after day after day. It should be up to the individual to make up their mind. It would be nice if it was left at that. I was given that option. And I firmly believe that is how it should be.[/quote:3fb54]Christians try to convince other people because they want other people to go to heaven as well, and to let them experience that what they have found in their religion. They are allowed to, as far as I am concerned. We can discuss, and because of some discussions some people will choose God, some will choose not to believe. But at least we can learn to understand eachother. Or try to. We should not fight over it. Convincing everybody of something like religion or type of religion will never happen. Indeed, it should be up to the individual. I wish more people understood that. Days of heresy are behind us. At least in most Western countries. The sooner everybody admits that one man can and should not always try impose his religion or opinion to another, the better. |
Concerning some replies I got from page 4...
I'm not an atheist and I am not religious: I'm spiritual. I *do* believe in a creational force as the first cause behind the nature of existence... but that is about as far as it goes: the rest of my "beliefs" are logical extrapolations. |
i think the bible is a big book of lies imo
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